I have a word for those who feel like maybe their fire has gone out.
For those who feel like, Where’s my message gone? Where’s my prophetic voice? Where is my anointing?
If it feels like in this season you’ve been waking up feeling void, empty, barren, and dry, like the YOU within is gone, the passion is gone, and the fire is gone, this word is for you.
Maybe you’ve even begun to believe that God has left you, that the anointing has lifted. But that’s not the case at all.
A Necessary Surrendering
I truly believe this has been a season of necessary surrender.
We’ve had to lay down everything we have operated in and walked in during past seasons.
It’s as if the Lord has been asking us to place everything in His hands so He can touch it afresh and return only what is necessary for the next season.
This is a remantling - a process where the jacket of the past season can only take us so far. To step into the new thing, we must be remantled.
But that takes time.
There is a process to it, and it’s not for the faint of heart.
The In-Between Feels Like Death...
In that in-between space, it can feel like death.
You wake up breathing, but the passion is gone. The fire feels extinguished.
God, have You left me?
No, He hasn’t left you. He is doing a deep work in your heart as He remantles you.
I often say that God does something spiritually in a moment, but our hearts and souls take time to catch up.
It’s this heart and soul process that makes us feel like God has left us, even though He hasn’t.
God has already begun to birth something new in your spirit, but your soul, your emotions, intellect, and understanding, needs time to recalibrate.
This is why it feels like death.
Many are in this place right now.
It’s an interesting tension because you can sense that something is ripening, something is shifting. Yet, at the same time, you feel left behind. You don’t feel like you can fully step into the new because you’re still carrying the weight and burnout of the past season.
If that’s you, know that you are not alone. Many are feeling this same tension.
What Do You Do in This Season?
This is the season to allow the presence of God to recalibrate and reconnect your soul, mind, intellect, and emotions to your spirit.
The presence of God and the Word of God are the only things that will truly realign and restore you.
In this process, there is healing. There is deliverance. There are deep conversations with the Lord that need to happen.
You can’t rush this process.
You can’t bypass it.
You must lean into it.
She Is Not Dead – She Is Only Sleeping
My word for you today is this:
In the story of Jesus and the girl who had died, Jesus spoke a powerful phrase:
“She is not dead but sleeping.” – Luke 8:52
I know you’ve been through a season where it feels like you’ve had to cast everything down.
A season where your seed has fallen into the ground and died (John 12:24).
A season where you’ve surrendered, and in that surrender, it has felt like you’ve turned into mush.
But hear this, your message, mission, purpose, anointing, calling, and destiny have not died.
They are only sleeping.
And while they are sleeping, God is performing a divine operation.
You’re on the Surgery Table
Right now, it might feel like you are on the operating table.
That is where God is reinventing you.
That is where He is repurposing you.
That is where He is recalibrating you.
You are not dead.
You are sleeping.
And God is doing a massive work in you right now.
John 11:11 declares:
“Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I am going there to wake him up.”
You are stepping into a fresh awakening.
This is a season where you will be fully operational and functioning at your optimum in spirit, soul, mind, intellect, and emotions.
You are coming fully alive again in every area of your life.
A Fresh Wind Is Blowing
God is releasing a fresh wind upon you in this hour that will reinvigorate you.
But that’s also why God has pulled you away from certain situations and removed you from places of drama.
Remember in the story of Jesus and the little girl?
Before performing the miracle, He removed everyone from the room (Mark 5:40).
God has had to remove certain people from your life in this season because He is performing a miracle in you.
He is protecting the sacred work He is doing in you.
From Caterpillar to Butterfly
A friend of mine called me about four months ago when we were in Colorado, praying about moving to California.
He said we had been in a season like a caterpillar in a cocoon - a season of mush.
We had expected to enter a butterfly season, but instead, God needed us to remain in the cocoon.
Because in the cocoon, the caterpillar turns to mush before it can transform.
Many of you have been in that same place.
God is reinventing you.
He is turning you into what He has destined you to be.
You Have Never Been More Called...
So, this is not a moment to feel lost, scared, or abandoned.
It is a moment to recognize that God is reinventing you.
He is reconnecting you to Himself and to your true purpose.
Lean in today.
Lay in His presence.
Give Him your past season, your old blueprints—everything you’ve carried, and lay it at His feet.
Allow Him to finish the work.
Because you have never been more called.
You have never been more chosen.
You have never been more anointed.
You are not dead.
Your destiny and purpose are not dead.
They have been sleeping.
And God is waking them up.