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Nate Johnston


Nate Johnston



A few weeks ago, I had a vision of a coastline where the water receded far out to sea, and I immediately knew this was the beginning phase of a tsunami. 

My attention was drawn to the ocean floor, which was completely exposed, and stripped bare. Then the Lord spoke to me and said;

“This is what this year has been for My people personally, the Church corporately, and the world”

“The waters have receded, and it has left everything underneath exposed. That's why everything has been coming to the surface, and my light has been shining in the darkest places."

1) Personally

"It has felt like a year of dealing with the muck that has been buried beneath the surface, releasing poison into your life without you even knowing it. But I have been exposing it—not to shame you, but to deliver you. I’ve been revealing the areas of contamination and compromise in every facet of your life, whether in relationships, wrong visions and assignments, counterfeits, Ishmaels, and ungodly yokes that you’ve been tied to.

"I’ve been peeling back the layers of your heart and soul, exposing wounds from past chapters, mistakes, shipwrecks, and pains you’ve held onto. This exposure has been painful at times, but it is for your healing and restoration. I want to see you finally let go of those burdens, to break the cycles and patterns that have led to bad decisions, and to set you on a new path—My path—for your life.

"I’ve been showing you where you have been pulled away or strayed from My purpose, and now I am calling you back into alignment. In this Psalms 24 season of clean hands and pure hearts, My purifying and refining fire has gone deep—not to harm you, but to deliver you. I’m bringing you back to your place of divine purpose so that you can walk in the fullness of what I’ve called you to."

2) The Church

"I have exposed the mixture, the compromise, and the hidden sins that have tainted My Church. What has been done in secret is being shouted from the rooftops. Soulish ambition, greed, and hearts far from Me have been brought into the light. There is no more hiding. The waters of pretense and performance have receded, and the foundations of the Church are being laid bare. But this is not to bring shame to My Bride; it is to cleanse her and make her ready for My glory”

"I am purging the pulpits and the pews. I am revealing the motives of leaders and congregations alike. My House will be a house of prayer and purity once again. I am calling for a Church that walks in truth, holiness, and love, untainted by the world. The exposure is painful, but it is the beginning of the deliverance and revival that is coming. Those who humble themselves, repent, and return to Me will see a great outpouring of My Spirit."

3) The World

"The world has been shaken by the exposure of hidden agendas, plots, and unspeakable evils. The waters have receded, and the things once concealed in darkness are now being brought into the light. Corruption, deception, and the worst imaginable sins are no longer hidden. I have allowed this exposure to take place because I am a just God, and My justice is coming swiftly.

"Yet, this exposure is not for destruction alone. It is to reveal the need for deliverance and salvation in the nations. The world has been weighed down by sin, but I am preparing the ground for My glory to invade. In this shaking, I am giving people the chance to turn from their ways and seek My face."

The Glory Is Coming

Then the lord said “After the receding of the waters comes the wave—the wave of My glory. Just as a tsunami crashes with overwhelming force, so will My glory cover the earth. It will touch every area that has been exposed: personally, in the Church, and in the world”

“And you will experience a fresh wave of My presence and power. The places that were once stripped bare will be covered by My glory. Where there was shame, there will be honor. Where there was bondage, there will be freedom. Your life will be marked by the fullness of My Spirit, and you will walk in newness of life”

“And the wave of My glory will usher in a revival of purity, passion, and power. The exposed and repentant hearts will be vessels of My presence. You will see the return of signs, wonders, and miracles, not as a spectacle, but as a testimony of My goodness. My Bride will rise in splendor, reflecting My holiness and radiating My love to a broken world”

“And My glory will cover the nations like the waters cover the sea. Governments, systems, and powers that have exalted themselves will bow before Me. The exposure of darkness will be replaced by the light of My Kingdom. My justice and righteousness will flow like a river, and many will come to know Me as the only true God. Nations will be shaken by the force of My glory, and the harvest will be great”

“The wave is coming, and with it, My glory will bring deliverance, restoration, and transformation. Get ready. The exposure has prepared the ground, but now comes the outpouring and my glory is on the horizon."


