Late last week I was in worship when I heard the Lord say “I am the God of Miracles!” then as I continued to worship He said “I am STILL the God of miracles!” and I was deeply stirred sensing His heart for His bride to be know His miracle-working power. Often in times of great tension and warfare we can subtly become so focused on the fight and the struggle that we slowly lose sight of the goodness of God and His unlimited POWER that is available.
As I continued worshipping I began to sense the so many feeling they were at a place of giving in to the pressure of the season and settling. It was the crossroads for many who had been holding onto prophetic words and promises for a long time but after never seeing them come to pass they were finally at the place of giving up. I was first sad and I could feel their sorrow, but then I was grieved. Like I could feel Gods grief for them. “Don’t settle!” I wanted to say. Then I saw a vision of someone slamming a book shut and I asked the Lord what I had seen and He said “Some have turned bitter to my promises”. I continued to worship and pray over those who were feeling this way. I was a detour right before the launch pad. A demonic assignment of DOUBT sent to DERAIL Gods people just before the grand revealing.
If you have been feeling that way I pray that Holy Spirit would come and pour out hope over you until it flushes out the poisonous hopelessness and doubt trying steal your joy just before a promise manifests.
Suddenly a song began to flow out of my spirit;
“I am stirring up faith for the impossible.
To go forward you can’t rest on human strength or the probable.
Look beyond the storm to the horizon,
And let me stir up your faith for the impossible”
As I kept singing and prophesying this I could see the hovering of the Spirit of God over people, destinies, families, homes, churches, ministries, and cities. God was breaking off the lid of doubt and unbelief that had been causing a greenhouse effect in rapidly causing people not to rest in Gods ability to move in their lives anymore. But faith was stirring and hearts were beginning to rise out of the defeat and disillusion.
“Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” 2 Timothy 1:6-7
“Remember my power?” I heard the lord say. “Remember all those times I delivered you? All those times my delivering, rescuing power broke through the darkness and tore you out of that impossible situation? Have you forgotten?”
Then I saw the power of God like lightning that was hitting land and tearing down structures and obstacles. It was His protective and delivering power but it was also his reformative power that was breaking the church out of a powerless and weak mindset. For the days we live in WE MUST SEE HIS POWER!
His power will remind the people of God again of what He had done in seasons past but had been recently jaded to. It will also be a beacon to the world that the God we serve isn’t talk but REAL power.
Prophecy can’t just be talk. It HAS and MUST carry the POWER of God on it to cause change and transform lives. But somewhere along the way we have become accustomed to not seeing His power and have based our Christianity around feasting on words alone without expecting His power to show up in our lives through it. Inspiration isn’t enough. It’s time for His power to be restored in the church, through his prophets, and through you as well. It’s time for the breaker anointing to be seen again in the land and places of resistance broken.
Right now as you are reading this whatever place of resistance comes to mind I want you to aim this word at that obstacle and command it to bow down and be removed in Jesus name!
“I am still the God of the suddenly!” I heard Him say. He reminded me of the man at the pool of Bethesda that was SUDDENLY healed. The woman with the issue of blood that was SUDDENLY restored. He is still the God of SUDDENLYS and He wants to come in and SUDDENLY turn around and change that situation you have been facing.
When did we make the gospel a ten-year process to healing program? When did we lower our expectations and limited our scope of Gods reach to headaches and providing for phone bills. When did we make the gospel palatable and sugar coated? God is STIRRING you and I up right now and calling out the religious mindsets we have been living bound by so we can ACTUALLY BE FREE, and ACTUALLY SEE OUR BREAKTHROUGH!
God says to you today that impossibilities are his specialty, and NOTHING will be able to stand in the way of what He is bringing you into. No nothing! No assignment of hell will be able to stop what He has planned for you. But today pick up your mat by faith and get up out of that place of defeat and choose to partner with his NOW power in your life.
“Then Jesus said to him, “Stand up! Pick up your sleeping mat and you will walk!” 9 Immediately he stood up—he was healed! So he rolled up his mat and walked again!” John 5:8-9
The last thing I saw was people picking up photographs from the ground. They were the prophetic promises God had given them that they had forfeited and threw in the dust from being discouraged. The tension of transition has caused many to retreat in faith and go back into survival mode and lay down radical dreams. Many who are called to birth movements in this season has also laid down their dreams. BUT I heard the Lord say was said “PICK UP YOUR PROMISES AGAIN, GET BACK YOUR VISION BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOW MULTIPLIED!”
Then I saw myself drop down and pick up a photograph of something I had limited God in recently and He showed me His level of faith for what I had been believing for and it shocked me. This is a time of vision alignment where not only is God wanting us to COME UP HIGHER in what we are believing Him for, but to partner with Him SEE them come to pass.
He wants us to go after the impossible. He is calling on radical dreamers and He is recruiting the discouraged and disillusioned first. If that’s where you have been at, then you are in a good place because God is right now STIRRING you to believe again.
Cast doubt to the side. Refuse to entertain plan b, or that backup plan if all else fails. Quit stacking cans in your basement expecting failure and ruin. Break off hopelessness this week and choose to allow the Holy Spirit to restore your hope and give you fresh faith for the God of the impossible, the miracle worker to change your life this week, in Jesus name!
“Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26