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Nate Johnston


Nate Johnston



I want to pray over those who feel spiritually blind right now. 

Those who have crossed over into 2024 just feeling lost and still battling the swirl and confusion that has been following them for some time now. 

I know many of you have been thinking “Nothing has changed for me. My circumstances still look impossible” 

But the greatest problem is that you just DON’T KNOW WHERE YOU ARE HEADED. 

It’s felt like the unknown season you were in has now turned into a wilderness fortress and you have lost hope that you’ll ever leave that place. 

Temporary displacement and pause somehow has felt like your permanent campsite. 

The season of “process and preparation” now feels like a nightmare merry-go-round and you want to get off!

I have felt it in the spirit - you have been frustrated and agitated with hope filled promises of entering the promise, because in your mind that just doesn’t seem like it’s going it happen. 

Am I right? 

I’ll say what few are saying - you are done hearing prophetic news headlines that don’t seem to be taking place for you. 

“Did I fail? Did I do something wrong?” 

No, you have an enemy that wants you frustrated and mad at God. 

“Am I invisible to God? Has He abandoned me?”

No, you have an adversary that wants to keep isolated so he can make you bitter.

“Did I not fight and hold onto my promises long enough?” 

No, you have been battling the spirit of delay and hope deferred that wants you to eventually give up on this tug of war. 


I had a dream in early January where I was flying a small passenger plane over the ocean when a storm arose and sucked me into its core and spun me around. 

I thought I was going to crash but instead I seemed to be suspended within the storm. I was safe but stuck, unable to get out of the swirl of it. I remember feeling frustrated that no matter what I did I couldn’t get out of it to see ahead. 

When I woke up I knew this wasn’t a dream about me but for many who were right now stuck in that swirl. The words that came to me were “Flying blind” and “mid-flight crisis”

I felt that many were feeling spiritually blind, either just in direction, purpose, or on a deeper level where they felt spiritually disconnected, discouraged, and disillusioned. 

Many believers are right now in “mid-flight crisis” where their faith is at an all time low and they are questioning their beliefs, promises, and path behind them. 

“Did God really say…?”

Let me say this. I know the road has been hard and nothing makes sense. I know the road has been long and you have held on beyond the realm of hope. 

But, the battle for your destiny has never been greater than this moment. 

You feel like this because the enemy wants you to not only give up, but to abandon the ship of faith. 

He isn’t just after your purpose, but your very connection to God. 

He wants you to doubt God and choose the life you can provide yourself in your own strength. 

The battle is real and if you are honest about it you can attest to this wrestle. 

It’s the tension of extremes. Extreme conviction to fight, and extreme hopelessness and doubt. 

As I was praying that morning I began to see a spiritual entity that I want to break off you right now. It’s the spirit of double-mindedness that is keeping you in that tension. 

“He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways” James 1:8

1. I rebuke that spirit of double mindedness that is keeping you stuck in a cycle of hopelessness and defeat in Jesus name! I pray for your mind to be clear and your heart able to discern truth in the swirl 

2. I break off extreme hope-deferred that has placed a callous around your heart in Jesus name. Lord bring the trees of life! 


That whole day after that dream I was in intercession all day long prying for people who felt this way but sensing this;

This was not the season they were seeing that it was. 

It’s the midnight before the sudden sunrise. 

It’s the dark night before the dawn. 

The battle of battles before the breaking of a new day. 

“Lord show them the clearing!” I kept praying. 

Then the Lord spoke “This is not a season of blindness but of renewed SIGHT”

“This is not a stalemate but a season of clear and directed steps”

“This is not a season of spiritual impairment but of greater sensitivity to my plans”

“This is not a season of being stuck but of movement and breaking new ground”

“This is a season of taking to the skies and air supremacy!”

Then it hit me… the dream I had I was seeing incorrectly. I was focused on the swirl. In the storm, but I didn’t recognize the PLACEMENT.

God has taken us higher in this season to a new level and posture of reigning but we have been SIDESWIPED BY THE CONDITIONS!

What if we are adjusting to a new altitude and been given the role of clearing the skies and breaking through the assignments of witchcraft and fog we have been dealing with endlessly. 

