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Before I share this word I want to make it clear that this word is in no way speaking against the needed justice and restoration in the black American community, but this is a word to reveal and expose the work of the enemy that is trying to move against the healing and restoration that God is wanting to see right now and the work of the Holy Spirit to to mobilize a generation for harvest. This is a word of exposure to the tactics of the enemy that seeks to keep us divided, suppressed, oppressed, powerless, and yet again controlled and manipulated to his agenda and a call to step into our shoes as sons and daughters in this difficult and messy time of humanity.


I went to bed a few nights ago troubled and I asked the Lord two questions; “What is swirling in the spirit that I cannot see?” and “What are you doing that I cannot see?”

As soon as I fell asleep I went into a dream. In the dream I saw two figures moving amongst a crowd of people that were hidden from them. I looked more closely until I saw it, it was a snake crouching low in the grass and it was busy wrapping its tail around people’s legs and laughing as they tripped and fell. Many people began fighting and accusing each other all the while the snake was moving around incognito causing mischief and mayhem.

That’s when my eyes adjusted to the second figure of a dragon that was standing further back watching over what the snake was doing. The dragon was doing something in the atmosphere, like a swirling of wind and fog and creating a sense of confusion. It seemed like it was governing the weather patterns and creating turmoil and perpetuating the chaos atmospherically. At first I was annoyed at the snake for causing such problems, but then I realized that the snake was also sent as a distraction so we wouldn’t see the plans of the dragon that was being released.

After I had the dream, I woke up still feeling troubled because now I felt like God was speaking to me about what was spiritually taking place that many couldn’t see.

In the Bible the snake obviously reveals the enemy who in the garden deceived Adam and Eve to cause them to act outside of their identity and purpose. Right now the enemy is causing chaos and snaring people into fighting, bickering, and arguing, it’s diverting their calling and purpose! It was also interesting that it was the snake's tail wrapping around them because the enemy wants us to act like the tail not the head right now. It’s so subtle that we don’t even recognize when we have started reacting out of victimhood and anger instead of responding out of who the Father has called us to be. The other tactic of the snake is to DIVERT people away from being a mouthpiece of truth and cause them to be a messenger of the enemies gossip and propaganda. We are supposed to live above the snake-line, above the chatter, and the noise, and be in tune to the heart of God especially in moments of turmoil.


The dragon was busy at work swirling the atmosphere and I could see in different parts on the horizon were tornadoes he had created but it was the fogginess and confusion that was the worst. So what is the dragon? The dragon in the bible is generally associated with the spirit of leviathan.

“In that day the Lord with his hard and great and strong sword will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan the twisting serpent, and he will slay the dragon that is in the sea” Isaiah 27:1

The main role of Leviathan is that it works against the move of the spirit and the power of God by provoking fear, intimidation, harshness, bitterness, and operating out of pride or soulish strength. This spirit is a twisting serpent so it twists and turns things for it’s agenda and seeks to keep people caught up in a fight they will not be able to win outside of the spirit of God! Over the years when I have sensed this spirit in operation it normally manifests itself in religious wars between churches or people that instead of being a move of God they begin to war against each other and it stifles the move of God. What  is necessary to point out though is that this dragon was not down in the grass doing the small and aggravating acts against people, but it was operating globally and trying to shroud the nations and pull the wool over its eyes. This spirits purpose is to counter the move of the spirit but turning people on people and nation upon nation. It’s counterproductive to a move of God, a move of repentance, and a move of the spirit that ushers in real change. It wants the revolution to be man's way and not God's way. It wants to pour fuel on the fire of national crisis instead of the healing balm to heal the land. This spirit has been operating for months now trying to subtly recruit people to turn on each other instead of turning TO each other and that’s not the wave we are wanting to join.


So as I woke up processing what I had just seen in the dream I suddenly heard a scripture loud and clear and I knew it was God replying to me from my other question; “What are you doing right now?”

“Those who repent I baptize with water, but there is coming a Man after me who is more powerful than I am. In fact, I’m not even worthy enough to pick up his sandals. He will submerge you into union with the Spirit of Holiness and with a raging fire!He comes with a winnowing fork in his hands and comes to his threshing floor to sift what is worthless from what is pure. And he is ready to sweep out his threshing floor and gather his wheat into his granary, but the straw he will burn up with a fire that can’t be extinguished!” Matthew 3:11-12

