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Nate Johnston

I heard the Lord say, “I’m extracting the poison of your last season.”

Nate Johnston

I heard the Lord say, “I’m extracting the poison of your last season.”

I heard the Lord say, “I’m extracting the poison of your last season.”

When you go through seasons of witchcraft, slander, and constant entanglements around you that are toxic, when you experience betrayal, become involved in other people’s messes, sin, and areas of compromise—without realizing it, you’ve entangled yourself and your soul in something that can feel difficult to shake off.

This entanglement can create and produce situations around you that are toxic.

You often wonder, “Why, God? Why is this happening to me? Why am I going through this situation? Why am I waking up feeling anxious, tired, worn out, burnt out, scattered, and frustrated? Why does it feel like I have creative block? Why have I lost my vision? Why am I feeling this sudden heaviness, not wanting to wake up, not wanting to step into my purpose and calling?”

Many of these are signs that we’ve been through a season where slime and poison have been slung at us, and inadvertently, they have entered into our spiritual bloodstream.

This has affected our emotional state, our soul state, and even our mental state.

I believe this month the Lord is extracting that poison.

He’s been doing this for a few months now, but I believe that this month, it’s coming to a head.

The last two nights, I’ve had very similar dreams.

In the first dream, a snake was trying to bite my hand, and as I grabbed the snake to prevent it from biting my other hand, venom began to drip down its teeth.

In the second dream, I placed my hand on a tree when a spider crawled down and began to shoot out some kind of poison that landed on my leg.

I began to feel the burning sensation until I washed it off.

These two dreams only confirmed what the Lord has been showing me.

We must wash off the poison.

We must extract the poison.

We must step out of situations and circumstances where poison and venom have been entering the bloodstream of our lives and calling, poisoning us for what is ahead.

That is the ultimate plan of the enemy.

If he cannot assassinate you just as you’re about to step into something powerful, then he will try to poison you.

If he can’t stop what God has for you, he will try to poison you so that you enter into your next season weakened, without the mental, emotional, or spiritual capacity to handle what is coming.

His plan is to weaken you bit by bit until you are in your sickbed. 

His plan is to get you in the wrong headspace, heart space, and spiritual space so you actually run from the new day dawning rather than embrace it.

It’s this interesting space where the very breakthrough you’ve been praying for, when it finally comes, becomes difficult to seize because of the poison you’ve endured.

That is why, right now, the Lord is saying, “Look away from the distractions and look to Me. Untangle yourself from the swirl leading you into decay and fragmentation. Come back to My face. Come back to My presence.”

Because in His presence is the healing and deliverance you need to extract the last bits of poison that have been wreaking havoc on your system.

Now, I know there are many out there who are facing even physical symptoms, and you’re probably wondering, “Does this include me as well? I’ve literally had toxins, parasites, and other things wrong with my blood, my body, my system.”

I believe in many cases what is taking place in people’s bodies right now is connected to what is taking place in the spirit. It’s not all the time, but it can happen.

What occurs in the spiritual realm often creates effects in our physical bodies.

As I’m sharing this word, I want you to grab this by faith that the Lord would not only cleanse you spiritually, emotionally, and mentally, but He would cleanse your body as well.

He will extract the poison, the heavy metals, parasites, disease, and issues affecting your body, and remove the parasites of this past season. Amen? 

I love the scripture where Jesus said to the leper;

Be clean!” (Matthew 8:3)

And I believe that right now, He is saying this over the church:

“Be clean! Be made whole! Come out from the poison!”

Many of us have spiritualized being involved in messes, but not all messes around us are ours to engage with.

When God leads you into places where there is poison or venom, He anoints you for it.

But when He has not given you the instruction, you will only reap the effects of being involved in something there is no grace for.

So God is untangling you from those places right now.

So be made whole.

Be cleansed in the name of Jesus.

I command all venom and all poison that have been in your system, affecting you emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically, to be broken off your life now, in the name of Jesus!

