Christy felt it was important to keep people in the loop with us as we are still settling here in CA. (Boxes still around us but definitely on the other side of months of transition now.. whew!)
Excited to see what God unfolds here. It’s bizarre that after all the years we have lived in California we feel like such novices when it comes to what God did here. I know what He is about to do.. and doing, but maybe a lack of knowing is a gift because we are approaching this season with childlike wonder and hunger to see the simple gospel reach the hurting and for an Acts 2 to begin on these shores and all nations of the earth.
We are waking every day here with a sense of “your will be done” not wanting to fall in the trap of just doing what we feel needs to be done or doing what we have always done. We also know we aren’t the answer but that we can simply be the hands and feet of Jesus alongside many others who have toiled the ground here for many generations. And we are acutely aware of how we are standing on the shoulders of giants right now.
We feel like novices. But I’m ok with that!
Dreams have been nonstop since arriving like pieces to a puzzle, and like a constant stream of prayer points. God truly is stirring us up because He is birthing something incredible that HE is doing. It feels ripe.
Like the days in 2009/2010 when we used to drive through the canyons and pray “WAKEY WAKEY” we have been doing the same here and feeling that what God 50 years ago during the Jesus people movement is about to happen again! A raw, grassroots revival bringing in the lost and returning the church back to being the hospital and sending place again!
Anyways back to the story of the last few days;
In the midst of all of of this stirring Lou calls us and asks if we would like to see him Friday as he was coming for Carol Wimber's memorial, so we pick him up from the airport and he is carrying three Lonnie Frisbee books!
After a morning of prayer and talking about the history of prayer in the region. As he is talking I suddenly go into a vision where I see the coastline of California and I see the missions lit on fire. Then I hear “Light the fires of prayer in Calfornia!”
Not knowing the history of the missions or what they even represent prophetically, Lou began to tell us about his prayer walks to the missions and their significance in being places of prayer.
I decided to go join Lou for the memorial as he felt that it was important one of us were there. As we arrived a man approached Lou and we soon realized it was Lonnie Frisbees brother Stan! At the end of the memorial Stan approached me and said that he felt to pray for me. I have no words for what he spoke directly from the throne in those few moments except that God was trying to send a massive message, not just to us but to many others.....
“Won’t I do it again!”
Messy revival is upon us. The breaking down of man’s Christianity has been needed so we can get back to the real thing and my friends, and it’s here.