Right now we are in a time of history where God is shaking the earth for His glory and baptizing the earth in the Holy Ghost and fire. It’s been the most intense refining we have ever experienced, why? Because God wants us to be the pure bride He can use mightily in the greatest harvest we have ever seen, but we haven’t been ready. He wants us to be the bride who have their oils topped up and fill ready for the bridegroom not the bride with a flickering flame trying to borrow some oil from their neighbor. What I have noticed about God is that he doesn’t cause chaos but He uses it to bring healing where the enemy only wants to incite chaos. Around the earth during this pandemic we have seen so much arguing, fighting, and disunity and while the enemy is snickering, God is laughing too because it only exposed the root. It only revealed what was hidden that was preventing what we have been crying out for. The Holy Spirit just keeps pouring out himself on His people and using his winnowing fork to untangle us and detach us from old things and fleshy ways. Things that keep opposing the move of God and revealing our true need for a CHANGE, a TURNING, and a CONVERSION from death to life, under to above, and victimhood to overcomes. This is where we are right now. Can you see the difference? Do you have eyes to see? God wants healing and true repentance in areas of injustice. Racism grieves him, abortion grieves him, political games grieve him, but without the shaking and the fire we would keep brushing it under the carpet for another 20 years. It’s being revealed for a reason. At the same time, we can’t lose our discernment and let the enemy piggy-back onto a true move of justice but adding evil and hidden agendas that do not result in healing and true change. He only wants to stir the pot and keep making it messier and for the division to increase. That’s not a move of God. That’s a move of revenge and will not achieve any measure of justice.


My third question to God came yesterday as I was processing everything, I said “Ok so what do I do right now?” and instantly I felt like I was looking up the story of Gideon and his men.

“So Gideon took the men down to the water. There the Lord told him, “Separate those who lap the water with their tongues as a dog laps from those who kneel down to drink.” Three hundred of them drank from cupped hands, lapping like dogs. All the rest got down on their knees to drink . The Lord said to Gideon, “With the three hundred men that lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hands. Let all the others go home.” Judges 7:5-7

I believe God is asking us to look to him right now more than anything. It doesn’t mean we ignore issues, no, but unless we drink right now we will only regurgitate the fear and hysteria of the media that sounds wise but it’s the twisting tongue of leviathan that places a veil over those who aren’t discerning it. It’s a call to intimacy and seeking the heart of God when most are wanting to raise their hands to fight. This is the secret. We are called to raise our voices right now more than ever before. We are called to war and to be the restorers of the streets and injustices but if we go to war without drinking, empty, and without oil, we fall into the trap of enlisting for a diversion of the fight we were created for. It’s less popular but let me ask you, who will drink right now? What sources of sustenance will you drink from in this time? Media, or heaven? Trending tags, or Jesus? One has solutions, restoration, justice, peace, and power, and the others don’t.

Today I encourage you to look to Jesus because He never stopped being the solution. Every idea, strategy, and method of resolution outside of or separate of Jesus won’t have the desired outcome. Remember it is JESUS that put's his foot on leviathan and slays him, not us. We just have to stand in authority and pray. Right now we need to hear heavens report, hear what the Holy Spirit is saying and doing. Are you speaking from His heart? Are you trying to process on your own? Jesus, we invite you into this moment of history because that is where you work best!