Sow A Seed

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By Nate Johnston March 4, 2025
At our gathering on Saturday night, I began to feel an intense burning in my chest. As it increased over the hours we were there, I heard the Lord say, “I’m branding my people afresh in this hour with my fire!” I looked around the room, and there was no doubt, it was happening. It was taking place. It felt like this wasn’t just a gathering of people meeting to worship; it was a meeting where God was branding His people. I could see it. I could see the appetites of man beginning to fall away. The debris, the seasons of Saulish toleration, the love of man’s empires and delicacies were beginning to fade into the distance as people were reminded again of the main thing - Jesus. As people were reminded again of why we are alive, I realized, when you go through difficult seasons, it’s like walking in a desert. You forget the taste of water. You forget the refreshing of living water that comes from the source, and you begin to drink from anything that will seemingly refresh you for a moment. Many in the church have been getting temporary fixes from religion, affirmation from toxic cultures, and looking to counterfeits instead of the Father. But in this hour, the Lord is branding us afresh with His fire and His Spirit. He is reawakening our true purpose and our true calling, the one that has been hiding behind false missions and man’s movements, which never bear the fruit that the true move of His Spirit brings. But this is also what happens in a season of rebranding. In a season of rebranding, you can feel lost. You can feel confused. You can feel like the anointing on your life has dried up, like the mantle is gone. You feel naked. You feel like you no longer know who you are or what your message is. But this is just part of the process. God is rebranding your heart with your true calling, burning away all that was masquerading as truth when it was really a distraction. It’s a time of deep surrender, repentance, and a shifting of mindsets. Even as I write this, I hear the Lord say: “In this rebranding, I’m breaking generational contracts. I’m breaking the limitations of bloodline issues that have been affecting you. The pull of many dysfunctional systems and paradigms you have grown up in and walked through has been limiting you. But in this rebranding,” says the Lord, “I am breaking all limitations. I am breaking every single ceiling and causing you to step into the fullness of who I have called you to be.” “In this rebranding,” says the Lord, “I am turning orphans into sons.” “In this rebranding,” says the Lord, “I am going to release my rocketeers, those who have the ability to ascend into the heavens without fear, who can navigate the realm of My Spirit and be in tune with Me to release heaven on earth.” “In this rebranding,” says the Lord, “I am releasing my surfers, those who are the bell ringers of revival, riding the wave of My Spirit and leading others into it.” “In this rebranding,” says the Lord, “I am raising up a new breed of reformers who carry My heart, yet also break down systems and realign them into the new.” “Above all,” says the Lord, “this rebranding will raise up lovers and decommission the worker and performance mentality that has robbed My church.” It is time to allow this rebrand to finish its work in you. Do it, Lord. Do it in us, God. 
By Nate Johnston March 4, 2025
As we step into this week, I have a word burning in my spirit for many of you, especially for those who feel stuck, uncertain, or directionless. You may have heard people say, “If you’re unsure of your next step, go back to the last thing you didn’t do.” There’s deep truth in this because revelation isn’t just about waiting for God to speak again, it’s about stewarding what He has already said. Yes, God sovereignly releases revelation. He deposits ideas, dreams, and visions into our spirit. These can come through worship, reading the Word, a divine knowing, or even unexpected moments of insight. But the flow of revelation in our lives is also tied to our participation with Him. A lifestyle of revelation isn’t just receiving, it’s responding. God is looking for those who will take what He gives and do something with it. It’s like the Parable of the Talents, when we steward what He places in our hands, He entrusts us with more. REVELATION REQUIRES RESPONSE This is how dreams work. This is how visions work. This is how any kind of revelation works. Years ago, I stepped into a season where I began dreaming with the Lord, dreams that spoke directly to the Body of Christ. At first, I didn’t understand that these dreams required action. When I ignored them, it felt like the well dried up. The revelation stopped flowing. I found myself frustrated and confused asking “Why is this happening? Why does it feel like God is silent?” Then I went back to the last thing He had spoken. I returned to the dream and asked, “Lord, what do You want me to do with this?” And as I engaged with the revelation, as I treated it as sacred and acted on it, the floodgates of Heaven opened again. I believe many in the Body of Christ are in this exact place right now. You’re asking God, “What are my next steps?” But here’s what I keep hearing in my spirit: “DO THE DREAM.” For many of