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Nate Johnston


Nate Johnston



A week ago, I had a profound dream—one of the many audible dreams I often have. In this dream, I heard a phrase: "I'm opening the divine playbook!"

We know what a playbook is in sports—a strategy book where a team devises particular moves and strategies to counteract the other team and figure out how to get the ball. I believe this speaks to what is happening globally right now. We can see the enemy's play overtly and obviously, but what about God's playbook?

We are in a moment where the divine playbook is opened up. In Psalm 2, you see an interesting dialogue of actions and plays.

Let's look at verses 1-6:

Act I – The Nations Speak

- How dare the nations plan a rebellion.

their foolish plots are futile!

- Look at how the power brokers of the world

Rise up to hold their summit

- As the ruler's scheme and confer together

against Yahweh and His Anointed King, saying: "Let's come together and break away from the Creator. Once and for all let's cast off these controlling chains of God and His Christ!"

Act II – God Speaks

- God-Enthroned merely laughs at them;

the Sovereign One mocks their madness!

- Then, with the fierceness of His fiery anger,

He settles the issue and terrifies them to death with these words:

- "I myself have poured out My King on Zion, My holy mountain."

Can you see the two playbooks in action? For years, we have seen the enemy's plays in the news, media, church, and every facet of society.

We see the antichrist agenda that is working against America, using elites and people in power who feel they have the upper hand, even acting like gods.

There's been a direct move against Christianity in the last 60 years, where we've seen the Ten Commandments removed from schools, and demonic narratives and ideologies have spread throughout schools, culture, family life, and issues of gender.

It's preached loudly and has even caused the church to feel inadequate and powerless, but we are about to see the divine playbook open up on a global scale!

We know that at the end of the playbook, God wins. From now until that final victory when Jesus returns, we're going to see this divine playbook open up in supernatural ways.


As I was reflecting on the playbook dream, I heard, "As I open up the scroll, you will move from divine opposition to divine opportunity!"

In 2020, we saw the global rise of the epoch of divine opposition. While God was not the author of it—this was the enemy's playbook in full display—God allowed the church to face these challenges because we had become comfortable, compromised, and lost our fire.

Now, we are transitioning from divine opposition into divine opportunity. The church is awakening and realizing that action is required—there needs to be a pushback, a fight. In this hour of deep desperation, the church is no longer clinging to its comforts or its safety.

The church's ears are now open to hear the true word of the Lord, whereas they were closed in 2020.

You would think that a pandemic would have driven the church to the feet of Jesus, but instead, it drove much of the church deeper into the swirl of culture. So, God needed to allow the church to be shaken so that who she really was could come forth.

That's why we've seen shakings, empires falling, and people being exposed—because God has used this season of divine opposition to reposition the church.

He has taken the keys and authority in regions from leaders who have not stewarded them well and has given them to those with a heart like David. We have started the shift from a Saul kingdom to a David kingdom.

God is restoring the fallen altar of the church so that we can actually be the church that shines amidst all the demonic propaganda trying to steal our nation, our kids, and our families. That is what God is doing right now as we enter this season of divine opportunity.

It's easy to look at what's happening in the world—the financial system crashing, looming famine, the potential for another pandemic—and begin to prophesy through fear, but that hasn't served us well in the past.

We need to be like the sons of Issachar, who not only understood the times but also knew what to do with that knowledge.

"Of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their command" (1 Chronicles 12:32).

They had the insight to recognize the times they were living in and implement the right strategies and solutions to counteract the enemy and initiate God's plans.

With this season of divine opportunity before us, we need to do the same without hiding under a rock or denying the negative realities.

Right now, we need to decide whether we will look through the eyes of fear, bury our heads in the sand, try to stay comfortable, or tap into the redemptive plan of the Lord.

Let me say it again: This is not a moment to hide; it's a moment of divine opportunity. The church is shifting into a place of being a voice in the nations, rising up to be influential and speaking into situations to see shifts in crucial areas.

In this next season, you'll see key players arise. We don't need just to tell the news—we can all read the news. You don't have to be prophetic to react to the news; that's not prophetic. What's prophetic is being able to look at the times, tap into the heart of God, and ask, "God, what are you doing right now in this hour?"


We're in a days-of-Elijah moment, like when Elijah went to Mount Carmel for a showdown, which was actually an intercessory moment and a cleansing.

