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Nate Johnston


Nate Johnston



Earlier this week, I had a dream of being pursued by wild beasts and lions chasing after me. I knew that I was going after the calling that God had placed on my life, and yet I felt like I was being pursued at every corner. 

Have you ever felt like this too? Then suddenly, a flaming sword came down into the road and divided it—separating these beasts from me so they were unable to get to me. 

Then I heard a voice say, "Sever the path. Close the door. Shut all access points. This is a new chapter; this is a new path. Walk in it!"

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." - (Isaiah 30:21 NIV)

I knew this was an instruction of the Lord to sever and bring closure to areas of the past. Still, I also knew this was the Lord speaking about how we had entered into a time of the closing of an old door and the beginning of a new one—the severing of an old path and the beginning of a new one. I knew immediately this was for the pioneers who'd been pioneering on a particular journey for a long time. It was for those who've been in transition for a long period of time and have been walking a certain way; they have now become familiar with the different aspects of the road—the different enemies, the different hurdles, the different issues, and the specific terrain. But I knew this was the Lord now saying, "Hey, this new path you're about to walk on is going to look very different from what you've known." I also knew it was the Lord speaking about the ending of a season of warfare and opposition and the beginning of a season of protection and favor and the restoration of joy and strength. 

I knew this was the Lord speaking into a new path and a season of time where we will have the ability to focus on the building rather than just the defending—like Nehemiah in the rebuilding of the wall where his people had to constantly hold a sword in one hand and a building tool in the other. This would be a season where we can use both hands and all our effort and might be focused on the building, where we won't have to constantly keep defending ourselves from the ravenous beasts that have been at our doorstep. 

A scripture came into my spirit instantly;

And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness; it will be for those who walk on that Way. The unclean will not journey on it;

wicked fools will not go about on it. No lion will be there, nor any ravenous beast; they will not be found there. But only the redeemed will walk there, and those the Lord has rescued will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away. - (Isaiah 35:8-10 NIV)

I knew this was the Lord speaking over us: that we are entering a new path and journey—we have turned a corner! Many of us are leaving the tiresome road of constant battery and battle, and we are entering a season of offensive occupation and fulfillment. Just as David had his season of being alone in the wilderness, having to defend his sheep and fight bears and lions, we have been in this season, too, wondering when the purpose would meet us and when we would finally leave the wild goose chase of spending all of our energy on putting out fires and defending ourselves and our families against invaders. 

Now the Lord says, "You are entering the season of seeing what the battle season was for, and instead of being invaded, you will now invade the enemy's territory and take back what was stolen! Now you will see what the tempering and refining season was forging inside you and your divine purpose being unveiled. You are entering a highway of holiness season—a path for the set-apart ones who haven't wavered. This is where you will see the fruit of your blind yes."

It's going to be a time and a season when we're able to focus entirely on what He has given us. It will be a time of revelation, a time of renewal and strength, and a time of restoration of joy for this long season behind us. We've had to war, contend, and battle for the promise but now we are entering into a time of peace and rest. 


I felt the deliverance of the Lord coming to many right now, and the Lord said, "And now watch me deal with the lions!" I knew this was for those who have been in the thick of the battle over their lives, families, and destiny—where the enemy has sought to take them out and discredit them. This season, watch as the Lord pursues the lions and clears your name. Now you will enter the new path unscathed. 


I felt the instruction in this revelation from the Lord was really quite simple, but it is something that we have to be intentional about right now—maybe it's going to even take a few months. The Lord wants us to take care of the areas—the access points—where the enemy is constantly getting to us and keeping us tethered to the past season. This is the time when the Lord really wants us to deal with the areas where we have been double-minded and doubted Him. 

From around October 2023 through to even now, there has been an assignment of full assault trying to bombard God's people and stop them from entering this new path so that they would not see the promise in the days to come. It was the enemy's attempt to thwart the fulfillment of the promise that he could see coming to those who have stood and walked faithfully through years, even when the path didn't make sense. But these access points have been vital areas of hearts that, when compromised, have caused many to turn and walk away or to settle for an inferior and counterfeit path. Don't settle! 


In this instruction, I also felt that it was crucial to bring closure to the relationships and the ties that have been unequally yoked for some time. Often, we can stay in connection with people who have drifted from the path because we feel a sense of loyalty to them and don't want to see them in a bad place, but in doing so, we can hold ourselves back from the path and even drift ourselves. 

There has been a massive push from the enemy to put stocks on the feet of those moving forward by tethering them to people and the expectations from past seasons. Look for the "blast from the past" situations that reveal themselves in the next few months and deal with them quickly. This plan of the enemy has come with a controlling spirit, guilt, and condemnation that you are leaving people behind, but the Lord showed me that these people are simply not willing to move where God is moving, so they would rather hold you back. Discern the game at play and sever the ties! 