What if we were simply learning to ASCEND & come up higher? 

The next night I woke up at exactly 2:28am and couldn’t go back to sleep feeling like I was feeling the same intercession overtake me. Then these 2:28 scriptures came to me;

“And afterward,  I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,  your old men will dream dreams,  your young men will see visions” Joel 2:28

“but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries. He has shown King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in days to come. Your dream and the visions that passed through your mind as you were lying in bed are these” Daniel 2:28

“You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence” Acts 2:28

I feel the fire of the Holy Ghost all over me as I write these words - THIS IS NOT YOUR FLYING BLIND SEASON BUT YOUR FLYING HIGH SEASON!

This is your RAW before your ROAR.

This is your SORE before your SOAR. 

You are coming out of the clouds right now in Jesus name. 

Whatever swirl you have been battling is no match for Gods sovereign plan for your life. 

Let me pray this simple prayer over you;









Sow a seed

RELATED prophetic WORDS:

RELATED prophetic WORDS:

By Nate Johnston 23 Jun, 2024
Over the last 3 days, I have felt a fight in my Spirit and an overwhelming sense of impending breakthrough for those who have felt at the battlefront—yet unable to move forward in that direction. As I was in worship, I heard these words: "Look for the signs of prison break," so let me prophesy over your week... LOOK FOR THE SHAKING Don't be alarmed by the shaking and what looks like drama and commotion. God is revealing what has been secretly keeping you in lockdown and what was holding up your movement. Tension points are breakthrough points and places where God brings resolve, healing, and reinvention. Your worship and contending are shaking what has felt like a holding cell, limbo, and stalemate. Like Paul and Silas, your song through the dark night is beginning to shake and shatter the bars that have held you. The shake-up is your break-out! I prophesy that this is your rescue from the shaking that has come against you to keep you still, contained, and under lock and key in Jesus name! LOOK FOR THE FRACTURES I heard the word "fractures," which means a crack or rupture, and I believe we are going to begin to see significant fractures form in the intentional onslaught against us. You are going to begin to see the fractures, weak spots, and imperfections in the warfare you have had against you, like the missing chink in the armor where you will strike down the giant that has been looming over you. You will begin to hear the sound of metal bending, and the once strong and impenetrable assignments that have kept you at bay will give way. Then, you will leave the prison hold you have been in. You will have an "eyes open" moment and see things as they truly are, and the smoke and mirrors will be revealed in plain view. I prophesy that this week, you will see the cracks in the enemy's case against you and begin to feel hope again. You will be victorious where you have been hit the hardest. LOOK FOR THE DISMANTLING OF LOCKS There is a global and personal dismantling taking place. The enemy is no longer able to hold together all the pieces and keep his hand hidden. His plan is being dismantled. Just as Isaiah 45 says ,, there will be a "stripping of kings' armor," a "dethroning," and a "breaking down of bronze doors." The counterfeit kingdom is going to have a public showing, and the house is falling apart further. Personally, this is also taking place, where God is tearing down the gates, walls, ceilings, and obstructions that have been keeping you frustrated and stationary in your assignment. The dismantling of these locks and strategies is in the making. I prophesy that you are beginning to break out and breakthrough, and every invisible rope and tie is being untied and removed in Jesus' name. LOOK FOR THE FINALITY & CLOSURE For many, a monumental prison break is the necessary closure regarding past seasons' baggage, and right now, God is tying the loose ends. This baggage has been a massive yoke on the necks of those longing to enjoy the new season but who have been dealing with the emotional scarring and trauma of past season's battles. God is bringing healing and closure to them. He is bringing closure by healing bodies, hearts, and minds from the toll of the last season where people are still carrying hurts, words, and betrayals. I sensed that, especially in families and relationships, there was coming closure to a season of unrest, hardship, debt, and bad blood. God is cleansing, healing, and restoring right now. Hidden warfare and words are being dealt with. Divisive roots and assignments are being dismantled, and ticking time bombs of strife are being disarmed. Look for the closure of expected outcomes because on the other side of the surrender of them will be the better outcomes you couldn't have come up with. I prophesy for the old doors to close, ties to be severed, and old seasons to come to an end in Jesus name! LOOK FOR THE DREAMS & INSIGHT The airwaves in your sleep have been clouded, cluttered, and under fire but there is FREEDOM & REINVENTION coming to reinstate the night seasons revelation that has been lost in this contending season. The fruit of this prison break is a deeper connection to God and hearing His heart and mysteries. Your sacrifice of praise in the storm is now opening up a whole new realm of hearing and seeing than you are used to. In the enclosed space, you were unable to have vision and dream, but now watch as you, for the first time in a long time, start to dream with God and see the "down the road" you couldn't see before. I prophesy a fresh flow and season of visitation and revelation over you in Jesus name! LOOK FOR THE KEYS YOU DROPPED I kept seeing keys, and I asked the Lord what I was seeing, and I was drawn to Revelation 3:7, which says to the holder of the keys of David that "What He opens no one can shut, and what He shuts no one can open." You lost your keys in the survival season, but now you are getting them back. You also dropped your fire in the survival season, but now you are getting it back. It's time to pick up what you dropped in 2020. It's time to resume the plan you had before the pandemic. Don't look at limitations or allow what God gave you to be stunted by the times. I prophesy that God is giving you back your zeal and passion, reigniting you, and refueling you for your season of sprinting forward in Jesus name! LOOK FOR THE SUDDEN MOVEMENT You will suddenly make "headway" (the word I heard) in places where there has been no fruit, progress, or advancement for your effort. You will feel a GRACE on stepping out where there was none before and have ease in the beginning when making plans. The middle ground is falling away. The place of being without options and constantly hitting stops is over. Movement is move out by faith. Step out by faith, and He will guide you. Isolation has been a tactic to keep you feeling even more cut off from any kind of breakthrough, but God is bringing you "fast-blooming " friendships to make up for lost time. Look for the sudden openings where things felt closed and the ability to make decisions to move forward that you couldn't before. I prophesy SWIFT and peace-filled movement over you and your families in Jesus name! LOOK FOR THE KNOCK ON THE DOOR Two times throughout the night before writing this word I woke up to hearing what sounded like a loud knock on our front door. I knew what it meant in the Spirit. Look for the knock on the door where doors have been locked and shut from you and what you were promised out of reach. God is opening up opportunities and things you felt you missed. He is bringing favor you thought you were robbed and cheated of. God is opening what has been shut, breaking through, and tearing down walls and doors in your way. Red tape and legalities that have stood menacing over you will be removed. God is clearing the road. For those who have been knocked down repeatedly, this is a moment of standing tall again. Where your name was dragged through the mud, and you lost your will to live. It's time to stand. "You aggressively attacked me and tried to knock me down, but the Lord helped me" - Psalm 118:13 It's time for a prison break because it's who God is...You may have endured a time of extreme hardship but it doesn't end there. I prophesy that things will shift dramatically this week in Jesus name! "Give me a sign of your goodness, that my enemies may see it and be put to shame, for you, LORD, have helped me and comforted me" - Psalm 86:17 
By Nate Johnston 19 Jun, 2024
Look around. It's the winds of change blowing. You either fight it or fall into it. But this one isn't leaving anything the same way it was. But many are saying, "Lord, I can't handle another season of storms; I am tired!" But the Lord says, "My winds are not the storm; they dissipate the storm!" Many have seen the signs and hunkered down in the storm bunker, but this isn't what you think it is. The winds of change are creating ripple effects upon global and personal circumstances, but they aren't coming to take you out but to put you back together! "Then He said to me, "Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, 'Thus says the Lord God, "Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they come to life." - Ezekiel 37:9 Yes, the winds of the spirit are bringing life to dry bones and the decommissioned. So I say to the fallen today, arise in Jesus name! I see the deep grief trying to clamp itself around your head, but it must break loose now in Jesus name! THE WINDS OF REFORMATION For the Lord has been reforming you in secret. That's why your heart has been so raw, and all appetites for this world have fallen away. This is why you have detoured from the safe and expected path. This is why you had to shut the door. This is why you had to be detoxed from the rat race and see it for what it is. In the last 10 years, there have been gusts of transition and many birth pangs, but they have not been the birthing. But now, the winds of change have prepared the church for the greatest hour. THE WINDS OF DIVINE ORDER I heard the Lord say, "Fresh manna will fall as you let the old manna rot away." There has been an unhealthy clinging to the methods and mindsets of God's last move, which has