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Nate Johnston


Nate Johnston



You are in a season of God-ordained CLOSURE and DELIVERANCE where God is reconciling and finalizing the last 7 years of your life so that you can move out of waiting and into the new day. 

He sees the trials you have walked through, the obstacles you have faced, and the toll it has taken, and right now He is bringing this season of your journey to a spiritual end.

In a vision, I saw the Lord reading a ledger and stamping each page with the words “account closed”. He was settling every incoming and outgoing transaction of this 7-year season and bringing them to a close. 

Then I heard Him say “The old doors must be shut, and the new must be opened” but many have been stuck in between unable to move because they have not allowed full closure to come.

Many have been stuck in the darkroom of their pain rehearsing and rewatching their greatest failures and trying to relive their highlight reel moments, but now it’s time to leave that place and embrace the new. 

I heard Him say “What I have ahead of will eclipse your last season’s highlights, and will bring healing to the pain of your greatest defeats” 

God is bringing closure to the wrong voices in your life, the wrong confidants, and the wrong alignments that aren’t in your corner.

He is healing and delivering you from betrayal’s poison, manipulation and control, narcissism and abuse, slander and identity assassination. 

He is settling the score of the words that were spoken against you out of competition and jealousy, and speaking a new declaration over your life. 

You will begin to feel the deep severing of ties you didn’t know you had and the untwisting of your life that has been woven around the wrong people and places God never ordained for you or you have outgrown. 

God is bringing justice and recompense to what was illegally stolen and robbed from you in the last 7 years and is fast-tracking what was held back or hidden from you. 

He is bringing closure to your Nazareth season, your wandering & and stuck season, and your season of dishonor and rejection from the place you loved but felt never loved you back. 

He is bringing closure to assignments and purpose that suddenly ended without warning, where the grace lifted, and you have been feeling lost and trying to find your new mission blueprints. 

You have felt jaded and numb in times to the presence and felt far from the peace you once had but God is right now detoxing you and causing your heart to come alive again and feel again. 

I heard the Lord say “ I have a season of conquests ahead of you but you won’t be effective unless I first deliver you from the weariness and deep soul-sick discouragement you have been carrying”

He is delivering you from the mind battles, torment, and shellshock of the last season and bringing freedom to your mind, healing to your body, and recovery to your soul. 

You haven’t plateaued, reached your summit, or been passed by. For your days ahead are going to be better than your former and where you felt like your race was over, you will feel a new fire in your feet to run again. 

In the past season, you had to hold onto Him with everything because it was a season of experiencing incredible blows and being taunted by giants on all sides, but in this season you will take down the giants that once cornered you.

In this season you faced so many battles that you lost your fight and felt like all your strength had evaporated, but soon you will wake up and feel your hair begin to grow back where it was cut, and you’ll bend down and pick up your smoothed stones once again. 

You will feel a fight back and strength begin to surge in your spirit and with tears in your eyes realize God just delivered you from the rut of defeat you were laying in. 

“Look for the moments where I come and RESET you” I heard Him say. You will know because you will feel like years of baggage and overheads suddenly LIFT. You won’t wake up bombarded by worry and anxiety. You will get your sleep and dreams back. Feel like people’s chatter is no longer on your radar, and feel excited for the unknown and not fearful anymore. This is your hour of CLOSURE to the old and the new beginning.. 


If this spoke to you just know that God is doing major work in your life right now to set you up for the season ahead. 

Jesus is freeing you right now. He is the new door and your rescue from your past season and every assignment that waged war against you. He is your answer right now where things feel uncertain and your future where you may feel lost. You can hold onto Him and embrace Him and get total freedom. 

In the last two weeks I have seen God bring major deliverance to people who have been shipwrecked and bound and if you felt the presence and anointing on this and want that same freedom just ask Him for it! Share below what God did as you asked Him. 

“I removed his shoulder from the burden; His hands were freed from the baskets” Psalms 81:6

I pray that this season of internal rewiring and heart reset would finish its process in and you, and for the old patterns and cycles to be handed over. I pray for healing and deliverance over you right now and for the power of the Spirit to rest upon you, brooding over you as you bring this season to a close. Now I prophesy for the doors to swing wide open, for the dots to connect and every single thing to line up in Jesus name. Lord refresh them, and set them up for the greatest GO they have seen in their lives in Jesus name!