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By Nate Johnston 17 May, 2024
Earlier this week Christy and I were revelating together over how we both feel like the Lord is revealing the head of the snake of narcissistic assignments in relationships and alignments right now. For many years, it's felt like a taboo subject in the church as victims have felt afraid to speak up for fear of looking unloving or critical. Many believers have been deeply entrenched in spiritual prisons to this spirit, whether in marriages, family relationships, friendships, or church environments. It's been the culturally acceptable spirit that has lingered for generations, enslaving and oppressing God's people, especially prophetic people. It seems to be a rite of passage for those called to be a voice in this hour, having to navigate many seasons of constant assault and bully tactics. But something has shifted recently. It feels like the church is beginning to wise up and rise up, realizing they can't keep pretending it's okay to be treated the way they are. They can no longer keep allowing this spirit to suppress them and muzzle them, and in an hour, they are called to step into their God-given assignment. JEZEBEL UNMASKED Right now, this spirit is being unmasked in families, marriages, and relationships, giving many courage to break the recurring cycle of the demonic mess they have been enduring for decades. The silenced are finally beginning to push back in the power of the spirit and resist it while many others are pushing back on those rising up, stuck in a Stockholm syndrome-type bondage to the spirit where they have lived for so long, protecting and covering up for the narcissist. But I believe the jig is up. God is revealing this spirit for what it is. Jezebel is being unmasked. That's right. Narcissism is nothing more than Jezebel in disguise. What we have called a "disorder" for years is nothing more than the fruit of her twisted games. What we have called submission in abusive relationships and environments is nothing more than her control to keep people in check. What we have called modern culture is nothing more than her demonic propaganda being spread to the masses to infect and rob a generation of her purity and kingdom values. It goes deeper than we know, but now she is being unmasked on a personal and corporate scale. She has been in disguise, but now she has nowhere to hide. The church is rising up. THE POISON IS COMING OUT In early April, I had two very detailed dreams. In the first dream, God revealed his plan to unmask this spirit in families, marriages, and relationships. I saw masses of people standing under a waterfall of the spirit and poison was leaving them as they stood there and let the Lord flush it out. Standing under the powerful flow, they began to yell, "I see you, Jezebel, and I no longer tolerate you in my marriage and family!" It felt like a moment of recovery and take-back. God was flipping the script in family dynamics that felt impossible to shift or turn around but I could see He was doing it. It was being exposed and bringing deliverance to those operating in this spirit. And for those asking, "Can people really be delivered?" Yes, I have to believe that nothing is outside of God's ability to heal and transform. That doesn't mean we stay in abusive settings or keep tolerating it, but it does mean giving the people operating in this spirit the opportunity to repent and turn their lives and patterns around. But without repentance, there will be no change. In the dream, I could see how this poison had been affecting people for a long time, but God was dealing with it globally. That's why right now, it's coming to the surface and why victims of hidden and covered-over abuse are coming out of the shadows. Can you feel the poison coming to the surface right now? This leads me to my next dream. DRAINING THE SWAMP The second dream was far more intense and was even detailed in revealing movements and empires God is unmasking Jezebel in right now. This dream was revealing her footprint and influence in ministries and the church. For years, I have been talking about how Jezebel has been given a seat at many tables. Networks and movements have willingly let her have the stage and water down the word, bringing the masses into bondage. But this dream showed something far more sinister. In the dream I was on a massive property owned by this empire when I watched many scenes unfold of deep underground evil being fronted as a ministry. The compromise was painful to see. Jezebel was not only welcomed here, but she was running the show. In the dream, I stood up and began to confront it when Jezebel called for security to take me out. I escaped in a gondola car over a large lake, but the ropes were cut. As we fell into the lake, it began to drain until it was empty, revealing a small film set. I was witnessing the moment she was welcomed in.. in the infancy of the ministry decades earlier. It had then become a global phenomena bringing many other ministries into bondage who ate her food. This dream revealed the narcissistic spirit at work In a global network environment and how it hasn't just affected one or two people but millions in one swoop. But right now, God is draining the swamp. Those who have been under her spell and in bondage for decades to her cult-like demands and false coverings are being freed. Contracts are being torn up. False alignments are being exposed. Yes, God is raising up a Jehu company to throw her down! THE WHISTLEBLOWER ANOINTING So don't be surprised if whistleblowers rise up and when they do remember this; Whistleblowers aren't always operating in a critical spirit. Many of them are called to blow the lid off the festering evil hidden under Jezebel's bed. They lay down their lives to do what prophets on her payroll refuse to. Whistleblowers are not only those called to cast out and evict this spirit, but they carry the purity to build God's heart in the ashes of the demonic aftermath. We are those who have been bullied and muzzled and pushed in the corner for too long, now stepping into an anointing to take off her mask and lead the church into her days of being the