produced an influx of bad fruit. But this move of God is going to look different. It's going to be messy, yet it will restore order to lives, families, and the church. THE WINDS OF POLARIZING SEPARATION For I have been separating the wheat from the chaff, says the Lord. Those who fear me and those who don't. Those who lie with evil and call it good. And those who choose the world over me. That is why I have separated you from them and removed you from the tables of compromise even when it hurt. But you knew you couldn't worship me and their golden calves at the same time. For the winds of change are bringing things into their right place and everything that is out of place is being removed. For I am plucking out the root rot of the church and planting a Davidic heart again in place of that which was defiled. So don't be surprised if it looks polarising or destructive; these will cause true repentance to gush forth. WINDS OF HOLY JUSTICE My winds of change are blowing divine justice over these situations that have held people in bondage and psychological manipulation. And in a moment their power will be gone and I will repay what they stole from you and restore you to your post. A sign of this will be that you will start to see the private foxes become public, and the private battles in your life with this spirit will soon be made known for what it is. For this is an hour I am dismantling the towers of man's achievements and bringing the church back into a humbling once again. For my wind is blowing and delivering the proud and lofty and setting them free from their thrones. And I am bringing the church into her nameless, faceless days where all eyes will be on me once again. THE WINDS OF DISRUPTION & RESTORING NATIONS Now watch as I blow upon the nations. I am sending one expression of my spirit to one nation and another to another. There will be such a sudden explosion of varying flavors as I restore my salt and light and set my feast for the hungry. These expressions won't be able to be contained or manipulated because they can't be controlled. And those who are there to witness them will be unable to manufacture or steer it, only lean into what I am doing. My winds come now at the turning of a tide in the nations and in response to those who have prayed for nations hanging in the balance. And you will see both disruption and beauty, says the Lord. You will see turmoil and outpouring. But look beyond the news and beyond the story before your eyes and see what I am doing. For I am restoring nations, not tearing them apart. YOU WILL SEE WHAT YOU COULDN'T As I was writing this down, I went into a vision that felt like 8k clarity. The clearest vision I have ever seen. Then the Lord said, "My winds are blowing open the blurry prophets!" For many have been in a season of blindness and disconnect but my spirit is now giving you back sight with a clarity that has not been released upon the church yet. And the eyes of the blind will see, and the eyes of the deaf be unstopped. And fresh vision will finally come after years of wandering around feeling like God departed from you. The Lord says to his prophets, "I had to untangle you before I could allow you to see fresh; otherwise, they would have trampled the revelation I am now giving you. This is where the dots connect over the last four years and finally come to fruition. THE WINDS OF MIGRATION & MOVEMENT So, as I am rearranging your life and altering your plans, I am also conceiving in you new movements. But in order for these movements to be birthed you will have to migrate. For some, it's geographically, and for others, it's migrating from the seas you have been swimming in. The Lord says you have outgrown those waters, and you will become stagnant if you don't flow with me and move with me. But I am not taking anything from you, but adding to you! Don't throw the baby out with the bath water as you feel this shift. Don't burn your bridges and throw away the keys to your vehicle, but learn how to receive multiple callings and assignments. Multiple burnings and multiple groans...says the Lord. For I am going to give you more nations. And open up places you would never have expected. So don't be overwhelmed, but lean into this new space of dreaming with me and learning to operate with a deeper capacity to understand how I weave global estates together. THE WINDS OF GATHERING And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other. - Matthew 24:31 Lastly, I saw the winds gathering people from hidden holes and caves around the earth. Who are these ones? I asked...These are the ones I am calling out of the dens of darkness and pain and back to their posts. They are the ones who died in the battle and lost everything. These are the ones who the enemy assassinated. But I am putting my spirit upon them again so they can lead the charge in the days to come. But now they won't lead the church to more religion but to me. And they will establish birthplaces where my spirit can move without restriction and where I can cohabit, says the Lord.
By Nate Johnston 23 Jun, 2024
