(Disclaimer - this word won’t be for everyone because it felt very specific to those who have been In wrong alignments and spiritual assignments that have been yoked around them for many years”
“I removed the burden from their shoulders; their hands were set free from the basket” Psalms 82:6
I heard the Lord say;
“In this hour, I'm breaking the unbreakable ties that have been around your feet, around your heart, and your voice.
“For you've even said, “How could I ever be free from this bondage?” And in the last few years, you've begun to get used to many of the bondages and constraints that have been around you.
“But in this season, I'm going after that which has been constricting you and holding you back from the fullness of your calling, your authority, and you are anointing.
“I'm going after the generational ties that you thought were impenetrable, and I'm going after that which has been sabotaging you for many decades.
“I'm loosing your hand from the basket, the chains from your feet, and the ties that have been keeping you locked into addictions, temptations, and compromise.
“Yes, this is an hour of deliverance, says the Lord, where I'm going after every single thing that has been tainting the ointment and keeping you locked into cycles of dysfunction and pain”
“Can you see it? I've been on a rescue mission for your very soul in this hour to remove you from the poison of Jezebel that has been trying to keep you suppressed, controlled, mute, and diluted in your calling.
“I've been after every single area of your life that's been under a spell, that's been under her control and subjugation that you have given her for far too long.
“And now, in my righteous vindication, I'm rising up to confront her and I am teaching you how to push back and no longer tolerate her, her minions, and those she is brought into her service.
“For they have surrounded you like wolves for too many decades and now I'm freeing you completely from her.
“I'm bringing you out of jezebelic environments, narcissistic companies of people that have claimed my name, but have only used it to benefit their own empires.
“Those who have broadcast freedom, but have only suppressed my new breed, for in this hour I'm levelling the plans of the elitists.
“I am breaking down their sandcastle kingdoms.
“For elitist kingdoms have thrived for far too long on the backs of those looking for approval and affirmation.
“They have thrived and been built on the backs of those seeking true fathering, but have only found Saul’s.
“Yes, I'm breaking down the kingdoms of Sauls in the earth - the celebrity cultures of man that have drawn them only to themselves and not to my face.
“In this hour, I'm dealing with the golden calves that have been elevated in the church, and people will see that they have not been about me at all.
“And I'll crumble those kingdoms and I'll raise up a faithful priest that will choose me and will lead people to me again.
“Then watch as there will be a great exodus in the church of those who've been subservient and have been in bondage to these false kingdoms.
“As I reveal them for what they are it will free you, and many others says the Lord.
“For this will be an hour that you feel a fresh freedom come upon your very soul.
You have sought only to worship me and to honor me, and to serve me, but were led astray and trusted them, but now I will restore the years the locusts have eaten.
“I'll bring you out of those places of bondage and into environments that you are able to thrive and grow in and birth the very thing that I've given you to birth.
“And you will find your voice, you will find your freedom. You will find that which I've planted on the inside of you that has not been seen yet or revealed.
“And this will be the hour of your great revealing, says the Lord. For your deliverance shall come swiftly and your revealing will come soon thereafter.
“I am doing a great deliverance right now in the area of your mind and your soul that have been like murky waters for many years and even decades, for you have been living in a swirl for far too long.
“You've been living in a place of double-mindedness and confusion for far too long.
“But let me say this, I'm bringing you into a clearing, into a season of being clear in mind, clear in heart, and your soul being completely cleansed out.
“Every single area of trauma and pain that has been lurking deep in the basement of your soul is being right now purged out.
For you have said, “All I know is what it is like to wake up living in anxiety, in the great swirl of confusion, and nonstop warfare”
“But you are going from the days of swirl to the days of extreme clarity and focus.
“Your steps sure. Your path cleared of debris.
“You're shifting from the days of confusion and disconnectedness to the days of great revelation and the unveiling of the mysteries of my heart.
“For just as Elisha could see into the bedroom of his opposing kings and know their thoughts, you're entering into the days where I'm bringing sharpness to your spirit once again.
“For as I free you, you'll begin to feel sharp and a ferocity rise up in you again.
“You'll begin to feel clear. You'll feel that the creative block and the revelatory ceiling that's been constantly surrounding you as a shroud will lift and you'll step back into precision and sensitivity.