spotless and pure bride! CALLING A SPADE A SPADE I feel like I have so much more to say on that topic which we will be diving into in RMNT BOOTCAMPS this year. (WWW.RMNT.CO) but for now, I want to give you a straightforward directive for this hour. Many of you have been in bondage to or affected by this spirit, whether in your family, marriage, or ministry/church environments. Your number one question is, "How do I begin to break free?" The answer to this is simply NO LONGER TOLERATE IT! Revelation 2:20 says, "Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching, she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols." My answer to you is - no matter what you are facing, let your focus be - I CAN NO LONGER LET HER SILENCE OR SUPPRESS ME! Take authority over that assignment. Repent for tolerating it for so long. Ask for deeper healing from her poison. And draw up strong boundaries to no longer let people operating in it affect you. Then, stand by your convictions. Then take communion daily and overcome by the blood of the lamb which is your greatest muscle in this process. And don't let the religious spirit make you feel wrong for exposing her, but let's normalize EXPOSING IT FOR WHAT IT IS! I know many of you are in burnout after enduring this for so long. I know you are in a swirl of mental bombardment because she senses you breaking free. I know you feel a deep lethargy, wanting to keep you in that bondage. But your future and many others are going to be impacted by your own freedom. This is worth fighting for. Even if they slime you for a season you will see God vindicate you. NOW, LET ME PROPHESY This is your breakout moment. I commend the Jezebellic, narcissistic spirit to be broken off your life now in Jesus' name! You are coming OUT of the twisted games and daily manipulation of this spirit and into the freedom of the HOLY GHOST!!
By Nate Johnston 08 May, 2024
I've had the same dream consecutively for the last three nights in a row, and I believe this dream is the Lord speaking about what He is about to pour out upon the body of Christ in this next season. Before I share the dream, I need to speak about the season that we have been in. It's what I have called a spiritual and natural recession. Since 2020, there has been an assignment or recession constantly trying to make the church back peddle on faith amidst so much shaking. It's the season where finances have felt tighter because the enemy is anticipating this great wealth transfer that he dreads coming to the church. That's why financial systems have been shaken, interest rates have skyrocketed, and people have gone into survival mode. Yes, the enemy has been afraid that the church will not be able to build the infrastructure for the years to come. He has tried to bring back a poverty mindset upon the body of Christ and a hope-deferred spirit to cause us to feel deeply let down by God and doubt His promises. This is why we have seen a great delay in promised provisions, breakthroughs, and plans. It's where many have had an endless assault on their bank accounts and things that used to flourish in past seasons. This is why it has felt that things have been falling to the ground and failing, and many of your plans and ideas have been shipwrecked, and you have not seen them flourish as you used to in years past. But I feel even before I share my dream, I need to say to you - this is all changing. We've been in a season that has felt like recession, and the news is only backing up this fear agenda, but just as we are on the cusp of what the world is saying is going to be another great depression, the Lord says today that you are going to experience my EXPANSION! GO TO THE RIVER! Now, let me share the dream. In the dream, I am simply told that I must go to the mouth of a river and catch a fish. As I catch this fish and bring it in, I open up its mouth, and there are three gold coins inside. On the first coin, it says DEBT. On the second coin, it says SOW. On the third coin, it says BUILD. Do you remember the story of when Jesus owed taxes and what He told Peter to do? "But so that we may not cause offense, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth, and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours." - Matthew 17:27 I believe this dream was shown to me three times because three represents restoration and fullness. When Peter denied Jesus three times, Jesus restored him three times by saying, "Feed my sheep!" I believe this dream is speaking into a season of such endless provision in those three areas - debt repayment, Sowing, and Building. We are about to see a season of the repayment of debts that is not just the debts that you owe, or that God wants to wipe clear, but the debts that people owe you. We are coming into a time where the Lord is repaying that which the locust ate in your life. You have lived in such a deficit and been living in a deficit mindset constantly - always under and never above, but the Lord is coming to repay that which has been stolen and robbed from you for many seasons past. And where you've been living stewarding debt, the Lord wants to switch that so that you are beginning to steward the endless resources of the Kingdom. Regarding the second coin, The scripture that came to mind was Ecclesiastes 11:1; "Cast your bread upon the waters, For you will find it after many days." I believe we're entering into a time again when the Lord is restoring the joy of sowing. He's restoring the principle of sowing and the joy of sowing where many have felt like they've been in that survival mode and being unable to give, or even just being afraid of giving because of endless hardship and financial assault. The Lord is demolishing that mindset, and he's releasing joy upon the body of Christ to be the sowers and givers that we are called to be. I believe this is a promise that we're stepping into a time of great sowing where the Lord doesn't want us to be given wealth for the sake of hoarding it up, but for the sake of being a river, a flow-through, whereas He gives into us, we continue to release that finance through us and to those around us. We begin to help others build their dreams, build the