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Nate Johnston


Nate Johnston



Right now, many are finding themselves suddenly in transition, stepping out of a painful season of dishonor.

You’ve been used by Saulish leaders - those who sought to build their own kingdoms while ignoring what you carry.

You’ve dealt with endless orphan mindsets from other believers around you, who have cut you down and shut doors at every turn.

You have been aligned with those who tolerated the Jezebel spirit and found yourself cleaning up their messes, worn down from carrying them spiritually.

Your vision has been stolen, copied, and manipulated by those around you, just when you thought you had found a safe place to birth it.

You’ve been gaslit, manipulated, faced constant control, and pulled in every direction, leaving you feeling disoriented and doubting your own discernment and prophetic calling.

But now, the Lord is leading you out suddenly! 

Like Egypt, He is bringing you out of a long season of assault and bondage that has thwarted your true purpose and path.

And you will see the Lord deliver you from the control, manipulation, and dishonor you’ve endured.

He is bringing you out of the entanglements that have held you down, severing ties with the past, and creating a clear path for your next season.

But I felt the Lord wanted me to give some practical keys to finishing these seasons well:


How you leave this season will influence the next one. 

The way you end this chapter will either unlock or delay the new beginning that’s waiting for you.

The enemy would love to see you leave angry, bitter, and carrying unresolved hurt, but God is inviting you to release it all to Him.


Give them to Him. I know you want to slam the door and burn down the house, but just as Jesus quietly left Nazareth when they didn’t honor Him, by simply walking away and moving on, you are allowing God to be your vindicator and breaker, leading you out into the new day.


God is inviting you to lay down the pain of this season.

The hurt, the betrayal, and the dishonor are real, but He’s asking, “Will you trust Me with it?”

As you surrender the weight, you will begin to feel the chains falling off—chains that have been trying to hold you in the old season and prevent you from transitioning into the new.

Let go of the need to fight for justice—God is your defender, and He can handle it far better than you ever could.


Not everything from this past season is meant to go with you into the next.

Some relationships, alignments, and connections need to be left behind.

It’s time to unhook yourself from the unhealthy ties that have kept you bound.

God is pruning these attachments because they can’t carry the weight of what He’s about to do in your life.

But there are also unholy ties that need to be severed—strings of control, manipulation, and ties to people who have been using you and exerting dominance and ownership over you. These must be broken!

Jesus told His disciples that if a town doesn’t receive you, to dust off your feet and leave. You must dust off your feet right now! Break the unholy vows. Cancel the contracts!


Repaying dishonor with dishonor never works. Trust me.

There’s something powerful that happens when you choose honor in the face of dishonor.

Just as David chose to honor Saul instead of taking his life in the cave, your actions in this moment ripple into your next season.

While others may expect you to retaliate, God is calling you to take the higher road.

Honor disarms the enemy and positions you to receive fresh favor.

I know that when you leave a season, this is often when you see people’s true colors come to the surface as they realize they can’t control you anymore. They attack you even more, say nasty things, speak against you to others, and increase their mind games.

But as you choose honor regardless, it disarms their demonic games and leads you out! 


I felt the Lord say, “Prophesy double honor!”

So today, I prophesy over you a season of double honor and restoration.

The dishonor you faced won’t define you, and God is turning it around for your good.

Where you were dishonored, He is now bringing honor and recovery of everything you lost or that was robbed from you.

Where you were overlooked, He is positioning you for unprecedented favor.

Where you were gaslit and your calling squashed and stifled, God is now picking it up off the ground and reviving it.

You will step into a new chapter of capacity to dream with God and vision with clarity.

No more wearing a hundred hats or being spread thin building others’ empires.

No more waking up to the daily drama of others' demons and carrying their dysfunctions.

This new chapter will be a season of single-minded focus where you move forward with clarity, purpose, and freedom, and find the joy of stepping into the assignment that God has given to you.

Get ready to dream again, laugh again, and walk in joy again.

It’s time to exit, dust off your feet, wash your hands, and follow Jesus into the new day.