Also, check your alignments right now. Are they freeing you and empowering you or policing you and forcing you to submit to a false sense of covering that lacks true Kingdom covenant connection? You need covenant connection on this new path and nothing else—let that be your standard. Anything less is unequally yoked and, in due time, will trip you up and lead you back into the path of endless chatter and conflict. 

This is a time when God's going to deal with the wrong alignments—the wolves and the lions—that have been waiting and crushing you at every point. God is going to shut down every access point so that we can move into this new season uncluttered and wholly focused on what He is leading us into. Get ready for a time of new relational alignments. Get ready for a time when the Lord will lead you to people who will be selfless, people who will lift your arms up. A tribe of people who will get you well-—you don't have to explain yourself to them anymore, and you don't have to beg them to be in your life to do things with and run with. This will be a time and a season where you'll find the people who get your heart and who will surround you. So get ready for a new tribe in this season—in this new path—for just as the enemy has been roaring around like a lion looking for those he can devour through wrong alignments, the Lord is dealing with his plans and is aligning and connecting you with people who will be for you and stand with you.


Even recently, Christy and I felt the Lord speak clearly and say, "I don't want you to have any backup plans. Cut the cord!" 

I think it's quite a normal thing for pioneers when the Lord calls them out into the deep, for them to begin to plan for a backup route or path. Because, as pioneers know, sometimes the seasons the Lord leads us into don't look like successes at first. Quite often, they feel like failures—things fall apart, and things don't work. It could become easy to develop a backup plan "just in case we need it," but I firmly feel the Lord saying, "Don't! I do not want you to have any backup plan this season. I want you to be all in on what I'm doing." 

I feel there's an instruction in these words from the Lord to sever and do away with the past season completely and to devote this new path and this new season to the Lord where we have a hundred percent focus on where He's leading us and what He's leading us into. What does that look like for your path—for your life and for your family? 


The Lord says, "The enemy will not have any access point to you if you are protective of what I have given to you." This is a season when the Lord doesn't want you to cast your pearls anymore before the swine. This is a season where He doesn't want you to continue forfeiting the call on your life or handing it over to others you feel are more capable of running in that calling. This is not a season to hide, a season to be quiet, a season to run, or a season to put your calling on the shelf for another time. This is a season to step into all that He's called you to be with no beasts at your door and with no constant attacks and arrows flying at you from every corner—you will be able to fully step into the call that God has for you. 


This is a season when the Lord wants you to pursue the giants on the earth. "This is a season," says the Lord, "where I am taking you from a place of being pursued to you becoming the pursuer. You are going from being constantly attacked and constantly persecuted to a season where you will persecute the enemy and you'll unveil, reveal, and expose his plans to the world. In this season, I'm flipping the script and overturning the tables where you constantly had enemies at your doorstep trying to prevent you from entering into the promise. This will be the season where you foiled their plans, and you lead many others into their promise. Will I not do it?" Says the Lord. 


And then I heard the Lord say, "And now comes the birthing that has been delayed! I'm cutting off all access points so that the birthing suite will be safe for you to birth what I've given you to birth!"

"This will be a season," says the Lord, "where you will be able to completely feel safe. Many have been waiting for a long season; many have been waiting for an environment and a habitat that feels safe for them to birth what I have given them—and this will be that season," says the Lord. "It will be a season where you do not have to look over your shoulder anymore, waiting for something that is trying to take you out. This will be a season where you'll feel peace, the release, and the 'go' to finally plant your feet and birth what I've given you, and you will build in peace," says the Lord.


"You will have the resources, you will have the funds, you will have the support to be able to build what I've given you. You will have the infrastructure, you will have the plans, and you'll know that it is a season, a grace, and a time to be able to establish what I've given you. You will wander no more—you will stop looking, and you will not have to continually be seeking—but you will find and establish your feet and plant your feet in the land that I've given to you," says the Lord. "You will finally build and establish that which I've put on the inside of you. But will you dream with Me, or will you keep looking at your circumstances and letting them taunt you? For if you dream it, I will build it! "


As I was talking to the Lord about all of this, I felt a strong sense of needing to surrender everything that I had walked through and was still carrying—mindsets, fears, people, all of it! So what was I carrying?

"Your directions and your will," I heard Him say. Ouch. 

"Your failures and thinking this will end badly," I heard Him then say. Ouch again. 

"Ok Lord, I lay it all down. I have to step into this with fresh eyes and a heart uncluttered." 

Will you lay it all down and surrender everything? I feel such a fear of the Lord over this new path. It feels like holy ground, and we shouldn't step into it with the same familiarity—we need to leave that on the old path. What do you need to let go of? What about the people on your old path that didn't—or couldn't—come with you? On this new path, you can't be focused on what other people are doing and saying, or you will miss what God is doing. You can't look around at Sodom like Lot's wife did and also be able to hold your gaze on Jesus. You are going to have to tune out the disapproval and noise of others and make the only thing you hear and see the King of Glory. 

