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Nate Johnston


Nate Johnston



Earlier in the week I had a dream where I was in the Whitehouse of the United States when I walked into the garage to look at the vehicles I was inspecting for faults. As I began walking around the cars with my flashlight, some kind of wild beast starting licking my legs so I jumped up and took a machete to defend myself. 

Suddenly about 4 wild dogs appeared that were clearly demons as they were unlike any dog I had ever seen before and i discerned that they were hungry for blood. But instead of turning on me like it seemed they were about to, they ran to another part of the room and began digging furiously. 

It wasn’t long before I began to see that they had found something and were digging it up. It was a woman! She then climbed out of the hole and stood to her feet and stared at me before making this announcement with a shrieking voice “I am Jezebel and I have taken the high places of the earth!”

Then to my surprise, I laughed at her which also shocked her and I said authoritatively “Well we will have to throw you down again!”

Then I woke up.


- The White House did represent governments to me but also that which is meant to be a “White House” or pure which is what Jezebel targets. (The church is meant to be a pure bride)

- I was in the garage inspecting the cars for faults. Cars represent ministries and movements so i believe I was inspecting the ministries and movements of the earth for faults/issues, as well as the obvious - exposing the plans of man’s government for error and issues. 

- The demon dogs were after blood which is interesting but then it occurred to me - in 2 Kings 9:10 dogs devoured Jezebel. “As for Jezebel, dogs will devour her on the plot of ground at Jezreel, and no one will bury her.’” Then he opened the door and ran”

- The dogs digging her up spoke to me about the demonic agenda of increasing the works of the enemy and a mockery of the finished work of the cross. 

- Jezebel made a clear statement - she is taking the high places of the earth. The places of influence. I believe this has already happened but reveals an intention taunt of the enemy that he wants all places - even the church to be controlled by her.

- My laugh reveals the real focus - He who sits in the heaven laughs (psalms 2). 

- My statement “Well we will have to throw you down again!” hit my spirit so hard when I woke up. I knew this was a charge from heaven for the Jehus to rise up. 


This is our charge people of God! The Jezebel agenda has infiltrated the high places and is trying to establish an altar of baal in rebellion to God. 

But God has raised you up for this moment. You are the wild generation that have been mantled with the Holy Spirit to overthrow principalities and powers of the earth just as Jehu three Jezebel down in the street - we will do it again! 

Yes! the Jehu anointing is the anointing to overthrow Jezebel from the heights! 

It’s time to stop being intimidated and silenced by her. Culture keeps wanting to tell us that we can’t speak about XYZ.. but we will not only speak but we will laugh as we expose her and overthrow her. 

We will no longer tolerate her or be silent about where she is hidden in plain site. We will be the generation that UNMASKS her where she is coiled around governments, elites, denominations, identity, gen-x, media, and so much more. 


I read this passage in 2 Kings 9:20;

“The guard in the watchtower said, "Your Majesty, the rider got there, but he isn't coming back either. Wait a minute! That one man is a reckless chariot driver--it must be Jehu!" 

I believe God wants us to be reckless and deal with this spirit furiously, not passively. 

You can’t throw down Jezebel by being a walk over or trying to appease people in the process. We have to deal with this spiritually. 

We have to be ok with people misunderstanding us in this season because the future of the coming generations depends on this. 


As I prayed further into this I asked the Lord “What is our strategy beyond not tolerating this agenda and exposing her plans?” and the Lord said to me”

“I am raising up a remnant who are completely mine. A people who are in covenant with me and not with the idols of the world” 

Instantly the revelation became clear. 

Jezebel whose name means “unhusbanded” has sought to disconnect the church from the bridegroom - Jesus by seducing her to the idols of the world. 

We have see the mixture and the evil parading as good. We have seen the rise of progressive Christianity which is simply a church who has found “another Jesus”. 

But in the midst of that mess is arising a bride ready for her groom. She is pure and fixed on Him alone. 

“If you bring people back into covenant with me, the strongholds of the enemy will break” I heard the lord say. 

It’s time to come back to the marriage. The marriage is found in the blood of the Lamb. 

“You have come to Jesus, the one who mediates the new covenant between God and people, and to the sprinkled blood, which speaks of forgiveness instead of crying out for vengeance like the blood of Abel. Hebrews 12:24

As we re-covenant with Jesus we will UN-covenant with all else. 

We can’t keep toeing the line between two altars. One to the Lord and one to baal. 

