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Nate Johnston


Nate Johnston



I was in worship when I felt the Spirit of God come upon me ferociously like the response of heaven intervening in the middle of what looked like the summit many people’s crisis’ and personal battle. 

Wondering who I was feeling this for I then saw a huge multi-lane highway with many cars traveling upon it. I instantly knew these were the pioneers, the nomads, and forerunners of this season who stepped out of their comfort zone to follow Gods leading. 


As I saw the cars I felt like I was peering into a timeline where for these pioneers the call had Intensified and become very real, the steps costly, the risk tangible, and the movement forward into the unknown life-changing. 

I saw a calendar before me and I saw the long journeys many had embarked on but I heard “3 years” and knew this 3 years was where the call had become very real and the faith steps became more like faith jumps and a series of faith jumps ever since. 

What I sensed was that this three year period of time was like a pressure cooker, full of trial and errors, giants in the land, testing, strength training, and feeling no closer to the finish line than when they started. 

These pioneers had lived a lifestyle of faith jumps for this time without any respite or break from the journey of extreme risk and had laid down everything for the Lord and now had come to a place of tension. A place where either they are either broken and dashed or they experience breakthrough. 

Many started out with wonder, an excitement, and adventure but instead of supernatural outcomes and fulfillment had been experiencing delays, loss, hope deferred, and closed doors. 

Then I saw the months of March - July and how in these months there was a boiling point that had been reached in the spirit full of even further increased hardship, stops signs, and the overwhelming pressure to give up. Then I heard the Lord speak;


“Do you see this season for what it really is? Can you look you the smoke and fog to see what is really unfolding?” 

“Do you see the door of hope or the door of death and finality?”

“Do you see the tension and pain or the birthing that is happening?”

“Right now I am releasing eyes of faith to see this moment the way I see it so that those pursuing the uncommon promise do not lose hope!”

“Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope” - 1 Thessalonians 4:13


The reality is we are in a moment of extreme tension right now between the hopelessness and hope deferred the enemy is wanting you to buy into and the fresh hope God is revealing. 

We are in the tension of the battle that we see raging around us and the promise of God and it’s fulfillment. 

We are in the place of extreme contention where the warfare seems to have increased because delivery is just around the corner! 

This is the bottleneck of breakthrough. It’s where everything you have been standing for and all the pieces of transition seem to converge into one moment of time. We are in that moment. Do you have your eyes fixed on the breakthrough or the pressure? 


The other tension of this moment for pioneers is that we are in the difficult process of “Unless a seed falls to the ground and dies”(John 12:24) where many have been experiencing the pain of the death of what didn’t come and what didn’t work out.

You have been experiencing the grief of what has felt like a death to dreams and promises because they have been delayed and the waiting season has been crushing. 

It’s felt like a season of burying and laying to rest personal promises and things that you never imagined you would have to say goodbye to. 

It’s been a time of your heart having to reconcile areas of closure that you have been trying to hold on to and surrendering deep places of devastation to God that you have been soul-sick over. 

But you have only seen the end but not the new beginning. You have only felt the pain of letting go of the difficult road and the not the glorious revealing about to take place. 

Now watch what begins to come up from the ground, from the place of death, from your place of painful grief and loss. Watch what God brings back to life. Watch what He does through your surrender. 

This is not the end pioneers but a transfer checkpoint in the road where you must lay down the pain, the questions, the grief, trauma, and burdens you have been carrying. They must fall to the ground. 


Many have said in this season “After everything I have done it still looks lost” but there is something coming that you can’t orchestrate or have anticipated. 

You’ve done what you can do now this is where you watch God do what only He can do. You tried everything to keep that old thing alive and breathe life into dry bones but to no avail. 

Now watch as the four winds of God blows upon your life, cleansing you, healing you, and resurrects something brand new. 

You will realize that the death to the seed was needed so that the new life could come forth and the burying of the old had to be done so that something new could emerge. 


Then I heard the Lord say “Now it’s time to MULTIPLY!” and I realized that the seed dying was for the purpose of the harvest that had to come. The blessing God wanted to pour out was in the ending to what had limitations upon it. 