things that God has given them, rather than just building what we have been given. We are entering a time where the world will look to us because we will be flourishing like a Goshen in the midst of so much ruin in man's systems on earth. THIRD COIN - BUILD Regarding the third coin, Many have been saying for a long time, "God, how do I build when I don't have the resources to build?" And so, for many years, people have been contending; they've been bringing the plots of land before their eyes. They've been printing out their vision and praying over it. But over the last year, I've noticed that people have begun to grow weary because it's like, "God, you've given us a massive vision, but we don't even have 1% of the finances to be able to build this vision!" It has felt like a deep cloud of discouragement and soul sickness has hit many because the enemy has been delaying these plans for so long now. It's begun to feel like a pie in the sky. It's begun to think like fool's gold. People have begun to get despondent and frustrated. There have been people who have lost their homes and their livelihoods, and in the midst of that, it almost feels like a cruel joke to have to believe in the promises of God for a big vision when you're barely surviving in some of these other areas. But I believe this dream is speaking that the Lord is about to release the resources to build. He's releasing the provision to finally build what He has given us. But today, the Lord says, "Get ready, the body of Christ, because you've been in survival mode for a long time. You've been in a time where you've had to manage and juggle and shuffle. "But I'm leading you out of that limited place into a time of a great reset of finances and provision of mindsets, and in your heart where you've grown hope deferred, you're about to build and see that which I've given you to build, get ready body of Christ, get ready body, get ready!" it's time to go down to the river. It's time to pick out the gold coins from the fish's mouth. And it's time to see a new era of provision come to your house in Jesus' name.
By Nate Johnston 17 May, 2024
Earlier this week Christy and I were revelating together over how we both feel like the Lord is revealing the head of the snake of narcissistic assignments in relationships and alignments right now. For many years, it's felt like a taboo subject in the church as victims have felt afraid to speak up for fear of looking unloving or critical. Many believers have been deeply entrenched in spiritual prisons to this spirit, whether in marriages, family relationships, friendships, or church environments. It's been the culturally acceptable spirit that has lingered for generations, enslaving and oppressing God's people, especially prophetic people. It seems to be a rite of passage for those called to be a voice in this hour, having to navigate many seasons of constant assault and bully tactics. But something has shifted recently. It feels like the church is beginning to wise up and rise up, realizing they can't keep pretending it's okay to be treated the way they are. They can no longer keep allowing this spirit to suppress them and muzzle them, and in an hour, they are called to step into their God-given assignment. JEZEBEL UNMASKED Right now, this spirit is being unmasked in families, marriages, and relationships, giving many courage to break the recurring cycle of the demonic mess they have been enduring for decades. The silenced are finally beginning to push back in the power of the spirit and resist it while many others are pushing back on those rising up, stuck in a Stockholm syndrome-type bondage to the spirit where they have lived for so long, protecting and covering up for the narcissist. But I believe the jig is up. God is revealing this spirit for what it is. Jezebel is being unmasked. That's right. Narcissism is nothing more than Jezebel in disguise. What we have called a "disorder" for years is nothing more than the fruit of her twisted games. What we have called submission in abusive relationships and environments is nothing more than her control to keep people in check. What we have called modern culture is nothing more than her demonic propaganda being spread to the masses to infect and rob a generation of her purity and kingdom values. It goes deeper than we know, but now she is being unmasked on a personal and corporate scale. She has been in disguise, but now she has nowhere to hide. The church is rising up. THE POISON IS COMING OUT In early April, I had two very detailed dreams. In the first dream, God revealed his plan to unmask this spirit in families, marriages, and relationships. I saw masses of people standing under a waterfall of the spirit and poison was leaving them as they stood there and let the Lord flush it out. Standing under the powerful flow, they began to yell, "I see you, Jezebel, and I no longer tolerate you in my marriage and family!" It felt like a moment of recovery and take-back. God was flipping the script in family dynamics that felt impossible to shift or turn around but I could see He was doing it. It was being exposed and bringing deliverance to those operating in this spirit. And for those asking, "Can people really be delivered?" Yes, I have to believe that nothing is outside of God's ability to heal and transform. That doesn't mean we stay in abusive settings or keep tolerating it, but it does mean giving the people operating in this spirit the opportunity to repent and turn their lives and patterns around. But without repentance, there will be no change. In the dream, I could see how this poison had been affecting people for a long time, but God was dealing with it globally. That's why right now, it's coming to the surface and why victims of hidden and covered-over abuse are coming out of the shadows. Can you feel the poison coming to the surface right now? This leads me to my next dream. DRAINING THE SWAMP The second dream was far more intense and was even detailed in revealing movements and empires God is unmasking Jezebel in right now. This dream was revealing her footprint and influence in ministries and the church. For years, I have been talking about how Jezebel