Can you hear the sound of water flooding desert plains where the weary and tired have gathered in their season of deep detox and religious exodus?
They are no longer the wise.
They are no longer the arrived.
They are no longer adorning gold-studded garments and speaking the eloquent words that cause people to marvel.
They are broken.
They are on their knees, desperate for the living water once again.
For they tried to drink the water of the Pharisee for many years, but it only left them sick and parched.
And now, here we are in a season of the wilderness washing, the deep cleansing that can only come from departing from the shores we’ve become accustomed to.
The shores of convenience and comfort.
The shores of our ambition and the American dream.
Once green, then we ripened, and then the rot began to set in because we grew fruit apart from the Vine.
We looked for a savior in ourselves instead of the Savior.
We built monuments to our achievements instead of constantly looking for ways to give Him every part of ourselves, constantly emptying, constantly dependent for every breath.
We have been full.
We have been fat.
We thought we knew everything.
And then we leveled out because we lost Him in the process.
But now, here we are in the season of the wilderness washing.
Many are departing and leaving the place of man’s towers and breath-taking babels.
The place we crashed for the sake of building kingdom.
Burning ourselves out.
Leaving ourselves spent.
Cutting ourselves up for the masses like manna.
“Look at God’s anointed” we said.
“Look at my crowns”
All the while, blocking out the Son.
But we are in the days of great humbling and coming back to the place where it all started, the brokenness, the repentance, and the washing.
And I can hear it now. I can hear the water rippling like a ravine filling to overflow.
The river of the Lord is looking for the people who are parched and dry just as much as they are looking for Him.
And it’s time for a fresh baptism of repentance and cleansing once again. (Acts 3:19)
Because we need it.
We’ve all felt like Naaman, leprous, covered in sores, feeling like our own decisions and vain ambitions have led us to this point.
“God, why would You rescue me? Why would You show me mercy?”
Yet in His mercy, He’s leading us to the washing.
“Go down to the river and wash.” He is saying (2 Kings 5:10)
Nine times, up and down.
“But It’s not doing anything, Lord.”
“Go down again.”
Then we emerge cleansed, pure, wholly set apart once again.
We’ve all felt like Peter, who denied Him.
Yet Jesus still calls, “Peter, feed My sheep.”
The Lord is restoring us back to our first encounter, to the place where it all began.
The church is headed for a wilderness washing.
We’re not going to see it in the synagogues.
We’re not going to see it where the cameras can broadcast it, where we can yet again marvel at our cleverness.
There is a grassroots movement beginning, leading the church out from the whitewashed tombs, festering with dead manna and maggots.
And He’s leading us back to sonship.
Back to the voice of the Dove declaring: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17)
So right now, if you’re looking at the wilderness your path leading into the wilderness and not understanding why you’re being led here again, it is because He’s delivering us.
It’s not because you were lost but because you are on track.
It’s the road to Emmaus where you feel like crying, “Jesus, where are You?” (Luke 24:13-35)
Not knowing He was there with you the whole time.
He’s leading us back to the beginning.
This, my friends, is the wilderness washing.
Are you ready?