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Nate Johnston


Nate Johnston


I was in worship when I had a series of simple visions and revelations that I felt pertained to the next 2 months. 


In the first vision, I saw feet in chains and I was wondering why no one was freeing them when I heard Psalm 25:15;

"My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare” Psalm 25:15
I knew this was not only the deliverance and freedom to those who were bound but the redirecting of those who had been going in the wrong direction and wrong path. 
This was course correction and feet learning to walk on the right path. 
So many have been stuck for so long. There have been many diversions and so many distractions and mind games keeping people bound and afraid of trying to move forward. 
“But this is a people robbed and plundered;
All of them are snared in holes,

And they are hidden in prison houses;

They are for prey, and no one delivers;

For plunder, and no one says, “Restore!” Isaiah 42:22
I feel like many have been stuck in a time loop because of disappointment and fear of the future. Many are stuck in a moment of time when they felt like they crashed because they can’t understand why the last season ended the way it did. 
But there is coming such freedom to those called to MOVE with the Holy Spirit and the shattering of all limitations. 
Then the Lord spoke to me loud and clear “I am pouring out vision where there has been a drought and instruction where there has been no clear guidance forward. There will be a sudden surge of vision that will cause My people who have been feeling like they are dying without purpose to come back alive”. 
"Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law." Proverbs 28:19
“And it’s time for My heralds to rise up and reveal what’s to come! So write the vision and make it plain and run with it!”
Then the Lord replied:
“Write down the revelation
and make it plain on tablets
so that a herald may run with it." Habakkuk 2:2

After hearing this I felt like this will be a season of overflowing revelation where there has been such a hold-up and where many have had zero maps or guides to lead their families forward into the unknown. 
It’s been a blind trusting season but now we are going to see all the aligning, the intertwining, and the dots connecting. 
So open up your mouth and let Him fill it! Fresh vision is coming! 
In the next vision, I saw contracts laid out that were being signed and these contracts were for the acquisition of land and territory for the Kingdom of God, both in the natural and in the spiritual. 
Then I saw a pen signing these contracts and there was a sigh of relief that there would no longer be any hold-ups or red tape stopping the acquiring of the promise God gave to you many years ago. 
"For now, rapidly these delayed movements will be built, the 'dead in the water' movements will be resurrected because they had no expiry date, and now they will all spring up again", says the Lord. 
It’s time for the planting—it's time to drive your stake down deep in the earth. “Make your claim” is what I keep hearing. 
Harvest centers need to be built! The wave is coming and the Harvest needs to be in our sights. For the world is fearing food shortages but God is preparing places to be like Joseph’s food storage in the famine; this will be both in the natural and the spiritual. 
It’s time to birth mobilization centers that would be the hubs of revival around the earth; the Lord is saying that this is the time.
This is a time for the contracts that have been held up to finally be released. And the Lord says, "this is a time for those things that have been in limbo to finally come into being". 
And the Lord says, "this is a time for My people to inherit locations and to occupy, to occupy, to steward, and to take back regions from the enemy"
In the fourth vision, I saw blueprints and they were actual architectural drawings. There were things that the people had been stewarding with the Lord and dreaming with the Lord for such a long period of time. And I saw that some of these blueprints were actually quite old—some of them were 5 to 18 years old. And some of these blueprints had never actually been used to build anything yet. 
I felt like many people had dropped these blueprints because it had felt like such a long period of time that they hadn't been used and there was no point holding onto them any longer. 
But this is a season where the Lord is taking these blueprints and He's turning them into action plans. 
This is a season where He is taking what has been lifeless and dead and causing it to come back to life. 
There is an anointing that's coming to be able to turn blueprints into action plans and to be able to walk them out. 
Yes, this will be a season of physical steps and movement to make up for the years of being stuck and stationery. 
This is a season of seeing the promise with your very own eyes and the season of manifestation. You’ll say “I didn’t think I would see it in the natural but here it is in front of me!”.
Then I had a vision of a safety switch in front of me and heard “It's time to turn off the safety switch and hit the mark!".
I believe this is for the Church at large where we have elevated safety, the neat and tidy, and having our ducks in a row over the pursuit of the Spirit which often takes us on a messy yet fruitful route.
