Tonight as I was worshipping to the song, “Waymaker,” I had a vivid vision of the map of California after being in intercession all day for the State. As the song proclaimed, “you are way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness, that is who you are...” I saw a giant Golden Eagle hovering over the entire State, with its wingspan reaching from the Southern most tip of California, to the Northern most tip. It’s eyes were moving swiftly to and fro across the whole State and it’s talons were wide open and ready, as though it were hunting prey. The Eagle was glowing in a blinding gold and as it hovered, the gold that covered it, fell onto the land below it.
I then saw a picture of the land below the Eagle. Standing at the most Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western points of California were hundreds and hundreds of Watchman and Gatekeepers. Even though they were standing far apart from one another geographically, they were standing back to back, like a fortified unit facing outwards, defending the land. These were the prophets and intercessors, and they were anointed by God to drive out the darkness and protect the land from any other incoming predators.
With fire in their eyes, a sword in their hands and royal robes on their back, they began to shout in unison, like a mighty war cry, “We plead the Blood of Jesus over California. We plead the Blood over our land!” Their unified shouts rattled the earth and I then heard the deafening sound of a shofar trumpeting, and at the same time, the Golden Eagle began to shriek in a deafening cry. I could see the sound waves travel up and down across the entire State and wherever it touched, plagues of rats began to come out from the shadows and scurry into the light, confused and bewildered. No sooner did the rats appear, than did the Giant Eagle swoop down swiftly and scoop them up in its mighty talons and devour them all.
This war cry from the Watchman and the Gatekeepers, along with the sounding of the shofar and shrieking of the Eagle continued until every last rat was forced into the light and devoured. Like a dance of war, God’s sons and daughters voices somehow accelerated the movement of the Eagle. Somewhere in the middle of all this, I began to hear the sounds of worship rising from all over California. It grew louder and louder as the sound of the swarming rats diminished with every second that passed. At that moment, the song, “Waymaker” that I had been worshipping to as the vision played out, automatically switched to, “this is how I fight my battles.”
As this song played in the background, the Lord began to speak to my heart:
“California is mine. I will not allow her to go to waste. For the sake of my remnant in her lands, I will not allow the winds of perversion, or the fires of adversity to destroy her, for I have called her as mine. I have heard the cries of my chosen remnant, and I am drawing California to my heart, and I am leading her out. I am using my anointed Watchman and Gatekeepers to strategically work with My Spirit to drive out this present darkness and cover her in My Glory. A new song will come forth out of you, California. It is the song of restoration, the song of My protection, a song of joyous salvation and the song of my goodness over you. Today is a new day for you.”
I believe this vision and prophetic strategy of the Lord holds the keys of breakthrough for the State of California. Where the enemy has been attempting to ravage destruction through natural and supernatural means, through winds and fires, through demonically held government positions, through the homelessness epidemic, through abortion, the persecution of the church, and where he has attempted to seize every mountain of influence, God is moving SWIFTLY to OVERTURN EVERY violation. Through this intentional and unified front of prayer within the Body of Christ, I see divine strategies being released to God's people that carry the solutions of His heart for each one of these issues. Where the enemy has occupied these mountains, the simple, but effective prayers of God's sons and daughters is not only driving out the darkness, but He is re-writing the problems that the State is currently facing. I see God's people receiving divine strategies and instructions in their sleep, in visions and in impartations of the Holy Spirit. Pay attention to these blueprints, for God is going to lead you, even the least of these, before the kings of the earth to impart Solomon-style wisdom. The prayers of the saints are not only driving out the darkness and releasing HIs glory, but simultaneously calling down the strategies of heaven.
I prophesy over you this day that you will carry the intention and heart of the Father to rebuild the ancient ruins in this hour, and to raise up the former desolations that have been laid waste for many generations in California. In the coming twelve months, I see that divine strategies from heaven will be given to you and emerge onto the scene for the homelessness crisis, there are divine solutions for abortion, for the pornography industry, for the fires, for government and for every desolation. I see the Father strategically positioning and thrusting His people into sudden and unexpected seats of authority and favour. You will stand, representing the King of Kings, before the kings of the earth and they will desire your Wisdom and input in a matter. I see the Father moving His people also into positions of influence in Government and in Hollywood, both with high-seated politicians and also with celebrities, actors and producers. I also see divine strategies coming to the sons and daughters with how to reach the LGBTQ community. God's heart is for them and there is about to be a mass exodus from their slavery and into the Kingdom. You will strike the ground in California with His Kingdom, and just as we are beginning to see through the likes of Justin Beiber, and Kanye West, God is about to pour out His Spirit upon Hollywood. Hollywood shall be transformed into HOLY-WOOD!
God is moving mightily in California, and as we continue to intercede for her, we will see her heart turn. This heart change will come as a SUDDEN and UNEXPECTED surprise to the world, but it will be no surprise to you and I. The heart change is already well and truly in motion behind what the eyes can physically see.
I believe the strategy in this vision is encouraging to the Body of Christ to continue to cover the State from every direction, and INTENSIFY your prayers over her. We are breaking through. This is a call to arms to the ENTIRE church to PRAY in UNITY and declare the Blood of the Lamb over this land. As we take our stand of authority and declare that this is a land covered by Jesus, the enemy hordes will be driven out and be forced to 'passover' her, just like in the days of Egypt. I encourage you, if you are a Californian or American, cover her in prayer, not judgement. Cover her in intercession and worship, for this is how we fight our battles. The Way-maker and miracle-worker is on the move. He is brooding over California, looking for His Word to perform it.
When I researched about the Golden Eagle itself, I discovered that it is known for its swift abilities to hunt. It is more aggressive than its Bald Eagle counterpart, and amazingly, it does its best hunting in pairs. Just as I had seen in the vision, the Golden Eagle was on the hunt and it was partnered with the sons and daughters, causing their intercession to be strategic and effective. The Golden eagles have keen eyes and can spot the slightest movement from long distances, I believe the Father revealed to me this analogy to show that His eyes are intently upon California and He is eradicating the darkness THROUGH you! A swift driving out of darkness is taking place, as the Glory of God begins to rain down upon her.
But this is a people plundered and looted; they are all of them trapped in holes and hidden in prisons; they have become plunder with none to rescue, spoil with none to say, “Restore!”
Isaiah 42:22
God is shouting this day,
“Who will cry out, 'restore!' For California shall NOT be laid to WASTE! Today is the day of her salvation and RESTORATION! I have set her apart as My Golden State and my Glory shall be seen upon her, from the North to the South, to the East and to the West... I have called her by name, she is MINE! The days of her Glory Gold-Rush have begun!”
Below is the scripture I kept hearing in my heart as I saw this vision and heard the Fathers words. I believe it is his promise over the State of California.
Hosea 2:14-20
“Therefore I am now going to allure her;
I will lead her into the wilderness
and speak tenderly to her.
There I will give her back her vineyards,
and will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope.
There she will respond as in the days of her youth,
as in the day she came up out of Egypt.
“In that day,” declares the Lord,
“you will call me ‘my husband’;
you will no longer call me ‘my master .’
I will remove the names of the Baals from her lips;
no longer will their names be invoked.
In that day I will make a covenant for them
with the beasts of the field, the birds in the sky
and the creatures that move along the ground.
Bow and sword and battle
I will abolish from the land,
so that all may lie down in safety.
I will betroth you to me forever;
I will betroth you in righteousness and justice,
in love and compassion.
I will betroth you in faithfulness,
and you will acknowledge the Lord.