If you have been through an extensive season of warfare, especially in the last 9 months as the Hebrew year 5777 brought about a clashing of kingdoms and an increased tension between your barren place and your promise, you will find that this month is where the warfare begins to convert into your increase and advancement. This is where it pays off! This is far from a just a feel good word but more of a kairos word burning hot on my spirit. I feel like I have been birthing this deep in my belly for weeks now and I pray it unleashes encouragement, strength, and life back to you, shifting your eyes off the storm and back onto the promised land in front of you.
Recently through a series of dreams God began showing me the significance of this season and why it feels like all of hell has been dispatched to bring ever believer down. I hear it everyday, not to mention that we have experienced more warfare this year than ever before. This tells me that there is something valuable the enemy doesn't want me accessing.
In one dream I saw the body of Christ backed into a corner with many dark and evil voices of slander and opposition ridiculing and mocking her, kicking, whipping, cursing, and accusing her. It was as the sole focus of the enemy was to intimidate and bully the church into a defenseless position until she ran out of energy, hope, and vision.. BUT suddenly I heard an almighty loud sound of “NO MORE!, NO MORE, NO MORE!” resound until she rose up and fought back, and the enemy shrieked and ran in terror. She then stood up and opened a door that said DESTINY upon it.
Ever since this dream I have found myself in some divine appointments where as I was praying for these people I had a sudden unction to say “NO MORE, NO MORE, NO MORE, IN JESUS NAME!” and instantly the spirit that had them in bondage would leave. It was as if I could feel that same fierce and mighty roar of the Father through me to see those who have been in long term bondage instantly set free. It was a finality, a culmination of righteous injustice that just wasn't going to lie down and take any more blows.
This speaks volumes to me about the season we are in as the body of Christ. Once bullied and intimidated into the corner, feeling weak and powerless suddenly rising up and overcoming and defeating the obstacles that enemy placed before us. This is truly a season of discovering the power and authority we possess and beginning to take dominion in the earth, seizing back the mountains of influence for the kingdom and awakening the earth to the sound of triumph and freedom!
In the afterglow of this dream I had a word of knowledge where I saw people with physical neck and shoulder issues connected to a spiritual oppression being set free. This spirit looked like a snake or python that coiled around tight and constricting movement, as well as holding back peoples voices. I saw this spirit was also an assignment to bring mental torment and anxiety, affecting sleep patterns and dreams to diffuse the expectation of the coming season. Within a week we had over 40 people write sharing their testimony that they were completely set free after experiencing this attack all year. Praise God!
In another dream a man came to my door trying to steal my mail. He was madly racing around my house in an attempt to break in and steal my mail and in his words “an invitation” I wasn’t meant to open. The next day the Lord said to me that the enemy is trying to intercept the invitation that will release people into their breakthrough and promise, and He is doing anything he can to distract people in one area so he can enter through another route into our lives that we didn’t expect, to ROB us from the promise.
“Yet if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold, though it costs him all the wealth of his house” –Proverbs 6:31
I say NO MORE to you being robbed, and that repayment begins NOW!
For over two years now our youngest Sophie has been constantly facing a specific health issue that has found us in E.R many times and for multiple days at a time. It would always happen at times we were experiencing breakthrough or could sense we were about to. One early morning recently Sophie was yet again in E.R for these same issues that we have actually seen miraculously healed in services we have been in. So here we were with her surrounded by a few doctors discussing the situation, but despite the negative tones and also witnessing in the natural the facts of what they were saying, something in my spirit said “NO, THIS IS A VIOLATION!”. I felt like I had just had enough from being ripped off. I got up and began praying in the spirit when suddenly this scripture came to me.
“Every warrior's boot used in battle and every garment rolled in blood will be destined for burning, will be fuel for the fire” - Isaiah 9:1
Something happened in that moment I wont forget, like an outer body experience almost celebrating the soon to come victory. It was like I could taste it! When you have been through the fire enough you begin to learn that victory always follows.. every time. Sure enough God turned the situation around and the doctors were confused by her rapid recovery. It reminded me of the scripture;
“And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross” 2 Corinthians 2:15
When God fights for you and shuts down the enemies plans, it becomes a public spectacle. It becomes a beacon to the world that you have something different about you or rather living inside of you. If you haven’t experienced breakthrough don’t feel condemned just know that God is changing your win history and its about time that you see every dark and crushing moment of your life become fuel for the fire, and turned and converted into blessing.