Sow a seed

RELATED prophetic WORDS:

RELATED prophetic WORDS:

By Nate Johnston January 29, 2025
Over this last month, as I’ve been off social media, the Lord has been highlighting a profound yet simple instruction for 2025 and beyond. This is something He has spoken to me personally, but I know it applies to many others who have felt a deep reverence stepping into 2025. There has been a real fear of the Lord regarding what we are meant to do, what we are meant to be involved in, and how we are to advance His kingdom. It feels as though, especially over the last six months, the Lord has been shifting our appetites and affections, down to our appetites and desires. He has been prompting us to redefine and even question what we have been doing in the past and what we are called to do moving forward. It feels like the Lord is making a very loud statement to us - begin to build unusual! As pioneers, what we step into in 2025 must be a brand-new blueprint. It is as though we have come to the end of the last map. We had to write it, plot it, and walk into the unknown to discover it. But now, that map is complete. We have walked the path we were meant to walk. And now, stepping into 2025, the Lord is handing us a blank slate, a new parchment and a pen to begin charting a new course. This means stepping into something that has never been done before. It means forging a path that has not yet been paved. But it is impossible to step into the new while still clinging to the old instructions, methods, and mindsets of our last pioneering journey. What needs to happen now is a grand departure. That is why your affections have changed. That is why your appetites have shifted. That is why you have felt an unusual discontent watching what others are doing. It is not that those things are wrong; rather, the Lord places that discontent in us when He is calling us to detour from familiar paths and step into our own unique journey. In 2014, Christy and I felt this pull deeply. At the time, we were involved in a church where I was serving as a worship pastor and we both began to sense that if we didn’t step into what God was calling us to, we would be forfeiting a decade of our lives. We knew that if we ignored the call, we would be stuck going around the same mountain, doing what everyone else was doing instead of what God had placed on our lives. The Lord was asking us, “Are you willing to feel uncomfortable for a season to step into the destiny upon your life?” I can tell you, it was a deeply uncomfortable season of leaving behind the familiar. We had to burn the oxen and the plow and be okay with being misunderstood. Yet now, ten years later, we are reaping the fruit of that obedience. We chose the unfamiliar, the unpopular. We took hold of the blank parchment and began to etch out the revelation of the Lord, taking daily steps of obedience. That journey has now formed a map for many others to follow. And I believe we are at that same moment again. I know many pioneers reading this are asking, “What is my next step? Why do I feel lost? Why does nothing seem to be coming together? Why do I feel the pull to leave this, to walk away from that, to not do what others expect me to do?” It is because the Lord has called you for seasons, not to be a lone ranger, not to be isolated, but to walk in the grace He has given you for the unusual. You are called to step into the unfamiliar, to embrace the unknown, to pioneer a new language and build an infrastructure that no one else is building. Right now, God is redirecting many. It reminds me of the Macedonian call, when they were set to go in one direction, but God gave them a dream and redirected them elsewhere. In the same way, God is now releasing mass revelation to His pioneers. He is sounding a clarion call: “You cannot follow the same path as before” There is a temptation to fall into complacency because it is comfortable. It is easy to think, “God, I’ve paid my dues. I can settle into ease now.” But the Lord is saying, “I have not called you to ease. Ground does not break beneath your feet through comfort. I have placed a sledgehammer in your hands to break the hardest of ground. And as you break that ground, what has been hidden and concealed will begin to erupt.” Wells need to be uncapped and YOU are called to do this in cities and regions that are blocked. We are in a season where the nations are ripe, but the ground must be tilled to prepare for the harvest. So, pioneers, my word for you today is this: Lean into the unusual. Do not do what everyone else is doing. Do not fall into the trap of continuing with the same religious or ministry endeavors simply because they are familiar. Step into the unusual. There is a grace and anointing upon the unusual. There is a grace and anointing upon that which is organic and grassroots in this season. You do not need the masses. You do not need widespread approval from people. You simply need the yes of the Lord. Step into what may not make sense to others, because in heaven, it makes perfect sense. This is your call. 
By Nate Johnston January 28, 2025