you, the issue isn’t that revelation has stopped flowing, it’s that the revelation you’ve received doesn’t make sense. You’re getting dreams, insight, and direction, but it seems strange or unclear. You find yourself asking: “God, why am I seeing this?” “Why am I getting this dream?” “What does this even mean?” And because it feels unfamiliar, because it carries an element of risk, you hesitate. But revelation is often like that. It requires faith. It requires obedience. And right now, God is calling you to move, even when the details don’t fully make sense. FOLLOWING THE DREAM – A LIFESTYLE OF FAITH Let me share something personal... Before we ever connected with our good friend Lou Engle who has taught us so much about the depths of dreams, Christy and I were already following them. . We have moved multiple times because of dreams. We have given what seemed like crazy prophetic warnings based on dreams. And yet, over time, we have seen the fruit of radical obedience again and again. God led us to Redding years ago because of a dream. God led us to Colorado Springs because of a dream. And most recently, God led us to California because of two dreams. The first was simple - I was standing on the shore of Pirate’s Cove, throwing out a frisbee. That was my first word from the Lord. The second dream was given to Lou, and in the dream we were standing in California when Lou declared, “It’s time for Acts 2!” And afterward, he called us and said, “It’s time to move.” So we moved. THE TIME FOR HESITATION IS OVER Stepping out on revelation is not for the faint of heart. It requires faith, courage, and a willingness to look foolish in the eyes of others. But I want to speak to those of you who feel stuck: Go back to your last dream. Go back to your last instruction. Ask the Lord, “how do I do the dream?” For many, this is the key to unlocking fresh revelation. When you steward what He has already given, He entrusts you with more. I believe the Lord wants to re-open the revelatory gates in your life. I believe He wants to stir up the language of Heaven within you again. If you’ve felt disconnected, if you’ve felt like the well has dried up, then lay before Him and say: “Lord, I’m sorry for not moving on the last thing You spoke. But I’m ready now. Open the heavens again. Speak again. I will do the dream.” A JOEL 2 OUTPOURING – DREAM AGAIN I want to declare Joel 2 over you today. “Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” This is the season where the end-time language of dreams and visions is being poured out over an entire generation. It’s not just for the few, it’s for the many. From the youngest to the oldest, God is awakening a Joel 2 movement of dreamers, seers, and prophetic voices. If you want to receive this, pray with me: “Lord, give me the ability to dream. Open my spirit to receive revelation. Teach me how to steward what You give. Show me how to walk it out. I choose to do the dream. In Jesus’ name, amen.” The hour is urgent. The call is clear. Do the dream. 
By Nate Johnston March 4, 2025
At our gathering on Saturday night, I began to feel an intense burning in my chest. As it increased over the hours we were there, I heard the Lord say, “I’m branding my people afresh in this hour with my fire!” I looked around the room, and there was no doubt, it was happening. It was taking place. It felt like this wasn’t just a gathering of people meeting to worship; it was a meeting where God was branding His people. I could see it. I could see the appetites of man beginning to fall away. The debris, the seasons of Saulish toleration, the love of man’s empires and delicacies were beginning to fade into the distance as people were reminded again of the main thing - Jesus. As people were reminded again of why we are alive, I realized, when you go through difficult seasons, it’s like walking in a desert. You forget the taste of water. You forget the refreshing of living water that comes from the source, and you begin to drink from anything that will seemingly refresh you for a moment. Many in the church have been getting temporary fixes from religion, affirmation from toxic cultures, and looking to counterfeits instead of the Father. But in this hour, the Lord is branding us afresh with His fire and His Spirit. He is reawakening our true purpose and our true calling, the one that has been hiding behind false missions and man’s movements, which never bear the fruit that the true move of His Spirit brings. But this is also what happens in a season of rebranding. In a season of rebranding, you can feel lost. You can feel confused. You can feel like the anointing on your life has dried up, like the mantle is gone. You feel naked. You feel like you no longer know who you are or what your message is. But this is just part of the process. God is rebranding your heart with your true calling, burning away all that was masquerading as truth when it was really a distraction. It’s a time of deep surrender, repentance, and a shifting of mindsets. Even as I write this, I hear the Lord say: “In this rebranding, I’m breaking generational contracts. I’m breaking the limitations of bloodline issues that have been affecting you. The pull of many dysfunctional systems and paradigms you have grown up in and walked through has been limiting you. But in