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RELATED prophetic WORDS:

By Nate Johnston 01 Oct, 2024
Dear Pioneers, Honest post - Earlier this year, I felt shipwrecked. Outwardly, you wouldn’t have known—I was still pouring out, but my heart just felt tired. I have always been committed to giving everything to follow Jesus and lead my family in this pioneering journey. But the only way I can explain it is that deep inside, I was worn down and spread thin. Many years ago God asked us to move to the United States, following the call of God across nations, but it wasn’t until we returned to Australia for a trip in April that I slowed down enough to face the reality: I was burnt out. Not from ministry, but from the constant movement—traveling from place to place, house to house, season to season, assignment to assignment. The pioneering life had become a rhythm of relentless transition, with no place of stability, no home, and no grounding community. I longed for rest. I longed for something to settle my soul. But instead, I felt shipwrecked. Shipwrecked: That place where you have followed the Lord’s voice to the best of your ability, but somehow, it feels like it’s led you to a barren shore with nothing in sight. It’s the unsettling realization that despite all your obedience, you feel stranded, exhausted, and unsure if you’ll ever find solid ground again. Maybe you’ve been there, too. The Lord began to speak to me about what it means to be shipwrecked in this way. It’s the place where we are stripped of all we once leaned on. It’s where we confront the brokenness and fatigue of having given everything, yet wondering if it was worth it. But here’s what He also showed me: The shipwreck is not the end—it’s where God revives you and puts a fresh wind in your sails again! Pioneers, I believe many of you are in this same place right now. You’ve been faithful, you’ve sacrificed, you’ve given your “yes” over and over again. But it feels like you’ve reached a point where the waves have carried you to a place you didn’t expect. You feel stranded, weary, and questioning how you got here. But the Lord is saying to you today, “This is not the end. I’m not done with you, and this place is not where your story finishes.” In the wreckage, He is showing you what was never meant to sustain you in the first place. He’s dismantling the crutches of self-reliance, unhealthy alignments, and the illusions of stability that were built on shifting sands. And He is using it to set you free from activity that is burning you out and leading you off course. You may feel empty right now, but this is where He fills you anew. This is the divine pause before the great resurgence. This is where the old mindsets and methods break off, and the raw, pure faith that you’ve been called to as a pioneer rises up. Listen to what He’s saying to you now: You haven’t failed. This feeling of being shipwrecked is the precursor to something greater. I’m stripping away what no longer serves you so I can establish you in a new way. You’re not lost. I am the anchor in this season, and I’m repositioning you for what’s ahead. This place of desolation is actually the place of rebirth. Where you feel abandoned and exhausted, I am pouring out My strength and renewing your vision. Pioneers, the shipwreck is a setup. It’s where everything that was dead weight is left behind, and you emerge lighter, freer, and more aligned with the Spirit of God than ever before. Even now, the Lord is saying, “I’m turning this shipwreck into a launching pad.” You’re not stranded—you’re being set up for a new journey, one where you’ll move with greater purpose, clarity, and authority than ever before. What you thought was lost in the wreckage is actually being restored in ways you cannot yet imagine. It may feel like you’ve been led nowhere, but God is positioning you for something greater. So, take heart. The storm didn’t win. The waves didn’t take you out. And the shipwreck wasn’t your end—it was the beginning of something much bigger. With you on this journey, —Nate
By Nate Johnston 01 Oct, 2024