has been given a seat at many tables. Networks and movements have willingly let her have the stage and water down the word, bringing the masses into bondage. But this dream showed something far more sinister. In the dream I was on a massive property owned by this empire when I watched many scenes unfold of deep underground evil being fronted as a ministry. The compromise was painful to see. Jezebel was not only welcomed here, but she was running the show. In the dream, I stood up and began to confront it when Jezebel called for security to take me out. I escaped in a gondola car over a large lake, but the ropes were cut. As we fell into the lake, it began to drain until it was empty, revealing a small film set. I was witnessing the moment she was welcomed in.. in the infancy of the ministry decades earlier. It had then become a global phenomena bringing many other ministries into bondage who ate her food. This dream revealed the narcissistic spirit at work In a global network environment and how it hasn't just affected one or two people but millions in one swoop. But right now, God is draining the swamp. Those who have been under her spell and in bondage for decades to her cult-like demands and false coverings are being freed. Contracts are being torn up. False alignments are being exposed. Yes, God is raising up a Jehu company to throw her down! THE WHISTLEBLOWER ANOINTING So don't be surprised if whistleblowers rise up and when they do remember this; Whistleblowers aren't always operating in a critical spirit. Many of them are called to blow the lid off the festering evil hidden under Jezebel's bed. They lay down their lives to do what prophets on her payroll refuse to. Whistleblowers are not only those called to cast out and evict this spirit, but they carry the purity to build God's heart in the ashes of the demonic aftermath. We are those who have been bullied and muzzled and pushed in the corner for too long, now stepping into an anointing to take off her mask and lead the church into her days of being the spotless and pure bride! CALLING A SPADE A SPADE I feel like I have so much more to say on that topic which we will be diving into in RMNT BOOTCAMPS this year. (WWW.RMNT.CO) but for now, I want to give you a straightforward directive for this hour. Many of you have been in bondage to or affected by this spirit, whether in your family, marriage, or ministry/church environments. Your number one question is, "How do I begin to break free?" The answer to this is simply NO LONGER TOLERATE IT! Revelation 2:20 says, "Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching, she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols." My answer to you is - no matter what you are facing, let your focus be - I CAN NO LONGER LET HER SILENCE OR SUPPRESS ME! Take authority over that assignment. Repent for tolerating it for so long. Ask for deeper healing from her poison. And draw up strong boundaries to no longer let people operating in it affect you. Then, stand by your convictions. Then take communion daily and overcome by the blood of the lamb which is your greatest muscle in this process. And don't let the religious spirit make you feel wrong for exposing her, but let's normalize EXPOSING IT FOR WHAT IT IS! I know many of you are in burnout after enduring this for so long. I know you are in a swirl of mental bombardment because she senses you breaking free. I know you feel a deep lethargy, wanting to keep you in that bondage. But your future and many others are going to be impacted by your own freedom. This is worth fighting for. Even if they slime you for a season you will see God vindicate you. NOW, LET ME PROPHESY This is your breakout moment. I commend the Jezebellic, narcissistic spirit to be broken off your life now in Jesus' name! You are coming OUT of the twisted games and daily manipulation of this spirit and into the freedom of the HOLY GHOST!!
By Nate Johnston 08 May, 2024
I've had the same dream consecutively for the last three nights in a row, and I believe this dream is the Lord speaking about what He is about to pour out upon the body of Christ in this next season. Before I share the dream, I need to speak about the season that we have been in. It's what I have called a spiritual and natural recession. Since 2020, there has been an assignment or recession constantly trying to make the church back peddle on faith amidst so much shaking. It's the season where finances have felt tighter because the enemy is anticipating this great wealth transfer that he dreads coming to the church. That's why financial systems have been shaken, interest rates have skyrocketed, and people have gone into survival mode. Yes, the enemy has been afraid that the church will not be able to build the infrastructure for the years to come. He has tried to bring back a poverty mindset upon the body of Christ and a hope-deferred spirit to cause us to feel deeply let down by God and doubt His promises. This is why we have seen a great delay in promised provisions, breakthroughs, and plans. It's where many have had an endless assault on their bank accounts and things that used to flourish in past seasons. This is why it has felt that things have been falling to the ground and failing, and many of your plans and ideas have been shipwrecked, and you have not seen them flourish as you used to in years past. But I feel even before I share my dream, I need to say to you - this is all changing. We've been in a season that has felt like recession, and the news is only backing up this fear agenda, but just as we are on the cusp of what the world is saying is going to be another great depression, the Lord says today that you are going to experience my EXPANSION! GO TO THE RIVER! Now, let me share the dream. In the dream, I am simply told that I must go to the mouth of a river and catch a fish. As I catch this fish and bring it in, I open up its mouth, and there are three gold coins inside. On the first coin, it says DEBT. On the second coin, it says SOW. On the third coin, it says BUILD. Do you remember the story of when Jesus owed taxes and what He told Peter to do? "But so that we may not cause