As we begin the week, I have a word for you. God is resetting our circuit boards and rewiring areas of our lives that aren’t visible on the exterior or sometimes even apparent. Do you feel it? It’s been happening for months now. He is working behind the scenes, doing a deep work right now to get us back on track and declutter many, many years of loose wiring and heavy burdens in our lives. This is where our journeys lead us through unexpected roads, terrain, and difficulties that scatter us and these challenges bring in external influences and distractions that slowly rob us. Think, for instance, about a jug with a pinhole in it. Over time, the jug leaks water until it’s depleted. If it’s not refilled constantly, it requires more and more input to sustain it. I believe many people have been like that leaky jug, slowly losing themselves over time. Right now, the Lord is repairing those small holes, those small fractures and areas of our lives. This work has been ongoing for many months. I even wrote about this in October, November, and December, but I felt led to encourage you again: God is at work. However, if we misdiagnose this process as the enemy’s doing, asking, “Why am I feeling this way? Why are these things coming to the surface? Why does it feel like I have so many issues right now?” We will miss it. God is healing you. He is setting you free. God really wants you whole in this season. This reminds me of how, as a father, when my kids get hurt playing a sport, I want to see them patched up and healed before they head back out onto the field. It feels the same way with God. He wants you completely restored and ready, with the capacity to embrace the amazing things He has for you in this season. But if you’re still running with the mindsets of the last season - empty, soul-sick, or hope-deferred, it will create issues down the road. This morning, I woke up in our new house here in California and discovered a fuse issue. The bottom part of the house wasn’t receiving power. Instantly, I went to the circuit board and flipped the switch for the circuit that wasn’t working and nothing happened. I tried again, but it just kept flipping back. Normally, this is the fix for a tripped fuse. That’s when I realized I needed to reset the entire house. Once I reset the main circuit, the power came back for the whole house, fixing the issue. This reminded me of how God sometimes needs to do a hard reset of our internal wiring, our hearts, and our souls . Every area of our lives needs resetting so we can function properly and the power can turn back on. What does the power represent? It represents the power of God and the Holy Spirit working mightily in our hearts and lives. This process requires us to lean in and surrender to the rewiring. Here are three areas I feel the lord asking us to do this in right now; Our Assignments: God is asking us to surrender the work we are doing for Him. It feels like a holy moment, a new chapter, where He is asking: “What’s in your hands? Are you going to keep doing what you’ve always done, reaping the same results? Or are you willing to surrender it to me, empty your hands, and let me place in them what is needed for this season?” This is a time to step back and evaluate if what we are doing is truly aligned with His plan or if we’re holding on to outdated assignments. Surrender your work, your ministry, and your efforts to Him so He can give you the clarity and provision you need. Our Relationships: God says, “Give me your relationships, your connections, and the people you’re running with. Empty yourself and allow me to put the right people and alignments in your life.” Some relationships may no longer be fruitful for the season you are stepping into. Trust God to realign your community and partnerships, placing the right people in your path. Be willing to let go of unhealthy ties or connections that are holding you back, and allow Him to bring new relationships that will propel you forward. Our Dreams: What dreams, desires, or expectations are you clinging to? Are you willing to release them to God? Enter the secret place, lay them before Him, and allow Him to give you what is truly necessary for this season. Some of the dreams we hold onto may be good but not God’s best for us or the right timing. Others may need refining or replacing. Surrender your ambitions and plans to the Lord, and let Him give you fresh vision and purpose. God is also restoring childlike joy and adventure in this season. As I voice-record this, I see a picture of a child laughing with their father. This child is filled with joy and delight, eagerly participating in the father’s work. I believe God wants to restore that childlike faith and joy to us, something the enemy has robbed from many of us. In recent years, so many pioneers have lost their joy, fire, and fight. They’ve been running on empty. Now, in 2025, God is beginning to fill us with fresh vision. But even with fresh vision, without the power supply to sustain it, it won’t come to fruition. God can give us building plans, but without the power to execute them, they will fail. Right now, God is recalibrating us back to our original factory settings. This morning, I was led to the story of Peter, who denied Jesus three times. After Jesus