It’s time to repent, renounce mixture, re-covenant with God, put on our jehu mantle, and take back the high places!

Sow a seed

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By Nate Johnston March 24, 2025
I have a word for those who feel like their brook has dried up. Those who feel as though their financial wells have run dry. There has been an assignment against the people of God in this season, an attempt to deplete your resources right when you need an abundance to build what God has called you to build. But here’s what happens when the well dries up: there is no movement. When the well runs dry, when the river ceases to flow, when financial resources dwindle, there is stagnation. The enemy knows that if he can dry up your wells, your resources and provision, he can keep you stuck. In 1 Kings 17:7-16, Elijah encountered a similar season of drought when the brook had dried up. The Lord directed him to Zarephath, where he prayed over the oil, and as long as they continued putting out jars, the oil kept flowing, filling every empty vessel. This is not just about personal provision, this is about Kingdom building for the greatest harvest of souls the earth has ever seen. We are standing at the threshold of a massive influx of people coming into the Kingdom, and God is looking for those who will build storehouses, training centers, apostolic hubs, and places of discipleship to contain the harvest. Movements must be established, and foundations must be laid. Yes, this is a season where the infrastructure for harvest must be established, and God is searching for builders and pioneers to accomplish it. The Lord has been highlighting that we must be ready to receive the flood of souls that is about to pour in. Many of you have been given blueprints, visions for revival centers, houses of prayer, missions bases, and creative hubs to disciple and equip people. But it feels like the resources have not come. Many have been asking, “God, I don’t understand what’s happening. I’ve been sowing faithfully. I’ve been giving and tithing, yet my wells seem to be drying up.” There has been a targeted attack against finances, small foxes have been stealing from the vine (Song of Solomon 2:15). These are some areas where I saw people being robbed: -Small, hidden financial losses accumulating over time -Unexpected emergencies and circumstances draining resources -Bad investments, contracts, partnerships, and business deals -Governmental and systemic financial oppression -Religious systems and misalignments -Delayed inheritances and financial breakthroughs The enemy has tried to rob, delay, dry up, and block the flow of provision, but the Lord is declaring: “Where the well has dried up, I am now releasing a flood of provision and breaking the assignment of lack. I am releasing the gold needed to build. I am releasing the provision to establish My plans in the earth. Where the enemy has stolen, I will restore. Where the wells have dried up, I will cause a fresh outpouring. I am funding My movements. I am resourcing My builders. I am providing for My pioneers. Do not fear, for I am unlocking what has been withheld!” Also, I want to highlight that there is a direct connection between financial drought and the Jezebel spirit. Think of what took place when Jezebel and Ahab ruled the land - a drought came! Jezebel’s witchcraftdisrupts financial flow. If you’ve noticed financial struggles during seasons of heavy spiritual warfare, this is part of the enemy’s strategy. But right now, God is canceling that assignment! He is warring against the attacks on finances, and we are stepping into a season of great stewardship and Kingdom wealth. I want to pray over you right now: For your wells to be full again and for brooks to flow once more. For dried-up jobs, finances, and provision to be restored. For debts to be paid off. For those whom God instructed to sow into you to be reminded and moved to obey. For unexpected sources of provision—divine connections, supernatural opportunities, and people moved by the Spirit to bless you. For the financial outpouring needed to build the places for harvest, disciple the flood of souls, and establish the movements God has placed in your heart. The provision you need to step into your destiny and calling, to build what God has told you to build, is coming now in the mighty name of Jesus! Lastly, I pray for those who have been attacked in legal battles over finances. The Lord is going to restore what the enemy has stolen, your time, your money, your health, all of it! These attacks have robbed you of the capacity to do what is in your heart to do. But now, by faith, step into what God has told you to do! The key in the story of Zarephath is this: “Put out the jars.” What does this mean practically? Move by faith. Get things in order. Start preparing as if the provision is already here. Take steps forward as if the finances have already arrived. And the oil will come, in Jesus name!
By Nate Johnston March 20, 2025
HAVE YOU BEEN A PROPHET, SUFFERING IN THE HOUSE OF SAUL? Many anointed prophets, have been burried beneath the weight of Saul's leadership reign... So many have suffered in silence, yet remained steadfast in their obedience and perseverance to the Lord, and to the call... And this is the hour, this is the moment, where the HOUSE OF SAUL begins to crumble, and those who are carrying the heart of the Father, rise to take the place of the old regime... You have been faithful in the field. Faithful in the private battles. Now it's time to ready your voice for the NEW DAY. JOIN US FOR A PROPHETIC INTENSIVE… AS WE DIG THROUGH THR RUBBLE AND ALLOW HOLY SPIRIT TO BUILD US FOR A NEW DAY. 