If you look at that moment as a cleansing, you'll recognize that the prophets of Baal were, in many ways, like a church that has not been in a relationship with God but has been in bed with culture. God used that moment to cleanse the church and the land of what was defiled so that the drought could break and the rain could come.

Right now, if we're looking correctly at this moment, we can see that the nation of America turning back to God involves breaking the agreements we've made through our compromise and restoring what has been broken down.

Just as Roe v. Wade set in motion a curse over the land, God has been raising up a people for many years who would tear down that altar and covenant so that we could enter back into the fullness of what the nation was meant to be.

Christy and I believe our calling here in America is to see not just the fall of Goliath, which we believe Roe v. Wade represented, but also to see Goliath's brothers chased out of the land. What happens in America influences Australia, which is why we know our calling here is significant. We have definitely shifted into a season of divine opportunity.

For the body of Christ, this means engaging. We need to stop pandering to culture and the fear of man and shift into a place of being a voice and an influence.

This really comes down to shaking off the fear of man and being the voices God has called us to be. We are entering times where it may feel like persecution, but I believe the days of being secret or hidden justice fighters are over. We have to rise up and be the voices that God has called us to be.


The message of the hour is that we are entering the days of the REVEALING of the true church.

While many are looking at the end times as this apocalyptic Armageddon, the word apocalypse actually means "the revealing." So regardless of what the enemy's playbook is, God's playbook is going to only shine brighter and reveal Himself in the earth.

Yes, we are stepping into the days of the great revealing of the church.

The revealing of the pure bride and the revealing of the promiscuous bride.

After many years of intense fire and warfare, we are truly entering days of greater glory. I saw it as no coincidence that I had this dream on 8:18:

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us" (Romans 8:18).

We are entering a shift of power! The enemy has felt like he has usurped the church of power, but now we are entering the days of the power-packed church arising!

It's time for a Pentecost-proportioned move of the Spirit where we leave our earthly wisdom and achievements behind and surrender to the Spirit once again.


In this hour of divine opportunity, we need to focus less on what the enemy is doing and tap into the newscast of heaven.

It's not that we shouldn't talk about what is happening in the world—we definitely should—but what gets more airtime: the enemy's agenda or what God is doing?

The opportunity is this: just as Joseph was brought from obscurity before Pharaoh to save a nation, God is raising up and revealing His church in all metrons and societal spheres on earth.

We need to be engaged in policies and government and not bury our heads in the sand.

We need to pray for the revelation of the church and for Christians to rise up in areas of influence so we can see God's redemptive plan in His divine playbook revealed.

There are divine opportunities for the body of Christ right now to be revealed where the enemy is wreaking the most havoc so we can see a take-back and a shift of power.

That's what I believe God is doing—there are going to be some supernatural shifts in the coming years, accompanied by incredible tension.

We need to tell the body of Christ that this tension will be between demonic darkness spreading in certain areas and the revealing of God's plan simultaneously.

There will be wars, shakings, natural disasters, and financial issues, but if we only focus on those things, we will only see the deep darkness spreading over the earth.

God wants us to focus on His redemptive plan in His divine playbook.

I have more specifics to share from this encounter, but for now, know that God's plans are about to be seen globally through you and me!

Over the next year, God is going to pour out dreams and strategies, blueprints, and wisdom to those who ask for it.

He is going to bring you before kings with the word of the Lord to shift power regionally and nationally.

He is handing out keys of authority to take back what has been compromised and broken.

And He is giving you a voice and a zeal to see your nation and the nations of the earth return to God and chase the giants out of the land!


RELATED prophetic WORDS:

RELATED prophetic WORDS:

By Nate Johnston 13 Sep, 2024
We flew into California a few days ago and felt the Lord telling us to go to Pirates Cove to declare “Lord do it again!” That night I had a dream where I am holding a frisbee and throwing it across the waters to the nations in the direction of Australia. As I throw it I began to groan in the spirit and cry out “Lord let a new Jesus movement erupt from these shores once again!” Then I saw something begin to fly back at me from the horizon that carried a loud whirring/buzzing sound then I caught it. It was a boomerang like one I had when I was a kid but had sounded like a “bull-roarer” that was used by the Australian First Nations as communication. It was ancient and worn yet solid and sturdy. It was the boomerang of revival from the nation of Australia! Then I stepped back and threw it back out across the waters and declared “Lord finish what you started in the nations!” Then I looked out across the waters and then again, I could make out an object coming back at me and I caught it. It was the frisbee! This repeated itself over and over as I would throw the frisbee out and declare, and then the boomerang. What is the Lord saying? Just as in the days of the Jesus people movement where God used Lonnie Frisbee as the catalyst for revival that started in California and spread to the nations, there is coming a new sound of revival from these very shores once again. But there is another sound, and it’s the sound of the Australian boomerang and bull-roarer that is right now in its birthing. From the depths of apathy is erupting a new sound of worship and a fresh move of God from the shores of my homeland that is going to ROAR across the nations! And just as it’s been prophesied that Australia and America would link arms for an end times move of God, I believe what I was witnessing was the handshake in the heavens and the SYMPHONY in the spirit that is going to take place with these two nations that will then cause the song in other nations to come forth. The frisbee and the boomerang are primitive and humble yet both powerful and the Lord is saying through this that He is going to use the unlikely and understated. He is going to use the misfits and the outcasts for this move of God. It’s going to be grassroots and organic. Raw and messy. But yet it’s going to be the biggest harvest the earth has yet seen. Lou Engle also had a dream about this same thing in 2020 where he saw Lonnie Frisbee standing as a symbolic figure for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit, similar to the Jesus Movement. In the dream Frisbee said, “There’s going to be another Jesus Movement, only this time it’s going to be with signs and wonders.” Lou felt the Lord impressing upon him that, just as Frisbee had been a key player in the revival of the 1960s and 70s, God was preparing to use a new generation of people—those who felt disqualified or broken—to bring about a fresh wave of revival. What if we were right now on the precipice of a revolution once again? What if the Holy Spirit is saying “The sound of revival is emerging from the midst of ruins!” There’s never been a better time for it. DO IT AGAIN LORD!
By Nate Johnston 13 Sep, 2024
When we landed in Australia in April this year, I kept hearing a phrase in my spirit: “We're in the early hours of revival.” A week later, the Lord spoke it to me in a different way: “We're in the early hours of labor.” Many women know what this feels like—the pain, the pressure, the discomfort, and the fear of the unknown. But in a spiritual sense, the "early hours of birth" represents the beginning of a significant new phase, breakthrough, or change. It’s a time of preparation, anticipation, and the first signs of new life or a new season. This is what many are feeling right now—that uncomfortable tension between expectation and discomfort. It’s not time to rush to the hospital, but the early contractions are beginning. The pain. The pressure. The fear of the unknown. I felt it, and I see many feeling it too, not just in Australia but around the world. I believe this is where we are right now. In the natural, you can see the chaos, the unrest, the darkness trying to overwhelm the light. You can see the political and cultural turmoil, and it may feel like nothing is happening or that the world is going in reverse. But if you tap into the spirit and discern what God is doing, you’ll feel what I feel. We are in the early hours of birth! Romans 8:22 tells us, “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present tim e.” Right now, while we are in these early hours, the labor pangs across the earth are becoming more frequent and intense. To many, they aren’t obvious yet, but you can sense that something is stirring in the spirit, something that wasn’t there yesterday. These moments may not seem significant, but they are holy, sacred, and pivotal. I believe the enemy is trying to divert the church’s eyes away from the baby about to be born, focusing instead on the swirling confusion in the world. We’ve been experiencing spiritual earthquakes—shakings that are reforming and unsettling. But this is not to destroy us; it’s preparing us for a divine rumbling and positioning us for birth! This shaking is reigniting the fire in our bellies, stirring fervor, and aligning us with the Holy Spirit for the hour ahead. ARE YOU IN PREGNANCY DENIAL? This is why the enemy has been attacking you, especially in this last trimester. He’s trying to convince you that you’re crazy to think you’ll ever give birth. You’ve had moments of deep reflection, questioning, "Was this really God? Was it real? Did I misunderstand everything?" These thoughts are the enemy’s strategy to abort the promise before it even arrives. He wants you to believe that you’ve been