I also feel this is for the prophetic community right now who aren't called to stay in the shallow end of the pool—we must keep exhorting but there are also global matters we are supposed to be part of and deliver strategies and solutions for.
We must turn off the fear of man—and any other thing that has a hold on us—and hit the mark!
And I felt like this safety switch turning off was the Body of Christ breaking out of apathy, engaging in the hour at hand, and stepping into its weighty mantle in the Nations.
We are in a time where acting safe and not stepping out in risk to protect our reputations will cost us the next generation. 
But as we engage we will see the loosing of the fear of man and a courageous Church mobilized for an hour of history where we would see the turning of Nations back to the feet of Jesus. 
And then I heard the Lord say, "where the nations have raged, I'm now setting the stage". And I instantly heard Psalms two where it says, 
"How dare the nations plan a rebellion.
Their foolish plots are futile!” Pslams 2:1
The enemy thinks he has the Church cornered but this will be a season of his plans coming unstuck and overplayed, which will actually bring the ball back into our court. The raging of the Nations has only set up the next play and caused God's people to awaken and move into position. 
“Ask me to give you the nations and I will do it,
and they shall become your legacy.
Your domain will stretch to the ends of the earth.
And you will shepherd them with unlimited authority,
crushing their rebellion as an iron rod smashes jars of clay!’ Psalm 2:8
And I feel like the call to the Church in this hour is to stand up, to ask the Lord for the Nations. It is now time to step into the vacuum—the space that when the Nations are raging has created—all this chaos and turmoil has actually created a vacuum for the Kingdom of God to enter in.
And God is looking for those who would stand up and boldly and courageously occupy those regions and those places for the Kingdom of God. And we're going to see in this next season, such an incredible time of fruit, we're going to see such an incredible win for the Kingdom of God. As we begin to take back and occupy the territory that has looked like the enemy has won, but he has not. It's been a few times now that his rebellion has failed and the Body of Christ is rising up.
Then the last thing I heard was the word “fellowship” but spoken like fellow-ship. God is leading you to the people—your people—that are on the same mission as you. 
You will be led to the ship that is embarking on this same mission and you will find the people that are running in the same direction and called to occupy the same places that you are called to occupy. 
This is a season of synergy where you will find that God brings you kindred friends that speak the same language as you and are ready to storm the gates. 
It’s also a season of the refining of your current company as God reveals who is able to go forward with you. It will feel like the testing of hearts and relationships but ultimately God is leading you into a season of being supported and sharpened. 
As I write this I see a Roman tortoise formation and I believe this speaks of the season of the protection that this company will bring. 
The Roman Tortoise, or Testudo, formation is the interlocking of shields to form a shell-like barrier to protect from any enemy projectiles.
The purpose of this formation was for either one, or both, of these reasons:
  • Allow soldiers to advance toward the enemy safely,
  • Frustrate the enemy enough by their ineffectiveness in the long-range battle to force them to charge into the shield wall.
This will be a season of advancing confidently into the place God has for you with family by your side. 
So be encouraged that your stuck and grounded season is shifting right in this very moment! We may have been through a dark night season and feeing like our wings were clipped but now it's time to soar!