Let it all go…


And lastly, let me speak from the heart. I have felt such a strong, intentional pull away from the old wineskin of the hustle and busyness. This season, you will fight fewer battles as you leave the busy and embrace rest. It will require saying "no" more often. There are opportunities and doors that look and sound good, but they are stealing the peace and energy needed for something else—discernment is needed to know what is from God for you and what is for someone else. You will have to truly discern and see what you are called to do and what you aren't, and be unapologetic about turning away what isn't ordained by God for you and your family. 

- Leave the hustle: It only hurts you and puts you in dangerous situations. 

- Don't let people buy you or let your anointing be sold. 

- Let this be a season where the Spirit of Holiness comes upon you and leads you on the path of the redeemed. 



RELATED prophetic WORDS:

RELATED prophetic WORDS:

By Nate Johnston March 14, 2025
I have a word for those who feel like maybe their fire has gone out. For those who feel like, Where’s my message gone? Where’s my prophetic voice? Where is my anointing? If it feels like in this season you’ve been waking up feeling void, empty, barren, and dry, like the YOU within is gone, the passion is gone, and the fire is gone, this word is for you. Maybe you’ve even begun to believe that God has left you, that the anointing has lifted. But that’s not the case at all. A Necessary Surrendering I truly believe this has been a season of necessary surrender. We’ve had to lay down everything we have operated in and walked in during past seasons. It’s as if the Lord has been asking us to place everything in His hands so He can touch it afresh and return only what is necessary for the next season. This is a remantling - a process where the jacket of the past season can only take us so far. To step into the new thing, we must be remantled. But that takes time. There is a process to it, and it’s not for the faint of heart. The In-Between Feels Like Death... In that in-between space, it can feel like death. You wake up breathing, but the passion is gone. The fire feels extinguished. God, have You left me? No, He hasn’t left you. He is doing a deep work in your heart as He remantles you. I often say that God does something spiritually in a moment, but our hearts and souls take time to catch up. It’s this heart and soul process that makes us feel like God has left us, even though He hasn’t. God has already begun to birth something new in your spirit, but your soul, your emotions, intellect, and understanding, needs time to recalibrate. This is why it feels like death. Many are in this place right now. It’s an interesting tension because you can sense that something is ripening, something is shifting. Yet, at the same time, you feel left behind. You don’t feel like you can fully step into the new because you’re still carrying the weight and burnout of the past season. If that’s you, know that you are not alone. Many are feeling this same tension. What Do You Do in This Season? This is the season to allow the presence of God to recalibrate and reconnect your soul, mind, intellect, and emotions to your spirit. The presence of God and the Word of God are the only things that will truly realign and restore you. In this process, there is healing. There is deliverance. There are deep conversations with the Lord that need to happen. You can’t rush this process. You can’t bypass it. You must lean into it. She Is Not Dead – She Is Only Sleeping My word for you today is this: In the story of Jesus and the girl who had died, Jesus spoke a powerful phrase: “She is not dead but sleeping.” – Luke 8:52 I know you’ve been through a season where it feels like you’ve had to cast everything down. A season where your seed has fallen into the ground and died (John 12:24). A season where you’ve surrendered, and in that surrender, it has felt like you’ve turned into mush. But hear this, your message, mission, purpose, anointing, calling, and destiny have not died. They are only sleeping. And while they are sleeping, God is performing a divine operation. You’re on the Surgery Table Right now, it might feel like you are on the operating table. That is where God is reinventing you. That is where He is repurposing you. That is where He is recalibrating you. You are not dead. You are sleeping. And God is doing a massive work in you right now. John 11:11 declares: “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I am going there to wake him up.” You are stepping into a fresh awakening. This is a season where you will be fully operational and functioning at your optimum in spirit, soul, mind, intellect, and emotions. You are coming fully alive again in every area of your life. A Fresh Wind Is Blowing God is releasing a fresh wind upon you in this hour that will reinvigorate you. But that’s also why God has pulled you away from certain situations and removed you from places of drama. Remember in the story of Jesus and the little girl? Before performing the miracle, He removed everyone from the room (Mark 5:40). God has had to remove certain people from your life in this season because He is performing a miracle in you. He is protecting the sacred work He is doing in you. From Caterpillar to Butterfly A friend of mine called me about four months ago when we were in Colorado, praying about moving to California. He said we had been in a season like a caterpillar in a cocoon - a season of mush. We had expected to enter a butterfly season, but instead, God needed us to remain in the cocoon. Why? Because in the cocoon, the caterpillar turns to mush before it can transform. Many of you have been in that same place. God is reinventing you. He is turning you into what He has destined you to be. You Have Never Been More Called... So, this is not a moment to feel lost, scared, or abandoned. It is a moment to recognize that God is reinventing you. He is reconnecting you to Himself and to your true purpose. Lean in today. Lay in His presence. Surrender. Give Him your past season, your old blueprints—everything you’ve carried, and lay it at His feet. Allow Him to finish the work. Because you have never been more called. You have never been more chosen. You have never been more anointed. You are not dead. Your destiny and purpose are not dead. They have been sleeping. And God is waking them up. 