Over the last 3 days, I have felt a fight in my Spirit and an overwhelming sense of impending breakthrough for those who have felt at the battlefront—yet unable to move forward in that direction. As I was in worship, I heard these words: "Look for the signs of prison break," so let me prophesy over your week... LOOK FOR THE SHAKING Don't be alarmed by the shaking and what looks like drama and commotion. God is revealing what has been secretly keeping you in lockdown and what was holding up your movement. Tension points are breakthrough points and places where God brings resolve, healing, and reinvention. Your worship and contending are shaking what has felt like a holding cell, limbo, and stalemate. Like Paul and Silas, your song through the dark night is beginning to shake and shatter the bars that have held you. The shake-up is your break-out! I prophesy that this is your rescue from the shaking that has come against you to keep you still, contained, and under lock and key in Jesus name! LOOK FOR THE FRACTURES I heard the word "fractures," which means a crack or rupture, and I believe we are going to begin to see significant fractures form in the intentional onslaught against us. You are going to begin to see the fractures, weak spots, and imperfections in the warfare you have had against you, like the missing chink in the armor where you will strike down the giant that has been looming over you. You will begin to hear the sound of metal bending, and the once strong and impenetrable assignments that have kept you at bay will give way. Then, you will leave the prison hold you have been in. You will have an "eyes open" moment and see things as they truly are, and the smoke and mirrors will be revealed in plain view. I prophesy that this week, you will see the cracks in the enemy's case against you and begin to feel hope again. You will be victorious where you have been hit the hardest. LOOK FOR THE DISMANTLING OF LOCKS There is a global and personal dismantling taking place. The enemy is no longer able to hold together all the pieces and keep his hand hidden. His plan is being dismantled. Just as Isaiah 45 says ,, there will be a "stripping of kings' armor," a "dethroning," and a "breaking down of bronze doors." The counterfeit kingdom is going to have a public showing, and the house is falling apart further. Personally, this is also taking place, where God is tearing down the gates, walls, ceilings, and obstructions that have been keeping you frustrated and stationary in your assignment. The dismantling of these locks and strategies is in the making. I prophesy that you are beginning to break out and breakthrough, and every invisible rope and tie is being untied and removed in Jesus' name. LOOK FOR THE FINALITY & CLOSURE For many, a monumental prison break is the necessary closure regarding past seasons' baggage, and right now, God is tying the loose ends. This baggage has been a massive yoke on the necks of those longing to enjoy the new season but who have been dealing with the emotional scarring and trauma of past season's battles. God is bringing healing and closure to them. He is bringing closure by healing bodies, hearts, and minds from the toll of the last season where people are still carrying hurts, words, and betrayals. I sensed that, especially in families and relationships, there was coming closure to a season of unrest, hardship, debt, and bad blood. God is cleansing, healing, and restoring right now. Hidden warfare and words are being dealt with. Divisive roots and assignments are being dismantled, and ticking time bombs of strife are being disarmed. Look for the closure of expected outcomes because on the other side of the surrender of them will be the better outcomes you couldn't have come up with. I prophesy for the old doors to close, ties to be severed, and old seasons to come to an end in Jesus name! LOOK FOR THE DREAMS & INSIGHT The airwaves in your sleep have been clouded, cluttered, and under fire but there is FREEDOM & REINVENTION coming to reinstate the night seasons revelation that has been lost in this contending season. The fruit of this prison break is a deeper connection to God and hearing His heart and mysteries. Your sacrifice of praise in the storm is now opening up a whole new realm of hearing and seeing than you are used to. In the enclosed space, you were unable to have vision and dream, but now watch as you, for the first time in a long time, start to dream with God and see the "down the road" you couldn't see before. I prophesy a fresh flow and season of visitation and revelation over you in Jesus name! LOOK FOR THE KEYS YOU DROPPED I kept seeing keys, and I asked the Lord what I was seeing, and I was drawn to Revelation 3:7, which says to the holder of the keys of David that "What He opens no one can shut, and what He shuts no one can open." You lost your keys in the survival season, but now you are getting them back. You also dropped your fire in the survival season, but now you are getting it back. It's time to pick up what you dropped in 2020. It's time to resume the plan you had before the pandemic. Don't look at limitations or allow what God gave you to be stunted by the times. I prophesy that God is giving you back your zeal and passion, reigniting you, and refueling you for your season of sprinting forward in Jesus name! LOOK