died, Peter went back to his fishing boat. In a powerful moment of restoration, Peter, still carrying the weight of guilt, ran to the shore when he realized it was Jesus. Jesus asked him three times, “Do you love me?” and instructed him to feed His sheep. This moment not only overwrote Peter’s denial but also brought deep soul and heart healing, restoring him to his original mission. Can you see how this is happening right now both personally and also corporately in the church? It’s the Lord loudly pleading “Come back to your first love! Be made whole!” As I say this, I feel led to declare: Dry bones, come alive! You migh t feel like those dry bones in the valley, scattered, lifeless, and forgotten. But hear the word of the Lord: The breath of God is coming upon you. He is breathing life into your weary soul and raising you up to stand as a mighty army. Just as Ezekiel prophesied to the dry bones and they came together, bone to bone, God is knitting you back together. He’s covering you with tendons, flesh, and skin and filling you with His Spirit. You will no longer live in the valley of despair or feel abandoned in the shadow of death. The Lord is calling you out of darkness, out of hopelessness, and into the fullness of life. You may feel like you’ve been lying in a grave, hidden, forgotten, and lifeless, but the Lord is saying, “Come out! I am not done with you.” He is restoring your strength, renewing your vision, and filling you with a fresh wind of His Spirit. This is a moment of awakening. The things that felt dead, the dreams that seemed lost, and the purposes that seemed unreachable are being revived. The Lord is calling you to rise up. No longer will you carry the weight of shame, guilt, or defeat. No longer will the enemy hold you captive in the graveyard of past seasons. The Lord is saying, “Stand to your feet! Mighty ones, it’s time to live again.” He is placing His Spirit within you, empowering you for the days ahead. Get ready for new assignments, fresh alignments, and the fulfillment of God’s promises. The dry bones are coming alive. This is your season of restoration, renewal, and revival in Jesus name! 
By Nate Johnston January 29, 2025
Over this last month, as I’ve been off social media, the Lord has been highlighting a profound yet simple instruction for 2025 and beyond. This is something He has spoken to me personally, but I know it applies to many others who have felt a deep reverence stepping into 2025. There has been a real fear of the Lord regarding what we are meant to do, what we are meant to be involved in, and how we are to advance His kingdom. It feels as though, especially over the last six months, the Lord has been shifting our appetites and affections, down to our appetites and desires. He has been prompting us to redefine and even question what we have been doing in the past and what we are called to do moving forward. It feels like the Lord is making a very loud statement to us - begin to build unusual! As pioneers, what we step into in 2025 must be a brand-new blueprint. It is as though we have come to the end of the last map. We had to write it, plot it, and walk into the unknown to discover it. But now, that map is complete. We have walked the path we were meant to walk. And now, stepping into 2025, the Lord is handing us a blank slate, a new parchment and a pen to begin charting a new course. This means stepping into something that has never been done before. It means forging a path that has not yet been paved. But it is impossible to step into the new while still clinging to the old instructions, methods, and mindsets of our last pioneering journey. What needs to happen now is a grand departure. That is why your affections have changed. That is why your appetites have shifted. That is why you have felt an unusual discontent watching what others are doing. It is not that those things are wrong; rather, the Lord places that discontent in us when He is calling us to detour from familiar paths and step into our own unique journey. In 2014, Christy and I felt this pull deeply. At the time, we were involved in a church where I was serving as a worship pastor and we both began to sense that if we didn’t step into what God was calling us to, we would be forfeiting a decade of our lives. We knew that if we ignored the call, we would be stuck going around the same mountain, doing what everyone else was doing instead of what God had placed on our lives. The Lord was asking us, “Are you willing to feel uncomfortable for a season to step into the destiny upon your life?” I can tell you, it was a deeply uncomfortable season of leaving behind the familiar. We had to burn the oxen and the plow and be okay with being misunderstood. Yet now, ten years later, we are reaping the fruit of that obedience. We chose the unfamiliar, the unpopular. We took hold of the blank parchment and began to etch out the revelation of the Lord, taking daily steps of obedience. That journey has now formed a map for many others to follow. And I believe we are at that same moment again. I know many pioneers reading this are asking, “What is my next step? Why do I feel lost? Why does nothing seem to be coming together? Why