We are in a winds of change moment—can you feel it?
It’s not a moment where some things are changing or most things are changing, but all things are changing.
This is a moment where the Holy Spirit is moving upon the earth, brooding, shifting, and rearranging us, the church, even nations, in preparation for the harvest.
“The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” —John 3:8
And you might ask “But doesn’t God stay the same?” Yes and no. He doesn’t change but He moves. The Holy Spirit is always moving, forever leading us through seasons of change and growth.
And in seasons when the Ark moves, only the seekers and the lovers will move with it, and that reality has never been greater than now.
Right now many can feel Him summoning us to move with Him and leave anything that isn’t HIM behind.
This is a moment where the winds of the Holy Spirit are gathering up the broken from the ashes of defeat and the battle-weary, just like in Ezekiel’ 37 where the breath of God brought life to dry bones and caused them to stand on their feet.
“Then He said to me, ‘Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to it, This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’” —Ezekiel 37:9
It is a moment where the winds of the Holy Spirit are blowing like in Acts 2, where tongues of fire came upon those who gathered.
“Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.” —Acts 2:2
And just as the wind comes and rearranges, just as the Holy Spirit moves and shakes things apart, He is also the Comforter.
He is also the Healer.
In the same sentence he shakes the earth and stills it.
In the same sentence he blows upon the seas creating tumult then brings the calm.
And He brings everything into divine order.
We have been in a season of displacement to be placed.
We have been in the tearing apart so that we can be put back together the right way.
That is the moment we are in right now.
When there is a DISORDER, or disease, the Holy Spirit comes as the remedy to bring order but at first it only looks like chaos.
But it exposes the root.
It reveals the head of the snake and the demonic forces hiding in plain sight.
It reveals the festering wounds and soul-sickness, that has turned to rot underneath our well worn WWJD stickers.
And that’s why the Holy Spirit is blowing like a strong cyclonic gale upon the westernized church right now where the rot has been lurking and keeping the bride sick.
And where you and I have been drinking from the stagnant well getting sick with her.
The winds of change are also blowing on nations. Can you see it?
I'll never forget the moment I heard the phrase “the winds of change” and it was one night in late 2008 when I was walking home late at night from our grocery store worshipping and in my spirit when I heard, “The winds of change are here!” Then out of nowhere a strong wind came and almost blew me over!
When I got home I told Christy “The winds of change are here!” And she said “What’s that?” And I said “I have no idea but God is about to move some things around!”
Three months later we moved to the United States to serve a ministry on the road. The winds of change shifted everything in a moment.
What If God is doing that for you right now too?
And as I was thinking about this, I felt a word rise up in my spirit:
“Look for My path in the winds of change season”
I asked, Lord, how do we find the path?
How do we walk through a season like this?
And He led me to the story of the Road to Emmaus.
After Jesus died, everything had seemingly fallen apart for His followers.
We see two of them traveling along an 11-kilometer road to Emmaus, discussing the days they had walked with Jesus, reminiscing, wondering, grieving, when suddenly, Jesus appeared beside them, though they did not recognize Him.
“They were kept from recognizing Him… Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him, and He disappeared from their sight. They asked each other, ’Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" — Luke 24:16, 31-32
I asked, Lord, what are You trying to say to me through this story?
And He said: “My people need to know that I am with them right now.”
I am walking with them in this winds of change moment.
The way to walk through a season of transition is to seek Me.
To look for Me.
To talk about Me.
To burn for Me.
Nothing is truly lost as long as our focus is on Him.
You can focus on the world.
You can focus on the stock market, your finances, the things that seem to be falling apart around you…
Or you can focus on Jesus.
And when your eyes are on Jesus, you are on the right path.
The winds of change season doesn’t need to take you out when it’s the very thing trying to put you back together.
God is using this moment to remove your dependence on what has been man-made and like sinking sand beneath your feet.
The word over you this week is:
Seek Him.
Look for Him.
Talk about Him.
Remind yourself of the encounters you’ve had with Him.
He is right there in your midst.
Worship Him.
Because, my friends, this is not a moment of being lost just because everything is rearranging.
Just because everything is changing does not mean you are being depleted.
This is where God is multiplying.
This is where He is adding to us.
This is where we are shifting out of the ways of man and back into the realm of the Spirit.
We are stepping out of the dry places and back into the rivers of living water flowing from our bellies after seasons of deep internal drought.
“Whoever believes in Me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” —John 7:38
Don’t you see?
This winds of change season is not breaking us, it is making us new, although it can often feel like the former right?
But you are not stumbling in the dark friends. This is a strategic moment that God is doing this deep work in us.
The name Emmaus means Hot springs, and in biblical times were associated with healing, purification, and renewal, and that is what many are going through right now!
And just as the two disciples on the road were in a state of disillusionment and grief, needing a fresh revelation, many are feeling the same right now!
Emmaus prophetically represents the transition from discouragement and hope deferred to encounter, like many are going through right now! Need I go on?
This winds of change moment is not one of abandonment by God but a shift which rearranges our relationship with God and reconnects us to him in a deeper way as we are led from the dry river bed to the hot springs of life and cleansing after a painful season of warfare and conquest for the kingdom.
In Matthew 3:12 it speaks about part of the process of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is the winnowing..,which involves tossing the wheat into the air so the wind can separate it from the chaff.
“His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”
And I believe that the winnowing work of the Holy Spirit is right now coming to seperate the lies of the enemy and the truth of the Father where they have felt muddied in this season.
So right now, as you read this, rebuke every lie that has told you that you are lost, that things are falling apart.
God is getting everything in your life back on track and in order.
The discomfort you feel is because He is exposing the areas of your life that have been built on sinking sand, on the ways of man, on institutionalized thinking, and religious ideologies.
He is tearing down cultural and demonic altars that have led us off course.
So here is my word for you:
Let your life be an altar again for Him.
Let your life be a sacrifice again.
Lay down the things that have been crowding out His name, His voice, and His Spirit.
We have become so in love with our comfort that we have forgotten the joy of giving Him everything.
“He must become greater; I must become less.” John 3:30
And my word for the church is this:
You are crying out for revival.
You are longing for encounters.
You are praying for habitation.
But you cannot have both a fire extinguisher in your hand and expect the flames of the Spirit to burn.
It does not work.
Church, in this winds of change moment, surrender and let Him lead you into a new path and a new way.
And the indicator will be this:
“Did not our hearts burn within us?”
And I pray, even now as you read this, that your heart would begin to burn again for Jesus.
That you would feel a fresh fire of the Holy Spirit churning and burning within you like never before.
In Jesus’ mighty name.