By Nate Johnston March 11, 2025
Recently, I had a vision where I saw a door in front of me. This door looked locked, and I noticed that there was some kind of timepiece on it. I instantly recognized that this door had been locked for a period of time. I felt frustrated that I couldn’t get in, that it had remained closed for so long. Then, I looked at my hand, and there was a key. Suddenly, I heard the words: “Try the door now. Try the door now.” As I turned the key in the lock, it opened effortlessly. Immediately, in the vision, I was taken into a scene from my own life, where it felt like I had been “kicking against the goads” (Acts 26:14) pushing up against areas of resistance, crying out, “God, why is this not working? Why is this not happening the way I thought it would?” I realized there was a timing to it. And I think, in many of our journeys with the Lord, it feels like “God, You led me this way, why does it seem like it didn’t work?” Have you ever gone through seasons where God led you to do something, but it seemed to crumble? And you were left asking, “Lord, what’s happening? You took me this way, yet it ended in shipwreck.” I believe there are many right now who are feeling the weight of hope deferred (Proverbs 13:12). Some even feel abandoned, thinking, “God, I truly thought I was hearing You, but I ended in shipwreck.” I know I have felt this way in many seasons of my pioneering journey with the Lord. It’s as if God led you to the door, but when you tried to enter, the key didn’t work. Right now, I sense the Lord releasing layers of healing over areas of deep disappointment, where people have felt, “It didn’t work.” Maybe it was in business, ministry, family, perhaps you’ve experienced deep loss and robbery. A COMEBACK SEASON - FOR YOU AND THE NATIONS Over the past few weeks, the Lord has been speaking so clearly: “My people are in a comeback season.” But this isn’t just about individuals, it’s about nations! With all the turmoil we’re witnessing globally, in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, the EU, and beyond, there is a war in the spirit. We see the shaking, the battle, the chaos, but God is breathing fresh life. He is raising up movers and shakers, you and I, in every sphere to bring divine order to nations and cities. But this is also happening on a personal level. So many have walked through intense battles and wilderness seasons, feeling like “God, You led me into this, but all I see is testing.” Remember that “Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, was led by the Spirit into the wilderness” (Luke 4:1). The wilderness wasn’t a mistake, it was preparation. What if the wilderness was actually the safest route? Because the enemy has been on your tail, trying to assassinate your destiny in one of the most powerful and potent seasons of your life. The wilderness is often the safest road because, although it comes with testing, loss, and even moments of shipwreck, it is where God refines you. There has been much loss, much breaking, and yes, even trauma, but what if this season has actually been preparing you for something greater? “Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit” (Luke 4:14). What if your wilderness season has been setting you up for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit? RECOVER ALL - THIS IS YOUR COMEBACK SEASON! The Lord is declaring: “My people are in a comeback season!” I felt so strongly that I needed to prophesy this over you: You are in a comeback season! Just like David at Ziklag, after his possessions and family were taken, the Lord told him: “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them, and without fail recover all” (1 Samuel 30:8). I believe this is a season of divine recovery. Not only will you come out of the wilderness rejuvenated in spirit, mission, and purpose, but everything that has been robbed and stolen is being restored. One more prophetic picture I see is from John the Baptist. He was called into the wilderness, a place of preparation. His food was locusts (Matthew 3:4), which are typically considered a devourer (Joel 2:25), yet for John, they became sustenance. I believe this is prophetic for us, the very places where the enemy has tried to devour you will become your nourishment. The giants will become your bread (Numbers 14:9). What the enemy used against you will become a weapon in your hands! Let me prophesy this over you: You are in your comeback season! Everything the enemy has sought to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10), God is now commanding you to repossess. The Lord is releasing a fresh wind upon you. He is pouring out His Spirit in a new and powerful way. Those places of hope deferred are coming back to life. You will experience the comeback of the Holy Spirit and a fresh infilling in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!
By Nate Johnston March 14, 2025
I have a word for those who feel like maybe their fire has gone out. For those who feel like, Where’s my message gone? Where’s my prophetic voice? Where is my anointing? If it feels like in this season you’ve been waking up feeling void, empty, barren, and dry, like the YOU within is gone, the passion is gone, and the fire is gone, this word is for you. Maybe you’ve even begun to believe that God has left you, that the anointing has lifted. But that’s not the case at all. A Necessary Surrendering I truly believe this has been a season of necessary surrender. We’ve had to lay down everything we have operated in and walked in during past seasons. It’s as if the Lord has been asking us to place everything in His hands so He can touch it afresh and return only what is necessary for the next season. This is a remantling - a process where the jacket of the past season can only take us so far. To step into the new thing, we must be remantled. But that takes time. There is a process to it, and it’s not for the faint of heart. The In-Between Feels Like Death... In that in-between space, it can feel like death. You wake up breathing, but the passion is gone. The fire feels extinguished. God, have You left me? No, He hasn’t