A few nights ago, I had a powerful dream. In the dream, I was laying on the ground, feeling completely exhausted and battered, as if I had been in a battle for years with no victory in sight. Suddenly, I saw a sword coming down over the head of a giant that had been standing in my way—and with one swift move, it took off the giant’s head. As this happened, I heard the words, “IT IS FINISHED!” In that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of relief. The battle that I had been fighting for years was over—not by my strength, but by the hand of the Lord. I woke up knowing that God is beheading the giants that have stood in your way for years. The things that have attacked, oppressed, and worn you down are being dealt with—not by your striving, but by His power. I believe many of you are in this same place. You have been battling and fighting, trying to overcome the obstacles that have been in your way. You’ve been worn down, tired, and wondering when the breakthrough will come. The Lord is saying, “This battle belongs to Me." There are battles you are anointed to fight, but there are others that are His to finish—and this is one of those times. He is beheading the giants that have stood in your way for years. The weariness you’ve felt is being lifted. Where you’ve been struggling and striving, you will now see His Victory. Take heart! The Lord is fighting for you! I have written some declarations for you based from this dream that will really help you anchor back into the Word and the power of the finished work of the cross. Enjoy! It is finished! - 10 declarations For The Battle Weary This week, we stand in the power of the finished work of the cross, declaring victory over every area of our life where the enemy has tried to wear us down. Warriors, rise up—your battle belongs to the Lord! Declare these truths over your situation and watch as the giants in your life fall. 1. Body healing I declare that by the stripes of Jesus, my body is healed! Every sickness, pain, and disease must bow to the finished work of the cross. My body is aligned with the health and wholeness that Christ purchased for me. 2. Soul sickness and deep discouragement I declare that my soul is restored by the Good Shepherd. The heavy burdens of discouragement and despair are lifted from me. The joy of the Lord is my strength, and my soul finds peace in His presence. 3. Over the mind I declare that I have the mind of Christ! Every lie, every tormenting thought, and every spirit of confusion is silenced. My mind is renewed, and I walk in clarity and soundness of thought. 4. Financial lack I declare that all of my needs are met according to God's riches in glory through Christ Jesus. Lack has no place in my life. Provision, favor, and abundance are my portion as I walk in alignment with God’s purposes. 5. Lack of direction and clarity I declare that the Lord is my Shepherd, and I shall not want for direction. My steps are ordered by the Lord. Confusion is broken, and I receive divine clarity and purpose for this season. 6. Demonic oppression I declare that no weapon formed against me will prosper. Every spirit of oppression, heaviness, and torment is broken by the power of the blood of Jesus. I walk in freedom and authority over all the power of the enemy. 7. Vision and purpose I declare that my eyes are opened to see the vision and calling God has for me. I will not wander aimlessly, but I am filled with divine purpose. My dreams and calling are coming alive again, and I will run the race set before me. 8. Alignments and relationships I declare that God is aligning me with the right people and removing toxic and ungodly relationships from my life. I will walk with those who encourage, sharpen, and call me higher in the things of God. 9. Trauma and bondage I declare that every chain of trauma and bondage is broken over my life. The healing power of Jesus is setting me free from past wounds, cycles of pain, and the strongholds that have kept me bound. I walk in complete liberty. 10. Breakthrough for delayed promises I declare that every delayed promise, every prolonged breakthrough, and every postponed dream is being brought into fulfillment. God’s timing is perfect, and I will see the manifestation of His promises in my life. It is finished! Warriors, stand firm! The victory has already been won, and the battle is the Lord’s. Walk in these declarations this week and watch as the power of the cross brings breakthrough and freedom in every area. 
By Nate Johnston 01 Oct, 2024
Dear Pioneers, Honest post - Earlier this year, I felt shipwrecked. Outwardly, you wouldn’t have known—I was still pouring out, but my heart just felt tired. I have always been committed to giving everything to follow Jesus and lead my family in this pioneering journey. But the only way I can explain it is that deep inside, I was worn down and spread thin. Many years ago God asked us to move to the United States, following the call of God across nations, but it wasn’t until we returned to Australia for a trip in April that I slowed down enough to face the reality: I was burnt out. Not from ministry, but from the constant movement—traveling from place to place, house to house, season to season, assignment to assignment. The pioneering life had become a rhythm of relentless transition, with no place of stability, no home, and no grounding community. I longed for rest. I longed for something to settle my soul. But instead, I felt