I remember when people started a campaign to boycott Ivanka Trumps fashion line after Trump was elected, and all it did was boost her sales through the roof. This happens all the time in media and is a perfect example of the phrase “any publicity is good publicity”. In that same way you might be on the enemies hit list because you are a threat, but as soon as he starts taking shots at you he has just begun to aid your life campaign and adventure into your destiny. How? As he attacks you it does two things; it fast tracks you and reveals his hand.
I prophesy that you are about to see the enemy caught out in many areas that he has been stealing from you and I prophesy that you will step into a new arena of breakthrough and victory you didn’t have before in Jesus name!
What I felt in my spirit for this month was that we would see such a turnaround of circumstances for those who have been fighting and warfaring as a lifestyle, where they have only known what it is like to be UNDER them and never over them. I heard Him say that the enemies expiration is up. In fact it's been up for over 2000 years! But right now God is awakening the church to the power she wields and possesses, and you too are coming into the life changing revelation of who you are that will rattle the chains around your feet and set captives free around you!
Earlier this week I kept hearing a telephone calling sound ringing loudly all night and the following night after. When I asked the Lord what He was wanting to say He told that there he is calling his bride to step into a greater level of authority and discernment to be able hear and perceive the thoughts and plans of the enemy to preempt and deflect, rising above the noise. In the same way God is also inviting us to come into a new level of intimacy and hearing His voice so we can know what he is doing and shift atmospheres around us.
You are a dangerous weapon in Gods hand and right now there is a sound of awakening ringing around the earth. The enemy is going to wish he didn't mess with you for the unrelenting and unstoppable fire that is released everywhere you go, disrupting systems of chaos and captivity in your wake. The floodgates are now open and it's now a time of recompense and vindication for what was stolen. Can you hear the sound of awakening?
Maybe like Joseph you have felt like your life has been a constant string of unjust situations, and maybe right now you feel still imprisoned but you need to know that NOTHING goes to waste. Like Joseph said in this passage as he was upgraded to the second in charge of Egypt;
"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives" Genesis 50:20
I see the enemy being caught out in your life, where you have been delayed and diverted, sideswiped and paralyzed, and I prophesy that this is a time of repayment for every area you have been robbed and harassed, and that you will experience a sevenfold return for every attack sent to your doorstep. Every place of harm he brought to your home, your spouse, children, and extended family. Every bondage and stronghold he latched to your family line that wreaked havoc, and every inch of death and sorrow he inflicted upon you is being broken right now and your restoration and recompense has commenced in Jesus name!
If as you read this you felt such a witness in your spirit in some way. Maybe you identified with feeling powerless and defenceless, maybe you sensed a new hope rise in your heart, maybe you felt something heavy leave and uncoil itself from you.. If so you know that this is your NO MORE moment. Your moment to make a declaration and prayer that NO MORE will you be a slave and pawn to the enemy. No more will you live under the weight and control of a demonic master, and no more will you allow anyone but Jesus to influence your heart again. I invite you to pray to Jesus right now and ask that He would remove every yoke of the oppressor and he would restore you and increase you from this day forwards.
More than any other season so many believers have been robbed in their night seasons. Where once they were dreaming and encountering God they were suddenly warring and fighting for peace. Many have been gripped by unexpected fear and anxiety, insomnia and torment. Without a doubt night seasons have been one of the most resisted and opposed places, because the enemy knows how powerful dreams are in this time. It is the new language people are learning as they are diving deeper into the oceans of God.
However I have never seen more people being set free right now than those who have been robbed of their nights suddenly restored and hearing God in a fresh way. As I was writing this word I heard the Lord say "Prophesy that the midnight season is over" and so I decree that over you today.
Your midnight season is over. Your season of living powerless surrounded by the weight of the fight is over. This month you will UPGRADE and rise above every noise and distraction into a newfound hope and expectation, and you will crossover into the new place God has for you, in Jesus name!