chasing an illusion, that you’re not pregnant with anything from God. Many have thought, "This idea I’m carrying won’t amount to anything," or, "My message and mandate aren’t unique—others are more gifted than me." Some have even felt, "I must be delusional. I don’t have anything special." In the natural, there’s a rare condition called “denial of pregnancy,” where a woman is unaware of or in denial about her pregnancy until labor or delivery. I believe many are in a similar spiritual condition—denial of their spiritual pregnancy. Many have felt unsettled because they sense the early contractions of spiritual labor, knowing something is being birthed. Yet, at the same time, they feel a deep despair, questioning whether the promise they were given is even real. The enemy is attacking in the very area where God is moving the most in your life—both around you and within you. What God is birthing in the earth, He is also birthing in you, through the revealing of His sons and daughters. You are part of this corporate birthing, and God wants to bring forth His move through you. That’s why the attack has been both global and personal. I want to encourage you today: You are carrying something precious, even if you don’t see it or fully realize it yet. And secondly, know that nothing happening in this world—no political system, government, or global power—can stop God from birthing this move of revival. You and I get to be a part of it! We’re in the early hours of birth, both personally and corporately. It’s time to reignite our fire, reclaim our fight, and push forward. The early hours are here, my friends. It’s time to see, finally, the fulfillment of what you’ve been dreaming about for years and even decades. Stand ready, for the promise is coming to life!
By Nate Johnston 13 Sep, 2024
We flew into California a few days ago and felt the Lord telling us to go to Pirates Cove to declare “Lord do it again!” That night I had a dream where I am holding a frisbee and throwing it across the waters to the nations in the direction of Australia. As I throw it I began to groan in the spirit and cry out “Lord let a new Jesus movement erupt from these shores once again!” Then I saw something begin to fly back at me from the horizon that carried a loud whirring/buzzing sound then I caught it. It was a boomerang like one I had when I was a kid but had sounded like a “bull-roarer” that was used by the Australian First Nations as communication. It was ancient and worn yet solid and sturdy. It was the boomerang of revival from the nation of Australia! Then I stepped back and threw it back out across the waters and declared “Lord finish what you started in the nations!” Then I looked out across the waters and then again, I could make out an object coming back at me and I caught it. It was the frisbee! This repeated itself over and over as I would throw the frisbee out and declare, and then the boomerang. What is the Lord saying? Just as in the days of the Jesus people movement where God used Lonnie Frisbee as the catalyst for revival that started in California and spread to the nations, there is coming a new sound of revival from these very shores once again. But there is another sound, and it’s the sound of the Australian boomerang and bull-roarer that is right now in its birthing. From the depths of apathy is erupting a new sound of worship and a fresh move of God from the shores of my homeland that is going to ROAR across the nations! And just as it’s been prophesied that Australia and America would link arms for an end times move of God, I believe what I was witnessing was the handshake in the heavens and the SYMPHONY in the spirit that is going to take place with these two nations that will then cause the song in other nations to come forth. The frisbee and the boomerang are primitive and humble yet both powerful and the Lord is saying through this that He is going to use the unlikely and understated. He is going to use the misfits and the outcasts for this move of God. It’s going to be grassroots and organic. Raw and messy. But yet it’s going to be the biggest harvest the earth has yet seen. Lou Engle also had a dream about this same thing in 2020 where he saw Lonnie Frisbee standing as a symbolic figure for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit, similar to the Jesus Movement. In the dream Frisbee said, “There’s going to be another Jesus Movement, only this time it’s going to be with signs and wonders.” Lou felt the Lord impressing upon him that, just as Frisbee had been a key player in the revival of the 1960s and 70s, God was preparing to use a new generation of people—those who felt disqualified or broken—to bring about a fresh wave of revival. What if we were right now on the precipice of a revolution once again? What if the Holy Spirit is saying “The sound of revival is emerging from the midst of ruins!” There’s never been a better time for it. DO IT AGAIN LORD!
By Nate Johnston 13 Sep, 2024