shipwrecked. Shipwrecked: That place where you have followed the Lord’s voice to the best of your ability, but somehow, it feels like it’s led you to a barren shore with nothing in sight. It’s the unsettling realization that despite all your obedience, you feel stranded, exhausted, and unsure if you’ll ever find solid ground again. Maybe you’ve been there, too. The Lord began to speak to me about what it means to be shipwrecked in this way. It’s the place where we are stripped of all we once leaned on. It’s where we confront the brokenness and fatigue of having given everything, yet wondering if it was worth it. But here’s what He also showed me: The shipwreck is not the end—it’s where God revives you and puts a fresh wind in your sails again! Pioneers, I believe many of you are in this same place right now. You’ve been faithful, you’ve sacrificed, you’ve given your “yes” over and over again. But it feels like you’ve reached a point where the waves have carried you to a place you didn’t expect. You feel stranded, weary, and questioning how you got here. But the Lord is saying to you today, “This is not the end. I’m not done with you, and this place is not where your story finishes.” In the wreckage, He is showing you what was never meant to sustain you in the first place. He’s dismantling the crutches of self-reliance, unhealthy alignments, and the illusions of stability that were built on shifting sands. And He is using it to set you free from activity that is burning you out and leading you off course. You may feel empty right now, but this is where He fills you anew. This is the divine pause before the great resurgence. This is where the old mindsets and methods break off, and the raw, pure faith that you’ve been called to as a pioneer rises up. Listen to what He’s saying to you now: You haven’t failed. This feeling of being shipwrecked is the precursor to something greater. I’m stripping away what no longer serves you so I can establish you in a new way. You’re not lost. I am the anchor in this season, and I’m repositioning you for what’s ahead. This place of desolation is actually the place of rebirth. Where you feel abandoned and exhausted, I am pouring out My strength and renewing your vision. Pioneers, the shipwreck is a setup. It’s where everything that was dead weight is left behind, and you emerge lighter, freer, and more aligned with the Spirit of God than ever before. Even now, the Lord is saying, “I’m turning this shipwreck into a launching pad.” You’re not stranded—you’re being set up for a new journey, one where you’ll move with greater purpose, clarity, and authority than ever before. What you thought was lost in the wreckage is actually being restored in ways you cannot yet imagine. It may feel like you’ve been led nowhere, but God is positioning you for something greater. So, take heart. The storm didn’t win. The waves didn’t take you out. And the shipwreck wasn’t your end—it was the beginning of something much bigger. With you on this journey, —Nate
By Nate Johnston 01 Oct, 2024
A few nights ago, I had a powerful dream. In the dream, I was laying on the ground, feeling completely exhausted and battered, as if I had been in a battle for years with no victory in sight. Suddenly, I saw a sword coming down over the head of a giant that had been standing in my way—and with one swift move, it took off the giant’s head. As this happened, I heard the words, “IT IS FINISHED!” In that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of relief. The battle that I had been fighting for years was over—not by my strength, but by the hand of the Lord. I woke up knowing that God is beheading the giants that have stood in your way for years. The things that have attacked, oppressed, and worn you down are being dealt with—not by your striving, but by His power. I believe many of you are in this same place. You have been battling and fighting, trying to overcome the obstacles that have been in your way. You’ve been worn down, tired, and wondering when the breakthrough will come. The Lord is saying, “This battle belongs to Me." There are battles you are anointed to fight, but there are others that are His to finish—and this is one of those times. He is beheading the giants that have stood in your way for years. The weariness you’ve felt is being lifted. Where you’ve been struggling and striving, you will now see His Victory. Take heart! The Lord is fighting for you! I have written some declarations for you based from this dream that will really help you anchor back into the Word and the power of the finished work of the cross. Enjoy! It is finished! - 10 declarations For The Battle Weary This week, we stand in the power of the finished work of the cross, declaring victory over every area of our life where the enemy has tried to wear us down. Warriors, rise up—your battle belongs to the Lord! Declare these truths over your situation and watch as the giants in your life fall. 1. Body healing I declare that by the stripes of Jesus, my body is healed! Every sickness, pain, and disease must bow to the finished work of the cross. My body is aligned with the health and wholeness that Christ purchased for me. 2. Soul sickness and deep discouragement I declare that my soul is restored by the Good Shepherd. The heavy burdens of discouragement and despair are lifted from me. The joy of the Lord is my strength, and my soul finds peace in His presence. 