do I feel the pull to leave this, to walk away from that, to not do what others expect me to do?” It is because the Lord has called you for seasons, not to be a lone ranger, not to be isolated, but to walk in the grace He has given you for the unusual. You are called to step into the unfamiliar, to embrace the unknown, to pioneer a new language and build an infrastructure that no one else is building. Right now, God is redirecting many. It reminds me of the Macedonian call, when they were set to go in one direction, but God gave them a dream and redirected them elsewhere. In the same way, God is now releasing mass revelation to His pioneers. He is sounding a clarion call: “You cannot follow the same path as before” There is a temptation to fall into complacency because it is comfortable. It is easy to think, “God, I’ve paid my dues. I can settle into ease now.” But the Lord is saying, “I have not called you to ease. Ground does not break beneath your feet through comfort. I have placed a sledgehammer in your hands to break the hardest of ground. And as you break that ground, what has been hidden and concealed will begin to erupt.” Wells need to be uncapped and YOU are called to do this in cities and regions that are blocked. We are in a season where the nations are ripe, but the ground must be tilled to prepare for the harvest. So, pioneers, my word for you today is this: Lean into the unusual. Do not do what everyone else is doing. Do not fall into the trap of continuing with the same religious or ministry endeavors simply because they are familiar. Step into the unusual. There is a grace and anointing upon the unusual. There is a grace and anointing upon that which is organic and grassroots in this season. You do not need the masses. You do not need widespread approval from people. You simply need the yes of the Lord. Step into what may not make sense to others, because in heaven, it makes perfect sense. This is your call. 
By Nate Johnston January 28, 2025
As we begin the week, I have a word for you. God is resetting our circuit boards and rewiring areas of our lives that aren’t visible on the exterior or sometimes even apparent. Do you feel it? It’s been happening for months now. He is working behind the scenes, doing a deep work right now to get us back on track and declutter many, many years of loose wiring and heavy burdens in our lives. This is where our journeys lead us through unexpected roads, terrain, and difficulties that scatter us and these challenges bring in external influences and distractions that slowly rob us. Think, for instance, about a jug with a pinhole in it. Over time, the jug leaks water until it’s depleted. If it’s not refilled constantly, it requires more and more input to sustain it. I believe many people have been like that leaky jug, slowly losing themselves over time. Right now, the Lord is repairing those small holes, those small fractures and areas of our lives. This work has been ongoing for many months. I even wrote about this in October, November, and December, but I felt led to encourage you again: God is at work. However, if we misdiagnose this process as the enemy’s doing, asking, “Why am I feeling this way? Why are these things coming to the surface? Why does it feel like I have so many issues right now?” We will miss it. God is healing you. He is setting you free. God really wants you whole in this season. This reminds me of how, as a father, when my kids get hurt playing a sport, I want to see them patched up and healed before they head back out onto the field. It feels the same way with God. He wants you completely restored and ready, with the capacity to embrace the amazing things He has for you in this season. But if you’re still running with the mindsets of the last season - empty, soul-sick, or hope-deferred, it will create issues down the road. This morning, I woke up in our new house here in California and discovered a fuse issue. The bottom part of the house wasn’t receiving power. Instantly, I went to the circuit board and flipped the switch for the circuit that wasn’t working and nothing happened. I tried again, but it just kept flipping back. Normally, this is the fix for a tripped fuse. That’s when I realized I needed to reset the entire house. Once I reset the main circuit, the power came back for the whole house, fixing the issue. This reminded me of how God sometimes needs to do a hard reset of our internal wiring, our hearts, and our souls . Every area of our lives needs resetting so we can function properly and the power can turn back on. What does the power represent? It represents the power of God and the Holy Spirit working mightily in our hearts and lives. This process requires us to lean in and surrender to the rewiring. Here are three areas I feel the lord asking us to do this in right now; Our Assignments: God is asking us to surrender the work we are doing for Him. It feels like a holy moment, a new chapter, where He is asking: “What’s in your hands? Are you going to keep doing what you’ve always done, reaping the same results? Or are you willing to surrender it to me, empty your hands, and let me place in them what is needed for this