When we landed in Australia in April this year, I kept hearing a phrase in my spirit: “We're in the early hours of revival.” A week later, the Lord spoke it to me in a different way: “We're in the early hours of labor.” Many women know what this feels like—the pain, the pressure, the discomfort, and the fear of the unknown. But in a spiritual sense, the "early hours of birth" represents the beginning of a significant new phase, breakthrough, or change. It’s a time of preparation, anticipation, and the first signs of new life or a new season. This is what many are feeling right now—that uncomfortable tension between expectation and discomfort. It’s not time to rush to the hospital, but the early contractions are beginning. The pain. The pressure. The fear of the unknown. I felt it, and I see many feeling it too, not just in Australia but around the world. I believe this is where we are right now. In the natural, you can see the chaos, the unrest, the darkness trying to overwhelm the light. You can see the political and cultural turmoil, and it may feel like nothing is happening or that the world is going in reverse. But if you tap into the spirit and discern what God is doing, you’ll feel what I feel. We are in the early hours of birth! Romans 8:22 tells us, “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present tim e.” Right now, while we are in these early hours, the labor pangs across the earth are becoming more frequent and intense. To many, they aren’t obvious yet, but you can sense that something is stirring in the spirit, something that wasn’t there yesterday. These moments may not seem significant, but they are holy, sacred, and pivotal. I believe the enemy is trying to divert the church’s eyes away from the baby about to be born, focusing instead on the swirling confusion in the world. We’ve been experiencing spiritual earthquakes—shakings that are reforming and unsettling. But this is not to destroy us; it’s preparing us for a divine rumbling and positioning us for birth! This shaking is reigniting the fire in our bellies, stirring fervor, and aligning us with the Holy Spirit for the hour ahead. ARE YOU IN PREGNANCY DENIAL? This is why the enemy has been attacking you, especially in this last trimester. He’s trying to convince you that you’re crazy to think you’ll ever give birth. You’ve had moments of deep reflection, questioning, "Was this really God? Was it real? Did I misunderstand everything?" These thoughts are the enemy’s strategy to abort the promise before it even arrives. He wants you to believe that you’ve been chasing an illusion, that you’re not pregnant with anything from God. Many have thought, "This idea I’m carrying won’t amount to anything," or, "My message and mandate aren’t unique—others are more gifted than me." Some have even felt, "I must be delusional. I don’t have anything special." In the natural, there’s a rare condition called “denial of pregnancy,” where a woman is unaware of or in denial about her pregnancy until labor or delivery. I believe many are in a similar spiritual condition—denial of their spiritual pregnancy. Many have felt unsettled because they sense the early contractions of spiritual labor, knowing something is being birthed. Yet, at the same time, they feel a deep despair, questioning whether the promise they were given is even real. The enemy is attacking in the very area where God is moving the most in your life—both around you and within you. What God is birthing in the earth, He is also birthing in you, through the revealing of His sons and daughters. You are part of this corporate birthing, and God wants to bring forth His move through you. That’s why the attack has been both global and personal. I want to encourage you today: You are carrying something precious, even if you don’t see it or fully realize it yet. And secondly, know that nothing happening in this world—no political system, government, or global power—can stop God from birthing this move of revival. You and I get to be a part of it! We’re in the early hours of birth, both personally and corporately. It’s time to reignite our fire, reclaim our fight, and push forward. The early hours are here, my friends. It’s time to see, finally, the fulfillment of what you’ve been dreaming about for years and even decades. Stand ready, for the promise is coming to life!
By Nate Johnston 10 Sep, 2024
If you are like me in this season (and I know many of you are) where you are constantly asking God the same questions “What are you doing, where are we going?” then you know that you are setting yourself up for both encounter and revelation because there is nothing God loves more than when we are pursuing Him and expectant to know what is on His heart. This prophetic word is more or less just my continued conversation with God for clarity and definition of this time we are in. NEW EASE, YOKES, & ENCOUNTERS A few nights ago I woke up feeling God’s presence sensing He was going to speak. “There is slipstream of my Spirit” I heard Him say. A slipstream is the flow of air or water behind a moving object that enables another object when in close proximity behind it to move effortlessly in its motion. It’s interesting to me that to step into the slipstream you have first been following the right object and secondly, you have to get close. This is God saying to us that as we stop being distracted by everything else wanting our attention and pursue only Him we will not only step into His slipstream where it’s no longer in our own strength but we will also experience the acceleration we have been praying for. The key here is both attention and intimacy. We need to get close to Him and un-yoked with everything else that keeps pulling us in many different directions. If we are yoked to the wrong vehicle we won’t end up where God wants us and we will be exhausted and worn out. We have to yoke with Him and let Him carry us in this part of the transition! Right now many people are running around like its a Black Friday sale and the Lord is wanting you to step into the flow of transition instead of working against it or tiring yourself out trying to figure it all out. REST IN THE FLOW! This is a time of fresh encounter for you that is NECESSARY for what’s ahead. You can’t skip this step, God is inviting you into a makeover of His Glory that is going to remove every weight and burden and cause you to fall in love with Him in a way you haven’t known. Remember, this transition isn’t a life event, it’s the product of intimacy with Jesus and Him taking you from glory to Glory. EXITS, CLOSING