I feel so strongly God wants to bring a massive adjustment to us this week. Many have felt heavy, burdened, and weighed down by what is happening in the world and personally facing. I felt peoples pain and so I asked the Lord like i do often "What are you doing?" Then this scripture flooded into my spirit:
“But also on that Judgment Day I will restore David’s house that has fallen to pieces. I’ll repair the holes in the roof, replace the broken windows, fix it up like new. David’s people will be strong again and seize what’s left of enemy Edom, plus everyone else under my sovereign judgment.” God’s Decree. He will do this. "Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree.
“Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills. I’ll make everything right again for my people Israel:
“They’ll rebuild their ruined cities. They’ll plant vineyards and drink good wine. They’ll work their gardens and eat fresh vegetables. And I’ll plant them , plant them on their own land. They’ll never again be uprooted from the land I’ve given them. God, your God, says so" Amos 9:11-12
Delay breaking, rebuilding, restoration, and being planted/established for the last time.. wow. This was timely for many and I felt the Spirit-wind upon it and I kept going back to it and re-reading it over and over. Feels such the opposite of what many are feeling right now especially those who are moving and shifting and those who have been in the “STUCK” & “WAITING” place of delay for years. When God moves like this it always seems 11th hour but it’s always perfect. It’s the plowman overtaking the reaper and the bow string that has been held back in tension suddenly released.
I feel to say to you - Get ready. God is up to something..
This morning I heard the Lord say “They are wrestling two narratives right now - hope and war and they are unsure which it is”
“They are battling what they sense in their spirit and the contrast of what they are looking at around them”
“They are feeling both the waves of faith and the torrents of fear - the pull of faithful promises fulfilled and the fear of never seeing them come to pass”
“They are struggling to see a future yet they feel a deep stirring that the next pages of the story haven’t been revealed yet”
“Families on the brink of chaos are trying to decide - do we get used to survival mode or is there something God is doing that we haven’t see yet?”
“Tell them that in a time that the enemy has brought war to their doorstep I have called them to war with hope!”
“Tell them that they are a mighty weapon in my hands for this hour - not to reinforce the fear but to those who will point to the horizon and show people what is to come and what they haven’t been seeing”
“They have been called to pioneer my heart of hope for the nations in a time it looks like fairytales to broadcast hope, and to lift people out of the pit of despair who have been stuck”
“Hope will show them the way forward. It will show them the strategies. It will give them the wisdom to know what steps to take and what moves to make, without the fear of the enemies bleak predictions. Hope will break through the smoke-storm that has made it hard to discern what is prophetic insight and knowing how to be ahead of the enemy and the survival plans that comes from fear”
Then I went into a vision and I saw a people standing on a beach looking out to the sea and shouting “I can see the clouds! Can you see the clouds? The rain is coming! The drought is ending! The time of famine was not forever!”
Then I heard Him say “Bellringers of hope arise! Flood the earth with your song! Shake the deathbeds with visions of the dawn, and those in slumber with your shouts of joy! For you are called in this hour to remind the church that her greatest days are here NOW. You are called to shatter the doomsday prophecies with my blueprint of greater glory that is right now filling the earth”
“I have called you to violently war against the demonic strongholds that are holding people in bondage and remove the veil of wretchedness that has been cast over my people”
“You will ring your bells and clear the air, dispel the propaganda of fear and call my army of Hope to action, to the frontlines, to influence and to be a voice!”
“To war with hope is to war with the yoke destroying power of my Spirit that tears down vain imaginations, baseless fears, and ushers in my game-plan in a time of unrest”
“Bellringers prophesy right now! Speak up, and fill the streets with what I am about to do! And you will see it, you will be the ones who see first what I am unfolding in the earth. You will be the ones that usher in my “suddenly” that will shift the war in the earth. The war isn’t over because my people are only learning to rise up now, and soon you will see the tide begin to turn”
“You will both remind the church where she has been and point the way forward. You will see massive deliverance of fear and strongholds that have been holding them for decades will be confronted. Depression and anxiety and foreboding is being dealt with right now and this hope you are brokering is going to usher in the freedom my people were called to live in!"
As I heard these words I felt that the Lord was bringing healing and deliverance to those who have felt in despair and even demonically tormented by fear. I saw people kneeling in surrender wearing these white robes that had been graffitied with gang signs and tags, demonic movements of fear and hysteria, and I saw refreshing rain begin to wash over them and cleanse them.
If you have felt graffitied and slimed by fear and felt it’s stronghold and grip on your life this year God doesn’t want you to have to wear it anymore. It’s stealing your future, it’s stealing your peace, and stealing your purpose. Let me pray over you "FEAR LEAVE NOW IN JESUS NAME!"
Who are the ones that have been tormented at night? Who are the ones who have living oppressed, depressed, and in gripping anxiety that can’t seem to shake it? Who are the ones who have even thought of suicide? If you feel to let us know below please do so we can pray for you. You are not alone and you don’t have to live like that another day.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11