3. Over the mind I declare that I have the mind of Christ! Every lie, every tormenting thought, and every spirit of confusion is silenced. My mind is renewed, and I walk in clarity and soundness of thought. 4. Financial lack I declare that all of my needs are met according to God's riches in glory through Christ Jesus. Lack has no place in my life. Provision, favor, and abundance are my portion as I walk in alignment with God’s purposes. 5. Lack of direction and clarity I declare that the Lord is my Shepherd, and I shall not want for direction. My steps are ordered by the Lord. Confusion is broken, and I receive divine clarity and purpose for this season. 6. Demonic oppression I declare that no weapon formed against me will prosper. Every spirit of oppression, heaviness, and torment is broken by the power of the blood of Jesus. I walk in freedom and authority over all the power of the enemy. 7. Vision and purpose I declare that my eyes are opened to see the vision and calling God has for me. I will not wander aimlessly, but I am filled with divine purpose. My dreams and calling are coming alive again, and I will run the race set before me. 8. Alignments and relationships I declare that God is aligning me with the right people and removing toxic and ungodly relationships from my life. I will walk with those who encourage, sharpen, and call me higher in the things of God. 9. Trauma and bondage I declare that every chain of trauma and bondage is broken over my life. The healing power of Jesus is setting me free from past wounds, cycles of pain, and the strongholds that have kept me bound. I walk in complete liberty. 10. Breakthrough for delayed promises I declare that every delayed promise, every prolonged breakthrough, and every postponed dream is being brought into fulfillment. God’s timing is perfect, and I will see the manifestation of His promises in my life. It is finished! Warriors, stand firm! The victory has already been won, and the battle is the Lord’s. Walk in these declarations this week and watch as the power of the cross brings breakthrough and freedom in every area. 
By Nate Johnston 28 Sep, 2024
“In the season that you have never felt more confused, more lost, more out of options, more stretched, broken, raw, and unsure of the future, IN THAT SEASON am LAUNCHING you!” Says the Lord. “You have been reaching forth your hand out into the darkness feeling like every step forward is in vain, and every moment holding onto the promise only delaying the inevitable crash, but YOU DON’T SEE what I see because your ways ARE NOT my ways” “But you are right.. you are at THE END. The end of the old ways and the old path has come to an end, and now.. YOU ARE TURNING A CORNER” “You will feel like you have stepped from the darkness of midnight into the most glorious sunrise of a new day” “It will be that SUDDEN and overwhelming because you had started to plant your feet in the valley” “You had begun to call the WAITING your fortress and survival your safety, but as you turn the corner your HEART WILL LEAP, and a rush of grief and deep sorrow will rush to the surface as you realise I had been preparing THIS NEW DAY for you all along” “Still, it looks scary and unknown but THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN PREPARING YOU FOR!” “This is what I have been BUILDING IN YOU, and THROUGH YOU!” “So lay your burdens down at my feet today, all THE PIECES of the puzzle you don’t understand and are not able to stitch together” “Lay down your heartaches, lay down the pain you have been carrying” “HOLD MY HAND.. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I have not passed you by, I have not forgotten you, I won’t let you miss this!” “LET’S TURN THE CORNER TOGETHER” The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8
By Nate Johnston 26 Sep, 2024