sow a seed

RELATED prophetic WORDS:

RELATED prophetic WORDS:

By Nate Johnston 18 Sep, 2024
(This is a word from Feb 2022 that came to mind this week because it is what i have sensed happening to many right now) In a vision i saw a swarm of hornet's filling the skies and with it came a suffocating hopelessness and heaviness that were trying to yet again clog up the horizon. And the Lord said, "This is what the attack of the enemy looks like in this hour. This is the assignment of the enemy in a time when I am pouring out fresh vision and fresh dreaming. "This is the attack of the enemy to create distraction. It’s the swarm of words and slander sent to get them looking at the enemy and his incessant noise instead of what I am doing. It’s sent to scatter and plant strife, slander, and restlessness in homes. "It’s sent to bring confusion, doubt, and double-mindedness over the vision I am releasing. "It’s sent to divide marriages, relationships, and people building together. "It’s sent to brood the spirit of madness and forfeit, over the hearts of those finally getting free of the battle season." This hornet's nest was an assignment of the enemy to try to sting the people of God, to try to sting the people of God through witchcraft and slander, and a shout out to discredit people that would just be getting back on their feet and stepping into a new day. This assignment was to come into sting people, so it would shut them down. "But this is an hour," says the Lord, "where you must stand firm, you must stay undistracted from this assignment of the enemy." And then the Lord said to me, "And this hornet's nest is an assignment of the enemy to get them caught up in all the things of the world, all the news reports and all the different fear and propaganda going on in the world. BUT I am countering this swarm with peace and clarity that they will only find by running into My Presence daily! I will protect their minds and keep them free of every entanglement. For right now, your eyes need to be marked—your eyes need to be clearly synced with My eyes. "I'm giving you Eagle eyes. I'm giving you eyes to see beyond where you have been—you've been in the wilderness, you've been in a dark season of not being able to see. You’ve not seen where I'm taking you but now you will see beyond circumstances and beyond even this season. Now will see how I see. "So do not fall for these Hornet's nests, do not fall for the sudden fires and sudden calamities that show up in the world around you that the enemy is trying to get you caught up in. Do not fall for the fear-mongering of the world, do not fall for those things, but hold the vision that I'm giving you and run with it, and make it plain." "For right now, I'm bringing deliverance to divided minds. I'm bringing deliverance to those who have been in two minds—for those who've been having one foot in the new door that I have for them and one foot in defeat and wanting to give up. Right now I'm bringing deliverance to those who have been living in trauma; those who have been living in a place of continual breakdown on the inside, but at the same time, grabbing hold of the new thing I'm doing. "And I say to you today, grab hold of what I have given you. Grab hold of the rope, grab hold of the lifeline that I've thrown you and do not let go, let it pull you out of the trauma," says the Lord, "for the days coming are days of wholeness, the days coming are days of freedom" says the Lord. "And right now I’m breaking every trigger and cycle in your life. I'm coming against every area that has been causing you to be pressed, causing you to be triggered and causing you to break down and be unable to run forward. Because the days are coming," says the Lord, "where you will build the very vision that I gave you long ago, you will build the vision—not the vision other people handed you but the vision I gave you—the vision I handed you, the blueprint I handed you. "I am right now de-cluttering you from every single hindrance, every single association that would cause you to backpedal and cause you to water down the vision I gave you. "You're stepping into a new wineskin blueprint for your life, and you will not compromise that vision anymore," says the Lord. "You are stepping over into power. You're stepping over into Kingdom influence and you're stepping over into fruit and fulfillment. "Get ready to begin to sign contracts, get ready to begin to hold in your hands the very vision that you thought was passed over, the very prayers and the promises that you thought that I have forgotten about. "The dreams that you thought you would never see again... "Get ready to hold it in your hands for the time is coming," says the Lord, "that I will fulfill every promise that I gave you."
By Nate Johnston 18 Sep, 2024
I have a word for you this week. The Lord says; “You are in a vision reset right now. That's why I'm beginning to highlight the areas in your life that have been crowding out my voice. I've been highlighting the things in your life that have been contaminants, flies in the ointment, stopping you from seeing clearly the path, the plan, and the purpose that I have for you” “For the last 4 years, you've been through much. You've weathered many storms. You've been through many difficult situations and dark nights of the soul. You've had many people in your ear that have brought DI-VISION and have thwarted my vision for your life. Right now, I am exposing all areas that have taken you off the path and off the trajectory of your purpose” “That is why, right now, you suddenly feel a discontent for the things you've been doing, even for some in the locations they've been doing them. That's why