This is where you see what you faithfully stewarded suddenly multiply and increase right before you. This is where you see what you surrendered turn into something you couldn’t have imagined and your small mustard seeds of faith to follow Gods leading become sturdy trees in the nations.

This is where what looks hopeless and lost and dead suddenly begins to blossom and bloom into something beyond what you could have ever envisioned. 

You may not see it and you may not be able to see how but God is going to use what has come against you to multiply you. The words and accusations, judgements, and slander are being shut down and buried and in their place God is springing forth redemption and favor you couldn’t have imagined. 

“Will I not vindicate the road behind you?” says the Lord. “Will I not restore what the locust ate, what was robbed from you, and deal with injustice? For right now now I am bringing restoration to your house!”

I hear for some that this is your “do over” season. Where the enemy said you failed and threw shame at you - you are going to be given a blank slate and a pen to write this new day with the Lord, clutter free, shame free, and with hope for the future again. 

It’s an hour of consecration where the battle worn and weary, the ones who have been through hellfire and storms are running to the altar for fresh oil and for resurrection life to revive them from the long road they have walked and the rescue them from the clutches of breakdown and death the enemy prescribed them. No this is not that day. This is not the end. This is your new beginning in Jesus name! 


Then I heard the Lord say “This is a hallmark of faith moment” but I didn’t know what that meant. A hallmark is a stamp marking somethings genuine properties of purity and many have been through a season of blind faith and obedience and God is stamping them with His hallmark.

The hallmark is the branding of heaven upon Gods faithful who have been through the refiners fire and through the valley of darkness. It’s the mark of those who have navigated never ending wildernesses, loss, isolation, persecution, and pressed on despite only seeing the opposite of the promise they had believed for. 

This is a moment that I believe all of heaven is celebrating those who have continued to press through for their families even though the journey has been rough and unforgiving and it’s a moment of graduation and transition from believing to seeing and from pursuing to beholding. 


Hebrews 11 is known as “The hall of faith” because it speaks of the heroes, the pioneers, and forerunners that have gone before us. They were the ones that moved, migrated, and left all on a word from the Lord and God calls them the heroes of faith. 

"Faith motivated Abraham to obey God’s call and leave the familiar to discover the territory he was destined to inherit from God. So he left with only a promise and without even knowing ahead of time where he was going, Abraham stepped out in faith. He lived by faith as an immigrant in his promised land as though it belonged to someone else. He journeyed through the land living in tents with Isaac and Jacob who were persuaded that they were also co-heirs of the same promise. His eyes of faith were set on the city[h] with unshakable foundations, whose architect and builder is God himself. Sarah’s faith embraced God’s miracle power to conceive even though she was barren and was past the age of childbearing, for the authority of her faith[i] rested in the One who made the promise, and she tapped into his faithfulness" Hebrews 11:8-11

What has been stirred in my spirit for the pioneers in this pinnacle moment is that you are about to SEE the fulfillment with your own eyes! People have called you foolish and stupid for holding on beyond hope but why do you hold on? Because God has deposited a rare quality in you, a stubborn faith that can’t be moved even in times when you wanted it to, and now you will see it established!

Read what HeBrews 11:40 says;

“But now God has invited us to live in something better than what they had—faith’s fullness! This is so that they could be brought to finished perfection alongside of us”


I saw that the rest of the year was going to be a shifting time for the pioneers. 

There are held up outcomes and decisions that will be released in this time and Pivotal decision making revelation and insight that will come that is necessary to know how to move and when to move. 

There will be the final release of delayed legalities and red tape that will be unlocked and there will be loopholes and ways to move forward in areas that have looked shut. 

The convergence of hardship and promise simultaneously is going to produce not just a new beginning and way forward but a breakthrough that is going to be like a sonic boom that clears the air and settles the road behind you. 

These months will be very important shifting months for those who are still living up in the air and haven't known where to settle and to plant. 

Nomads and wanderers buckle up just a little longer because all your transition has not been in vain but this is the time that for all your moving around and back and forth God is going to lead you to the land that you will be able to put down roots.

In the next few months give him the frustration of not belonging and the pain of feeling not grounded in this process because you are being led to your Nexus. 

This is the place where everything you have been stewarding will begin to unfold and be built. 

