We are in the tension of a new building/birthing season..
The tension right now is that we can sense the building/birthing in our spirit but there are two polar opposite alarm bells going off.
Let me point them out for you...
⁃ We can feel the fear of the Lord over this moment and know that we cannot cave into fear and let this pass us by.
⁃ We can’t be silent anymore or forfeit what we are carrying.
⁃ We can’t keep appeasing people and squash down the “deep calls into deep” beckoning.
⁃ We can feel the kairos “strike while the iron is hot” hour at hand and know our feet must move.
⁃ We know we must build new tables at all costs and stop trying to be at tables that we aren’t made for.
⁃ We know we must prepare our hearts and our lives to accommodate what is coming.
⁃ We must move into position.
⁃ We must steward the talents/seeds given to us.
⁃ We know we must let go of the shipwrecks of past seasons trying to poison our present.
⁃ We know we must shut out the noise of critics or even our own insecurities and BUILD.
⁃ We must surrender to the spirit and join His activity and surrender our own.
⁃ We must step out of autopilot activity and seek his plans and his ways
We are also feeling an intense sense of caution around building. We know that unless God builds the house;
⁃ “those who build it labor in vain” - Psalms 127:1
⁃ we are just building our own thing and putting a Christian sticker on it.
⁃ we are just in rebellion instead of obedience.
⁃ we are just creating an Ishmael we will have to deal with the consequences of later.
⁃ we are just rushing something before it’s time and entering mess instead of promise.
⁃ we are birthing prematurely and what we build won’t last.
⁃ Is it bathed in prayer or personal ambition?
⁃ Are we opening the God doors or just the easy, more convenient doors?
⁃ Are we building with the right people or saboteurs?
⁃ Are we building out of the secret place or out of the desperation to see fruit from our long wilderness?
⁃ Are we rushing ahead of God or are we in the slipstream of His favor?
⁃ Are we building with new wine blueprints and revelation or old methods and expired formulas?
⁃ Are we building with our families on the forefront or the after-thought?
⁃ Are we building in honor towards other movements or building with a critical spirit?
⁃ Are we building without mixture or compromise from bowing down to culture and the spirit of this age?
⁃ Are we building blind by ignoring the red flags or are we completely submitted to the Holy Spirit?
⁃ It comes down to this one determining factor will either bring a harvest or famine - Are we building Gods thing or our own?
So how do we build well?
We live in the secret place and only build what comes out of that place.
We build low and slow instead of fast and rushed.
We build quietly and be wary of how many people we have in the birthing room with us.
We keep our hearts pure and hands clean(free from bitterness)
We lay down our ambitions and agendas daily.
We live completely surrendered..
We co-labor with God and find the rest and rhythm of working with the flow instead of against it.