“And you'll know my thoughts, says the Lord, and we will be one in mind and one in spirit.
“And you'll be synced to me in a way you've never felt synced before.
“And from that place, your spirit will begin to prophesy and you will set the captives free because you finally see how I see and you are finally free from what was keeping you disconnected from me.
“I've heard the cries of my people that have had to leave environments and have had to begin their pilgrimage from these places of bondage.
“And I've heard you say, “God, I feel so uncovered! God, I feel naked! I feel exposed!”
“But it is I that has led you from those places, but you are not uncovered at all but fully covered by my glory and my grace and my protection, the very shelter of my wings.
“For so long you've been fed lies by the enemy.
“These religious systems have made you feel naked and uncovered when you leave them. But in this hour, let me say this clearly, - it is their hour of uncovering.
“It is in this hour that I am taking off the veil.
“I am removing the hood of the spirit that has been killing my church and forcing her into slavery.
“This is the hour of the great uncovering says the Lord.
“I'm revealing things for what they truly are.
“You’ll see things in the light. There'll be no grey.
“You'll be able to see clearly what is really at work - whether light or darkness and my church will step into the light again.
“For I am releasing a purity over my church in this hour, it is the hour of the refining of the Levites that will make things very clear to the church and bring them into a moment of decision.
“Will they choose to stay in the dysfunction or will they choose to step into the purity and the refiner's fire?
“I am raising up a new breed, a new breed that will lead the way, take the baton and lead the church into her greatest of days.
“And I'm going to give you discernment to see the difference between that which is holy and set apart and that which is just a system and a machine of their own desire.
“For there are many prophetic and apostolic companies that claim to be of me, but have made simply a golden calf in their own image, elevating their own title, and their own agenda.
“They operate in true giftings, but the hearts are far from me, says the Lord.
“And in this hour, it is the heart that I'm looking at. Do not look to the gifts, but look to the heart.
“Do they carry the heart of David or the heart or the heart of Saul? This will be the distinction, says the Lord. Choose wisely.
“And I'm bringing you out of the unequal yolks that you've allowed for far too long.
“For in many ways, you have elevated these relationships above me. You've elevated them above our relationship.
“But in this hour, there's a great repentance taking place across the body of Christ where the church is realizing they've been unequally yoked and it's causing them pain, warfare, and stillbirths.
“That's right. Unequal yolks will only produce stillbirths, and many have died in the depths of hope deferred and soul sickness simply because they've been unequally yoked.
“Let me say this clearly to you - your alignments have been killing what you carry.
“Your coverings have been killing what you carry.
“Your allegiances have been killing what you carry your vows to men have been killing what you carry.
“But this great rescue mission that I'm right now unveiling across the body of Christ is to rescue you, and to break you free from the unequal yolks.
“I'm freeing you from the yokes that have kept you in a place of constant stillbirths, and I'm bringing you into alignments of favor of purity that will cause everything that I've placed inside of you to come to fruition.
“Yes this is the year of multiple births, says the Lord.
“This is the year where I repay everything that has been stalled, stolen, and delayed, for I will do it, says the Lord.
“Can you feel it right now? My blood is doing deep work for what you're feeling is a great spiritual transfusion taking place.
“I'm breaking you out of the covenants, the blood covenants that had not been ordained by me.
“I'm bringing you out of the covenants that have been made between man and spirits, and I'm breaking you out of the mixture and the divination that has been hanging over your heads and keeping you in a place of limbo in your spirit.
“I am breaking you out of what you have been in covenant to which is unholy and not ordained by me.
“But right now, my blood is doing a deep work.
“My blood is redeeming you, my blood is pulling you out of the dysfunctions and conflict and all those assignments that have been trying to hang around you.
“My blood, my blood is undoing the works of wickedness that have been around you and your family for many generations, and it's rescuing you from the pits of hell and from the constant decay that has been around you”
"Lord break me free from these toxic ties, alignments, and covenants that were not ordained by you. Give me eyes to see what is pure and help me steward my life, family, and calling in a way that pleases you. Holy Spirit i right now ask that you would free me from every area of my life that i am in bondage and unequally yoked. Today i choose to no longer tolerate any oppressive bullying spirits or people operating in them, and today i choose FREEDOM and to only be yoked with you. Set me free and help me get my joy and fire back in Jesus name!"