FOR THE SUDDEN MOVEMENT You will suddenly make "headway" (the word I heard) in places where there has been no fruit, progress, or advancement for your effort. You will feel a GRACE on stepping out where there was none before and have ease in the beginning when making plans. The middle ground is falling away. The place of being without options and constantly hitting stops is over. Movement is move out by faith. Step out by faith, and He will guide you. Isolation has been a tactic to keep you feeling even more cut off from any kind of breakthrough, but God is bringing you "fast-blooming " friendships to make up for lost time. Look for the sudden openings where things felt closed and the ability to make decisions to move forward that you couldn't before. I prophesy SWIFT and peace-filled movement over you and your families in Jesus name! LOOK FOR THE KNOCK ON THE DOOR Two times throughout the night before writing this word I woke up to hearing what sounded like a loud knock on our front door. I knew what it meant in the Spirit. Look for the knock on the door where doors have been locked and shut from you and what you were promised out of reach. God is opening up opportunities and things you felt you missed. He is bringing favor you thought you were robbed and cheated of. God is opening what has been shut, breaking through, and tearing down walls and doors in your way. Red tape and legalities that have stood menacing over you will be removed. God is clearing the road. For those who have been knocked down repeatedly, this is a moment of standing tall again. Where your name was dragged through the mud, and you lost your will to live. It's time to stand. "You aggressively attacked me and tried to knock me down, but the Lord helped me" - Psalm 118:13 It's time for a prison break because it's who God is...You may have endured a time of extreme hardship but it doesn't end there. I prophesy that things will shift dramatically this week in Jesus name! "Give me a sign of your goodness, that my enemies may see it and be put to shame, for you, LORD, have helped me and comforted me" - Psalm 86:17 
By Nate Johnston 19 Jun, 2024
Look around. It's the winds of change blowing. You either fight it or fall into it. But this one isn't leaving anything the same way it was. But many are saying, "Lord, I can't handle another season of storms; I am tired!" But the Lord says, "My winds are not the storm; they dissipate the storm!" Many have seen the signs and hunkered down in the storm bunker, but this isn't what you think it is. The winds of change are creating ripple effects upon global and personal circumstances, but they aren't coming to take you out but to put you back together! "Then He said to me, "Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, 'Thus says the Lord God, "Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they come to life." - Ezekiel 37:9 Yes, the winds of the spirit are bringing life to dry bones and the decommissioned. So I say to the fallen today, arise in Jesus name! I see the deep grief trying to clamp itself around your head, but it must break loose now in Jesus name! THE WINDS OF REFORMATION For the Lord has been reforming you in secret. That's why your heart has been so raw, and all appetites for this world have fallen away. This is why you have detoured from the safe and expected path. This is why you had to shut the door. This is why you had to be detoxed from the rat race and see it for what it is. In the last 10 years, there have been gusts of transition and many birth pangs, but they have not been the birthing. But now, the winds of change have prepared the church for the greatest hour. THE WINDS OF DIVINE ORDER I heard the Lord say, "Fresh manna will fall as you let the old manna rot away." There has been an unhealthy clinging to the methods and mindsets of God's last move, which has produced an influx of bad fruit. But this move of God is going to look different. It's going to be messy, yet it will restore order to lives, families, and the church. THE WINDS OF POLARIZING SEPARATION For I have been separating the wheat from the chaff, says the Lord. Those who fear me and those who don't. Those who lie with evil and call it good. And those who choose the world over me. That is why I have separated you from them and removed you from the tables of compromise even when it hurt. But you knew you couldn't worship me and their golden calves at the same time. For the winds of change are bringing things into their right place and everything that is out of place is being removed. For I am plucking out the root rot of the church and planting a Davidic heart again in place of that which was defiled. So don't be surprised if it looks polarising or destructive; these will cause true repentance to gush forth. WINDS OF HOLY JUSTICE My winds of change are blowing divine justice over these situations that have held people in bondage and psychological manipulation. And in a moment their power will be gone and I will repay what they stole from you and restore you to your post. A sign of this will be that you will start to see the private foxes become public, and the private battles in your life with this spirit will soon be made known for