you've felt sudden discernment and red flags become stronger regarding certain people, alignments, and even mission. I know it's unsettling. I know it makes you feel lost. I know it makes you feel like you've detoured, but right now, I'm correcting your path” “Yes, in many ways, you'll have to look and realize there have been some Ishmaels, and there have been some places you've walked that I never called you to, and even people I never called you to. But do not fear and do not fret, and remove the condemnation, because I’m leading you back on track, says the Lord” “I'm bringing you back in alignment with the pure vision that I placed upon your life. This is a full circle moment where I bring you back to the place of your original purpose, back to the original dream, back to the original vision, back to the place where you come alive again” “Have you wondered why in the last 4 years it has felt like you lost your fire? You wondered why it feels like you've been toiling in vain, seeing no results and seeing no fruit for the plan that I have for you? It is because your vision has been tainted. Your vision has been contaminated. This has been the subtle plan of the enemy to get you off track and to burn you out” “Yes, weary pioneers. I'm speaking to you right now. This is the reason you've been weary, because you've been spreading yourself thin in areas that you've had no grace or anointing to operate in. There are even many that are in roles that I've not authorized them for. There's no grace and anointing for the things that I've not authorized you for, and you've burnt yourself out” “It has led many to a place of wanting to give up and run. But right now, I'm delivering you from the weariness and the burnout by leading you back to the purity of your vision. Leading you back to the purity of the original dream that I gave you, that makes you come alive again. It's going to feel like there are doors closing. It's going to feel like suddenly I uproot your heart from places that you have wanted to be secured in” “It's going to feel like suddenly I give you an unction to leave some of the circles and the rooms that you've been a part of. But it is not to rob you, but to free you, to bring you back to the place where you come alive and where you and I co-labor again with the pure vision that I've given you” “After the cross, Peter was lost and he went back to fishing because he was looking to find me. It was the place of his original encounter that his heart was longing for. And many right now are looking at going back as defeat. They're looking at it as a robbery, but it is going to be what ignites your original vision. It's going to be what brings you back to the place of experiencing my presence and my glory in a way that you've not known these last 4 years” “For you've only known depletion and burnout, and you've forgotten what it feels like to linger in my presence. You've forgotten what it feels like to burn with delight as my glory rests upon you, and you feel your womb shaking and trembling under the weight of my presence and my glory. But now you're coming back to that place, says the Lord. For I've not called you to be an intellectual Christian. I've not called you to be a Christian that operates by their emotions and their feelings” “I've called you to be a revivalist to the nations. And in this hour, I'm reigniting the original call and plan I had upon your life where I marked you in the secret place. I'm going to brand you afresh, says the Lord. I'm going to remind you of the words, the promises I gave you in that original encounter. I'm bringing you back to the place to reset your vision, reset your life back on track, to free you of burnout, and deliver you of every thumbprint and every bit of ownership that's been trying to rob you of your destiny or purpose” “I'm removing you from under the ceilings that you've been under, and I'm bringing you back into the wide-open space of my glory again, where you will see my kingdom. You will see what I'm doing in the earth that is untainted by the religion of man. I'm bringing you out from under the yokes of religion and the empires that have been trying to lord it over you for a long time. Yes, I'm bringing you back into a place of vision and dreaming with me again” “So get ready, pioneers, for I've already begun this work. I've already begun to lift the load, but the things that are coming to the surface of your soul are only to free you. I'm going to cause things to align in your life that don't make sense at first, but you'll see that it is I who is restoring you back to the purity and simplicity of relationship with me and the burning call for the nations”
By Nate Johnston 18 Sep, 2024
(This is a word from Feb 2022 that came to mind this week because it is what i have sensed happening to many right now) In a vision i saw a swarm of hornet's filling the skies and with it came a suffocating hopelessness and heaviness that were trying to yet again clog up the horizon. And the Lord said, "This is what the attack of the enemy looks like in this hour. This is the assignment of the enemy in a time when I am pouring out fresh vision and fresh dreaming. "This is the attack of the enemy to create distraction. It’s the swarm of words and slander sent to get them looking at the enemy and his incessant noise instead of what I am doing. It’s sent to scatter and plant strife, slander, and restlessness in homes. "It’s sent to bring confusion, doubt, and double-mindedness over the vision I am releasing. "It’s sent to divide marriages, relationships, and people building together. "It’s sent to brood the spirit of madness and forfeit, over the hearts of those