left you. He is doing a deep work in your heart as He remantles you. I often say that God does something spiritually in a moment, but our hearts and souls take time to catch up. It’s this heart and soul process that makes us feel like God has left us, even though He hasn’t. God has already begun to birth something new in your spirit, but your soul, your emotions, intellect, and understanding, needs time to recalibrate. This is why it feels like death. Many are in this place right now. It’s an interesting tension because you can sense that something is ripening, something is shifting. Yet, at the same time, you feel left behind. You don’t feel like you can fully step into the new because you’re still carrying the weight and burnout of the past season. If that’s you, know that you are not alone. Many are feeling this same tension. What Do You Do in This Season? This is the season to allow the presence of God to recalibrate and reconnect your soul, mind, intellect, and emotions to your spirit. The presence of God and the Word of God are the only things that will truly realign and restore you. In this process, there is healing. There is deliverance. There are deep conversations with the Lord that need to happen. You can’t rush this process. You can’t bypass it. You must lean into it. She Is Not Dead – She Is Only Sleeping My word for you today is this: In the story of Jesus and the girl who had died, Jesus spoke a powerful phrase: “She is not dead but sleeping.” – Luke 8:52 I know you’ve been through a season where it feels like you’ve had to cast everything down. A season where your seed has fallen into the ground and died (John 12:24). A season where you’ve surrendered, and in that surrender, it has felt like you’ve turned into mush. But hear this, your message, mission, purpose, anointing, calling, and destiny have not died. They are only sleeping. And while they are sleeping, God is performing a divine operation. You’re on the Surgery Table Right now, it might feel like you are on the operating table. That is where God is reinventing you. That is where He is repurposing you. That is where He is recalibrating you. You are not dead. You are sleeping. And God is doing a massive work in you right now. John 11:11 declares: “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I am going there to wake him up.” You are stepping into a fresh awakening. This is a season where you will be fully operational and functioning at your optimum in spirit, soul, mind, intellect, and emotions. You are coming fully alive again in every area of your life. A Fresh Wind Is Blowing God is releasing a fresh wind upon you in this hour that will reinvigorate you. But that’s also why God has pulled you away from certain situations and removed you from places of drama. Remember in the story of Jesus and the little girl? Before performing the miracle, He removed everyone from the room (Mark 5:40). God has had to remove certain people from your life in this season because He is performing a miracle in you. He is protecting the sacred work He is doing in you. From Caterpillar to Butterfly A friend of mine called me about four months ago when we were in Colorado, praying about moving to California. He said we had been in a season like a caterpillar in a cocoon - a season of mush. We had expected to enter a butterfly season, but instead, God needed us to remain in the cocoon. Why? Because in the cocoon, the caterpillar turns to mush before it can transform. Many of you have been in that same place. God is reinventing you. He is turning you into what He has destined you to be. You Have Never Been More Called... So, this is not a moment to feel lost, scared, or abandoned. It is a moment to recognize that God is reinventing you. He is reconnecting you to Himself and to your true purpose. Lean in today. Lay in His presence. Surrender. Give Him your past season, your old blueprints—everything you’ve carried, and lay it at His feet. Allow Him to finish the work. Because you have never been more called. You have never been more chosen. You have never been more anointed. You are not dead. Your destiny and purpose are not dead. They have been sleeping. And God is waking them up. 
By Nate Johnston March 11, 2025
Recently, I had a vision where I saw a door in front of me. This door looked locked, and I noticed that there was some kind of timepiece on it. I instantly recognized that this door had been locked for a period of time. I felt frustrated that I couldn’t get in, that it had remained closed for so long. Then, I looked at my hand, and there was a key. Suddenly, I heard the words: “Try the door now. Try the door now.” As I turned the key in the lock, it opened effortlessly. Immediately, in the vision, I was taken into a scene from my own life, where it felt like I had been “kicking against the goads” (Acts 26:14) pushing up against areas of resistance, crying out, “God, why is this not working? Why is this not happening the way I thought it would?” I realized there was a timing to it. And I think, in many of our journeys with the Lord, it feels like “God, You led me this way, why does it seem like it didn’t work?” Have you ever gone through seasons where God led you to do something, but it seemed to crumble? And you were left asking, “Lord, what’s happening? You took me this way, yet it ended in shipwreck.” I believe there are many right now who are feeling the weight of hope deferred (Proverbs 13:12). Some even feel abandoned, thinking, “God, I truly thought I was hearing You, but I ended in shipwreck.” I know I have felt this way in many seasons of my pioneering journey with the Lord. It’s as if God led you to the door, but when you tried to enter, the key didn’t work. Right now, I sense the Lord releasing layers of healing over areas of deep disappointment, where people have felt, “It didn’t work.” Maybe it was in business, ministry, family, perhaps you’ve experienced deep loss and robbery. A COMEBACK SEASON - FOR YOU AND THE NATIONS Over the past few weeks, the Lord has been speaking so clearly: “My people are in a comeback season.” But this isn’t just about individuals, it’s about nations! With all the turmoil we’re witnessing globally, in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, the EU, and beyond, there is