By Nate Johnston
March 24, 2025
I have a word for those who feel like their brook has dried up. Those who feel as though their financial wells have run dry. There has been an assignment against the people of God in this season, an attempt to deplete your resources right when you need an abundance to build what God has called you to build. But here’s what happens when the well dries up: there is no movement. When the well runs dry, when the river ceases to flow, when financial resources dwindle, there is stagnation. The enemy knows that if he can dry up your wells, your resources and provision, he can keep you stuck. In 1 Kings 17:7-16, Elijah encountered a similar season of drought when the brook had dried up. The Lord directed him to Zarephath, where he prayed over the oil, and as long as they continued putting out jars, the oil kept flowing, filling every empty vessel. This is not just about personal provision, this is about Kingdom building for the greatest harvest of souls the earth has ever seen. We are standing at the threshold of a massive influx of people coming into the Kingdom, and God is looking for those who will build storehouses, training centers, apostolic hubs, and places of discipleship to contain the harvest. Movements must be established, and foundations must be laid. Yes, this is a season where the infrastructure for harvest must be established, and God is searching for builders and pioneers to accomplish it. The Lord has been highlighting that we must be ready to receive the flood of souls that is about to pour in. Many of you have been given blueprints, visions for revival centers, houses of prayer, missions bases, and creative hubs to disciple and equip people. But it feels like the resources have not come. Many have been asking, “God, I don’t understand what’s happening. I’ve been sowing faithfully. I’ve been giving and tithing, yet my wells seem to be drying up.” There has been a targeted attack against finances, small foxes have been stealing from the vine (Song of Solomon 2:15). These are some areas where I saw people being robbed: -Small, hidden financial losses accumulating over time -Unexpected emergencies and circumstances draining resources -Bad investments, contracts, partnerships, and business deals -Governmental and systemic financial oppression -Religious systems and misalignments -Delayed inheritances and financial breakthroughs The enemy has tried to rob, delay, dry up, and block the flow of provision, but the Lord is declaring: “Where the well has dried up, I am now releasing a flood of provision and breaking the assignment of lack. I am releasing the gold needed to build. I am releasing the provision to establish My plans in the earth. Where the enemy has stolen, I will restore. Where the wells have dried up, I will cause a fresh outpouring. I am funding My movements. I am resourcing My builders. I am providing for My pioneers. Do not fear, for I am unlocking what has been withheld!” Also, I want to highlight that there is a direct connection between financial drought and the Jezebel spirit. Think of what took place when Jezebel and Ahab ruled the land - a drought came! Jezebel’s witchcraftdisrupts financial flow. If you’ve noticed financial struggles during seasons of heavy spiritual warfare, this is part of the enemy’s strategy. But right now, God is canceling that assignment! He is warring against the attacks on finances, and we are stepping into a season of great stewardship and Kingdom wealth. I want to pray over you right now: For your wells to be full again and for brooks to flow once more. For dried-up jobs, finances, and provision to be restored. For debts to be paid off. For those whom God instructed to sow into you to be reminded and moved to obey. For unexpected sources of provision—divine connections, supernatural opportunities, and people moved by the Spirit to bless you. For the financial outpouring needed to build the places for harvest, disciple the flood of souls, and establish the movements God has placed in your heart. The provision you need to step into your destiny and calling, to build what God has told you to build, is coming now in the mighty name of Jesus! Lastly, I pray for those who have been attacked in legal battles over finances. The Lord is going to restore what the enemy has stolen, your time, your money, your health, all of it! These attacks have robbed you of the capacity to do what is in your heart to do. But now, by faith, step into what God has told you to do! The key in the story of Zarephath is this: “Put out the jars.” What does this mean practically? Move by faith. Get things in order. Start preparing as if the provision is already here. Take steps forward as if the finances have already arrived. And the oil will come, in Jesus name!