finally getting free of the battle season." This hornet's nest was an assignment of the enemy to try to sting the people of God, to try to sting the people of God through witchcraft and slander, and a shout out to discredit people that would just be getting back on their feet and stepping into a new day. This assignment was to come into sting people, so it would shut them down. "But this is an hour," says the Lord, "where you must stand firm, you must stay undistracted from this assignment of the enemy." And then the Lord said to me, "And this hornet's nest is an assignment of the enemy to get them caught up in all the things of the world, all the news reports and all the different fear and propaganda going on in the world. BUT I am countering this swarm with peace and clarity that they will only find by running into My Presence daily! I will protect their minds and keep them free of every entanglement. For right now, your eyes need to be marked—your eyes need to be clearly synced with My eyes. "I'm giving you Eagle eyes. I'm giving you eyes to see beyond where you have been—you've been in the wilderness, you've been in a dark season of not being able to see. You’ve not seen where I'm taking you but now you will see beyond circumstances and beyond even this season. Now will see how I see. "So do not fall for these Hornet's nests, do not fall for the sudden fires and sudden calamities that show up in the world around you that the enemy is trying to get you caught up in. Do not fall for the fear-mongering of the world, do not fall for those things, but hold the vision that I'm giving you and run with it, and make it plain." "For right now, I'm bringing deliverance to divided minds. I'm bringing deliverance to those who have been in two minds—for those who've been having one foot in the new door that I have for them and one foot in defeat and wanting to give up. Right now I'm bringing deliverance to those who have been living in trauma; those who have been living in a place of continual breakdown on the inside, but at the same time, grabbing hold of the new thing I'm doing. "And I say to you today, grab hold of what I have given you. Grab hold of the rope, grab hold of the lifeline that I've thrown you and do not let go, let it pull you out of the trauma," says the Lord, "for the days coming are days of wholeness, the days coming are days of freedom" says the Lord. "And right now I’m breaking every trigger and cycle in your life. I'm coming against every area that has been causing you to be pressed, causing you to be triggered and causing you to break down and be unable to run forward. Because the days are coming," says the Lord, "where you will build the very vision that I gave you long ago, you will build the vision—not the vision other people handed you but the vision I gave you—the vision I handed you, the blueprint I handed you. "I am right now de-cluttering you from every single hindrance, every single association that would cause you to backpedal and cause you to water down the vision I gave you. "You're stepping into a new wineskin blueprint for your life, and you will not compromise that vision anymore," says the Lord. "You are stepping over into power. You're stepping over into Kingdom influence and you're stepping over into fruit and fulfillment. "Get ready to begin to sign contracts, get ready to begin to hold in your hands the very vision that you thought was passed over, the very prayers and the promises that you thought that I have forgotten about. "The dreams that you thought you would never see again... "Get ready to hold it in your hands for the time is coming," says the Lord, "that I will fulfill every promise that I gave you."
By Nate Johnston 18 Sep, 2024
I have a word for you this week. The Lord says; “You are in a vision reset right now. That's why I'm beginning to highlight the areas in your life that have been crowding out my voice. I've been highlighting the things in your life that have been contaminants, flies in the ointment, stopping you from seeing clearly the path, the plan, and the purpose that I have for you” “For the last 4 years, you've been through much. You've weathered many storms. You've been through many difficult situations and dark nights of the soul. You've had many people in your ear that have brought DI-VISION and have thwarted my vision for your life. Right now, I am exposing all areas that have taken you off the path and off the trajectory of your purpose” “That is why, right now, you suddenly feel a discontent for the things you've been doing, even for some in the locations they've been doing them. That's why you've felt sudden discernment and red flags become stronger regarding certain people, alignments, and even mission. I know it's unsettling. I know it makes you feel lost. I know it makes you feel like you've detoured, but right now, I'm correcting your path” “Yes, in many ways, you'll have to look and realize there have been some Ishmaels, and there have been some places you've walked that I never called you to, and even people I never called you to. But do not fear and do not fret, and remove the condemnation, because I’m leading you back on track, says the Lord” “I'm bringing you back in alignment with the pure vision that I placed upon your life. This is a full circle moment where I bring you back to the place of your original purpose, back to the original dream, back to the original vision, back to the place where you come alive again” “Have you wondered why in the last 4 years it has felt like you lost your fire? You wondered why it feels like you've been toiling in vain, seeing no results and seeing no fruit for the plan that I have for you? It is