this rebranding,” says the Lord, “I am breaking all limitations. I am breaking every single ceiling and causing you to step into the fullness of who I have called you to be.” “In this rebranding,” says the Lord, “I am turning orphans into sons.” “In this rebranding,” says the Lord, “I am going to release my rocketeers, those who have the ability to ascend into the heavens without fear, who can navigate the realm of My Spirit and be in tune with Me to release heaven on earth.” “In this rebranding,” says the Lord, “I am releasing my surfers, those who are the bell ringers of revival, riding the wave of My Spirit and leading others into it.” “In this rebranding,” says the Lord, “I am raising up a new breed of reformers who carry My heart, yet also break down systems and realign them into the new.” “Above all,” says the Lord, “this rebranding will raise up lovers and decommission the worker and performance mentality that has robbed My church.” It is time to allow this rebrand to finish its work in you. Do it, Lord. Do it in us, God. 
By Nate Johnston March 4, 2025
As we step into this week, I have a word burning in my spirit for many of you, especially for those who feel stuck, uncertain, or directionless. You may have heard people say, “If you’re unsure of your next step, go back to the last thing you didn’t do.” There’s deep truth in this because revelation isn’t just about waiting for God to speak again, it’s about stewarding what He has already said. Yes, God sovereignly releases revelation. He deposits ideas, dreams, and visions into our spirit. These can come through worship, reading the Word, a divine knowing, or even unexpected moments of insight. But the flow of revelation in our lives is also tied to our participation with Him. A lifestyle of revelation isn’t just receiving, it’s responding. God is looking for those who will take what He gives and do something with it. It’s like the Parable of the Talents, when we steward what He places in our hands, He entrusts us with more. REVELATION REQUIRES RESPONSE This is how dreams work. This is how visions work. This is how any kind of revelation works. Years ago, I stepped into a season where I began dreaming with the Lord, dreams that spoke directly to the Body of Christ. At first, I didn’t understand that these dreams required action. When I ignored them, it felt like the well dried up. The revelation stopped flowing. I found myself frustrated and confused asking “Why is this happening? Why does it feel like God is silent?” Then I went back to the last thing He had spoken. I returned to the dream and asked, “Lord, what do You want me to do with this?” And as I engaged with the revelation, as I treated it as sacred and acted on it, the floodgates of Heaven opened again. I believe many in the Body of Christ are in this exact place right now. You’re asking God, “What are my next steps?” But here’s what I keep hearing in my spirit: “DO THE DREAM.” For many of you, the issue isn’t that revelation has stopped flowing, it’s that the revelation you’ve received doesn’t make sense. You’re getting dreams, insight, and direction, but it seems strange or unclear. You find yourself asking: “God, why am I seeing this?” “Why am I getting this dream?” “What does this even mean?” And because it feels unfamiliar, because it carries an element of risk, you hesitate. But revelation is often like that. It requires faith. It requires obedience. And right now, God is calling you to move, even when the details don’t fully make sense. FOLLOWING THE DREAM – A LIFESTYLE OF FAITH Let me share something personal... Before we ever connected with our good friend Lou Engle who has taught us so much about the depths of dreams, Christy and I were already following them. . We have moved multiple times because of dreams. We have given what seemed like crazy prophetic warnings based on dreams. And yet, over time, we have seen the fruit of radical obedience again and again. God led us to Redding years ago because of a dream. God led us to Colorado Springs because of a dream. And most recently, God led us to California because of two dreams. The first was simple - I was standing on the shore of Pirate’s Cove, throwing out a frisbee. That was my first word from the Lord. The second dream was given to Lou, and in the dream we were standing in California when Lou declared, “It’s time for Acts 2!” And afterward, he called us and said, “It’s time to move.” So we moved. THE TIME FOR HESITATION IS OVER Stepping out on revelation is not for the faint of heart. It requires faith, courage, and a willingness to look foolish in the eyes of others. But I want to speak to those of you who feel stuck: Go back to your last dream. Go back to your last instruction. Ask the Lord, “how do I do the dream?” For many, this is the key to unlocking fresh revelation. When you steward what He has already given, He entrusts you with more. I believe the Lord wants to re-open the revelatory gates in your life. I believe He wants to stir up the language of Heaven within you again. If you’ve felt disconnected, if you’ve felt like the well has dried up, then lay before Him and say: “Lord, I’m sorry for not moving on the last thing You spoke. But I’m ready now. Open the heavens again. Speak again. I will do the dream.” A JOEL 2 OUTPOURING – DREAM AGAIN I want to declare Joel 2 over you today. “Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” This is the season where the end-time language of dreams and visions is being poured out over an entire generation. It’s not just for the few, it’s for the many. From the youngest to the oldest, God is awakening a Joel 2 movement of dreamers, seers, and prophetic voices. If you want to receive this, pray with me: “Lord, give me the ability to dream. Open my spirit to receive revelation. Teach me how to steward what You give. Show me how to walk it out. I choose to do the dream. In Jesus’ name, amen.” The hour is urgent. The call is clear. Do the dream. 
