I felt to release this word over the intercessors today. All week long I have had a burning in my spirit for you as the Holy Spirit has been awakening my own desire to increase in my intercession, but also to call forth the intercessors that have become weary on the battlefield. I keep hearing this decree like a mighty thunderous shout that is resounding from heaven, “Intercessors, you are being called back to the frontlines.” I released this word at our church on Sunday and as I did, I saw a vision of intercessors in chains. I saw that minor distractions had been sent their way in an effort to engage them in insignificant battles. These distractions and trivial battles had led them to engage in the wrong fight relentlessly until they were exhausted. I saw them fall to the ground in a worn-out heap and I heard their unified sorrow as they cried, “we give up, we can’t keep fighting like this.” I then saw the enemy move in stealthily and chained their hands and feet and covered their mouths, he had planned to restrict their movement all along so they would be no longer free to engage in the real battle at hand. I then heard the Fathers roaring decree, “BREAK THE CHAINS in the Name of JESUS!” I saw angels of fire released from heaven at that moment and they flew at the speed of light, they came like blazing torches and they aided the intercessors by breaking their chains and helping them to stand with strength. In Cindy Jacobs book, ‘Possessing the gates of the enemy’, she writes, ‘in a time of war, it is the generals who make the battle plans.’ I believe the enemy has been targeting the intercessors in this hour in an attempt to disorientate, disunite and disengage them from the battle in order to prevent them from making strategic battle plans for the army of God.
As I began to write this word, my Mum, who is also an intercessor contacted me with a dream that she had overnight and was asking if I had any insight into its interpretation. I felt this dream was significant to this word and asked her permission to share it. In her dream, she was inside a huge and extravagant house. A postman came to her door and began knocking. When she answered, she saw that he had a number of parcels to deliver, but he informed her the parcels were for a friend of hers. This friend of hers is also an intercessor. The postman asked my mum to sign on her friend’s behalf for the parcels. He then proceeded to tell her that he had been trying to deliver these parcels to her friend for a long time but whenever he tried knocking on their door, no one was answering or coming to sign for them. So, my Mum signed on her friend’s behalf and took the parcels inside for safekeeping.
I immediately knew that my Mum’s dream confirmed this word. The postman represents an Angel messenger of heaven, carrying parcels of ‘strategy’ and needed answers to assigned intercessors. However, I believe the friend in her dream represents intercessors that have been restricted from opening the door and signing for their legal rights because they have been engaged in inferior battles, therefore they have been restrained and unable to get up. I believe God is longing to break His intercessors free from the distractions that have been enslaving and draining them, so they can, ‘answer the door and receive the parcels.’ Interestingly, Nate also had a similar dream overnight, where the doorbell rang and he went and answered it. He found a postman waiting in a delivery van in our driveway, and the postman remained in his vehicle. Nate had to walk over to him and sign for the parcel that was addressed to our family before it was handed to him. The postman told Nate, “This is a NEW signing system. You have to come get it!” This signifies a similar picture, except Nate had to walk outside of his comfort zone to take hold of the parcel, signing off in a NEW way. I believe the parcels in both dreams point prophetically to divine strategies and assignment. I believe God is speaking to His intercessors in this hour to get up, answer the door, get out of your comfort zone and sign for your inheritance. If you’re wondering how to do that exactly, I believe the answer to your question will be found below.
I heard the Holy Spirit speak to my heart, “There is a missing piece to this word. Before they engage as they used to in the frontlines, I want to first take my intercessors into the strategy rooms of heaven. I am giving them new blueprints and strategies that they can take to the frontlines and win the war from a higher perspective.” I then saw a vision of myself overlooking the earth from the heavens; I was with the Holy Spirit as He began to reveal an interactive plan that covered the entirety of the earth. It reminded me of the holographic plans you would see in movies like Star Wars, where a 3d hologram graphic is in motion in a strategy room as the General of the armies articulates to his or her soldiers their militant plans of war. At that moment, the Holy Spirit said to me, ‘Time to orchestrate.’ Strangely enough, in the vision, I knew what He was meaning and I began moving my hands in worship as though I was conducting an orchestra. This set off a profound effect on the hologram. Names of cities and names of people and the problems surrounding them began popping off this holographic type map and being highlighted to me. The amazing thing was, I wasn’t just seeing the problem, but suddenly a solution and strategy appeared over that person, place or injustice.
With each strategy, I began to pray in agreement with the Father and what I was seeing and I saw angel armies being dispatched from heaven on my command. The Holy Spirit then spoke again to me, “This is where you win the battle. This is the true frontline. When you know my strategies, you will know how to decree and you will win the fight with ease.” I believe what the Holy Spirit was showing me was His divine blueprint for the problems we are facing in the world right now. Whether it is our own circumstances, or an issue on a greater scale like abortion, sex trafficking or surrounding the President of the United States in prayer, there are NEW divine strategies awaiting those who will choose to worship in this hour. The Father is unlocking a new realm of INTERCESSION for the intercessors and He is calling you up higher. He is calling you to shake off the dust from the past battles and step into the higher realm, it’s time to answer the door because there are parcels awaiting you that carry a higher strategy that you could have never conjured up in your own mind. There are blueprints being drafted right now in heaven that carry significant breakthrough for the people of God and for the earth that we live.
My daughters and I watched a movie together before their bedtime tonight, and their choice of movie was called, ‘SING.’ I could hardly believe it when a line on the movie literally said, ‘your song is your weapon.’ It reminded me of 'orchestrating in worship' with the Holy Spirit. As we worship, we come into the heavenly realm and we are able to conduct His plans with Him as the symphony of heaven is released over the earth through our song. Worship is your weapon. It clears your mind and it clouds the enemies. It moves you into a place of victory. I am constantly reminded lately of the story of Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20. The story is titled: 'Jehoshaphat defeats Moab and Ammon', which is kind of comical because all he did was praise. Jehoshaphat and the armies were facing an impossible situation with multiple armies that well and truly outnumbered them, yet, they didn't lift a finger in the physical battle, except to praise and worship God. They set their faces before Him, and HE defeated their enemies as they watched on in awe. 2 Chronicles 20:22 describes the incredible scene like this: 'As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.'
I cannot overemphasize this enough: the key in this hour for intercession, for victory over the impossible situations you might be facing, or that the world is facing around you, is your SONG! Your worship, OUR worship UNITED is the sound that will bring the enemy to his knees as our Father sets up an AMBUSH against him, and we get to watch on in AWE!
I want to declare over you today, that if you are an intercessor who has been battle-weary, I COMMAND THE CHAINS BE BROKEN OVER YOU, In JESUS NAME! The Father has appointed and anointed you for such a time as this, to stand in the gap, to command and decree, to SING and to STRIKE the GROUND with the STRATEGIES OF HEAVEN! Let the answers of the Father be released through your ROAR!!! I pray that the packages carrying the divine blueprints of heaven would be delivered to your door as you worship your way back onto the frontlines - the true frontlines where you are seated with Christ in heavenly places, no longer fighting insignificant and relentless battles. You are being called back to the frontlines in the strategy room, mighty one, it’s time to ORCHESTRATE and SING, it's time to set our faces like flint before Him as OUR almighty God fights for us, and we stand still and watch His deliverance unfold before our very eyes!
Let me know below if this resonates with you! I'd love to hear, what is your SONG of WARFARE today?