Sow a seed

RELATED prophetic WORDS:

RELATED prophetic WORDS:

By Nate Johnston 28 Sep, 2024
“In the season that you have never felt more confused, more lost, more out of options, more stretched, broken, raw, and unsure of the future, IN THAT SEASON am LAUNCHING you!” Says the Lord. “You have been reaching forth your hand out into the darkness feeling like every step forward is in vain, and every moment holding onto the promise only delaying the inevitable crash, but YOU DON’T SEE what I see because your ways ARE NOT my ways” “But you are right.. you are at THE END. The end of the old ways and the old path has come to an end, and now.. YOU ARE TURNING A CORNER” “You will feel like you have stepped from the darkness of midnight into the most glorious sunrise of a new day” “It will be that SUDDEN and overwhelming because you had started to plant your feet in the valley” “You had begun to call the WAITING your fortress and survival your safety, but as you turn the corner your HEART WILL LEAP, and a rush of grief and deep sorrow will rush to the surface as you realise I had been preparing THIS NEW DAY for you all along” “Still, it looks scary and unknown but THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN PREPARING YOU FOR!” “This is what I have been BUILDING IN YOU, and THROUGH YOU!” “So lay your burdens down at my feet today, all THE PIECES of the puzzle you don’t understand and are not able to stitch together” “Lay down your heartaches, lay down the pain you have been carrying” “HOLD MY HAND.. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I have not passed you by, I have not forgotten you, I won’t let you miss this!” “LET’S TURN THE CORNER TOGETHER” The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8
By Nate Johnston 26 Sep, 2024
Right now, many are finding themselves suddenly in transition, stepping out of a painful season of dishonor. You’ve been used by Saulish leaders - those who sought to build their own kingdoms while ignoring what you carry. You’ve dealt with endless orphan mindsets from other believers around you, who have cut you down and shut doors at every turn. You have been aligned with those who tolerated the Jezebel spirit and found yourself cleaning up their messes, worn down from carrying them spiritually. Your vision has been stolen, copied, and manipulated by those around you, just when you thought you had found a safe place to birth it. You’ve been gaslit, manipulated, faced constant control, and pulled in every direction, leaving you feeling disoriented and doubting your own discernment and prophetic calling. But now, the Lord is leading you out suddenly! Like Egypt, He is bringing you out of a long season of assault and bondage that has thwarted your true purpose and path. And you will see the Lord deliver you from the control, manipulation, and dishonor you’ve endured. He is bringing you out of the entanglements that have held you down, severing ties with the past, and creating a clear path for your next season. But I felt the Lord wanted me to give some practical keys to finishing these seasons well: THE WAY YOU EXIT MATTERS How you leave this season will influence the next one. The way you end this chapter will either unlock or delay the new beginning that’s waiting for you. The enemy would love to see you leave angry, bitter, and carrying unresolved hurt, but God is inviting you to release it all to Him. Forgive. Give them to Him. I know you want to slam the door and burn down the house, but just as Jesus quietly left Nazareth when they didn’t honor Him, by simply walking away and moving on, you are allowing God to be your vindicator and breaker, leading you out into the new day. GIVE HIM THE INJUSTICE God is inviting you to lay down the pain of this season. The hurt, the betrayal, and the dishonor are real, but He’s asking, “Will you trust Me with it?” As you surrender the weight, you will begin to feel the chains falling off—chains that have been trying to hold you in the old season and prevent you from transitioning into the new. Let go of the need to fight for justice—God is your defender, and He can handle it far better than you ever could. BREAK THE UNHOLY TIES Not everything from this past season is meant to go with you into the next. Some relationships, alignments, and connections need to be left behind. It’s time to unhook yourself from the unhealthy ties that have kept you bound. God is pruning these attachments because they can’t carry the weight of what He’s about to do in your life. But there are also unholy ties that need to be severed—strings of control, manipulation, and ties to people who have been using you and exerting dominance and ownership over you. These must be broken! Jesus told His disciples that if a town doesn’t receive you, to dust off your feet and leave. You must dust off your feet right now! Break the unholy vows. Cancel the contracts! CHOOSE HONOR IN THE MIDST OF MIND GAMES Repaying dishonor with dishonor never works. Trust me. There’s something powerful that happens when you choose honor in the face of dishonor. Just as David chose to honor Saul instead of taking his life in the cave, your actions in this moment ripple into your next season. While others may expect you to retaliate, God is calling you to take the higher road. Honor disarms the enemy and positions you to