I will never forget the moment that the Holy Spirit invaded my life and set me free of demonic oppression.
I was about 17 years old and after being through around about 11 years of spiritual, verbal, and physical abuse in my home, I'd become very bitter, angry, and jaded against God because I'd always felt like the Father never protected me.
And in fact, I thought maybe God hated me as well, so I strangely toed the line between going to church and being involved in a worship team while at the same time being heavily demonized by listening to heavy metal music and giving myself to darkness in it.
I felt that this music in some way comforted me in that pain by telling me it was okay to feel hate and bitterness, and it was okay to feel depressed and like the world hated me.
From the age of around 14, I began seeing and experiencing demonic presences in my room. At first, it was just the feeling like something was in the room with me and then over time, I accepted it to the point that when I would write lyrics and write songs, I'd begin to feel demonic presence in the room with me, and in many times, overtaking my pen and writing the songs!
And then eventually it got to the point where I began to see them for moments of time and it was in that moment I knew I was in a deep, dark hole and I didn't know how to get out of.
And no matter what I tried, I would stay stuck there.
I went to church but nothing would shift the deep, dark depression that I was feeling until in my 17th year I begin crying out and asking God if you are real, that you would encounter me.
You see, when I was 10 years old, I encountered God, and heard his voice. Yet over time and add much more pain, I felt like maybe that was a figment of my imagination. But over the span of a month, I began just really seeking God to see if he was real.
And then one morning I woke up out of a dream where I was being choked to feeling hands over my throat, choking me. Something was trying to kill me. I couldn't see it yet I couldn't breathe, and it was holding me onto the bed. I started to feel like I was about to faint when I stood up and I ran out of the room Into the backyard where it was raining softly. And as much as I could muster, I'd said Jesus before collapsing in the mud.
I woke up shortly after that, got myself ready for work 'cause I had to be there because 6:00 AM working at the local grocery store and just put it behind me. At about 7:00 AM I had a call from my friend's mom saying, Nate, what happened to you this morning at 4:00 AM?
And I said, why? She said, “because Holy Spirit woke me up and said to pray for you because It was life or death. And I walked up and down my hallway praying until I felt a release from the Lord”
I began to cry and sob and told her what happened. This lovely lady said to me, “Nate, go and get your life right with God!” I ran home that day, opened my dusty Bible sitting on the shelf to Jeremiah 29:11;
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11
As I read these words I began to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit come upon me instantly as I chose him again and accepted him into my life again but it felt like the first time.
Instantly he began delivering me and detoxing me from so many demons that had just been sitting and allowed in my life.
Over the span of a few years. I would encounter Holy Spirit and powerful ways as more and more waves of deliverance and healing would take place and I’ll never forget the delivering and saving power and Jesus.
Christy says this all the time “People who go through what you go don’t normally make it through” and she is right. BUT JESUS…
He wants us WHOLE..
I know what it's like to be demonized, and yet I know what it's like to be set free.
I'm sharing this with you right now because I believe that the church is entering into an era of deliverance and detoxification from a past seasons of pain and trauma that the enemy led us into. Pain that has stunted us and bound us in a time we need to be FREE.
But as a church we are also in a season of deliverance from toxicity and the allowance of demonic agendas, ideologies that have actually brought on mental illness, emotional instability and demonized and fractured a church that was meant to always be whole.
But I also believe that we are in the days of not only mental and spiritual deliverance, but we're entering a days of physical deliverance and healing, unlike anything we've ever seen.
I believe the voice of healing is coming back to the church where we will see the lame walking, the blind seeing, and even the dead raised. Bold statement right? Go read Matthew 10:7-8;
“As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give”
It’s the cry of Jesus to make the broken WHOLE!
“And you know that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him” Acts 10:38
And we know this happening because so much pain and brokenness is coming to the surface.
We're seeing such a wave of ministers that have been living double lives in corruption and abusing the sheep, we're wondering how does this happen? It comes through the lack or resistance to intimacy with God and yielding to sanctification of the Holy Spirit.
People who are compartmentalizing their life, by being bound in areas of their life yet still operating in areas the anointing is present, but overall still being fractured people.
We have allowed the body of Christ to normalize compromise and error, which is only brought on mental illness, sexual perversion, gender dysphoria, identity, confusion, bitterness, brokenness, and addiction.
No, we have not been the WHOLE church, yet I truly believe it is coming back to the church in the next five to 10 years as God makes us the pure bride He has called us to be!
I believe that what's going to break out
Is like the days of AA Allen, with incredible healings but also an incredible wave of true deliverance that isn’t for show but simply for the demon to go!
A season where the Lord is seeking to make his church whole in body, in mind and spirit, where we would unyoke from the demonic agendas and contracts that we've allowed.
Where Jezebel has being allowed to sit at our kitchen table and our church boardrooms.
Yes, we have normalized mental illnesses and we have believed that God no longer heals bodies.
God, let me say this to you right now. If you're experiencing any bondage in any of these areas today, the Lord says to you today that he wants you to be made whole!
Even as you are reading this the Holy Spirit is at work. You might feel an unsettling feeling or uncomfortable confrontation spiritually.
This is the Holy Spirit drawing all pain and hidden things to the surface that have kept you in bondage.
Right now God is confronting this because He does not want to see his bride disabled anymore.
He's coming for a pure bride, meaning not broken, not scattered and not fractured, but a whole and pure bride.
That is who you really are..
Not waking up everyday in anxiety and heaviness.
Not walking around feeling tormented and your mind like a vice.
Not feeling the spirit of death lingering around you.
Not broken in your body or plagued with illness.
Those days are over.
Today I pray over and command you “Be made whole in Jesus name!”
“I command every demon tormenting you and oppressing you leave! Every mind blinding spirit causing heaviness, depression, anxiety and all other mental illnesses leave now in Jesus name!”
“I command all pain and trauma that is crushing you and keeping you bound to be released to the Lord. Give them to him. The injustice and even the vindication is His. He will vindicate”
“I command all fractures of mind to be healed and restored in Jesus name!”
“And I command your body to be healed and restored completely now in Jesus name!
Lastly, I hear the lord saying today “Will you forgive them?” Painful I know but as you give your pain to the Lord He will heal you.
And when your whole, your voice will be clear and our voice will be clear in the earth.
Watch and see.. the days of wholeness are upon us!