a war in the spirit. We see the shaking, the battle, the chaos, but God is breathing fresh life. He is raising up movers and shakers, you and I, in every sphere to bring divine order to nations and cities. But this is also happening on a personal level. So many have walked through intense battles and wilderness seasons, feeling like “God, You led me into this, but all I see is testing.” Remember that “Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, was led by the Spirit into the wilderness” (Luke 4:1). The wilderness wasn’t a mistake, it was preparation. What if the wilderness was actually the safest route? Because the enemy has been on your tail, trying to assassinate your destiny in one of the most powerful and potent seasons of your life. The wilderness is often the safest road because, although it comes with testing, loss, and even moments of shipwreck, it is where God refines you. There has been much loss, much breaking, and yes, even trauma, but what if this season has actually been preparing you for something greater? “Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit” (Luke 4:14). What if your wilderness season has been setting you up for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit? RECOVER ALL - THIS IS YOUR COMEBACK SEASON! The Lord is declaring: “My people are in a comeback season!” I felt so strongly that I needed to prophesy this over you: You are in a comeback season! Just like David at Ziklag, after his possessions and family were taken, the Lord told him: “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them, and without fail recover all” (1 Samuel 30:8). I believe this is a season of divine recovery. Not only will you come out of the wilderness rejuvenated in spirit, mission, and purpose, but everything that has been robbed and stolen is being restored. One more prophetic picture I see is from John the Baptist. He was called into the wilderness, a place of preparation. His food was locusts (Matthew 3:4), which are typically considered a devourer (Joel 2:25), yet for John, they became sustenance. I believe this is prophetic for us, the very places where the enemy has tried to devour you will become your nourishment. The giants will become your bread (Numbers 14:9). What the enemy used against you will become a weapon in your hands! Let me prophesy this over you: You are in your comeback season! Everything the enemy has sought to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10), God is now commanding you to repossess. The Lord is releasing a fresh wind upon you. He is pouring out His Spirit in a new and powerful way. Those places of hope deferred are coming back to life. You will experience the comeback of the Holy Spirit and a fresh infilling in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!
By Nate Johnston March 10, 2025
In my last (very long) word I shared a prayer at the end but since many did not read that far i wanted to post the prayer on its own here. If you need prayer in your body, let me pray for you. In the mighty name of Jesus, be healed right now! I command your body to come into alignment with the Word of God, which declares: “… by His stripes, you are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5) I command every demonic spirit of affliction that has been tormenting you to leave NOW in Jesus’ name! Every disease, every assignment of the enemy to keep you in sickness I break it now by the blood of the Lamb! If you have been experiencing oppression, torment, or any level of bondage, I want to pray for you right now. Lord, right now, I bind every assignment of oppression and demonic torment that has been coming against them. I command that spirit to leave NOW in the name of Jesus! For Your Word says: “… if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36) There is no distance in prayer. And as I pray, God, I ask that Your healing power would flow through the airwaves and touch their bodies right now setting them completely free! I command headaches to leave! I command issues of blood to be healed! Lord, I ask for terminal diseases to be reversed and healed completely! I ask for backs to be straightened, broken bones to be restored, and for metal implants to dissolve supernaturally! I ask for eyesight to be restored and hearing to be opened! Lord, I pray for teeth issues to be healed. I pray for deaf ears to open and for blind eyes to see! I pray for every person bound by affliction to be set free today! Every sickness, affliction, and infirmity that has warred against God’s people for too long be broken NOW in Jesus’ name! Lord, awaken Your people to the fullness of the finished work of the cross! Let the Church once again be a hospital, a place where the sick come and are made whole. And let our lives be the same. Lord, today, reveal to us the power of the cross that we carry. Give us boldness and courage to step into the finished work of the cross and the greater things that Jesus said we would do. In Jesus’ name Amen!
By Nate Johnston March 7, 2025
What I’m about to share with you is less of a prophetic word and more of an invitation, an invitation that I believe God is extending to the body of Christ right now.. It is something that has personally challenged me in this season, where I feel like the Lord is calling us to step into the fullness of the gospel, the fullness of the life of Jesus as modeled in the Gospels. He is inviting us to step out in faith and restore the areas where we are not yet seeing the full outworking of everything Jesus did on the earth. I’m talking about the ministry of signs, wonders, miracles, and healings. The Bible says that Jesus healed all who came in contact with Him: “And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people.” ( Matthew 4:23, NKJV) Jesus brought deliverance to all who were bound: “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” (Acts 10:38, NKJV) Jesus brought freedom. Yet, in the last seven to ten years, we have seen a rapid decline in miracles, signs, and wonders in the church. Many are asking in the church today, why do we even need signs and wonders? We need them because they remind us of the greatness of God, and they expose the limitations of man. They remind us that God is all-powerful and sovereign, that He loves to break open the