season?” This is a time to step back and evaluate if what we are doing is truly aligned with His plan or if we’re holding on to outdated assignments. Surrender your work, your ministry, and your efforts to Him so He can give you the clarity and provision you need. Our Relationships: God says, “Give me your relationships, your connections, and the people you’re running with. Empty yourself and allow me to put the right people and alignments in your life.” Some relationships may no longer be fruitful for the season you are stepping into. Trust God to realign your community and partnerships, placing the right people in your path. Be willing to let go of unhealthy ties or connections that are holding you back, and allow Him to bring new relationships that will propel you forward. Our Dreams: What dreams, desires, or expectations are you clinging to? Are you willing to release them to God? Enter the secret place, lay them before Him, and allow Him to give you what is truly necessary for this season. Some of the dreams we hold onto may be good but not God’s best for us or the right timing. Others may need refining or replacing. Surrender your ambitions and plans to the Lord, and let Him give you fresh vision and purpose. God is also restoring childlike joy and adventure in this season. As I voice-record this, I see a picture of a child laughing with their father. This child is filled with joy and delight, eagerly participating in the father’s work. I believe God wants to restore that childlike faith and joy to us, something the enemy has robbed from many of us. In recent years, so many pioneers have lost their joy, fire, and fight. They’ve been running on empty. Now, in 2025, God is beginning to fill us with fresh vision. But even with fresh vision, without the power supply to sustain it, it won’t come to fruition. God can give us building plans, but without the power to execute them, they will fail. Right now, God is recalibrating us back to our original factory settings. This morning, I was led to the story of Peter, who denied Jesus three times. After Jesus died, Peter went back to his fishing boat. In a powerful moment of restoration, Peter, still carrying the weight of guilt, ran to the shore when he realized it was Jesus. Jesus asked him three times, “Do you love me?” and instructed him to feed His sheep. This moment not only overwrote Peter’s denial but also brought deep soul and heart healing, restoring him to his original mission. Can you see how this is happening right now both personally and also corporately in the church? It’s the Lord loudly pleading “Come back to your first love! Be made whole!” As I say this, I feel led to declare: Dry bones, come alive! You migh t feel like those dry bones in the valley, scattered, lifeless, and forgotten. But hear the word of the Lord: The breath of God is coming upon you. He is breathing life into your weary soul and raising you up to stand as a mighty army. Just as Ezekiel prophesied to the dry bones and they came together, bone to bone, God is knitting you back together. He’s covering you with tendons, flesh, and skin and filling you with His Spirit. You will no longer live in the valley of despair or feel abandoned in the shadow of death. The Lord is calling you out of darkness, out of hopelessness, and into the fullness of life. You may feel like you’ve been lying in a grave, hidden, forgotten, and lifeless, but the Lord is saying, “Come out! I am not done with you.” He is restoring your strength, renewing your vision, and filling you with a fresh wind of His Spirit. This is a moment of awakening. The things that felt dead, the dreams that seemed lost, and the purposes that seemed unreachable are being revived. The Lord is calling you to rise up. No longer will you carry the weight of shame, guilt, or defeat. No longer will the enemy hold you captive in the graveyard of past seasons. The Lord is saying, “Stand to your feet! Mighty ones, it’s time to live again.” He is placing His Spirit within you, empowering you for the days ahead. Get ready for new assignments, fresh alignments, and the fulfillment of God’s promises. The dry bones are coming alive. This is your season of restoration, renewal, and revival in Jesus name! 
By Nate Johnston January 24, 2025
I have a word of encouragement for those of you in seasons of movement and transition, as our family is right now. I call us all the Acts 2 families! What are acts 2 families? Families who have given God their complete yes to go where He has called them despite the COST and UNKNOWN. Families commissioned in this new day to lead the church back to the original blueprint. I feel to say to you: Acts 2 families, assemble! Step out of the funk of the past season! Get your focus back! I know you are in a season of massive change, transition, and even many changing locations, missions and so much more...but God is mightily at work right now! The Lord is shifting you out of the season of shifting sands. He’s planting your feet on solid rock again. After years of instability and waves knocking you back and forth, He’s bringing you into stability and a season of establishing. He’s calling you into your greatest divine assignment, one