By Nate Johnston February 25, 2025
Last week, I shared this short post on social media: “God sees your process, and He isn’t rushing you right now. You have walked through a lot and seen a lot. Your heart has been through 20 years in 4 years, so give yourself space to let Him revive and reinvent you. Give Him room to clean out the hope deferred and the cobwebs of past seasons. Right now, it’s all coming to the surface, and He is tenderly scooping it out and breathing life back into your lungs. Soon, you’ll wake up no longer feeling heaviness, anxiety, or deep, unshakable weariness. Instead, it will feel like a valve has been flipped inside you, and out of your belly, rivers will flow again. You’ll feel the pain and hardship of this past season—the toll it took on you mentally, emotionally, physically, and even spiritually—begin to lift as God overhauls you in a short period of time. It’s an Ezekiel 37 ‘army of dry bones’ moment, and it’s necessary so you don’t stay in your sick bed but are revived back to full health.” But I wanted to share more in-depth about this and where it came from. Earlier that morning, before I posted it, the Lord spoke to me and said, “The heart process can’t be rushed or ignored.” He said there was another layer of healing and deliverance He was bringing through leaning into this process. We know that process is often where the Lord leads us into deeper levels of heart healing, character refining, and maturity—enabling us to walk in the increasing anointing He’s releasing. He always takes us from glory to glory, right? But what I’m highly aware of is that when we walk through difficult seasons—battle seasons, hardship, but also seasons where God is advancing us—our spirit tends to move and advance quickly, while our hearts, souls, and emotions tend to lag behind. They take longer to adjust. And that, to me, is what true process is. It’s the intentional focus on not just what God is doing spiritually, but how it affects me personally—and the walk I need to take with Him to adjust in all areas of my life. Far too many ministers and believers in the past have bypassed this step. They’ve embraced what’s happening spiritually—the advancements, shifts, and transitions—while suppressing their emotions and soul state. Eventually, it crushed them because they weren’t stewarding the heart process or valuing it as much as the spiritual process. So when the Lord spoke this word to me, it felt like permission—if not more. It felt like a summoning to lean even deeper into the process than ever before. Now, if you know my writings, you know I always talk about heart process—how our transitions and spiritual walk parallel our personal journey. But this felt different. This felt deeper. It felt like a moment where the Lord was saying: I know there are things I’m leading you into. I know there are parts of your calling I’m about to reveal to you. I know there are incredible kairos destiny moments ahead, open doors, and divine opportunities. But right now, this moment is sacred, holy, and special. And it cannot be whitewashed by Christian clichés. We can’t just view this process through the lens of: • “Oh, God is getting me ready for the next battle.” • “Oh, God is cleaning me up for the next assignment.” No, this is so much more than that, friends. This is where the Lord is asking us to lean into the process because He wants us. He knows we need Him. This is simply about relationship and intimacy. This is about recognizing that this process is needed for reconnection with Him. I’m not saying you’ve fallen away. I’m not saying He’s not your first love. I’m saying that much of what you’ve walked through in recent years—the battles, distractions, noise, and endless swinging of your sword—has had an assignment behind it: To get your gaze off Him. To reduce your marriage with the Bridegroom to a friendship or roommate status—when He wants to be your everything. So no, we can’t rush this moment. We can’t rush this process. This process needs to become the main meal again. Our morning, daily heart surrendering needs to become our everything again. Letting the rays of the Son penetrate the deep places of our hearts—healing us, restoring us to full health. Right now, there are layers of the onion being peeled back. The Lord is graciously exposing them so we can step into health, clarity, and peace. Because He never desired for us to live this Christian life broken or in bondage. He didn’t go to the cross for us to still experience the pain and effects of separation from the Father. There is no more separation. There is no condemnation for those in Christ, yet many have still been living