what it is. For this is an hour I am dismantling the towers of man's achievements and bringing the church back into a humbling once again. For my wind is blowing and delivering the proud and lofty and setting them free from their thrones. And I am bringing the church into her nameless, faceless days where all eyes will be on me once again. THE WINDS OF DISRUPTION & RESTORING NATIONS Now watch as I blow upon the nations. I am sending one expression of my spirit to one nation and another to another. There will be such a sudden explosion of varying flavors as I restore my salt and light and set my feast for the hungry. These expressions won't be able to be contained or manipulated because they can't be controlled. And those who are there to witness them will be unable to manufacture or steer it, only lean into what I am doing. My winds come now at the turning of a tide in the nations and in response to those who have prayed for nations hanging in the balance. And you will see both disruption and beauty, says the Lord. You will see turmoil and outpouring. But look beyond the news and beyond the story before your eyes and see what I am doing. For I am restoring nations, not tearing them apart. YOU WILL SEE WHAT YOU COULDN'T As I was writing this down, I went into a vision that felt like 8k clarity. The clearest vision I have ever seen. Then the Lord said, "My winds are blowing open the blurry prophets!" For many have been in a season of blindness and disconnect but my spirit is now giving you back sight with a clarity that has not been released upon the church yet. And the eyes of the blind will see, and the eyes of the deaf be unstopped. And fresh vision will finally come after years of wandering around feeling like God departed from you. The Lord says to his prophets, "I had to untangle you before I could allow you to see fresh; otherwise, they would have trampled the revelation I am now giving you. This is where the dots connect over the last four years and finally come to fruition. THE WINDS OF MIGRATION & MOVEMENT So, as I am rearranging your life and altering your plans, I am also conceiving in you new movements. But in order for these movements to be birthed you will have to migrate. For some, it's geographically, and for others, it's migrating from the seas you have been swimming in. The Lord says you have outgrown those waters, and you will become stagnant if you don't flow with me and move with me. But I am not taking anything from you, but adding to you! Don't throw the baby out with the bath water as you feel this shift. Don't burn your bridges and throw away the keys to your vehicle, but learn how to receive multiple callings and assignments. Multiple burnings and multiple groans...says the Lord. For I am going to give you more nations. And open up places you would never have expected. So don't be overwhelmed, but lean into this new space of dreaming with me and learning to operate with a deeper capacity to understand how I weave global estates together. THE WINDS OF GATHERING And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other. - Matthew 24:31 Lastly, I saw the winds gathering people from hidden holes and caves around the earth. Who are these ones? I asked...These are the ones I am calling out of the dens of darkness and pain and back to their posts. They are the ones who died in the battle and lost everything. These are the ones who the enemy assassinated. But I am putting my spirit upon them again so they can lead the charge in the days to come. But now they won't lead the church to more religion but to me. And they will establish birthplaces where my spirit can move without restriction and where I can cohabit, says the Lord.
By Nate Johnston 18 Jun, 2024
I heard the Lord say, “Right now, I am undoing the mess of your Ishmael.” The thing you created and birthed didn’t have me in it. Because I have seen you broken and contrite before me, I will now reverse what has felt like a curse over your life since you stepped into it. For it’s felt like your life has been falling apart for such a long while and now I am going to bring you back to the moment of that decision and place you in a divine re-do. I don’t want you stuck there anymore. I don’t want you in the pit of despair anymore. And I have seen you wallowing in the depths of regret, grief, and utter loss as a result. I have seen you hit rock bottom because you couldn’t sustain what you created without me. And while right now it hurts, it had to fall apart so I could bring you the door I promised and birth your Isaac. It also hurts because you didn’t see that it was Ishmael at the time. You thought it was faith. You thought you were following me. But in the noise and drama you chose what looked right over what was right. But now it’s time to let it go. Close the door. Turn the page of that chapter and rediscover what you were created to birth with me. It’s time to return to your roots so I can make you bloom again. So don’t fear the shipwrecks and mess around you. I am right now in the midst of tidying them up with you and bringing you out of the constant warfare of being out of grace. For my mercies are new every receive it. And let your heart release all bitterness, for I will make all things new and restore the years. Watch as I turn back the clock and bring you what you lost. Watch as I restore the relationships, passion, and joy that were stolen. And the sign will be that you will come alive again, and your family will thrive again.