The warfare against you in this convergence moment is to cause you to shut down instead of pursuing the final stages of this grand adventure with God. But resist it! Keep moving forward! 

This is where migration begins to increase because God is moving you into position for this phase of your journey. 

This is where God opens the way where if feels like there has been no way forward and no clarity and direction. 

Even right now as you are reading this i pray for maps to open in the spirit and for you to see what you have been too clouded to see. I pray that you would suddenly receive GPS navigation to this place God has been preparing for you. 


In the months to come God is going to stir you in a way you haven’t felt in years. It will feel like a river is beginning to swell and break the banks of your heart and you won’t be able to contain it. 

It will be like a fresh mighty wave building on the inside of you that you cannot hold back or hide. It’s the wave of the spirit of God that He gave you at the beginning of this journey to run with. Once just a tiny swell now through agitation and the process has become a formidable force for the kingdom. 

It’s your movement.

Maybe small and insignificant at first but it’s building and something has shifted in the battle.

Your movement has multiplied too and soon you will see it impact the earth publicly and globally and go beyond what you could have done with it. 

Your raw faith steps have produced this. Following Jesus has created this. 

You said yes and He poured out the bowls of heaven upon it and now you will see what has looked hidden and foolish to the world become a mighty giant for the kingdom of heaven. 

Your movement is about to MULTIPLY.. 

Even now God us downloading new plans, fresh vision for it, and establishing connections and pathways you couldn’t have orchestrated. Soon it is going to burst the banks and you’ll need to know what to do with it because God knows He can trust you with it. 

Like a puzzle God is using you as a major player and piece for this time of history and for the harvest at hand. Soon you and others will see the full picture and measure of what this looks like. 

You once moved with it obediently but you are about to move with it strategically. You once saw it as an overflow of your worship but soon you will see that your worship has created an apostolic movement that is going to impact nations. 

Get ready for fresh downloads and visions that will confront the outdated methods and starting to expire ways you are operating. God is giving you the building plans to the next 5 years and vision that will require another huge jump of faith to step into it. But it’s already in you and God has already cleared the way. 

Pioneers this is what you were born for.

You aren’t alone.

Keep trekking forward because your life will be a sign and a wonder of Gods goodness to all who see

sow a seed

RELATED prophetic WORDS:

RELATED prophetic WORDS:

By Nate Johnson February 12, 2025
A few days ago as I was driving around praying I heard this question; “Don’t apologize for your different mantle.” Instantly I thought of Elisha who In a moment had a new mantle thrown over him and his whole world changed. He slayed his oxen and his plowing tools and said goodbye to his family to be Elijah’s protege. We don’t see it in the Bible, but that could have been a movie in those unspoken lines right there. Imagine everything shifting that dramatically in your life that quickly? Yet you have been there and many are there right now. That process can be a shock to the system, adjusting to so many new surroundings but even more vividly, dealing with the internal changes. You see, when God throws a new mantle over you, it’s not just about a new anointing and role change. It leads you into an internal rewiring and initiates a season of crossing over from one capacity into the office you have been prepared for. And that’s the messy place many are in right now. But to you? You just feel lost or like something is missing. But nothing is missing, except the juice you had for the old thing running out. The oil is producing in the new thing God is highlighting to you, if you choose to see it. But the problem or challenges in this process comes if we refuse to recognize or transition over. For instance, where the grace on what you were doing or the way you were doing it lifts, but the longing for the familiar keeps you at a plow you are no longer anointed for. Refusing to adjust our lives to accomodate the new mantle can lead us into feeling like God has removed His hand on our lives when that is not the case. Mantles are upgrades not downgrades, but are we willing to surrender our desires for what He knows is best for us? And for many this is hard because their identities are also wrapped up in the old mantle and that can be hard to separate from. “But I’m a pastor and this is my role and what I do and what people expect me to do!” But what if you suddenly dream of nations and you can’t deny a pull in a different direction? Will you surrender to it, or stay stuck in the expectation you and others have placed on you? Even if it means stagnancy? No, you burn the plow and you adjust. But here's the thing, it’s not just you that has to adjust to your new mantle, but those around you. Those who have known you for a long time have been used to you operating a certain way, thinking a certain way, and being focussed in a specific direction. Those you use to run with, may not understand you, or even recognize you as you put on a different mantle on. It may cause them to feel like you are being disingenuous or being something you aren’t. But they don’t know that God has shifted your life in a moment. They see this new mantle and it looks like a costume, but it’s the most authentic you that you can be. So let me ask you again, can you handle a different mantle? Are you diagnosing this season properly? Lord I pray for those in this shift right now, out of one anointing and capacity and into another. Help them navigate their own personal process well, the relational process, and their process to adjust to your leading well in Jesus name! 
By Nate Johnston February 11, 2025
Christy felt it was important to keep people in the loop with us as we are still settling here in CA. (Boxes still around us but definitely on the other side of months of transition now.. whew!) Excited to see what God unfolds here. It’s bizarre that after all the years we have lived in California we feel like such novices when it comes to what God did here. I know what He is about to do.. and doing, but maybe a lack of knowing is a gift because we are approaching this season with childlike wonder and hunger to see the simple gospel reach the hurting and for an Acts 2 to begin on these shores and all nations of the earth. We are waking every day here with a sense of “your will be done” not wanting to fall in the trap of just doing what we feel needs to be done or doing what we have always done. We also know we aren’t the answer but that we can simply be the hands and feet of Jesus alongside many others who have toiled the ground here for many generations. And we are acutely aware of how we are standing on the shoulders of giants right now. We feel like novices. But I’m ok with that! Dreams have been nonstop since arriving like pieces to a puzzle, and like a constant stream of prayer points. God truly is stirring us up because He is birthing something incredible that HE is doing. It feels ripe. Like the days in 2009/2010 when we used to drive through the canyons and pray “WAKEY WAKEY” we have been doing the same here and feeling that what God 50 years ago during the Jesus people movement is about to happen again! A raw, grassroots revival bringing in the lost and returning the church back to being the hospital and sending place again! Anyways back to the story of the last few days; In the midst of all of of this stirring Lou calls us and asks if we would like to see him Friday as he was coming for Carol Wimber's memorial, so we pick him up from the airport and he is carrying three Lonnie Frisbee books! After a morning of prayer and talking about the history of prayer in the region. As he is talking I suddenly go into a vision where I see the coastline of California and I see the missions lit on fire. Then I hear “Light the fires of prayer in Calfornia!” Not knowing the history of the missions or what they even represent prophetically, Lou began to tell us about his prayer walks to the missions and their significance in being places of prayer. I decided to go join Lou for the memorial as he felt that it was important one of us were there. As we arrived a man approached Lou and we soon realized it was Lonnie Frisbees brother Stan! At the end of the memorial Stan approached me and said that he felt to pray for me. I have no words for what he spoke directly from the throne in those few moments except that God was trying to send a massive message, not just to us but to many others.....