as if there is. So for those of you who have felt lost in the swirl of pressure— the do this, go there, get that done mentality —I get it. I know it’s a tension. I know we can’t disregard the mission. But maybe we just switch up our meals this week. Maybe we reorganize the buffet. Instead of making the mission the main meal, maybe it can be the dessert—and let this process, this daily relationship, this being in His presence, become the main meal again. God is reordering our lives right now. Because He wants us to last the distance. He doesn’t want you living in survival mode anymore. He wants you to thrive. He wants you to go from glory to glory. And I believe that leaning into this process won’t just reveal the oil that has come from these past years of pressing, but it will also reveal the closeness—the fragrance, the perfume of our King Jesus—and what He provided for us at the cross. So that you begin to live daily in the victory He has already provided. That you step out of the shadows, out of the veils that have tried to overshadow the finished work of the cross—And step back into the limitless victory that He secured for you. So yes, this is permission for you to: • Lean into the process. • Lean into this moment. • Lean into healing. • Lean into rest. And watch as your dry bones come back to full health. People won’t understand it. Those who have built their faith around action over intimacy won’t understand it. But as you obey—leaning into rest, refreshing, and deep reset—it will become the spring of life that erupts within you again. One day, you’ll look back and say: That was the moment I chose Him over the doing… and yet, it accomplished so much more. Let me end with this: Bill Johnson once said, " There are lovers and workers, and lovers will always get more work done than the workers." This week, I prophesy over you: You are stepping out from under the yoke of work—and stepping into the rhythm of His rest and refreshing—In Jesus’ name. 
By Nate Johnston February 21, 2025
Last night I had an intercessory dream where I began to say "Lord, bring them out. Bring them out of the wilderness! Lord, bring them out. Bring them out of the wilderness! God, bring out the wild ones who have been in hiding. Bring out those who have been in death, those who feel like it's all over for them. Those who have been counted out, those who have been assassinated, those who have been robbed, plundered, and destroyed. God, bring out those who feel like they are being decommissioned. Bring out those who feel unclean. Bring out those who feel cast out and rejected from the church. Bring out those who have been silenced, muzzled, and voiceless, God, and anoint them! Put hot coals on their tongues!" Suddenly, the scripture Luke 4:14 came before me - “He came out of the wilderness in the power of the Spirit." And I knew in my spirit that this intercession was for the changing of the guard, for those who feel disqualified and broken because of what they’ve walked through, for those who feel like they’ve lost their anointing and strength, like Samson after his hair was cut. Then I continued to pray: "God, bring them out. Bring out the Nazarites! Bring out the new watchmen on the walls for the nations. Bring out the prophets and the intercessors, the apostles, the evangelists, those who have been in hiding, bring them out!" And I felt the Lord say that it was time for these hidden ones to come out of their season of wilderness warfare and torment, and they were going to come out with a fresh, hot coal on their tongues, to speak a fresh word of the Lord into this current moment in time. Suddenly, the dream shifted, and I began to hear the intercession of the saints. I could hear the tongues - a mighty roar rising from a generation that had been silenced and quenched for so long. I began to feel the birth pangs of the nations coming to a finality - a tipping point. This intercession felt like the midwife prayers of an impending birth of the nations in the earth. It was a prayer over the church, calling her to become the pure, spotless bride she was meant to be. I could feel the intercession of agreement with long forgotten words spoken over nations, cities, and regions, for revival, for reformation, for Jesus to be revealed in the earth. Then I began to cry out: "Lord, come! Lord Jesus, come!" Then suddenly, the prayers of the saints rose up in unity, crying out together: "Yes, Lord Jesus! Come, Lord Jesus, come!" I believe i had this dream because God is raising up a battlecry from the John the baptist, wilderness voices that are coming out of hiding to take thier post as the watchman of the hour and the fresh sound in the earth declaring “Prepare ye the ay of the Lord! So to the wilderness voices, maybe you’re feeling this. Maybe you've been through a season of robbery and wilderness - a season where it feels like you've been removed from your calling. But this is the season where God is bringing you back! He is placing a hot coal on your tongue! So if that is you today, I want to speak and prophesy over you: The hot coals are coming. You're about to feel a fresh unction. You're about to feel a fresh flow. And out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water in Jesus’ mighty name!
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