By Nate Johnston
January 28, 2025
As we begin the week, I have a word for you. God is resetting our circuit boards and rewiring areas of our lives that aren’t visible on the exterior or sometimes even apparent. Do you feel it? It’s been happening for months now. He is working behind the scenes, doing a deep work right now to get us back on track and declutter many, many years of loose wiring and heavy burdens in our lives. This is where our journeys lead us through unexpected roads, terrain, and difficulties that scatter us and these challenges bring in external influences and distractions that slowly rob us. Think, for instance, about a jug with a pinhole in it. Over time, the jug leaks water until it’s depleted. If it’s not refilled constantly, it requires more and more input to sustain it. I believe many people have been like that leaky jug, slowly losing themselves over time. Right now, the Lord is repairing those small holes, those small fractures and areas of our lives. This work has been ongoing for many months. I even wrote about this in October, November, and December, but I felt led to encourage you again: God is at work. However, if we misdiagnose this process as the enemy’s doing, asking, “Why am I feeling this way? Why are these things coming to the surface? Why does it feel like I have so many issues right now?” We will miss it. God is healing you. He is setting you free. God really wants you whole in this season. This reminds me of how, as a father, when my kids get hurt playing a sport, I want to see them patched up and healed before they head back out onto the field. It feels the same way with God. He wants you completely restored and ready, with the capacity to embrace the amazing things He has for you in this season. But if you’re still running with the mindsets of the last season - empty, soul-sick, or hope-deferred, it will create issues down the road. This morning, I woke up in our new house here in California and discovered a fuse issue. The bottom part of the house wasn’t receiving power. Instantly, I went to the circuit board and flipped the switch for the circuit that wasn’t working and nothing happened. I tried again, but it just kept flipping back. Normally, this is the fix for a tripped fuse. That’s when I realized I needed to reset the entire house. Once I reset the main circuit, the power came back for the whole house, fixing the issue. This reminded me of how God sometimes needs to do a hard reset of our internal wiring, our hearts, and our souls . Every area of our lives needs resetting so we can function properly and the power can turn back on. What does the power represent? It represents the power of God and the Holy Spirit working mightily in our hearts and lives. This process requires us to lean in and surrender to the rewiring. Here are three areas I feel the lord asking us to do this in right now; Our Assignments: God is asking us to surrender the work we are doing for Him. It feels like a holy moment, a new chapter, where He is asking: “What’s in your hands? Are you going to keep doing what you’ve always done, reaping the same results? Or are you willing to surrender it to me, empty your hands, and let me place in them what is needed for this season?” This is a time to step back and evaluate if what we are doing is truly aligned with His plan or if we’re holding on to outdated assignments. Surrender your work, your ministry, and your efforts to Him so He can give you the clarity and provision you need. Our Relationships: God says, “Give me your relationships, your connections, and the people you’re running with. Empty yourself and allow me to put the right people and alignments in your life.” Some relationships may no longer be fruitful for the season you are stepping into. Trust God to realign your community and partnerships, placing the right people in your path. Be willing to let go of unhealthy ties or connections that are holding you back, and allow Him to bring new relationships that will propel you forward. Our Dreams: What dreams, desires, or expectations are you clinging to? Are you willing to release them to God? Enter the secret place, lay them before Him, and allow Him to give you what is truly necessary for this season. Some of the dreams we hold onto may be good but not God’s best for us or the right timing. Others may need refining or replacing. Surrender your ambitions and plans to the Lord, and let Him give you fresh vision and purpose. God is also restoring childlike joy and adventure in this season. As I voice-record this, I see a picture of a child laughing with their father. This child is filled with joy and delight, eagerly participating in the father’s work. I believe God wants to restore that childlike faith and joy to us, something the enemy has robbed from many of us. In recent years, so many pioneers have lost their joy, fire, and fight. They’ve been running on empty. Now, in 2025, God is beginning to fill us with fresh vision. But even with fresh vision, without the power supply to sustain it, it won’t come to fruition. God can give us building plans, but without the power to execute them, they will fail. Right now, God is recalibrating us back to our original factory settings. This morning, I was led to the story of Peter, who denied Jesus three times. After Jesus died, Peter went back to his fishing boat. In a powerful moment of restoration, Peter, still carrying the weight of guilt, ran to the shore when he realized it was Jesus. Jesus asked him three times, “Do you love me?” and instructed him to feed His sheep. This moment not only overwrote Peter’s denial but also brought deep soul and heart healing, restoring him to his original mission. Can you see how this is happening right now both personally and also corporately in the church? It’s the Lord loudly pleading “Come back to your first love! Be made whole!” As I say this, I feel led to declare: Dry bones, come alive! You migh t feel like those dry bones in the valley, scattered, lifeless, and forgotten. But hear the word of the Lord: The breath of God is coming upon you. He is breathing life into your weary soul and raising you up to stand as a mighty army. Just as Ezekiel prophesied to the dry bones and they came together, bone to bone, God is knitting you back together. He’s covering you with tendons, flesh, and skin and filling you with His Spirit. You will no longer live in the valley of despair or feel abandoned in the shadow of death. The Lord is calling you out of darkness, out of hopelessness, and into the fullness of life. You may feel like you’ve been lying in a grave, hidden, forgotten, and lifeless, but the Lord is saying, “Come out! I am not done with you.” He is restoring your strength, renewing your vision, and filling you with a fresh wind of His Spirit. This is a moment of awakening. The things that felt dead, the dreams that seemed lost, and the purposes that seemed unreachable are being revived. The Lord is calling you to rise up. No longer will you carry the weight of shame, guilt, or defeat. No longer will the enemy hold you captive in the graveyard of past seasons. The Lord is saying, “Stand to your feet! Mighty ones, it’s time to live again.” He is placing His Spirit within you, empowering you for the days ahead. Get ready for new assignments, fresh alignments, and the fulfillment of God’s promises. The dry bones are coming alive. This is your season of restoration, renewal, and revival in Jesus name!