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Nate Johnston


Nate Johnston



Recently in a dream, the Lord took me into a hoarder's home filled with piles and piles of boxes, old belongings, and rubbish that were stacked in this home and filling this home to the point that I could barely walk through it.  And then I heard the Lord speak and He said, “Prophesy to the home, prophesy to the four corners of the home.” Exactly like it speaks about an Ezekiel 37:4-5

"Then he said to me, 'Prophesy to these bones and say to them, "Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life."'"

So I began to prophesy and speak to the home. I began to speak God's heart and intentions over every room of the house, and suddenly a torrential wind entered and started helping, it came through the house lifting up every box, trash, and piece of clutter and blowing it out of the house. Then the Lord said “ I'm sweeping out the home. I'm cleaning it out, and I'm going to shut the doors on the enemy where he has had rule and reign because doors have been opened and families have been left vulnerable and wide open to the attack of the enemy.” And I heard Him say, “This is an hour that I'm coming to heal and repair generations upon generations of damage. And I'm restoring families back to their original design that I intended for them," says the Lord. 

"For many years addiction and dysfunction have been the legacy of families but this will be a season that I turn the enemy's agenda on its head, and I begin to shift families into powerful kingdom legacy instead of the addiction and dysfunction and endless cycles. These families will suddenly step into blessing, into favor, and into health. In a moment I'm coming to sweep out the issues and the constant sickness that has been pervading marriages and families for generations. And I'm coming to establish My Kingdom in homes where there's been open reign for the enemy to come and plant cancerous weeds." 


"Yes, I am pulling out the weeds that have been planted and have been growing in the dark where the light has not been allowed to shine. The unspoken conversations where sickness has been allowed to fester and grow for years, and I am shining My light upon them so that the weeds can be pulled out once and for all!"


And so as I looked out, I saw this home that was swept out and the doors were flinging wide open as the wind of heaven was blowing through this home. I looked over in the corner of this home and I saw a small box. As I came over to it, I noticed it said lost and found. And as I opened this box, I saw what was inside. There were scrolls and deeds and there were family crests that had family names written on them. And inside there were homes. Inside there were promises of prodigals coming home, finances restored, and promises of a full bill of health. And I knew that this box was the redemption of the war on families. It was the place of restoration where things had been lost and stolen. 

This box represented the Lord's plan to turn every assignment of the enemy on its head and flip the script for families who have faced endless warfare and robbery for generations. And in its place, He was giving the deeds to clean bill of health in every way. So many families have had endless sicknesses coming against their families, family illnesses running in their family line for generations. I saw where there'd been addictions and there'd been perversions and there'd been many sins that had been handed down from father to son and from mother to daughter for many generations, yet in a moment it was completely severed. And God was restoring health and wholeness. 

I saw where there'd been a poverty spirit over family generations for many generations and God was healing it. And I saw prodigals that were coming home. I saw husbands that were returning back to the Lord. I saw that this box represented the season we're entering into of the restoration of the family of God. You see, the enemy has targeted the family. He's brought his battle more than ever before in the last 20 years to the family living room. He placed this war in the living room for a purpose because he wanted to destroy families from the inside out—he wanted to crumble families from the inside out. But the Lord says, “In this hour, I am putting a mantle upon My Church to be restorers of the breach and they will expel the enemy. They will throw him out, they will cast him out into the darkness and they will build up the foundations that for many generations have torn down!” says the Lord. And that is what He's doing. 

"And it shall come to pass in that day, declares the Lord of hosts, that I will break his yoke from off your neck, and I will burst your bonds, and foreigners shall no more make a servant of him." (Jeremiah 30:8)

And as I'm writing this, I hear the Lord saying that there is deliverance coming upon you. There is freedom coming upon you where your family has been in torment for many generations. The Lord says, "In this hour, I'm taking the reproach of many generations off your shoulders, you're going to feel a yolk break off you that has been on your shoulders for many, many generations," says the Lord. "I am breaking the heavy yokes that have been around your neck and you will no longer identify with them!" 

"They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations." (Isaiah 61:4)


I even see many different spirits that have followed families for generations, that have gone from father to son, and they are being broken. In this hour I see where the Jezebel spirit has been jumping from family member to family member down the generational line, and this has been taking place for many generations. And narcissism has been following. And I hear the Lord saying, "I am breaking the yoke that has been slaving My people." And the Lord said, "In this hour, I declare let My people go—they are being set free in Jesus' name. They will no longer tolerate her or appease her. They will no longer let her into their marriages and relationships!

