The first thing I want to share is a scripture that I heard the Lord repeating over and over the last few days;
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” Proverbs 4:23
And as i was thinking about what this could relate to this week apart from the obvious I heard the word “triggered” and knew right away that this week we must guard our hearts and be vigilant because the enemy may try to trigger you and bait you into warfare, conflict, or unnecessary drama, fear, worry, and doubts.
Guard your hearts! Don’t be pulled left and right this week. Stay grounded and focussed.
The second thing I want to share with you this week is to look out for the whispering cyclones.
The Lord showed me there would be an increase, especially on social media and in the news, of chatter wars, slander, and witchcraft. The phrase the Lord gave me was “whispering cyclones.” These whispers seem innocent, pure, and some will even parade as righteous, but they are spiritual cyclones releasing witchcraft and sliming people.
The Lord said “Tell them not to engage, for it is a distraction method of the enemy to get you off course to focus on your accuser rather than your Savior. Don’t engage with the cyclones. Don’t engage with the conversation of demons!”
The Lord wants you this week to focus on prayer in the secret place and releasing the sound you were meant to release. When you focus on these whispering cyclones, it robs you of your purity and taints the sound you were meant to carry.
The third thing I want to share with you this week is that dreams are going to increase.
The Lord is going to release warning dreams and intercessory assignment dreams. The scripture that came to mind was Job 5:12:
“He thwarts the plans of the crafty, so that their hands achieve no success.”
The Lord is releasing warning dreams but is also releasing dreams that show your authority to thwart and prevent tragedies in the spirit.
Do not think that what He reveals is beyond you just because it may involve governmental matters or nations. The Lord has called you to pray.
When you receive these warning dreams: Write them down. Pray them through with friends. And remember that your prayers avail much.
God is looking for a new breed of watchmen in this hour, those who will rise with a fresh mantle to release the strategies of heaven, evict principalities and powers, and stop the plans of darkness. That’s you!
I heard the Lord say that this week, God is continuing to clear out areas of hope deferred.
The phrase I heard was “hope deferred crossroads.”
I believe we are in a process where the Lord is doing a deep soul work in His people and breaking hope deferred that has been sitting in the recesses of peoples souls like hardened concrete.
This week, look out for moments where the Lord surfaces areas of your life that feel like barriers or unresolved issues. I saw them as shrines to past seasons, places where you had built a monument to disappointment.
The Lord is asking you to lay them down so you can pick up fresh hope and new promises.
This week will be a time of surrender. The Lord may lead you into healing moments where He asks for full access to those wounded places so He can break off the weight of disappointment.
As you confront hope deferred, you’ll begin to notice a crossroad where things shift and areas that once felt blocked will suddenly open up.
The next thing the Lord showed me was that He is clearing out old cycles from the last four years.
There were specific cycles of attack that began in 2020, assignments of the enemy meant to hinder, delay, and assassinate you, not to mention tire you out and burn you out. The Lord is bringing restitution and restoration as we come to this 4 year mark.
This will manifest in situations where you will finally see conclusions to struggles that have persisted since 2020.
What this means is that you will notice a side release in places you have become accustomed to endless tediousness and difficulty.
The Lord said to me, “This will be a year of building, but not according to what you’ve known.”
God is calling His people to build the unusual. It won’t look like the typical ministry models but will mirror the Acts 2 model: family, not empires.
Then the Lord spoke to me about 5 unusual expressions that he is right now calling people to break away from the norm to build.
Spiritual Hospitals — refuge centers for the sick, broken, and addicted, demon possessed and hurting. Houses of healing and divine restoration.
Adoption Centers — places where true spiritual mothers and fathers will Impart identity to the next generation and release the spirit of adoption over spiritual orphans.
Launch Pads — places to train, equip, ignite and send people into their callings.
Fellowship Tables — where the rejected and isolated can go to find true family.
Prophetic Dream Teams — where there are no hidden group agendas, but rather war eagles who simply gather to pray, share dreams, and move on them.
But there will also be many other unusual expressions that get awoken this week. Ideas and blueprints for raising powerful and healthy families and children. The question is, will you say yes to the unusual?
The Lord is relocating many people right now for strategic assignments.
Dreams, visions, and supernatural direction will increase as God speaks to those who have felt silenced or stifled and stuck for a long time. The Lord is releasing a call to move, shift, and inherit territories for His Kingdom purposes.
He is calling us into a Psalm 2:8 “Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations.”
God is putting cities and nations on people’s hearts. He is searching for obedient ones who will rise as movers, shakers, and waymakers that will GO and do what He says to do.
As I was praying over this week I saw a vision of a timid lion, and this lion was walking around growling, but it was almost like the growl of a lion that was incredibly sick. Suddenly, I saw the Spirit of the Lord come upon this lion, and the lion began to roar in power. I knew it was the Lord showing me what is happening in the body of Christ right now.
I then saw a trumpet in the spirit coming from the mouth of the lion. It was the sound of a trumpet blaring, and I believe that this week there is a shift taking place in the body of Christ. The Lord is restoring the trumpet back to the Church.
It will start small but the sound will begin to grow louder.
It’s the unapologetic cry of David in the land that will take down giants and evict principalities and powers in the land. The Lord is doing something new, and it carries the weight of the moment when you’ve been pressed and pushed into a corner for so long. Suddenly, there comes an unction, a fresh moment when the Spirit of the Living God comes upon you.
Out of that place of suppression, oppression, being tied down and held back, suddenly from deep within you comes the fresh cry and sound of the worshiper you were called to be - the eagle of war.
Look out this week for a fresh unction of the Holy Spirit that will open the mouths of those who have been canceled by the Church and canceled by the world.
Lastly, as I have been praying over the United States and the inauguration on the 20th we have felt strongly that the enemies plans are still to continue to derail it in some way shape or form and to continue to use demonic and divisive propaganda to create havoc. This week we must pray for our leaders and pray for no terror or calamity to come against them. Also pray for all plots and plans of harm and terror around the nation to be overturned in Jesus name. In a dream recently I saw President Trump stand to speak when the microphone was cut. Then I saw blood stained hands and knew the Lord was revealing the hidden plans that have brought pain and bloodshed in the name of political gain and demonic agendas.
Let’s pray people of God!
Finally, let Jesus be your reward. Seek Him above all other voices. Talk with Him more than you scroll on social media. Be in His presence instead of being pulled by all the constant distractions.
If you haven’t felt His presence for a while, I encourage you to linger until you recover what was lost.
Stay focussed. Stay surrendered. God is moving!