heavens and pour His power into the earth. We need healings because they are central to the gospel. When the disciples tarried in Jerusalem and the Holy Spirit baptized them with fire, they received a level of authority and dominion they had not even walked in during the days when Jesus was physically with them: “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8, NKJV) Yet, the church has drifted from this place, reducing the gospel to an intellectual Christianity, a gospel of talk, but not power (1 Corinthians 4:20). We have settled for goosebumps instead of the kabod glory of God, the weight of His presence that transforms lives, cities, and nations. ICHABOD IS OVER Let me invite you into this story for a moment. For the last year, the Lord has been speaking to me, saying: “The Ichabod church is coming to an end. The Ichabod church is coming to an end.” Ichabod means “no glory” meaning there is no outworking of heaven into the earth in any measure. This, in many ways, represents what we are facing and seeing right now in the current model of the church. We have leveled off. We have shut out the Holy Spirit because we are not willing to risk our reputations for the sake of pursuing what people are truly hungry and longing for. I wonder how many church services the demonized have walked into, only to walk out still bound. I wonder how many church services the sick and afflicted have walked into, yet were not set free. I pose this challenge even to myself. I know that in my life and in our ministry, I have seen incredible miracles over the years. I have witnessed remarkable signs and wonders break out. But I’ll be honest, there have been moments of deep challenge, moments where I have wrestled with continuing to go after healings and miracles when it seemed like there was such a recession of these very things. Yet, over the last year, something has been stirring. I have been having dreams where God has shown me mass miracles breaking out, but not because of a man, not because of a superstar celebrity preacher laying hands on the sick. No. These miracles were happening because a body was rising up, a body walking in the fullness of the kingdom of heaven, clothed in the mantle of Jesus, which we have inherited through the blood of the Lamb: “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” (John 14:12, NKJV) A Challenge from the Lord When we moved to California, the Lord posed a challenging question to me. He said: “I want you to gather My people. I want you to unite My people. I want you to teach the church how to be the church again.” Then He said something that rocked me to my core and challenged me deeply. He asked: “Will you create a space for the sick and broken to come? Will you model the hospital church again?” I responded, “Yes, of course, Lord.” Then He asked: “Will you allow Me to perform signs, wonders, miracles, and healings again?” Again, I said, “Yes, Lord, I want that.” Then He asked me: “Are you willing to step out in faith to see the voice of healing return to the church?” And suddenly, it struck me what He was truly asking. He was asking: Would I step out of my comfort zone? Would I have the courage to pursue healings and miracles again in our meetings? Would I risk it all to see the fullness of the gospel manifest on the earth? THE ANOINTING OF A.A. ALLEN Instantly, I was reminded of a prophetic word that was given to us back in 2022 by the late prophet Jeff Jansen. At the time, I did not know Jeff personally, but one day he called me and said, “Nate, I have a word for you.” That year, we were wrestling with our visas. We had returned to Australia because of COVID and were facing a major decision: Would we relinquish our visas while we waited, or would we contend to steward both Australia and America? I can’t even tell you how many nights I lay broken before the Lord, asking Him for direction. “God, do You want us to give up America and just focus on Australia?” Then, Jeff Jansen called. He said, “The Lord told me to tell you, it is Australia AND America.” He continued, “Nate, you asked for the nations, and the Lord has given you Australia and America.” Then he shared a vision the Lord had shown him: He saw two large capital ‘A’ letters in the spirit, and they were joined together: A A. Then he said, “The Lord says your calling is to both Australia and America. And in this next season, the Lord is bringing them together.” This immediately reminded me of my recent dream of the Frisbee and the Boomerang, yet another confirmation of what God is doing in this season, moving both nations in synchronicity. But then Jeff said something clear and profound: “The Lord showed me two things: The Lord says you must claim both homelands, because He has called you to bring back the voice of healing to the church.” He continued: “When you begin your gatherings, when you begin to hold public meetings God says, "I will return the voice of healing to the church. It will be a sign and a wonder of My healing and saving power, which I will reveal through My end-time church.’” Then he said something that rocked me to my core: “Just like the two ‘A’s,’ the anointing and faith of A.A. Allen will come back upon a generation!” That word shook me. It riveted me. It convicted me. It drove out apathy and complacency in my heart, those places where I had wanted to level off. And in that moment, I said: “Okay, Lord. I don’t know what that looks like.” I had never considered myself a healing preacher. I had never considered myself any of those things. But this was never about me. It was simply about being willing to say yes to whatever God wanted to pour out. It wasn’t about a flashy healing ministry. It was about saying yes to inviting in the broken, the sick, and allowing God to bring healing once again to His church. For years now, I have been prophesying: The church will be a hospital again. The church will be a place for the broken again. So, what did I expect? Should I not truly expect that when God gives a word, He will back it up with His power? “And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs.” (Mark 16:20, NKJV) COMING OUT OF THE WILDERNESS This is God’s invitation to you, Church. This is me prophesying that we are about to see a resurgence of the voice of healing in the