"And in this hour I am breaking off all access to Jezebel's minions that have plagued your home with UNREST and CHAOS! Familiar spirits are being shut off from their access. Surveilling and monitoring spirits are having their access removed so they can no longer see into your homes and marriages. Witchcraft and control are being severed and the roots and all connection points are being disconnected so that My FREEDOM would be able to break out in homes. 

"For it's a time to fortify the homes and turn dens of brokenness into places of My glory!"


I feel the Spirit of the Lord saying that "I am raising up a standard right now over families."

"When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” (Isaiah 59:19)

I see the walls of the Red Sea receding—I see the families crossing through on the dry ground. I see the places where it felt like there are obstacles on every side. Where many have even asked, "How can this marriage pass through this obstacle? How can my children find Jesus in the midst of the cultural wars? How can my child find their God-given identity again in such a time of gender confusion?"

The Lord says, "I have promised you that your children and your families will cross through on the dry ground. This is a time in an hour that I'm leading the family of God out of Egypt. I'm leading those who've been through dysfunction through many, many, many generations of warfare and demonic attack—I'm leading them out." says the Lord. "This is the hour that I'm raising up the former devastations of the family." 

And even right now, I prophesy over you. I take authority over every single assignment and principality that's been sent to disassemble and dismantle your family for many generations, it shall be broken. Every vow, every agreement that was made by your forefathers, by your family from many generations ago, we right now immerse them under the blood of Jesus and we make a better covenant right now. And Lord, we just ask for a new bloodline to be set over those reading this right now, that You would set a new bloodline in Jesus' mighty name.

Yes, the Lord says He is setting a new bloodline from this day forward and you will no longer identify from where you have come. "You will honor and respect your family line but will step into MY bloodline from this day forward! It is a new day and everything that is behind you is immersed under the blood of Jesus!”

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." (1 Peter 2:9)

Maybe you have been wrestling with addiction. Maybe you are wrestling with infidelity. Maybe you're wrestling with a broken marriage. Maybe you're wrestling with the grief of prodigal sons and daughters. Maybe you're wrestling with being isolated and alienated. Maybe you're wrestling with not finding who God's called you to run with—your partner, and your soulmate—whatever it is and in whatever way the enemy has warred against you, today, the Lord wants to set you free.

I believe today there is an anointing on this to break bondages, especially for those who've grown up in narcissistic households and for many generations have experienced narcissism and have even seen the fruit and patterns in their own life. The Lord is breaking that Jezebel spirit that's been trying to put itself on you and wanting you to identify with it. Today, it breaks! 

And the Lord says to you today that you are pure.

The Lord says to you today that you are holy.

The Lord says to you today that you no longer have to identify with the sins of your forefathers in Jesus' mighty name.

Sow a seed

RELATED prophetic WORDS:

RELATED prophetic WORDS:

By Nate Johnston 15 Oct, 2024
This past weekend, I was walking down the National Mall in Washington, D.C., during the Million Women event, when I heard the sound of hooves—galloping, fast, and almost deafening. It was so loud in my spirit that it stopped me in my tracks. As I stood there, I heard the phrase: “Heaven’s gates opened, and the horses were released.” Just a few days earlier, in a meeting with Lou Engle, he shared about how the Lord had woven all the threads of his life together for this event. Lou said, “This one is different—it’s a mass commissioning service for God’s daughters.” As he spoke, I saw seeds flying out from D.C., scattering across the earth and becoming wildfires. I knew this moment was significant—one of release, calling, and awakening. This wasn’t my first prophetic encounter in D.C. Years ago, on a trip to Washington, the Lord gave me a dream saying, “Go to the eastern gate of D.C. and pray.” From that moment on, I’ve always seen Washington, D.C., not just as a place of governmental authority, but as a spiritual gateway—a place of intercession, heavenly legislation, and divine release. Psalm 24 says, “Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.” But what if these ancient gates are not just places for the King to enter? What if they are also the gates releasing the horses of heaven—wild, unrestrained, and sent on divine assignment? And now, I say to you—God’s daughters, and the Mordecais standing with them—RUN. Christy and I were sent to D.C. years ago as God’s Lighthorsemen from Australia, joining the fight at America’s doorstep. But now, the time has come for you to rise as the wild horses commissioned for this moment in history. We must rise as God’s wild ones, unrelenting and unstoppable. God’s horses are wild, uncontainable, and bold, and that is exactly what you were made to be. The gates of heaven have swung open, and you have been commissioned to run. Don’t hold back. Run with abandon, knowing that the fire of the Spirit burns within you. Run, carrying seeds of awakening that will spread across nations. The time is now. The gates are open. The King of Glory is riding with you. It’s time to chase out Goliath’s brothers, to break the strongholds, and to take back what the enemy has tried to steal. You were born for this moment in history—wild, free, and unstoppable. So I say to you once more: Run, wild horses. Run. The race ahead is not for the faint of heart, but the King is with you, and the victory is already assured. This is your commissioning. This is your moment. Now is the time—run.
By Nate Johnston 15 Oct, 2024
You are moving mountains the enemy is occupying. Your obedience is shifting spiritual atmospheres, tearing down strongholds, and disrupting the enemy’s plans. You are taking ground the enemy thought he owned. Every step you take is reclaiming territory for the Kingdom of God, advancing into areas the enemy has long held captive. You are moving out of survival into the freedom of the Lord. You are breaking free from cycles of fear, lack, and striving, stepping into the abundant life Jesus promised. You are a threat to the enemy’s plans. The enemy is targeting you because your obedience carries divine strategies that dismantle darkness. You are undergoing promotion and elevation. This season of warfare is preparing you for greater authority and influence. God is refining you for new levels of leadership. You are about to give birth to a new move of God. The intensity you feel is the spiritual labor leading to a release of new life, new vision, and new assignments. The enemy is attacking your voice and confidence because it is powerful. Your words carry heaven’s authority, and the enemy fears what will happen when you speak out in boldness. The mental warfare is designed to distract you from your assignment. Confusion, doubt, and fear are weapons the enemy uses to divert you from the path God has laid out for you. You are on the verge of breakthrough. The enemy’s resistance is often greatest just before the fulfillment of God’s promises. Your breakthrough is imminent. You are being prepared to lead others into freedom. Your battle is not just about you—it’s about the people you are called to deliver and lead into wholeness. The battle is confirmation of your calling. The intensity of opposition reveals the significance of your assignment. You are marked by God for a great purpose. The target on your back is evidence that the enemy sees you as a threat. You are being attacked not because you are failing, but because the enemy knows you carry the power to win. The One who called you is faithful to finish what He started. God is with you in every battle. What He began in you, He will complete. He will see you through to victory. You are increasing in anointing. The pressing you feel is producing new oil—fresh anointing that will empower you to carry greater spiritual authority. You are about to enter a new season of visibility and influence. God is positioning you to be seen and heard in ways you have never experienced before. Your time to shine is near. You are about to build what the enemy has tried to hold back provision on. The resistance against your resources is because what you are building will dismantle darkness. But provision is being released. You are breaking through the ceilings of demonic holds. The limitations the enemy tried to place over you are being shattered. You are rising above the boundaries of fear, oppression, and control You are walking in obedience that terrifies the enemy. Your steps of faith are advancing God’s kingdom and disrupting the enemy’s plans, causing him to panic. You are breaking generational cycles and strongholds. You are confronting spiritual patterns that have held people captive for generations, becoming a pioneer of freedom. You are walking into promises