DOORS, & DEFINITION The next thing I saw as I woke up were many doors in a long hallway that were closing, but what I noticed in this short vision was that as the doors closed it began to highlight an open door down the end of the corridor that had lighting shining out of it. This is a time that God is removing the wrong things from the equation. Dreams, affections, ventures, and doors that while they may look good would be diversions to the ones God had assigned. I instantly thought “This is going to cause heartache” and heard God say “Not if they adjust their eyes to SEE what I’m revealing”. Closed doors are sudden and unexplained exits from different situations, circles, and assignments that can cause so much confusion and pain but right now God is pulling many people out of wrong environments and situations and into places conducive for growth. As I think back to the vision of the doors it was as if the closed doors only painted a huge big neon arrow in the direction of the open door. When God removes empty options it actually brings greater clarity and alignment to your process and DEFINES the timing. Right now there is such an acceleration on the process that soon we will see the expiry date on the waiting we have been in. Don’t fight, resist and kick back against this because it is only working for you to clear away the distractions and highlight what you need to be focussed on. DELAY, DIRECTIONS & COORDINATES Many have been in deep distress over the many decisions around them that need to be made and the many answers and wisdom they need to be able to advance. More than just a crossroad it feels like a complete standstill waiting for the final pieces of this play to be revealed. So many things are up in the air - jobs, homes, relocations, ministry changes, friendships, families, dreams and projects. As I was talking to the Lord He spoke to me through Daniel 10:12-13; “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days” Instantly the revelation came; Daniel was in prayer and fasting for an answer which was held up in the second heavens for 21 days as an angel and a demonic principality fought. 21 is the number that represents distress and is a unique cycle of time where strongholds lose their footing. I felt that this was significant of breaking through into clarity and past specific delays sent to hinder seeing properly. The word “Persia” means “division” so this assignment comes to scatter and DI-vide your vision so you feel lost and like God is not answering you. As I was talking to the Lord about this I kept seeing a map on a phone giving directions where it details not only the route but gives the timing as well. In the next few weeks God is updating your transitional navigation revelation and updating your direction, route, and giving your specific details and insight on your destination and finally - the timing of the journey. As the new direction comes you will be able to MOVE forward in ways you haven’t been able to. All of the distress and stretching you have been facing is going to be worth it. PROVISION, SUSTENANCE, & FAITHFULNESS There is a display of God’s goodness and faithfulness He wants to release to you right now to REMIND you that you don’t have to be the hero trying to orchestrate every facet of your life in transition. Just because the heat is on and you have to continually adapt and surrender to change doesn’t mean you are alone having to do this “self-made”. As I sat there in Gods presence just soaking up the peace He was releasing a scripture bubbled up from my spirit; “But you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.” — Psalm 81:17 Can we just land this right here? Wow, this says it all. Just like the Israelites in the desert that God gave water to from the rock, God wants us to feed and be satisfied on honey as we walk out this transition. That’s resting in His provision, His plan, His sustenance, and His presence. I felt like the honey was prophetically speaking of those who have felt like they had become frail and deficient throughout this season and God was right now giving them back strength, strength, and returning sweetness to their lives where long and difficult situations had zapped them. As I’m writing this down I feel strongly that the Lord is wanting to heal people who actually feel bitter because it’s been so long since they have tasted God’s goodness or faithfulness. Holy Spirit I ask you right now to refresh them and let them taste your honey where they have only tasted disappointment in Jesus name. It’s a new day. REST, WARFARE, & PROTECTION Friends you have been the hamster in the wheel long enough in this journey, now it’s time to rest in His ability to guide your ship safely to harbour in your new land. Jesus has already gone before you as your fore-runner. There are no surprises to Him and there is nothing to fear ahead. He knows your coordinates, where you have been and where you need to be, and He is making sure you get there. The key here is REST. Rest from trying to make things happen. Rest from striving, pushing, prodding, pacing, fighting, and working yourself into an anxious wreck. You will pass the test as you rest in his ability, in fact, if you don’t rest God is unable to properly reformat you for the new place you are stepping into. Moses was unable to enter the promised land -REST, because when God provided the rock full of water He disobeyed God by striking it with his rod instead of just speaking to it. How often do we do things our way when God wants us to watch HIM do the mighty miracles we need? I feel that God’s rest and abiding in His presence is the strategy for the season. Yes it’s our lifestyle as believers but right now it’s also a prophetic strategy. It’s been a time where the