receive fresh favor. I know that when you leave a season, this is often when you see people’s true colors come to the surface as they realize they can’t control you anymore. They attack you even more, say nasty things, speak against you to others, and increase their mind games. But as you choose honor regardless, it disarms their demonic games and leads you out! DOUBLE HONOR IS COMING! I felt the Lord say, “Prophesy double honor!” So today, I prophesy over you a season of double honor and restoration. The dishonor you faced won’t define you, and God is turning it around for your good. Where you were dishonored, He is now bringing honor and recovery of everything you lost or that was robbed from you. Where you were overlooked, He is positioning you for unprecedented favor. Where you were gaslit and your calling squashed and stifled, God is now picking it up off the ground and reviving it. You will step into a new chapter of capacity to dream with God and vision with clarity. No more wearing a hundred hats or being spread thin building others’ empires. No more waking up to the daily drama of others' demons and carrying their dysfunctions. This new chapter will be a season of single-minded focus where you move forward with clarity, purpose, and freedom, and find the joy of stepping into the assignment that God has given to you. Get ready to dream again, laugh again, and walk in joy again. It’s time to exit, dust off your feet, wash your hands, and follow Jesus into the new day.
By Nate Johnston 28 Sep, 2024
“In the season that you have never felt more confused, more lost, more out of options, more stretched, broken, raw, and unsure of the future, IN THAT SEASON am LAUNCHING you!” Says the Lord. “You have been reaching forth your hand out into the darkness feeling like every step forward is in vain, and every moment holding onto the promise only delaying the inevitable crash, but YOU DON’T SEE what I see because your ways ARE NOT my ways” “But you are right.. you are at THE END. The end of the old ways and the old path has come to an end, and now.. YOU ARE TURNING A CORNER” “You will feel like you have stepped from the darkness of midnight into the most glorious sunrise of a new day” “It will be that SUDDEN and overwhelming because you had started to plant your feet in the valley” “You had begun to call the WAITING your fortress and survival your safety, but as you turn the corner your HEART WILL LEAP, and a rush of grief and deep sorrow will rush to the surface as you realise I had been preparing THIS NEW DAY for you all along” “Still, it looks scary and unknown but THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN PREPARING YOU FOR!” “This is what I have been BUILDING IN YOU, and THROUGH YOU!” “So lay your burdens down at my feet today, all THE PIECES of the puzzle you don’t understand and are not able to stitch together” “Lay down your heartaches, lay down the pain you have been carrying” “HOLD MY HAND.. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I have not passed you by, I have not forgotten you, I won’t let you miss this!” “LET’S TURN THE CORNER TOGETHER” The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8
By Nate Johnston 26 Sep, 2024
Right now, many are finding themselves suddenly in transition, stepping out of a painful season of dishonor. You’ve been used by Saulish leaders - those who sought to build their own kingdoms while ignoring what you carry. You’ve dealt with endless orphan mindsets from other believers around you, who have cut you down and shut doors at every turn. You have been aligned with those who tolerated the Jezebel spirit and found yourself cleaning up their messes, worn down from carrying them spiritually. Your vision has been stolen, copied, and manipulated by those around you, just when you thought you had found a safe place to birth it. You’ve been gaslit, manipulated, faced constant control, and pulled in every direction, leaving you feeling disoriented and doubting your own discernment and prophetic calling. But now, the Lord is leading you out suddenly! Like Egypt, He is bringing you out of a long season of assault and bondage that has thwarted your true purpose and path. And you will see the Lord deliver you from the control, manipulation, and dishonor you’ve endured. He is bringing you out of the entanglements that have held you down, severing ties with the past, and creating a clear path for your next season. But I felt the Lord wanted me to give some practical keys to finishing these seasons well: THE WAY YOU EXIT MATTERS How you leave this season will influence the next one. The way you end this chapter will either unlock or delay the new beginning that’s waiting for you. The enemy would love to see you leave angry, bitter, and carrying unresolved hurt, but God is inviting you to release it all to Him. Forgive. Give them to Him. I know you want to slam the door and burn down the house, but just as Jesus quietly left Nazareth when they didn’t honor Him, by simply walking away and moving on, you are allowing God to be your vindicator and breaker, leading you out into the new day. GIVE HIM THE INJUSTICE God is inviting you to lay down the pain of this season. The hurt, the betrayal, and the dishonor are real, but He’s asking, “Will you trust Me with it?” As you surrender the weight, you will begin to feel