the enemy tried to steal. What the enemy delayed, God is restoring. You are about to claim promises that have been held back. You are being transformed to carry new oil. The process you are in is producing fresh revelation, strength, and anointing for the next season. The enemy is trying to exhaust you so you give up. Fatigue and weariness are his tactics, but God’s grace is sufficient—He will renew your strength. Your mind is under attack because your thoughts shape your future and guide your steps. The enemy knows if he can influence your thinking, he can derail your destiny by leading you off course and creating Ishmaels, but God has given you the mind of Christ. You are facing opposition because your prayers are effective. The enemy fears your intercession because it releases heaven’s will on earth and shifts spiritual atmospheres. You are stepping into a new level of identity and authority. The attacks on your identity are attempts to keep you from fully stepping into who God has called you to be. The attack is proof of your influence in the spiritual realm. Your life carries spiritual weight, and the enemy’s resistance is proof that you are making an impact. God is using the pressure to reveal what cannot stay. The battle is exposing lies and fears that God is purging from your life to make room for His fullness. You are aligning with God’s timing, which the enemy hates. You are stepping into divine timing, and no force in hell can stop what God has ordained for you. The warfare will serve as a testimony to others. What you overcome will become a testimony that strengthens and guides others through their own battles. Hold your ground. The intensity of the warfare is not a sign of defeat but a sign of impending victory. What you carry is worth fighting for, and what God has promised you will come to pass. Stay faithful—breakthrough, provision, and freedom are on the horizon. So as you see the bullseye hovering over you begin to praise God because you are moving and shaking and evicting darkness. KEEP GOING!
By Nate Johnston 15 Oct, 2024
This past weekend, I was walking down the National Mall in Washington, D.C., during the Million Women event, when I heard the sound of hooves—galloping, fast, and almost deafening. It was so loud in my spirit that it stopped me in my tracks. As I stood there, I heard the phrase: “Heaven’s gates opened, and the horses were released.” Just a few days earlier, in a meeting with Lou Engle, he shared about how the Lord had woven all the threads of his life together for this event. Lou said, “This one is different—it’s a mass commissioning service for God’s daughters.” As he spoke, I saw seeds flying out from D.C., scattering across the earth and becoming wildfires. I knew this moment was significant—one of release, calling, and awakening. This wasn’t my first prophetic encounter in D.C. Years ago, on a trip to Washington, the Lord gave me a dream saying, “Go to the eastern gate of D.C. and pray.” From that moment on, I’ve always seen Washington, D.C., not just as a place of governmental authority, but as a spiritual gateway—a place of intercession, heavenly legislation, and divine release. Psalm 24 says, “Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.” But what if these ancient gates are not just places for the King to enter? What if they are also the gates releasing the horses of heaven—wild, unrestrained, and sent on divine assignment? And now, I say to you—God’s daughters, and the Mordecais standing with them—RUN. Christy and I were sent to D.C. years ago as God’s Lighthorsemen from Australia, joining the fight at America’s doorstep. But now, the time has come for you to rise as the wild horses commissioned for this moment in history. We must rise as God’s wild ones, unrelenting and unstoppable. God’s horses are wild, uncontainable, and bold, and that is exactly what you were made to be. The gates of heaven have swung open, and you have been commissioned to run. Don’t hold back. Run with abandon, knowing that the fire of the Spirit burns within you. Run, carrying seeds of awakening that will spread across nations. The time is now. The gates are open. The King of Glory is riding with you. It’s time to chase out Goliath’s brothers, to break the strongholds, and to take back what the enemy has tried to steal. You were born for this moment in history—wild, free, and unstoppable. So I say to you once more: Run, wild horses. Run. The race ahead is not for the faint of heart, but the King is with you, and the victory is already assured. This is your commissioning. This is your moment. Now is the time—run.
By Nate Johnston 15 Oct, 2024
You are moving mountains the enemy is occupying. Your obedience is shifting spiritual atmospheres, tearing down strongholds, and disrupting the enemy’s plans. You are taking ground the enemy thought he owned. Every step you take is reclaiming territory for the Kingdom of God, advancing into areas the enemy has long held captive. You are moving out of survival into the freedom of the Lord. You are breaking free from cycles of fear, lack, and striving, stepping into the abundant life Jesus promised. You are a threat to the enemy’s plans. The enemy is targeting you because your obedience carries divine strategies that dismantle darkness. You are undergoing promotion and elevation. This season of warfare is preparing you for greater authority and influence. God is refining you for new levels of leadership. You are about to give birth to a new move of God. The intensity you feel is the spiritual labor leading to a release of new life, new vision, and new assignments. The enemy is attacking your voice and confidence because it is powerful. Your words carry heaven’s authority, and the enemy fears what will happen when you speak out in boldness. The mental warfare is designed to distract you