assignment of hell has been to bombard you with so much witchcraft, chatter, resistance and opposition, and distraction to put a spirit of heaviness in you. The assignment has also been to bring you into temptation and slipping into the wrong kind of escape so he can trip you up and catch you out. Rest and being In God’s presence will realign your priorities and activities so that you aren’t burning out, as well as Insulate you from the constant torrent of noise. We HAVE to deal with warfare differently right now. We need to know when we have to swing our sword and when to ascend the mountain. I am praying this week that you would trade in the anxiety and confusion of this season for the fresh oil and wine, that you’d trade in the hard uphill battle for the ease, the old heavy yoke for the light an easy one, and step into slipstream of his Spirit in Jesus name!
By Nate Johnston 08 Sep, 2024
A few nights ago, I had a dream where I was watching wheat and tares being separated, much like the parable in Matthew 13. It was harvest time because the wheat was heavy with grain, bending the stalks under its weight, while the tares stood straight and tall. As the parable says, it's during the harvest that you can easily see the difference between the two. When they are smaller, they are nearly indistinguishable. But suddenly, in my dream, the wheat and tares began to change shape until they became spears. The wheat spears, however, were made of metal, and the tares were made of wood. Then, they were both thrown into the fire and taken to an anvil, where they were beaten with a hammer. This process happened repeatedly, over and over. “Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest, I will say to the reapers, ‘First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.’” — Matthew 13:30 Within a few rounds of this process, the tares burned up quickly and were easily broken and smashed on the anvil. In contrast, the metal spears only became stronger and sharper through the process. When I woke up, I had a deep sense of knowing that we are in an hour like Matthew 13, where tares and wheat are being easily distinguished. It’s becoming clearer and clearer to see things for what they truly are, to discern what is man-made and what is God-made. It’s becoming easier to spot what is a counterfeit and what is authentic. This is a time of fruit testing and pruning. What is from Him, and what is from us? What is ambition, and what is His vision? What is another idol with a Christian label slapped on it? What is an Ishmael, and what is Isaac? What carries the glory, and what is after the glory of man? In the natural, this looks like a time of exposure. It looks like the wheels are coming off the wagon of man’s empires. The tares, which have been trying to look like wheat, are now being seen for what they truly are. But it’s also a time of great celebration for the faithful, as God brings increase. How do you know which side you’re on? If you're being burned up, you're not wheat. But if you're simply being pruned, you're wheat. This is a time when all of the tares hanging around your life are getting the axe. Wrong doors and assignments are being thrown into the fire. The wrong people and company—they’ll get the first whiff of smoke and run a million miles from you. Yet, it won’t hurt you; it will only make you stronger. And that’s what this dream is declaring! Firstly, you are in a harvest you didn’t even realize you were in! For so long, you’ve been focusing on the fire instead of the fruit you’ve been carrying in the dark. You’ve been fixated on the tares that have been stealing your ground, nutrients, and light, yet you’ve been multiplying rapidly. Now, please hear this: you are entering a season where you will finally see just how much has been growing and increasing through your season of shaking and the refiner’s fire. The fire hasn’t been burning you up; it’s been strengthening you. And the hammer has only made you sharper, preparing you for greater things! I hear the Lord saying over you today: “Mighty voices of truth, arise! For there has been a separation between the faithful and the faithless, the impure voices and the righteous, but the impure are becoming as ash while you are now stepping into the FULLNESS of your calling and anointing. I am going to AMPLIFY your voice and carry it to the nations, for you are the sharp tip of the spear that will cut through the chaos and usher in My glory. Soon, you will see that this season was not in vain; you will see the fruit I have produced in you while you thought you had failed and floundered.” Lastly, prophetic voices, I believe this dream is a commissioning for you. It’s a governmental clarion call to be the tip of the spear in this time of history. No more hiding in the face of injustice. SPEAK. God has been preparing you for this, and you have felt the internal rumbling. Just as this dream speaks to a season of divine separation and refining, it also emphasizes discernment and how, in this time, God is increasing this gifting upon you to not only reveal what is God and what is not, but also lead the church out of mixture and counterfeits. That’s why you have been sharpened, so you can slice through the veils of the enemy keeping many in bondage. This dream speaks that you have only become stronger through the fire and hammer revealing and has only come to refine you and not destroy. You are being prepared for greater authority, and your voice will cut through confusion and chaos like the tip of a spear, bringing clarity and direction. Keep your focus on the fruit, not the fire, and trust that what you’ve endured has been preparation for a greater unveiling of who you are and whose you are.
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