I hear the Lord saying over the body of Christ: “Where is your peace? This week, you must come up higher. This week, you must gather around the throne room and hear what I have to say.
“For the propaganda of the enemy is raging, and the media room is loud, broadcasting false hopes and false prophecies over the nations. But do you hear what I have to say? Can you hear My voice amidst the multitude of noise? I need you to come up higher. I need you to hear what I have to say. I need you to be delivered from the words, the accusations, the slander, and the things swirling in the spirit that have caused you to lose your footing and your peace. Step back into the throne room. Find that place of rest in Me again—despite what you see, despite what you hear.”
As the Lord spoke, I went into a vision and saw people laid out in the throne room, wailing as if being purged of the pains of the times. Wars, rumors of wars—all the things swirling in the natural. These were realities, but they had failed to hear what the Lord was saying for this time.
“You’ve only been listening to one side of the story,” the Lord said. “Do you know what I’m about to do? Do you know what I’m unleashing in the earth? Do you know the answers I’m releasing as an antidote to the wickedness of the times? Or have you lost sight of My heart for My people in this critical moment in history? Do you feel like I have been silent? Do you feel like My hand has been distant from the problems you face? You’ve been in survival mode, already accepting the outcomes the news and propaganda have delivered, drinking their poison that steals your hope and your future. But this week, I want you to anchor yourself again in the throne room, in My presence, in My abiding glory.
“My presence will detox you, ridding you of the lies that have crushed your soul, made it sick, and caused you to backpedal on the faith and authority I’ve given you to wield in this hour.”
“I know the storm is raging around you right now. I know the personal battles, the battles for your family, and the battles for your nation have left you feeling unsafe and unsettled. But I need you to hear what I am saying to My people in this unsettling time: I am Yahweh. I am God Almighty on the throne. I am the fourth man standing in the fire with you today.”
“I am still your refuge. Though the winds blow, and the ground feels unsteady, I am your firm foundation. I am here to cover you, to uphold you, and to shelter you. I need you to know that I am in control. Do not lose sight of who I am or of My love for you. Anchor yourself in Me and you will not be shaken.”
Then, in the vision, I saw people stand and walk to a table with scrolls and pens. They began to legislate in the spirit, as if at a table of heavenly strategy—releasing and decreeing the values of heaven into the earth. From a place of peace and presence, they were able to truly legislate and intercede for nations in crisis. But many have been battling intellect with intellect and fires with fires. “In this hour, I need My people to come up higher,” says the Lord. “I need them to battle from a different place and perspective. Get out from behind your keyboards and begin to release My will into the earth.”
In the third part of the vision, I saw Jesus come and sign the scrolls that had been written and legislated. Then runners and heralds took these scrolls, opening them and singing their words. A song was released—a frequency and sound so powerful that it silenced the demonic realm raging like a fire across the earth. It shut them down. A clarion call sounded through worship, bringing things into divine order. The Lord said, “My people, have you forgotten your sound? Have you forgotten your voice? Have you forgotten the frequency I placed within you? Have you forgotten the authority I’ve given you? It’s time to rise with My strategies, My solutions, and release them as a song into the earth.
“The earth has been in drought. It has been long since the church has seen My signs, wonders, and glory, and they have begun to fall for a counterfeit. But this will be the hour that I release you as a song into the earth, a song of uncompromising truth and glory that will shatter the blindfolds and veils that have covered My people, causing them to walk in dark deception and to fall for another savior, another outcome, another solution that seems right to man but leads to destruction. But you will lead them out. This week, get into My presence and reclaim your peace. I want you to see hope again. I want you to see that this is the hour you were born for—a time with reason and purpose, for you hold the keys to unlock those who are bound, and nations that are bound.
“So this week, step out of the vitriol and back into My presence and glory. Celebrate from a place of victory that I have already won. My blood is enough. I am turning back the tide that has come against you, your family, and the nations.”