Tonight in worship I suddenly heard “ALL CLEAR!” spoken loud and authoritatively like you would hear in a war after it was determined that the area was safe from further air raids. I knew right away that the Lord was signalling to me that the air raids were coming to an end. For the past few weeks there has been unrelenting air raids in the spirit against many believers. What do I mean by “air raids?” I mean chatter, witchcraft, people talking against you, judgements, accusations, and word-curses. Yep this stuff is real and it happens and many times by other believers who are foolish enough to jump on the bandwagon of insecurity and begin to fire away. But even so they aren’t your problem because we don’t fight flesh and blood. The enemy just wants to get your eyes off the prize when it counts and right now in this season it matters more than ever.
In the past few weeks many homes had been so warred against that it has looked like the aftermath of a war zone with dense smoke filling the air and being unable to see. But this week you will see it clear. All of the onslaught against your home, marriage, kids, health, finances, ministries, and future will cease and the air will clear and you will be able to see your way forward where it’s felt clouded and confusing.
I had a dream last week that there was someone trying to contact me via a CB radio and they were speaking all kinds of nasty things to me. At first I was trying to defend myself then I realised I had nothing to prove so I simply turned off the radio and there was instant peace. A key when you are experiencing the chatter is to simply turn off the radio. Stop feeding from the place where you know will open you up for more conflict. Turn off the noise and your addiction to what people think about you. Destiny is waiting and you need to move on.
The Holy Spirit began to speak to me about atmospheres and how He has given us the authority to rule atmospheres not be subjected to them. Words may come, arrows may come but we don’t have to live under its power and influence. Do you notice that the chatter comes at the same time as God is increasing you? The closer you get to breakthrough suddenly you are super sensitive to everything and if you aren’t careful it can turn you into a nervous wreck instead of being focussed on the beauty God is unveiling for you.
We shift atmospheres simply by not giving weight and value to what we can sense is coming at us. We shift atmospheres by stewarding a continual lifestyle of His presence, His voice of truth, and staying in intimacy with Him. The chatter wants to keep you from the secret place and into scrolling through your Instagram seething over that person that doesn’t like you. You shift atmospheres by forgiving and blessing. You shift atmospheres by looking up instead of around you.
As I continued to worship a song by Upper Room came on singing “We clear the air as we bless your name!” and I burst out laughing at Gods sense of humour. He is so worthy to be praised and He knows that in life we will face these kind of trials but He has given us the key. It’s In Him! As we lift up His name and look to him everything else falls into the background and we keep our eyes locked on the prize.
On Friday I was teaching our Grow mentoring group about authority when Holy Spirit reminded me of a time three years ago I lost my keys at a store. It was a time where God was bringing increase to us and there was such a swirl of chatter that it began to steal my peace. I found it hard to worship, pray, and focus on anything! I just wanted to curl up in bed and sleep from all of the constant pressure I was feeling in the air. As I ran around frantic through the store I heard the clearest voice cut through the madness “Nate you’ve lost your keys”. Holy Spirit said. “Yes that’s right I have!” I replied before finally getting what He was saying. I had lost my keys. The key of David had been a revelation God had been speaking to me for a long time which represents both intimacy, royalty, and of course authority. My heart sank realising what I had traded in exchange for the drama. The Holy Spirit then told me where to find my keys and I went home and worshipped Him.
I believe Holy Spirit is saying to those who have felt lost in the fight and the swirl, those who have lost their peace and have taken their eyes off Him that this week you are going to see the smoke clear, the chatter end, and you will get your keys back!
I prophesy over you that this week will you will not succumb to the drama, to the fear of man, to the demonic chatter on the airwaves, you will NOT live under its influence and you will NOT allow it to take another moments peace from you. Instead this week you will SOAR above the noise and take back authority in your home and life and see the atmosphere SHIFT in Jesus name!
“Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage” Ephesians 6:12