from your assignment. Confusion, doubt, and fear are weapons the enemy uses to divert you from the path God has laid out for you. You are on the verge of breakthrough. The enemy’s resistance is often greatest just before the fulfillment of God’s promises. Your breakthrough is imminent. You are being prepared to lead others into freedom. Your battle is not just about you—it’s about the people you are called to deliver and lead into wholeness. The battle is confirmation of your calling. The intensity of opposition reveals the significance of your assignment. You are marked by God for a great purpose. The target on your back is evidence that the enemy sees you as a threat. You are being attacked not because you are failing, but because the enemy knows you carry the power to win. The One who called you is faithful to finish what He started. God is with you in every battle. What He began in you, He will complete. He will see you through to victory. You are increasing in anointing. The pressing you feel is producing new oil—fresh anointing that will empower you to carry greater spiritual authority. You are about to enter a new season of visibility and influence. God is positioning you to be seen and heard in ways you have never experienced before. Your time to shine is near. You are about to build what the enemy has tried to hold back provision on. The resistance against your resources is because what you are building will dismantle darkness. But provision is being released. You are breaking through the ceilings of demonic holds. The limitations the enemy tried to place over you are being shattered. You are rising above the boundaries of fear, oppression, and control You are walking in obedience that terrifies the enemy. Your steps of faith are advancing God’s kingdom and disrupting the enemy’s plans, causing him to panic. You are breaking generational cycles and strongholds. You are confronting spiritual patterns that have held people captive for generations, becoming a pioneer of freedom. You are walking into promises the enemy tried to steal. What the enemy delayed, God is restoring. You are about to claim promises that have been held back. You are being transformed to carry new oil. The process you are in is producing fresh revelation, strength, and anointing for the next season. The enemy is trying to exhaust you so you give up. Fatigue and weariness are his tactics, but God’s grace is sufficient—He will renew your strength. Your mind is under attack because your thoughts shape your future and guide your steps. The enemy knows if he can influence your thinking, he can derail your destiny by leading you off course and creating Ishmaels, but God has given you the mind of Christ. You are facing opposition because your prayers are effective. The enemy fears your intercession because it releases heaven’s will on earth and shifts spiritual atmospheres. You are stepping into a new level of identity and authority. The attacks on your identity are attempts to keep you from fully stepping into who God has called you to be. The attack is proof of your influence in the spiritual realm. Your life carries spiritual weight, and the enemy’s resistance is proof that you are making an impact. God is using the pressure to reveal what cannot stay. The battle is exposing lies and fears that God is purging from your life to make room for His fullness. You are aligning with God’s timing, which the enemy hates. You are stepping into divine timing, and no force in hell can stop what God has ordained for you. The warfare will serve as a testimony to others. What you overcome will become a testimony that strengthens and guides others through their own battles. Hold your ground. The intensity of the warfare is not a sign of defeat but a sign of impending victory. What you carry is worth fighting for, and what God has promised you will come to pass. Stay faithful—breakthrough, provision, and freedom are on the horizon. So as you see the bullseye hovering over you begin to praise God because you are moving and shaking and evicting darkness. KEEP GOING!
By Nate Johnson 09 Oct, 2024
In a dream, I heard the Lord say over and over, “Blow the trumpet, clear the air. Blow the trumpet, clear the air.” When I woke up, there was a deep urgency in my spirit. The Lord is speaking to the wild prophets of this hour—those who have been called for such a time as this. Between now and January, there is a distinct charge for you: blow the trumpet and clear the air. Especially in the times leading up to the election and inauguration, we will see an intensification of political agendas and propaganda. Financial storms are going to arise from unexpected places. Natural disasters, distractions, and disturbances will dominate the atmosphere. But these are not just random events; they are storms of the enemy designed to overload the atmosphere with chaos and drama, pulling the eyes of God’s people away from the target—away from what He is doing in the earth. This is a simple word, but a critical one, for the wild prophets right now: Blow the trumpet and clear the air! “Again, if the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle? So it is with you. Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you are saying? You will just be speaking into the air.” — 1 Corinthians 14:8-9 (NIV) “But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.” — Ezekiel 33:6 (NIV) Just a week ago, I woke up with a deep frustration in my spirit. I asked the Lord, “What am I feeling?” And He said, “There is so much confusion in the air right now, even within the church. People’s arrows are landing near the target, but not on it.” My frustration was that, in my spirit, I sensed this question rising: Where are the accurate shooters? Where are the prophetic voices who are cutting through all the noise and debris and hitting the target? We are not called to be those who guess. We are not called to shoot in the dark. We are called to be precise, to hit the mark with clarity. But right now, there’s an increase in storms, an increase in drama, and the atmosphere feels overloaded. It’s difficult to see and perceive clearly because of all the noise. But here’s the key: When you blow the trumpet, it clears the air. It breaks through the confusion and unveils the truth. As you rise up and speak in this hour, it will clear the atmosphere. It will lift the veil that has settled over so many people, bringing them back to center. I believe that as we blow the trumpet, there will be a profound increase in discernment—discernment between light and darkness, and discernment to see the difference between what is manufactured by man, governments, and elites, and what is genuinely from the Lord. We will more easily distinguish the games being played in front of us and recognize the distractions that flood social media and the media at large. We’ll see the thing behind the thing because that is who we are called to be. We will discern between the lies, the slander, and that which is rooted in truth. So, wild ones, hear this: this is not a time to shrink back. This is not a time to protect your reputation or stay silent. It’s a time to stand and speak. It’s time to release truth, to sound the alarm. We’re not called to be background noise like a kazoo—we are trumpets, clear and loud. We are called to release the sound of God’s presence and glory into the atmosphere, and in doing so, we will disarm chaos and confusion. “You will thwart the plans of the crafty, so that their hands achieve no success.” (Job 5:12) As you blow the trumpet, you will disarm principalities and powers that have been wreaking havoc in regions. You will stir up the body of Christ to step into the boldness they’ve been called to walk in. The wild mantle you wear will awaken the church to move in power and clarity. Rise up, wild prophets! Blow the trumpet and clear the air in Jesus’ name.
By Nate Johnston 09 Oct, 2024
Last week I received a warning from the Holy Spirit repeatedly saying, “Do not believe the report right now.” There is so much swirling—governmentally, politically, globally—but there’s also a personal battle against many of you. The enemy knows that if he can crush you with a bad report, it will cause you to shrink back in fear and prevent you from possessing the land that lies ahead. We are in a transition—a shift out of the old wineskin, old methods, and even an old season. Many of you have been transitioning out of assignments, locations, and relationships that have defined you for years. This transition has not only been difficult but, for some, traumatic. Not only because of what you’ve had to leave behind, but because it’s required you to shed long-held mindsets and ways of thinking that no longer serve where God is taking you. This year has been about surrender, forcing you to let go of what you’ve held tightly to over the past five, ten, or even twenty years. This transition is one of deliverance—a season of freedom where God is closing doors that have given the enemy access to rob you. In the midst of this, He is preparing you for increase. God is positioning you for a wide-open space where you can dream and run with Him in ways you’ve never experienced before. This next era is about you co-laboring with the Lord—free from religious control, false agendas, and systems that have kept you bound. But during this transition, the enemy has hit many of you with bad reports. It could be in your health, finances, or family—whatever it is, it’s a tactic of the enemy to distract and crush you, keeping you from crossing into the new space God has for you. The enemy knows that if he can convince you to focus on the bad report, you’ll be tempted to run back to your old place of bondage, simply because it feels safe and familiar. In times of transition, the unknown feels risky, and the temptation is to cling to what we know—even if it’s bondage—because at least it feels stable. But here’s the truth: Do not believe the bad report! These reports are lies from the enemy, smoke and mirrors designed to make you lose sight of what God is doing. They are meant to intimidate you and cause you to waste energy on battles that God has already won. This is not your moment to take the wheel—this is the time to surrender and rest, allowing God to fight on your behalf as He prepares you for the increase ahead. These bad reports are nothing more than false prophecies —poisonous words meant to discourage you, make you feel abandoned, and convince you that your journey with God has been in vain. They are designed to make you retreat, to abandon your calling, and to plant in the wrong land, building an Ishmael instead of the promise. People of God, do not believe the bad report! Right now, I expose these reports for the lies they are. The Lord has called you, and He will sustain you. The enemy has tried to convince you that your pioneering journey has been fruitless, but I break that lie in Jesus’ name. I declare that you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. You will see Him clear away the distractions, expose every lie, and tear up those false reports for what they are—fiction, forged in darkness. Even now, I declare the release of the good report over your life. I prophesy hope, freedom, and breakthrough in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask that You turn around every area the enemy has targeted, and I pray for Your truth, Your increase, and Your promotion to be released over Your people in this hour. Amen. Lord we call forth the GOOD REPORT in Jesus name! “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’” — Isaiah 52:7 (NIV) 
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