By Nate Johnston March 24, 2025
I have a word for those who feel like their brook has dried up. Those who feel as though their financial wells have run dry. There has been an assignment against the people of God in this season, an attempt to deplete your resources right when you need an abundance to build what God has called you to build. But here’s what happens when the well dries up: there is no movement. When the well runs dry, when the river ceases to flow, when financial resources dwindle, there is stagnation. The enemy knows that if he can dry up your wells, your resources and provision, he can keep you stuck. In 1 Kings 17:7-16, Elijah encountered a similar season of drought when the brook had dried up. The Lord directed him to Zarephath, where he prayed over the oil, and as long as they continued putting out jars, the oil kept flowing, filling every empty vessel. This is not just about personal provision, this is about Kingdom building for the greatest harvest of souls the earth has ever seen. We are standing at the threshold of a massive influx of people coming into the Kingdom, and God is looking for those who will build storehouses, training centers, apostolic hubs, and places of discipleship to contain the harvest. Movements must be established, and foundations must be laid. Yes, this is a season where the infrastructure for harvest must be established, and God is searching for builders and pioneers to accomplish it. The Lord has been highlighting that we must be ready to receive the flood of souls that is about to pour in. Many of you have been given blueprints, visions for revival centers, houses of prayer, missions bases, and creative hubs to disciple and equip people. But it feels like the resources have not come. Many have been asking, “God, I don’t understand what’s happening. I’ve been sowing faithfully. I’ve been giving and tithing, yet my wells seem to be drying up.” There has been a targeted attack against finances, small foxes have been stealing from the vine (Song of Solomon 2:15). These are some areas where I saw people being robbed: -Small, hidden financial losses accumulating over time -Unexpected emergencies and circumstances draining resources -Bad investments, contracts, partnerships, and business deals -Governmental and systemic financial oppression -Religious systems and misalignments -Delayed inheritances and financial breakthroughs The enemy has tried to rob, delay, dry up, and block the flow of provision, but the Lord is declaring: “Where the well has dried up, I am now releasing a flood of provision and breaking the assignment of lack. I am releasing the gold needed to build. I am releasing the provision to establish My plans in the earth. Where the enemy has stolen, I will restore. Where the wells have dried up, I will cause a fresh outpouring. I am funding My movements. I am resourcing My builders. I am providing for My pioneers. Do not fear, for I am unlocking what has been withheld!” Also, I want to highlight that there is a direct connection between financial drought and the Jezebel spirit. Think of what took place when Jezebel and Ahab ruled the land - a drought came! Jezebel’s witchcraftdisrupts financial flow. If you’ve noticed financial struggles during seasons of heavy spiritual warfare, this is part of the enemy’s strategy. But right now, God is canceling that assignment! He is warring against the attacks on finances, and we are stepping into a season of great stewardship and Kingdom wealth. I want to pray over you right now: For your wells to be full again and for brooks to flow once more. For dried-up jobs, finances, and provision to be restored. For debts to be paid off. For those whom God instructed to sow into you to be reminded and moved to obey. For unexpected sources of provision—divine connections, supernatural opportunities, and people moved by the Spirit to bless you. For the financial outpouring needed to build the places for harvest, disciple the flood of souls, and establish the movements God has placed in your heart. The provision you need to step into your destiny and calling, to build what God has told you to build, is coming now in the mighty name of Jesus! Lastly, I pray for those who have been attacked in legal battles over finances. The Lord is going to restore what the enemy has stolen, your time, your money, your health, all of it! These attacks have robbed you of the capacity to do what is in your heart to do. But now, by faith, step into what God has told you to do! The key in the story of Zarephath is this: “Put out the jars.” What does this mean practically? Move by faith. Get things in order. Start preparing as if the provision is already here. Take steps forward as if the finances have already arrived. And the oil will come, in Jesus name!
By Nate Johnston March 20, 2025