offense, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth, and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours." - Matthew 17:27 I believe this dream was shown to me three times because three represents restoration and fullness. When Peter denied Jesus three times, Jesus restored him three times by saying, "Feed my sheep!" I believe this dream is speaking into a season of such endless provision in those three areas - debt repayment, Sowing, and Building. We are about to see a season of the repayment of debts that is not just the debts that you owe, or that God wants to wipe clear, but the debts that people owe you. We are coming into a time where the Lord is repaying that which the locust ate in your life. You have lived in such a deficit and been living in a deficit mindset constantly - always under and never above, but the Lord is coming to repay that which has been stolen and robbed from you for many seasons past. And where you've been living stewarding debt, the Lord wants to switch that so that you are beginning to steward the endless resources of the Kingdom. Regarding the second coin, The scripture that came to mind was Ecclesiastes 11:1; "Cast your bread upon the waters, For you will find it after many days." I believe we're entering into a time again when the Lord is restoring the joy of sowing. He's restoring the principle of sowing and the joy of sowing where many have felt like they've been in that survival mode and being unable to give, or even just being afraid of giving because of endless hardship and financial assault. The Lord is demolishing that mindset, and he's releasing joy upon the body of Christ to be the sowers and givers that we are called to be. I believe this is a promise that we're stepping into a time of great sowing where the Lord doesn't want us to be given wealth for the sake of hoarding it up, but for the sake of being a river, a flow-through, whereas He gives into us, we continue to release that finance through us and to those around us. We begin to help others build their dreams, build the things that God has given them, rather than just building what we have been given. We are entering a time where the world will look to us because we will be flourishing like a Goshen in the midst of so much ruin in man's systems on earth. THIRD COIN - BUILD Regarding the third coin, Many have been saying for a long time, "God, how do I build when I don't have the resources to build?" And so, for many years, people have been contending; they've been bringing the plots of land before their eyes. They've been printing out their vision and praying over it. But over the last year, I've noticed that people have begun to grow weary because it's like, "God, you've given us a massive vision, but we don't even have 1% of the finances to be able to build this vision!" It has felt like a deep cloud of discouragement and soul sickness has hit many because the enemy has been delaying these plans for so long now. It's begun to feel like a pie in the sky. It's begun to think like fool's gold. People have begun to get despondent and frustrated. There have been people who have lost their homes and their livelihoods, and in the midst of that, it almost feels like a cruel joke to have to believe in the promises of God for a big vision when you're barely surviving in some of these other areas. But I believe this dream is speaking that the Lord is about to release the resources to build. He's releasing the provision to finally build what He has given us. But today, the Lord says, "Get ready, the body of Christ, because you've been in survival mode for a long time. You've been in a time where you've had to manage and juggle and shuffle. "But I'm leading you out of that limited place into a time of a great reset of finances and provision of mindsets, and in your heart where you've grown hope deferred, you're about to build and see that which I've given you to build, get ready body of Christ, get ready body, get ready!" it's time to go down to the river. It's time to pick out the gold coins from the fish's mouth. And it's time to see a new era of provision come to your house in Jesus' name.
By Nate Johnston 01 May, 2024
This is burning in my spirit to share for those who have felt stuck or put on hold especially in the last 4 months. It seems like you are back in waiting but aren’t sure what for. You feel like you have been on a wild-goose chase that has suddenly shipwrecked you in “no mans land”. It feels like you have been robbed of your vehicle - your purpose. Like you have been pulled over and forced out. You feel like you have ended up in a situation that looks nothing like what you envisioned, grieving what makes you come alive but is now out of reach. Looking behind you it feels like your best days are over like you hit your peak - but you haven’t even seen your best days yet. I saw the word I NTERRUPTION being crossed out and in bright red the word LEGACY was written over it. None of this is an accident - where you are right now is a setup. THE UNEXPECTED PATH None of this was a mistake. Your unusual path. The detour. The treasure hunt and blind faith journey. It wasn’t a tease. It was designed to go somewhere you couldn’t have found on your own. You wouldn’t have chosen the mess and the unknown, the struggles and wrestles, pressing and crushing - and you also wouldn’t have seen what was waiting for you at the end of this. But now your heart needs to adjust to the new landscape. The new thing that you didn’t expect or envision. It’s not settling - Its surrender. It’s not giving up - it’s finally moving with the new flow and accepting the new script. ADDRESSING THE LIES The lie of failure has shut down your creativity and confidence. It’s made you drop your sword and begin to bargain your way out. The lie of being abandoned has questioned your first call and whether you heard God at all. No, you didn’t miss it. The lie of “this is as good as it’s going to get” has made you begin to settle for second best and make your bed in the valley but you are moving through! THE SEED FALLING TO THE GROUND Many have been in an extreme 4 months of what has felt like a “falling to the ground season” where it has felt like