By Nate Johnston 12 Jun, 2024
Remnant, You are in a Holy Spirit detour right now. You aren’t off course and haven’t missed your target. It’s not what you were expecting, but it’s not stagnation like it feels - it’s just the Lord pulling you into a moment of stillness and sudden hiddenness for what is about to take place. It’s the call to build a new foundation internally and the call to build the new foundation of a new era. Its both. Can you feel it? That is why you have felt lost, because you didn’t expect you would be dealing with the heart stuff. Your affections have changed. Your priorities have suddenly shifted. Yes, He is doing a new thing INSIDE you as He builds AROUND you. They are connected. A NEW RHYTHM Right now you are learning a different rhythm. You are being untangled and untethered from so many strings and ropes trying to keep you held tightly to their expectations and busy-ness. But the Lord is setting you free from all of them and leading you away from the exhaustion of the ministry golden calf and its subtle robbery. You see, the ministry machine doesn’t think of families, soul-health, or longevity, but devours anything it is given. And many have been consumed and spat out when they have nothing more to give. It’s left a trail of burn out and many who right now who are depleted but fighting the enemies agenda to take them out completely. It’s been 6 months of facing some difficult consequences and cleaning up the messes of years of being spread thin. So don’t run from it, and don’t fear it, because it’s your deliverance and your new beginning. On the other side is a fresh wind and a joy you didn’t even know could exist. On the other side is a wonder and a new adventure with the Lord that will make you come alive where religion shut you down and hedged you in. Let God redefine your mission, recalibrate your heart, and place His easy yoke upon you. Lean’s about to get good again. BE REPLENISHED “Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah: “Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.” “So he did what the Lord had told him. He went to the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan, and stayed there. The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook” - 1 Kings 17:2-6 Just as God led Elijah away to be replenished, right now God is pulling many away to be fed with fresh manna and revived again. This will be where you are healed from your long road of opposition and slander. This is where the weight you are carrying is removed once and for all. This is where the heavy yokes break. This is where God brings you back to your factory settings and gives you a new passion and zeal for HIS kingdom. This will be where you are rebranded so you can build the pure thing He has given you with nothing added. MOVEMENTS BIRTHED IN SECRET But this is not the way you expected it to come. You thought you would be building something in public but the Lord has led you away to birth this one because of its significance. The most impacting movements of 2025-2030 are right now being built quietly behind the scenes by a people on their faces before the lord. They aren’t in a boardroom with a group of entrepreneurs and strategists, but a small few who have given their lives to prayer and to restoring the fallen altar. They don’t have conference headlines in their sights or boosting social media followings. They aren’t interested in joining the latest hip apostolic network or getting the affirmation of Apollos. They have died to the machine and have zero desire and affection for the old regime. Right now they are in the last trimester and have gone underground to finish what God started long ago, and so to do so have separated themselves in the most crucial stage. In fact, they aren’t even trying to birth a movement, but are in a deep personal reset and purge from the last season of battle. But out of the ashes and pain of the old wineskin is emerging what is pure and not manufactured by man. It won’t look like anything else. It won’t have the hype. It won’t have the razz and marketing charisma of a movement. They will just be honest and pure expressions of the kingdom that come out of environments where people have valued the KING more than launching a brand. So to those carrying movements and feel this tension; This won’t be built by your hands, but God birthing through you. This is why you have felt the pull-back from the hustle for years now. This is why you have left so many tables. This is why your circle has gotten smaller and God has reduced your alignments. This is why your desire for the current model and ministry aspirations have died. This is why you have been set apart relationally yet again. This is why you are going through the deepest reset of your life. There is something that you are carrying that God is protective over and He is ensuring that THIS TIME it is not aborted!
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