For about a month now, I keep dreaming of the Lord saying to me audibly to detox.
At first, I thought it was a personal instruction from the Lord but as I’ve been dreaming more and more about this, I’ve recognized this is what the Lord is really wanting us all to focus on leading into 2025.
Because we have been caught up in so much in the last 4 years that has muddied the waters of our lives and callings.
There’s spiritual toxins and parasites that need to be flushed out right now.
There’s been flies in the ointment that God wants to clean out.
Coming to the end of this chapter for many has felt like staggering to the finish line, worn out, burnt out, disillusioned, and flat-lining.
You feel depleted..
The battles of the season has been costly, and the casualty of war is that you are carrying scars and toxins you don’t quite know how to shake.
The other word the Lord keeps saying to me clearly over the body of Christ is that we need to UNTANGLE.
The Lord was showing me that so many in the body of Christ have become entangled in so many issues and dramas and taken on so many burdens in the last four years.
They’ve become entangled to the point of bondage in many areas that God never intended for them to be.
It’s stolen your gaze and focus.
It’s choked the life out of you and bled you dry.
This may come in the form of the wrong relationships or the wrong dynamics in relationships, or it might be areas of wrong covering or involvements.
It might be where the enemy has led you on the wrong path, on a diversion, and you’re currently living in an Ishmael reality.
Or it might be even spiritually, where there’s become an entanglement in your life, in disappointment, hope deferred, or even areas of compromise and addiction.
These are things that are causing you to be in bondage when God wants you to be set free.
As I was praying into this, I just kept seeing this clear vision of a man being untangled from grave bandages until he was completely freed.
It reminded me of Lazarus coming out of the tomb and untangling himself from the grave clothes.
That’s what I’m seeing right now - it’s like the body of Christ is being untangled from every single demonic entanglement that we have allowed over the years.
This is what the body of Christ at large is going through right now, where God is untangling the church from so much religion, witchcraft, slander, and Jezebel oppression that has become normalized and is choking the life out of the church.
This is what you and I are experiencing - the tension right now between that bondage we’ve been feeling, that intense heaviness, and the new day dawning and the realization that we can no longer keep living with the heaviness and burden we’ve been carrying.
It’s choking the life out of us, and choking our voices.
It’s brought so much confusion to us.
But the Lord is setting us free right now.
The difficulty is that many are in burnout in a time where we need make the effort to shake some things off.
But there’s a struggle and a lingering defeat.
You know that God’s been leading you to freedom, but there feels like there’s just not the will or the strength to lean into it.
But let God shake you free right now as you simply crash land in His presence.
I felt the Lord saying to begin now, leading into 2025: untangle in His presence.
Get on your face. Lay on your back. And ask Him to detox and untangle you.
It means surrendering to the process of being untangled, healed, and delivered. And He will do it.
It means leaning into Him and allowing Him to begin to break the yokes of bondage that have placed you in a place of burden for a long time.
As I was in worship last night, I kept seeing this vision of Psalm 23:5: “He anoints my head with oil. He seats me at a table in front of my enemies.”
It hit me so hard because the way I was seeing it was like the Lord pouring gallons and gallons of oil upon your head.
It wasn’t just a little religious smidge of oil, it was a gushing out.
It was a washing.
It was a cleansing like the man healed of leprosy who said “If you are willing, you can make me clean.” (Mark 1:40)
It’s the oil that breaks the yoke, the fatness as Isaiah 10:27 says.
I decree over you that in the next month there will be a breaking of yokes and an untangling of everything that has been holding you back.
The Lord will begin to detox you from pain, from trauma, from hope deferred, from so many spiritual toxins.
These toxins have been working against you, poisoning your vision, poisoning your flow, poisoning your direction, and bringing confusion will be flushed out in Jesus name and you will get a fresh wind and a deep reviving of where you have felt like you have lost yourself and died.
There is so much the Lord is wanting to untangle, In fact, He gives you permission today to untangle from the noise of culture and the drama of the church and to begin focusing on His face again.
As you do, you will step into 2025 with fresh vision, full of hope, joy, and purpose for what He has called you to.