Church like in the days of the 1940s through the ministries of men like William Branham, but in greater measure. For Jesus said: “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” (John 14:12, NKJV) I believe we are in an hour of divine restoration. God is bringing back the voice of healing because right now, when we look at the Church, we see brokenness, desperation, and hope deferred running rampant. The body of Christ has forgotten what power looks like. It’s like we’ve been walking in the dark and it’s been a long time since we’ve seen the light turned on. So what has happened? We have leaned into the comfort of profound statements and words, but words alone are not enough. People are over words. They want power. People are over statements and sound bites. They want to experience the glory of God. Right now, the Lord is inviting us into a season of the miraculous unlike anything we have seen before. He is inviting us into a season of experiencing heaven where the supernatural breaks into the natural again. He is calling us into days where we will no longer simply walk into a church service, hear a good message, experience a great time of worship, and leave unchanged. Instead, He is inviting us into realms of His glory where anything is possible again. Where God commissions His Church as brokers of the power of heaven. THE MISSING PIECE Recently, we had Lou Engle over, and Christy had just put up some photos of Jesus walking in the wilderness on our wall. On the last photo, the words of Luke 4:14 were written: “Then Jesus returned to Galilee, filled with the Holy Spirit’s power. Reports about Him spread quickly through the whole region.” (Luke 4:14, NLT) For about 40 minutes, we spoke about the connection between: Esther 4:14 – Born for such a time as this And Nehemiah 4:14 – God rebuilding His Church, the family As Lou walked around our living room, praying with us, his eyes landed on that photo of Jesus walking in the wilderness. He stopped, then he said: “That’s it. That’s the missing piece.” I believe we have been in a wilderness as a Church. God has been testing us. What do we truly want? What will we trade for? Will we continue to allow counterfeit miracles, signs, and wonders? Will we keep settling for the diviners and the showmanship of false deliverers? Will we continue to tolerate that which carries no power and no true transformation? Or will we be a Church that leans back into the mantle of the Holy Spirit, the anointing for power? Because I’ll tell you this, I am longing for the days when the power of the Holy Spirit will break out in the Church again and we will no longer just talk about the gospel but fully demonstrate it. The true and authentic. And the invitation is actually simpler than you think. It’s simply a YES to the Lord. THE RESTORATION OF HEALING Maybe you’re reading this, and it challenges you but at the same time, it excites you. Because you’ve experienced hope deferred. You’ve experienced robbery in this past season. Let me prophesy this over you: “I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten.” (Joel 2:25) God is restoring what has been lost. Maybe this is hard for you to read because you have endured sickness and affliction. Maybe it triggers something in you because you have yet to experience the power of God in this way. Let me declare this over you: The voice of healing is coming back to the Church. And even now, in the place where you are, will you say YES to the Lord? Will you say yes to being a conduit of His power? Will you say yes to stepping out, laying your hands on the sick, and watching them recover? Will you say yes to the fullness of the gospel? Because we must not forfeit the power that is needed to back up the talk in this hour. My friends, the voice of healing is coming back. The Ichabod days are over. The hospital Church is rising. And it’s time to see heaven invade earth once again. A PRAYER OF HEALING & DELIVERANCE I don’t want to talk about this without giving you an opportunity to receive prayer for healing, for deliverance, for breakthrough. So let me ask you: Do you have a sickness, infirmity, or affliction in your body right now? Are you battling something that has tormented you for far too long? If so, let me pray for you. In the mighty name of Jesus, be healed right now! I command your body to come into alignment with the Word of God, which declares: “… by His stripes, you are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5) I command every demonic spirit of affliction that has been tormenting you to leave NOW in Jesus’ name! Every disease, every assignment of the enemy to keep you in sickness I break it now by the blood of the Lamb! If you have been experiencing oppression, torment, or any level of bondage, I want to pray for you right now. Lord, right now, I bind every assignment of oppression and demonic torment that has been coming against them. I command that spirit to leave NOW in the name of Jesus! For Your Word says: “… if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36) There is no distance in prayer. And as I pray, God, I ask that Your healing power would flow through the airwaves and touch their bodies right now setting them completely free! I command headaches to leave! I command issues of blood to be healed! Lord, I ask for terminal diseases to be reversed and healed completely! I ask for backs to be straightened, broken bones to be restored, and for metal implants to dissolve supernaturally! I ask for eyesight to be restored and hearing to be opened! Lord, I pray for teeth issues to be healed. I pray for deaf ears to open and for blind eyes to see! I pray for every person bound by affliction to be set free today! Every sickness, affliction, and infirmity that has warred against God’s people for too long be broken NOW in Jesus’ name! Lord, awaken Your people to the fullness of the finished work of the cross! Let the Church once again be a hospital, a place where the sick come and are made whole. And let our lives be the same. Lord, today, reveal to us the power of the cross that we carry. Give us boldness and courage to step into the finished work of the cross and the greater things that Jesus said we would do. In Jesus’ name Amen!
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