I saw a vision of a battlefield still fresh with steam and smoke arising from the dirt, smog filling the skies, and rubble as far as the eye could see. Then I saw people in droves beginning to step out of trenches and walk out looking to the horizon. Then the Lord said to me, "These are the ones who felt forgotten and exiled, yet these are my remnant that have been to the depths of darkness and are now leaving the wilderness and the battle with an anointing that is going to set the captives free!"
But what I heard next sent chills down my spine because a bustling chant began to break out amongst the people leaving the battlefield, and it wasn't a depressing anthem of woe but a song of victory!
Laughter could be heard in between each breath, and HOPE was infectiously turning once hardened, stony hearts into hearts soft and tender to the Lord's touch. It was not just one generation leaving the trenches; for many, it was families for generations back leaving the wilderness.
Then, as the last person crossed over into promise, I saw something take place. The battlefield, full of its memories of misery and hardship, was beginning to blossom with the most spectacular flowers and colorful flora I had ever seen. In the middle of the field, I saw a flag waving on the highest hill that said, "Beauty happened here," like a statement of finality.
This is truly an hour when people are leaving the battlefield, which speaks prophetically of a survival way of life and not a thriving one. Those who have only ever known what it is like to strive and contend for every tiny scrap instead of experiencing life more abundantly. I prophesy that the dry bones of your life are coming back to life! Those who have felt dead and deserted will feel a fresh wind blow upon their hearts and a new song come upon them!
You may have been on the battlefield for a long time, and for some families, it has felt that your legacy has been stained with the sorrow of neverending trauma from the fight, but that is changing. Laughter will be your song. Victory will be your prize for walking through the dark night of the soul and are still standing. You are leaving the season of the continual fight with keys and a fire you didn't have before. You now hold something that will ensure others never have to endure the pain you did as you rescue people from the trenches and seat them at the Father's table.
Look behind you for a moment as you leave because instead of shame, regret, wretchedness, and fear, all you'll see is the banner flying high from where you once lay, "Beauty happened here." And you'll realize at that moment that God wasn't going to let go through something without a redemption plan that would set in motion your own road to freedom and the mass exodus of others you would lead out with you. The battlefield is emptying. The promise is before you.