Right now, many are finding themselves suddenly in transition, stepping out of a painful season of dishonor. You’ve been used by Saulish leaders - those who sought to build their own kingdoms while ignoring what you carry. You’ve dealt with endless orphan mindsets from other believers around you, who have cut you down and shut doors at every turn. You have been aligned with those who tolerated the Jezebel spirit and found yourself cleaning up their messes, worn down from carrying them spiritually. Your vision has been stolen, copied, and manipulated by those around you, just when you thought you had found a safe place to birth it. You’ve been gaslit, manipulated, faced constant control, and pulled in every direction, leaving you feeling disoriented and doubting your own discernment and prophetic calling. But now, the Lord is leading you out suddenly! Like Egypt, He is bringing you out of a long season of assault and bondage that has thwarted your true purpose and path. And you will see the Lord deliver you from the control, manipulation, and dishonor you’ve endured. He is bringing you out of the entanglements that have held you down, severing ties with the past, and creating a clear path for your next season. But I felt the Lord wanted me to give some practical keys to finishing these seasons well: THE WAY YOU EXIT MATTERS How you leave this season will influence the next one. The way you end this chapter will either unlock or delay the new beginning that’s waiting for you. The enemy would love to see you leave angry, bitter, and carrying unresolved hurt, but God is inviting you to release it all to Him. Forgive. Give them to Him. I know you want to slam the door and burn down the house, but just as Jesus quietly left Nazareth when they didn’t honor Him, by simply walking away and moving on, you are allowing God to be your vindicator and breaker, leading you out into the new day. GIVE HIM THE INJUSTICE God is inviting you to lay down the pain of this season. The hurt, the betrayal, and the dishonor are real, but He’s asking, “Will you trust Me with it?” As you surrender the weight, you will begin to feel the chains falling off—chains that have been trying to hold you in the old season and prevent you from transitioning into the new. Let go of the need to fight for justice—God is your defender, and He can handle it far better than you ever could. BREAK THE UNHOLY TIES Not everything from this past season is meant to go with you into the next. Some relationships, alignments, and connections need to be left behind. It’s time to unhook yourself from the unhealthy ties that have kept you bound. God is pruning these attachments because they can’t carry the weight of what He’s about to do in your life. But there are also unholy ties that need to be severed—strings of control, manipulation, and ties to people who have been using you and exerting dominance and ownership over you. These must be broken! Jesus told His disciples that if a town doesn’t receive you, to dust off your feet and leave. You must dust off your feet right now! Break the unholy vows. Cancel the contracts! CHOOSE HONOR IN THE MIDST OF MIND GAMES Repaying dishonor with dishonor never works. Trust me. There’s something powerful that happens when you choose honor in the face of dishonor. Just as David chose to honor Saul instead of taking his life in the cave, your actions in this moment ripple into your next season. While others may expect you to retaliate, God is calling you to take the higher road. Honor disarms the enemy and positions you to receive fresh favor. I know that when you leave a season, this is often when you see people’s true colors come to the surface as they realize they can’t control you anymore. They attack you even more, say nasty things, speak against you to others, and increase their mind games. But as you choose honor regardless, it disarms their demonic games and leads you out! DOUBLE HONOR IS COMING! I felt the Lord say, “Prophesy double honor!” So today, I prophesy over you a season of double honor and restoration. The dishonor you faced won’t define you, and God is turning it around for your good. Where you were dishonored, He is now bringing honor and recovery of everything you lost or that was robbed from you. Where you were overlooked, He is positioning you for unprecedented favor. Where you were gaslit and your calling squashed and stifled, God is now picking it up off the ground and reviving it. You will step into a new chapter of capacity to dream with God and vision with clarity. No more wearing a hundred hats or being spread thin building others’ empires. No more waking up to the daily drama of others' demons and carrying their dysfunctions. This new chapter will be a season of single-minded focus where you move forward with clarity, purpose, and freedom, and find the joy of stepping into the assignment that God has given to you. Get ready to dream again, laugh again, and walk in joy again. It’s time to exit, dust off your feet, wash your hands, and follow Jesus into the new day.
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