because your vision has been tainted. Your vision has been contaminated. This has been the subtle plan of the enemy to get you off track and to burn you out” “Yes, weary pioneers. I'm speaking to you right now. This is the reason you've been weary, because you've been spreading yourself thin in areas that you've had no grace or anointing to operate in. There are even many that are in roles that I've not authorized them for. There's no grace and anointing for the things that I've not authorized you for, and you've burnt yourself out” “It has led many to a place of wanting to give up and run. But right now, I'm delivering you from the weariness and the burnout by leading you back to the purity of your vision. Leading you back to the purity of the original dream that I gave you, that makes you come alive again. It's going to feel like there are doors closing. It's going to feel like suddenly I uproot your heart from places that you have wanted to be secured in” “It's going to feel like suddenly I give you an unction to leave some of the circles and the rooms that you've been a part of. But it is not to rob you, but to free you, to bring you back to the place where you come alive and where you and I co-labor again with the pure vision that I've given you” “After the cross, Peter was lost and he went back to fishing because he was looking to find me. It was the place of his original encounter that his heart was longing for. And many right now are looking at going back as defeat. They're looking at it as a robbery, but it is going to be what ignites your original vision. It's going to be what brings you back to the place of experiencing my presence and my glory in a way that you've not known these last 4 years” “For you've only known depletion and burnout, and you've forgotten what it feels like to linger in my presence. You've forgotten what it feels like to burn with delight as my glory rests upon you, and you feel your womb shaking and trembling under the weight of my presence and my glory. But now you're coming back to that place, says the Lord. For I've not called you to be an intellectual Christian. I've not called you to be a Christian that operates by their emotions and their feelings” “I've called you to be a revivalist to the nations. And in this hour, I'm reigniting the original call and plan I had upon your life where I marked you in the secret place. I'm going to brand you afresh, says the Lord. I'm going to remind you of the words, the promises I gave you in that original encounter. I'm bringing you back to the place to reset your vision, reset your life back on track, to free you of burnout, and deliver you of every thumbprint and every bit of ownership that's been trying to rob you of your destiny or purpose” “I'm removing you from under the ceilings that you've been under, and I'm bringing you back into the wide-open space of my glory again, where you will see my kingdom. You will see what I'm doing in the earth that is untainted by the religion of man. I'm bringing you out from under the yokes of religion and the empires that have been trying to lord it over you for a long time. Yes, I'm bringing you back into a place of vision and dreaming with me again” “So get ready, pioneers, for I've already begun this work. I've already begun to lift the load, but the things that are coming to the surface of your soul are only to free you. I'm going to cause things to align in your life that don't make sense at first, but you'll see that it is I who is restoring you back to the purity and simplicity of relationship with me and the burning call for the nations”
By Nate Johnston 17 Sep, 2024
As I was praying for this specific group of Wild One's, the Lord was highlighting specifically the Misfit Prophets, and He began to download the numerous reasons why these voices need to be brought to the forefront in this hour... 1. They Speak What Others Won’t: Misfit prophets aren’t confined by religious structures. They have no problem saying the things that make others uncomfortable, which is exactly what we need in this moment of spiritual compromise. 2. They See Through the Noise: While others may be distracted by the latest trends, the misfit prophets are tuned into heaven’s frequency. They can cut through the noise of the world to bring a word in season. 3. They Disrupt the Status Quo: They carry a mantle to challenge what’s “normal” in the church and society. They are the ones who shake things up, and right now, we need that disruption. 4. They Don’t Play by the Rules: Misfit prophets don’t operate by the traditions of man. They’ve been rejected by systems because they refuse to compromise, which makes them powerful vessels for the Lord’s raw truth. 5. They Call Out The Hidden Stuff: When sin is tolerated in the body of Christ, these prophets will confront it head-on, exposing what’s been covered and calling the church to repentance. 6. They See What’s Coming: Misfit prophets carry a unique ability to see future shifts that others overlook. Their unconventional ways allow them to discern what’s on the horizon. 7. They Carry Unfiltered Truth: Right now, we don’t need sugar-coated words. We need the unfiltered, uncomfortable truth that misfit prophets deliver without hesitation. 8. They Champion the Outcasts: Misfit prophets know what it’s like to be on the outside, and they are uniquely positioned to speak to the broken, the rejected, and the outcasts—those who are often overlooked by the mainstream church. 9. They Prophesy Outside the Camp: Their voice often comes from the wilderness, and it’s the wilderness voices that bring fresh fire. They’re not tied to systems, so they speak from the raw, untamed places of God’s heart. 