HAVE YOU BEEN A PROPHET, SUFFERING IN THE HOUSE OF SAUL? Many anointed prophets, have been burried beneath the weight of Saul's leadership reign... So many have suffered in silence, yet remained steadfast in their obedience and perseverance to the Lord, and to the call... And this is the hour, this is the moment, where the HOUSE OF SAUL begins to crumble, and those who are carrying the heart of the Father, rise to take the place of the old regime... You have been faithful in the field. Faithful in the private battles. Now it's time to ready your voice for the NEW DAY. JOIN US FOR A PROPHETIC INTENSIVE… AS WE DIG THROUGH THR RUBBLE AND ALLOW HOLY SPIRIT TO BUILD US FOR A NEW DAY. 
By Nate Johnston March 20, 2025
Are you a prophetic voice but feel shut down, muzzled, wounded, or disabled after many years walking through the church system or the charismatic jungle? Or maybe you don’t just feel disabled but you feel afraid of stepping out in a time where the current prophetic culture is being shaken along with the compromised church? In three weeks we are launching our Wild Ones Collective - a year of prophetic training that doesn’t just sharpen your gift but refines your heart and character. Because we are done with fake celebrity prophets giving the prophetic calling a bad name, when the real ones have been dragged through the mud. We are done with counterfeits, show offs, illusionists, and sideshow performers when the church needs the real deal voices to arise. God is raising voices in this hour who are not led by pain, ego, or ambition, but by fire, purity, and love. If your spirit is burning as you read this, you already know, this is for you! 
By Nate Johnston March 20, 2025
Psalm 34:10 – “The young lions lack and suffer hunger; but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.” A few nights ago I had a dream where I was laying on my face and began to lift myself up when I rolled over and fell back down but face up because my body was so tired and worn out. “Get up!” I heard. So I lifted my head and as I did I realized I was surrounded by hundreds of others like me who were battle worn and trying to gain the strength to get up but were struggling. Then out of nowhere I saw a lion running towards me and I instantly knew that this was the lion of the tribe of Judah! I wasn’t scared but it was a daunting moment not knowing what was going to happen. Then he pounced violently on me with his paws pinning down my hands and my feet. Then he roars loudly in my face and I hear these words “REST IS OVER, GET UP!” As soon as I heard those words through the roar I felt a shift as physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual strength rushed into me and I jumped up to my feet and began to yell and shout out of pure joy and untamed zeal. Strength had returned. But it was more than that. I felt like Samson who was sheared and weak suddenly being restored back to full strength, courage, and zeal. I felt the wild anointing of the lion of Judah coursing through me and like I was now ready to run again. Then I woke up feeling it in the natural. But I knew this wasn’t just for me. This is for the lions out there who have suffered hunger. The lions who have forgotten they are lions. The battle weary ones who have been struggling to get a second wind after a series of knock down seasons. And you have been in a waiting until God restored you because you even said “Lord unless you do this, I can’t go on! I can’t fake it or pretend. I need a full makeover!” And there’s been a grace to reset and detox, and you have felt the Lord even leading you into that. Because you know you just can’t rush into the next while neglecting your current state. So you leant in. And it’s been slow but it’s been happening. And what I also found interesting about this dream was that the lion pinned me down by all fours which reminded me of when Elijah laid on the dead boy to revive him in 1 Kings 17. But I will be direct and say what I feel the Lord saying to you. The resting has been needed. You have needed a personal overhaul and healing from the past season. But what if in a moment the Lord visits you and stands you to your feet? What if He suddenly says “Ok rest is over, GET UP!” It’s not Jesus saying “get over it”. It’s Him calling off your sick bed and healing you for the next chapter. It’s Him putting a a new spirit in you and a new heart and restoring your strength completely. So I know this is what the Lord is doing! And so I want to say to you by faith - GET UP in Jesus name! Come out of the past season. That day is over. Healing has come to you NOW in Jesus name. And then you know what will come next? A new roar will bellow up from within you and your voice that was hindered to beyond a whisper will bellow restored. And you will prophesy like the days it bubbled up form within you as natural as a song bird sings its song. And you will call forth the praises of God and His marvelous works like before you ever saw a dark night of the soul. And you will feel that ferocious, wild, John the Baptist anointing all over you like you were smeared by the oil of Samuel. And you will RESUME the calling the enemy thought he SHUT DOWN! Whoooooooooooo! I feel the fresh wind blowing on this. Lord stand them to their feet! Lord visit them in their sleep. Lord put a new roar in the bellies and strength in their knees! Because, lions… it’s time. It’s time to join the new lion pack and move into this new day dawning… “The lion has roared, who will not fear? The Sovereign LORD has spoken, who can but prophesy?” Amos 3:8 
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