everything they once held has had to be laid down. “Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds” - John 12:24 I heard the Lord say “If my people don’t lay down what they are holding how can they pick up what I am giving them next?” It feels painful to let go of a dream or expectation you built your life around but God isn’t taking it from you to hurt you but to ADD TO IT! God wants to multiply you! Have you been fighting it? The enemy has. He wants you to stay in the same place you have been. He wants you to hold onto the old seeds that have worn around your neck like a necklace, but if you don’t let them go they will become like a lead weight! As quickly as you lean into surrender God will pour out what he wants to give you. This refining and shaking moment is protection and promotion. It’s advancement and the breaking of apathy. It’s the pure ointment clearing away the old husks of an old season. ENTER THE RESURRECTION! I then heard the Lord say “I am resurrecting my people!” and then I saw the 4 winds of the Spirit whirling and could see the purpose behind this process - God has been seeing his people in bondage, trauma, and constant conflict with the enemy and so He sent us through the fire to DELIVER US! What emerges from this furnace now is going to be so potent. New movements, ministries, messages, and voices. New synergy, partnerships, family, and tribe. Watch what and who leaves the tomb in this season. Watch who comes out of complete disablement with a fresh sound and voice for this season. “In the midst of fiery hot trials, persecution, shaking, opposition, and warfare, heavyweight ministries and movements are emerging and birthing. This is far from a “stuck” or “decrease” season for those who have held onto the hem of Jesus garment. This is where we see the cross outwork powerfully in crisis” “He must increase, but I must decrease” - John 3:30 God didn’t cast you off or send you into isolation - He is REFORMING you and readying you for the next chapter of this pioneering adventure! THE NEXT SIX MONTHS The six months from now til September (Rosh Hashanah) are going to be WAY OPENING months. New direction and coordinates are coming where there has been only roadblocks and no options. New blueprints and fresh vision for the days ahead are coming. Old wineskins will keep falling away. Powerless seeker sensitive Christianity will keep losing its grip and fiery red hot believers will emerge to lead the way forward. Veils of religion and fear are going to drop off the ears and eyes of Gods people so we can see this season clearly and embrace and seize it instead of running and hiding. We won’t fall for the lies of false prophet media. Regardless of what we hear on the news or see in some circumstances. God is tapping us into the newsroom of heaven to see beyond the storm. We are going to shake off the death of this past season and begin to live through the glasses of hope and the victory of the finished work of the cross again. Foundations will keep shaking as God reveals the true rock to build upon on. Structures on sand won’t survive this season. We are coming back to what matters and shedding the weight of every thing that has cluttered us and held us in bondage. We are going to resurrected seeds multiplied. We are going to increased anointing on those who have walked through this shaking season and kept their eyes on the Lord. Jesus is taking center place again in the church. We will see the broken merchant tables of the old expired movements begin to make way for the oil lamps of the burning ones. We are entering an extremely high revelatory season - and Jesus will share this heart with his friends. We are stepping out of defeat and into strategic alignment to hear the counsel of the lord and action it. The Josephs will make themselves known with practical insight of how to plan and prepare and build. We are entering a season of visitation that turns the hearts of the cold back to the Lord. Families that have even under fire will begin to see their broken foundations rebuilt and God is bringing joy and recompense to those who have suffered loss and sowed in tears. And Jesus gets all the glory.
By Nate Johnston 01 May, 2024
To all of you facing giants this week: As I was praying I heard the Lord say “This is a moment to REMEMBER a what I have said and what I have done” “This is a moment to remind yourself of the breakthroughs you have seen and the impossibilities I demolished in front of you” “This is a time to find your greatest trials that you saw me move in and anchor yourself to that testimony that I will do once again” “This is a time to dig up the words spoken and prophesied over you and go to war with them, arm yourself with them, and stir up your faith to see them come to pass” “I know it’s hard to get your hopes up right now, and it’s been so long since you have seen opposition budge but you are about to see mountains move!” “Cut off the sources of fear, and stop listening to the giants trying to talk you out of your inheritance because soon they will be gone and you’ll hold the keys to the land” “Reject the lies and the failure, and ask yourself; who is fighting for you? Who wages war with you? Who is by your side? Who will never let you do this alone? That’s right, I am with you” “So this week raise up a shout and press into my presence. Lift up your sword and pierce the thick air with your cry, because your worship is going to disarm the warfare and unlock the gates” “The giants in the land are no match for my power and anointing I have given to you. So shake off the defeat and feeling powerless because you have the same power in you that resurrected Jesus from the grave” Let every obstacle, principality, roadblock, and demonic assignment shake in their boots as you March into this week with your hopes up and your sword raised high... we are going to see VICTORIES for the battle belongs to the Lord! “I will sing of you, the one who gives victory to kings— the one who rescues David, your loving servant, from the fatal sword” - Psalm 144:10 “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s” - 2 Chronicles 20:15 
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