By Nate Johnson February 12, 2025
A few days ago as I was driving around praying I heard this question; “Don’t apologize for your different mantle.” Instantly I thought of Elisha who In a moment had a new mantle thrown over him and his whole world changed. He slayed his oxen and his plowing tools and said goodbye to his family to be Elijah’s protege. We don’t see it in the Bible, but that could have been a movie in those unspoken lines right there. Imagine everything shifting that dramatically in your life that quickly? Yet you have been there and many are there right now. That process can be a shock to the system, adjusting to so many new surroundings but even more vividly, dealing with the internal changes. You see, when God throws a new mantle over you, it’s not just about a new anointing and role change. It leads you into an internal rewiring and initiates a season of crossing over from one capacity into the office you have been prepared for. And that’s the messy place many are in right now. But to you? You just feel lost or like something is missing. But nothing is missing, except the juice you had for the old thing running out. The oil is producing in the new thing God is highlighting to you, if you choose to see it. But the problem or challenges in this process comes if we refuse to recognize or transition over. For instance, where the grace on what you were doing or the way you were doing it lifts, but the longing for the familiar keeps you at a plow you are no longer anointed for. Refusing to adjust our lives to accomodate the new mantle can lead us into feeling like God has removed His hand on our lives when that is not the case. Mantles are upgrades not downgrades, but are we willing to surrender our desires for what He knows is best for us? And for many this is hard because their identities are also wrapped up in the old mantle and that can be hard to separate from. “But I’m a pastor and this is my role and what I do and what people expect me to do!” But what if you suddenly dream of nations and you can’t deny a pull in a different direction? Will you surrender to it, or stay stuck in the expectation you and others have placed on you? Even if it means stagnancy? No, you burn the plow and you adjust. But here's the thing, it’s not just you that has to adjust to your new mantle, but those around you. Those who have known you for a long time have been used to you operating a certain way, thinking a certain way, and being focussed in a specific direction. Those you use to run with, may not understand you, or even recognize you as you put on a different mantle on. It may cause them to feel like you are being disingenuous or being something you aren’t. But they don’t know that God has shifted your life in a moment. They see this new mantle and it looks like a costume, but it’s the most authentic you that you can be. So let me ask you again, can you handle a different mantle? Are you diagnosing this season properly? Lord I pray for those in this shift right now, out of one anointing and capacity and into another. Help them navigate their own personal process well, the relational process, and their process to adjust to your leading well in Jesus name! 
By Nate Johnston February 11, 2025
Christy felt it was important to keep people in the loop with us as we are still settling here in CA. (Boxes still around us but definitely on the other side of months of transition now.. whew!) Excited to see what God unfolds here. It’s bizarre that after all the years we have lived in California we feel like such novices when it comes to what God did here. I know what He is about to do.. and doing, but maybe a lack of knowing is a gift because we are approaching this season with childlike wonder and hunger to see the simple gospel reach the hurting and for an Acts 2 to begin on these shores and all nations of the earth. We are waking every day here with a sense of “your will be done” not wanting to fall in the trap of just doing what we feel needs to be done or doing what we have always done. We also know we aren’t the answer but that we can simply be the hands and feet of Jesus alongside many others who have toiled the ground here for many generations. And we are acutely aware of how we are standing on the shoulders of giants right now. We feel like novices. But I’m ok with that! Dreams have been nonstop since arriving like pieces to a puzzle, and like a constant stream of prayer points. God truly is stirring us up because He is birthing something incredible that HE is doing. It feels ripe. Like the days in 2009/2010 when we used to drive through the canyons and pray “WAKEY WAKEY” we have been doing the same here and feeling that what God 50 years ago during the Jesus people movement is about to happen again! A raw, grassroots revival bringing in the lost and returning the church back to being the hospital and sending place again! Anyways back to the story of the last few days; In the midst of all of of this stirring Lou calls us and asks if we would like to see him Friday as he was coming for Carol Wimber's memorial, so we pick him up from the airport and he is carrying three Lonnie Frisbee books! After a morning of prayer and talking about the history of prayer in the region. As he is talking I suddenly go into a vision where I see the coastline of California and I see the missions lit on fire. Then I hear “Light the fires of prayer in Calfornia!” Not knowing the history of the missions or what they even represent prophetically, Lou began to tell us about his prayer walks to the missions and their significance in being places of prayer. I decided to go join Lou for the memorial as he felt that it was important one of us were there. As we arrived a man approached Lou and we soon realized it was Lonnie Frisbees brother Stan! At the end of the memorial Stan approached me and said that he felt to pray for me. I have no words for what he spoke directly from the throne in those few moments except that God was trying to send a massive message, not just to us but to many others.....