10. They Carry Boldness for Battle: Misfit prophets aren’t afraid of confrontation. They know how to stand in spiritual warfare and declare the hard things, even when the church is too scared to address it. 11. They Are Unmoved by Popular Opinion: They don’t care about likes, follows, or applause. Misfit prophets are more concerned with heaven’s approval than the praise of man, making their message pure. 12. They Call the Church Back to Her First Love: Misfit prophets remind the church of her true identity. They call her away from performance and back to intimacy with Jesus. 13. They See Through Religious Deception: Where religious spirits have snuck in to pervert the gospel, misfit prophets expose the lies and bring truth to the forefront. 14. They Have Endured the Fire: Many misfit prophets have walked through rejection, pain, and wilderness seasons, and their words carry the weight of that fire-tested authority. 15. They Are Not Afraid of Rejection: Having been rejected by man, misfit prophets know how to lean on the Lord for validation. Their words don’t cater to those who reject them—they speak what God gives them without fear. 16. They Bring Radical Innovation: Misfit prophets don’t just prophesy—they often bring creative, out-of-the-box solutions for problems in the church and society that others have missed. 17. They Release a New Sound: Misfit prophets carry a fresh, untainted sound from heaven. This sound shakes the atmosphere and calls people to attention in a way that familiar voices cannot. 18. They Call Out the Religious Spirit: Misfit prophets have no tolerance for the religious spirit that controls and manipulates the church. They tear down those false altars and lead people into authentic encounters with God. 19. They Are Voices of Justice: Misfit prophets are passionate about justice. They have no issue calling out injustice, whether it’s in the world or within the church, and they advocate for those who have no voice. 20. They Carry the Mantle for Revival: Above all, misfit prophets are wired for revival. They’re not interested in maintaining the status quo—they’re here to see God’s kingdom invade earth. We need their voice to ignite the flames of revival and prepare the way for what God is doing next. Are you a misfit prophet? Take these points as confirmation...that you are being elevated and positioned in this hour for a divine reason. It's time to raise your voice because we need to hear it! 
By Nate Johnston 13 Sep, 2024
We flew into California a few days ago and felt the Lord telling us to go to Pirates Cove to declare “Lord do it again!” That night I had a dream where I am holding a frisbee and throwing it across the waters to the nations in the direction of Australia. As I throw it I began to groan in the spirit and cry out “Lord let a new Jesus movement erupt from these shores once again!” Then I saw something begin to fly back at me from the horizon that carried a loud whirring/buzzing sound then I caught it. It was a boomerang like one I had when I was a kid but had sounded like a “bull-roarer” that was used by the Australian First Nations as communication. It was ancient and worn yet solid and sturdy. It was the boomerang of revival from the nation of Australia! Then I stepped back and threw it back out across the waters and declared “Lord finish what you started in the nations!” Then I looked out across the waters and then again, I could make out an object coming back at me and I caught it. It was the frisbee! This repeated itself over and over as I would throw the frisbee out and declare, and then the boomerang. What is the Lord saying? Just as in the days of the Jesus people movement where God used Lonnie Frisbee as the catalyst for revival that started in California and spread to the nations, there is coming a new sound of revival from these very shores once again. But there is another sound, and it’s the sound of the Australian boomerang and bull-roarer that is right now in its birthing. From the depths of apathy is erupting a new sound of worship and a fresh move of God from the shores of my homeland that is going to ROAR across the nations! And just as it’s been prophesied that Australia and America would link arms for an end times move of God, I believe what I was witnessing was the handshake in the heavens and the SYMPHONY in the spirit that is going to take place with these two nations that will then cause the song in other nations to come forth. The frisbee and the boomerang are primitive and humble yet both powerful and the Lord is saying through this that He is going to use the unlikely and understated. He is going to use the misfits and the outcasts for this move of God. It’s going to be grassroots and organic. Raw and messy. But yet it’s going to be the biggest harvest the earth has yet seen. Lou Engle also had a dream about this same thing in 2020 where he saw Lonnie Frisbee standing as a symbolic figure for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit, similar to the Jesus Movement. In the dream Frisbee said, “There’s going to be another Jesus Movement, only this time it’s going to be with signs and wonders.” Lou felt the Lord impressing upon him that, just as Frisbee had been a key player in the revival of the 1960s and 70s, God was preparing to use a new generation of people—those who felt disqualified or broken—to bring about a fresh wave of revival. What if we were right now on the precipice of a revolution once again? What if the Holy Spirit is saying “The sound of revival is emerging from the midst of ruins!” There’s never been a better time for it. DO IT AGAIN LORD!
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