that will supersede every other or idea you’ve had. God is bringing you back to the simplicity of Acts 2 and the simple gospel. He’s untangling you from the snakes of the ministry world and everything that has choked the life, joy, and adventure out of your calling. He’s bringing you back to the simplicity of His presence and to loving people well. Acts 2 families, assemble! Begin to dream with the Lord. There is grace this week to dream with Him. Come together as a family and ask, “Lord, where are You leading us? What do You have for us?” If you’ve been in a place of frustration or confusion, or if you’ve seen your children bending under the weight of this season of crushing, come together. Consecrate yourselves before the Lord and ask Him, “What is our next step?” He will give you your next step. The Lord is bringing families back into divine order. He’s clearing out all the debris and planting your feet in a place where you will flourish not just as individuals or ministries, but as families. This is a time where your children will thrive. They will step into their own Acts 2 as well. This is what the Lord is doing right now, bringing us back to the original call, the simple call. Let’s embrace it, dream with Him, and step into what He has prepared for us. I kept hearing this scripture over you this morning; “and provide for those who grieve in Zion to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor” Watch what God does in this season.. so shake off the dust because it’s going to be glorious! 
By Nate Johnston January 23, 2025
Put your ear to the ground. What do you hear? Do you hear the sound of wild horses galloping in the distance? Horses that were once lame and bedridden, without strength, when suddenly a fresh wind came upon them causing them to muster themselves for a new hour? Striking their hooves down into the dust as each strike stirred up fresh vigor and strength and breaking off past yokes and bridles? Can you hear it? Can you hear the sound of rain in the desert places? It is beginning to touch down on the parched lands and nations that have been in drought for years. It is beginning to form heavy rainclouds as the curse that has been spread over nations is beginning to break. The reproach that has been hanging over nations is beginning to roll back as a mighty thunderous roar of freedom trumpets forth over the land. Can you hear it? Can you hear the sound of a voiceless and canceled breaking off their muzzles, beginning to shout into the night, knowing that a new day is dawning before them? Their years of being hidden, broken, and battered are coming to an end. Can you hear the sound of the blood crying out in the land, the injustices that have lingered and tarried? Can you hear the sound of the blood of the Lamb beginning to fall over the places of deepest pain and injustice as God brings the earth into an era of restoration and recompense? Can you hear the sound of the bowls of the intercessors and the tears of the saints beginning to tip over into the earth, into places where, for so long, evil has endured and people have thought that God has been silent? Yet, the bowls have tipped, and fresh new life is beginning to bud forth. The new day is dawning over nations and peoples, but you’ll only hear the sound if you’re blocking out the noise of the hour. The sound of the righteous mob, the Pharisees and their screams in the streets. The whitewashed tombs in their vendettas and plots. The Sanballats and those that would try to tear down but never build. Those who point their finger but never deal with the turmoil and bitterness raging within their own soul. It’s the sound of the accuser creating his own storm when the real rain is coming. The counterfeit shouting and screaming and thundering in a time where the rain we have prayed and longed for has come. And God is looking for a people who would look to the rain clouds and begin to declare that the drought is over. Can you hear the sound? Or have you forgotten what He sounds like in the chaos? Put your ear to the ground and you’ll hear it. It’s the sound of a mighty move of God that has come on the back of so much heartache and so much pain. The fires that have raged, the desolation that has endured, but God has answered. And now He’s asking you, what shall you partner with in this hour? Will you partner with what I am doing in the earth? Or will you partner with the noise of the hour? Will you partner with the accuser of the brethren, or will you partner with Me? Will you put your ear to the ground and begin to shout out: I hear it. I hear it. I hear it. I hear it, until you begin to see it and yell out: I see it. I see it. I see it. I see it. And then you pick up your mat, leave your sick bed, and walk again. For the Lord says over you today, I am giving you new eyes to see and ears to hear. Put your ear to the ground. Lay down in the dust, mighty one, and hear for the deaf and see for the blind, for I’ve called you to be a bell ringer of a new day. Hear ye, hear ye, O herald of revival, for you shall speak forth what I’m doing, and it shall catch like wildfire in the nations. 
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