As we step into this week, I have a word burning in my spirit for many of you, especially for those who feel stuck, uncertain, or directionless.
You may have heard people say, “If you’re unsure of your next step, go back to the last thing you didn’t do.” There’s deep truth in this because revelation isn’t just about waiting for God to speak again, it’s about stewarding what He has already said.
Yes, God sovereignly releases revelation. He deposits ideas, dreams, and visions into our spirit. These can come through worship, reading the Word, a divine knowing, or even unexpected moments of insight. But the flow of revelation in our lives is also tied to our participation with Him.
A lifestyle of revelation isn’t just receiving, it’s responding.
God is looking for those who will take what He gives and do something with it. It’s like the Parable of the Talents, when we steward what He places in our hands, He entrusts us with more.
This is how dreams work.
This is how visions work.
This is how any kind of revelation works.
Years ago, I stepped into a season where I began dreaming with the Lord, dreams that spoke directly to the Body of Christ. At first, I didn’t understand that these dreams required action. When I ignored them, it felt like the well dried up. The revelation stopped flowing. I found myself frustrated and confused asking “Why is this happening? Why does it feel like God is silent?”
Then I went back to the last thing He had spoken. I returned to the dream and asked, “Lord, what do You want me to do with this?” And as I engaged with the revelation, as I treated it as sacred and acted on it, the floodgates of Heaven opened again.
I believe many in the Body of Christ are in this exact place right now. You’re asking God, “What are my next steps?” But here’s what I keep hearing in my spirit:
For many of you, the issue isn’t that revelation has stopped flowing, it’s that the revelation you’ve received doesn’t make sense. You’re getting dreams, insight, and direction, but it seems strange or unclear.
You find yourself asking:
“God, why am I seeing this?”
“Why am I getting this dream?”
“What does this even mean?”
And because it feels unfamiliar, because it carries an element of risk, you hesitate. But revelation is often like that. It requires faith. It requires obedience. And right now, God is calling you to move, even when the details don’t fully make sense.
Let me share something personal...
Before we ever connected with our good friend Lou Engle who has taught us so much about the depths of dreams, Christy and I were already following them. .
We have moved multiple times because of dreams. We have given what seemed like crazy prophetic warnings based on dreams.
And yet, over time, we have seen the fruit of radical obedience again and again.
God led us to Redding years ago because of a dream. God led us to Colorado Springs because of a dream. And most recently, God led us to California because of two dreams.
The first was simple - I was standing on the shore of Pirate’s Cove, throwing out a frisbee. That was my first word from the Lord. The second dream was given to Lou, and in the dream we were standing in California when Lou declared, “It’s time for Acts 2!” And afterward, he called us and said,
“It’s time to move.”
So we moved.
Stepping out on revelation is not for the faint of heart. It requires faith, courage, and a willingness to look foolish in the eyes of others. But I want to speak to those of you who feel stuck:
Go back to your last dream.
Go back to your last instruction.
Ask the Lord, “how do I do the dream?”
For many, this is the key to unlocking fresh revelation. When you steward what He has already given, He entrusts you with more.
I believe the Lord wants to re-open the revelatory gates in your life.
I believe He wants to stir up the language of Heaven within you again.
If you’ve felt disconnected, if you’ve felt like the well has dried up, then lay before Him and say:
“Lord, I’m sorry for not moving on the last thing You spoke. But I’m ready now. Open the heavens again. Speak again. I will do the dream.”
I want to declare Joel 2 over you today.
“Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.”
This is the season where the end-time language of dreams and visions is being poured out over an entire generation. It’s not just for the few, it’s for
the many. From the youngest to the oldest, God is awakening a Joel 2 movement of dreamers, seers, and prophetic voices.
If you want to receive this, pray with me:
“Lord, give me the ability to dream. Open my spirit to receive revelation. Teach me how to steward what You give. Show me how to walk it out. I choose to do the dream. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
The hour is urgent. The call is clear. Do the dream.