By Nate Johnston February 4, 2025
This feels like a very simple yet direct word for the pioneers out there this week, and I believe it will be a continual theme for the year. It feels as though the Lord is setting us on the right path right now. He has been shifting us off the wrong track and onto the right one, aligning us with the right conditions and out of the round-the-mountain-goose-chase many have been on. It almost feels like God is bringing us into an environment or season where things around us finally work or connect. It no longer feels like we are living in clutter or at least God is beginning the process of getting us out of it. We can no longer live bombarded by a constant, overwhelming number of influences and distractions on a daily basis. For the last four to seven years, our pioneering journey has felt noisy, filled with constant swirling chaos. It’s normal in that part of the pilgrimage. It’s settling sail with little to nothing to go on. It’s the season of trial and error - learning to hear His voice and lead as best as you can. That’s why 2024 felt difficult because at the end of that road it feels like it’s the culmination of some wins and advances but so many more painful outcomes to navigate, regrets, and even failures. But coming out of that, the Lord wants to establish us. He wants to set us up for victory in our pioneering efforts so that we are no longer expending so much energy defending ourselves or constantly being on the offensive due to a lack of wisdom in certain situations, circumstances, or decisions we have made. Over the past few years, we have been moving toward a new level of maturity. I believe 2024 was the year of realizing what was not going to work and what would. Now, in 2025, the Lord is bringing us into a place of settling and clarity in key areas, our people, our mission, and our calling. Many of us have gone through a season of redefining our calling. As pioneers, we tend to see needs, recognize things that must be done, and take action. However, not all of these tasks are what the Lord has called us to do. Many are simply things that need to be done by someone, but not necessarily by us. The Lord is teaching us to discern what is from Him and what is simply a distraction. This also applies to the people in our lives. As highly empathetic individuals, we naturally see the needs of those around us. We see hurting people, and we see those who want to run with us. Because we have experienced seasons of isolation, times of feeling like an outsider, there is a part of us that craves companionship. We don’t want to feel like a Lone Ranger right? As a result, we may gravitate toward people who validate or flatter us. We may also be drawn to those who are needy and require help. While these things are not inherently wrong, they can drain our energy and prevent us from fulfilling our main mission. This is something we must address. Right now, the Lord is calling us to establish boundaries. He is leading us to greater wisdom and discernment regarding who we align with, who we pour into, and who we allow into our lives. In our desire to avoid loneliness, we have sometimes allowed “bad apples” into our circles. But the Lord is dealing with these misalignments now. Another challenge pioneers face is our familiarity with mess. We have spent so long dealing with chaos that it has become normal to us. We have accepted clutter and disorder as part of our calling. Some of us have even come to associate progress with drama, as if things must be chaotic in order to be “The Lord” But I truly believe this next season of pioneering will be different. It will be a season of building from a place of peace and rest. The Lord is bringing the right people into our lives, and He is making our assignments clear. We are shifting from a pilgrimage phase of pioneering into a settling phase. This means we are coming to the end of searching for the right location or environment. Migrations are still happening but that will begin to change as God anchors people. Now, it is time to plant, establish, and build the things we have been talking about for the last seven years. At the beginning of this year, I felt a strong warning from the Lord: “Do you really want to go around the mountain again?” There are areas in our lives where the Lord has been calling us to maturity. Yet, it is easy to fall back into old patterns, opening the floodgates once again to unnecessary drama, noise, and distractions. The Lord is asking: “Do you really want to go around that mountain again? Do you really want to keep expending energy filtering out the noise just to hear My voice?” I know the answer is no. The wisdom of the Lord in this season is clear: We must filter better. We must discern better. We must step out of the cesspool of drama, noise, and constant demands. We must break free from the need to appease people and from our own need for affirmation from the wrong places. We must embrace the truth that less is more. We must work smarter, not harder. I believe the Lord wants me to pray today for pioneers, that a great level of discernment and wisdom would come upon your life in this next season. Write this down in a journal: People, Assignment, and Heart. The Lord is calling you to govern and steward these areas well. He is calling you to guard your heart well. He is calling you to steward your one true calling well. He is calling you to nurture the small community of people He has placed around you. As you do this, you have permission to block out everything else. Focus on His face. This will ensure that you are no longer caught in the enemy’s wild goose chase, constantly going around the same mountain, losing time, losing joy, and nearly losing your divine calling. It is time to move forward with a high altitude, spiritual and emotional aptitude, and a clarity and peace that only comes by getting off the broken carnival car of demonic distraction and coming back in step with Jesus. I prophesy, you will not go round the mountain in 2025 in Jesus name! 
By Nate Johnson February 3, 2025
For the last week, I have felt an intercession in my spirit for the emerging breed of prophets that are rising up. I remember being at a massive prophetic summit in 2018 when I went into a vision. I saw an older generation of prophets and apostles opening up the gates, opening the doors of a massive church, and they were calling in the next generation of prophets to arise. I saw them coming in, and they were covered in rags, yet they carried the fire of the Lord on their tongues. As soon as they stepped inside the building, the older generation of prophets almost regretted what they had done. “Oh, this isn’t what we expected them to be. This is not what we wanted in here.” They wanted polished. They wanted suits. They wanted the image. They also wanted praise. And so, this group of prophets was turned away. I stood there in the vision, my heart sinking, knowing that the future of what God wanted to do in the church would require a healthy generation of prophets, young and old, not removing the older generation, but rather bringing them into partnership with something fresh that God was doing. For the last six to seven years, I have been praying and interceding for this next generation of emerging prophets to arise. I have seen the coming and going of trends, voices stepping out of the wilderness, only to be shut down quickly by the gatekeepers, the prophetic police, territorial prophetic guardians, wardens, and apostolic wolves. I have seen it time and time again. I have walked through it myself. It is not an easy road as a prophetic voice, especially when there is a lack of mothering and fathering in the prophetic movement. It is a difficult road, and only a few seem to make it through to the other side. But something is shifting... An emerging prophetic company has arisen, one with boldness and unbridled zeal to step onto the scene and establish what no one else is establishing. This is a company of prophets that recognizes that there is a vacuum to be filled. It is like the sons of the prophets in 2 Kings 6:1-2, who recognized that their dwelling was too small and that it was time to build something bigger. “Look now, the place where we dwell with you is too small for us. Please, let us go to the Jordan, and let every man take a beam from there, and let us make there a place where we may dwell.” (2 Kings 6:1-2) We are in the midst of empires crumbling, people who have operated with “flies in the ointment” (Ecclesiastes 10:1) are falling. This new breed of prophets recognizes that if they do not step out, ignore the fear of man, and begin to build, then: Who will be the marker for this generation? Who will point the way and lead the body of Christ forward? Who will break the stereotypes and religious, whitewashed dogma of past regimes? Who will establish something pure? Something Has Shifted My friends, in 2025, this new breed that has been underground for years—coming in and out, in and out, in and out, has finally arrived at a place of boldness and courage. They have walked through deep orphan mindsets and Jezebelic attacks, but now they are ready to step out and be who God has called them to be. In these last few weeks, I have heard the Lord say: “There is a faceless group of prophets rising up right now, untangled and untainted by the past prophetic administration. And because they have been untangled and rejected by the system, that very rejection was their protection, so they could now build something pure.” They are a generation whose hands have not been in all the religious pies. They have not been muddied and soiled by the compromise and the leaven of the Pharisees (Matthew 16:6), which have brought division, error, and polarization to the prophetic movement. A Prophetic Reset This group of prophets is rising to reset the prophetic movement. They will bring healing. They will bring humility. They will destroy thrones and golden calves. They will restore the prophetic movement to what it was meant to be. And I keep hearing the Lord say: “Listen to what the wild prophets are saying right now. Listen to what the wild prophets are saying right now!” People are looking for those with a track record. People are looking for the household names. I am not against any of that, but right now, the anointing is on the wild prophets. God has anointed the faceless for a purpose. They are like the voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” (Isaiah 40:3) They have no agenda. They have no personal ambition. Their only mission is to lead people to Jesus and move the body of Christ forward. God is Looking for the John the Baptist Voices God is looking for those John the Baptist voices who look different, sound different, yet carry the pure word of the Lord, the kind of word that clears the air in a time of unrest, distraction, and noise. God is looking for those Micaiah voices (1 Kings 22) who will say what He is saying, even when thousands of others have bowed to Baal and kissed his lips for approval and fame. “Then Micaiah said, ‘As the Lord lives, whatever the Lord says to me, that I will speak.’” (1 Kings 22:14) Micaiah was hated by the religious system but loved in heaven. A Call to the Wild Prophets And I want to simply say to the emerging wild voices out there this week: Please rise up. Please rise up. What is the Lord saying to you? What has He put on your heart? What are the dreams He has given you? It is time to release them. It is time to decree them. It is time to pray. It is time to break past the lies of false coverings and ideologies that have tried to keep you muzzled and silent, at a time when both the church and the world need to hear what you have to say. Because you carry the heartbeat of heaven. And as you rise, it will bring a reset to the body of Christ and lead the church forward. 
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