the chains falling off—chains that have been trying to hold you in the old season and prevent you from transitioning into the new. Let go of the need to fight for justice—God is your defender, and He can handle it far better than you ever could. BREAK THE UNHOLY TIES Not everything from this past season is meant to go with you into the next. Some relationships, alignments, and connections need to be left behind. It’s time to unhook yourself from the unhealthy ties that have kept you bound. God is pruning these attachments because they can’t carry the weight of what He’s about to do in your life. But there are also unholy ties that need to be severed—strings of control, manipulation, and ties to people who have been using you and exerting dominance and ownership over you. These must be broken! Jesus told His disciples that if a town doesn’t receive you, to dust off your feet and leave. You must dust off your feet right now! Break the unholy vows. Cancel the contracts! CHOOSE HONOR IN THE MIDST OF MIND GAMES Repaying dishonor with dishonor never works. Trust me. There’s something powerful that happens when you choose honor in the face of dishonor. Just as David chose to honor Saul instead of taking his life in the cave, your actions in this moment ripple into your next season. While others may expect you to retaliate, God is calling you to take the higher road. Honor disarms the enemy and positions you to receive fresh favor. I know that when you leave a season, this is often when you see people’s true colors come to the surface as they realize they can’t control you anymore. They attack you even more, say nasty things, speak against you to others, and increase their mind games. But as you choose honor regardless, it disarms their demonic games and leads you out! DOUBLE HONOR IS COMING! I felt the Lord say, “Prophesy double honor!” So today, I prophesy over you a season of double honor and restoration. The dishonor you faced won’t define you, and God is turning it around for your good. Where you were dishonored, He is now bringing honor and recovery of everything you lost or that was robbed from you. Where you were overlooked, He is positioning you for unprecedented favor. Where you were gaslit and your calling squashed and stifled, God is now picking it up off the ground and reviving it. You will step into a new chapter of capacity to dream with God and vision with clarity. No more wearing a hundred hats or being spread thin building others’ empires. No more waking up to the daily drama of others' demons and carrying their dysfunctions. This new chapter will be a season of single-minded focus where you move forward with clarity, purpose, and freedom, and find the joy of stepping into the assignment that God has given to you. Get ready to dream again, laugh again, and walk in joy again. It’s time to exit, dust off your feet, wash your hands, and follow Jesus into the new day.
By Nate Johnston 24 Sep, 2024
Last week I had a startling vision: I saw an eagle lying on the ground looking as though it was wreathing in pain, with its feathers pulled out and its beak bashed in. It was wriggling and moving as if shedding its skin like a cicada. Suddenly, out of its back, a baby eagle—a small egret—emerged and began to cry. I believe this vision is a prophetic picture of what God is doing in the prophetic company in the earth right now. Out of the old and broken, something new and pure is being birthed. THE SHEDDING This vision reflects the season many prophets have been walking through. The eagle, beaten and broken, represents the prophetic voices that have faced intense challenges, criticism, and discouragement. The shedding of feathers symbolizes the process of stripping away—God removing anything in their lives and ministries that no longer aligns with His heart. Many of you have felt this deeply. You’ve experienced loss, rejection, and a painful shedding of an old operating system, way of seeing, and thinking. The bashed in beak represents the warfare on your voice over the years that has left you feeling silenced, lacking confidence, and maybe even confused about what your message is anymore. Earlier in the year I shared a word called “Are You in a Molting Season? where God revealed to me that prophets were going through a process of deep renewal, similar to an eagle losing its old feathers to grow new ones. This recent vision takes this further, revealing that this shedding isn’t just about renewal, but the birthing of something completely new. Yes, a new prophetic company is being birthed from what was thought to be dead and gone! UNDERGROUND PROPHETS During the 2020 and 2021 culture and church wars, many prophetic voices went silent and underground. Like Kim Clement once prophesied “Jezebel has chased away the prophets and even Elijah!” It was an assault on the prophetic company in a time where we needed a powerful and sharp prophetic company to boldly speak into the times and defy the taunts of Jezebel. And while many did and stayed true, it was a Gideon’s army test to the prophetic house and it blew down like the three little pigs house of straw beginning the process of the dying of an old, ineffective, and compromised prophetic governance and culture, and made way for the birthing of the new. It was a season of great shaking, and for many prophets, it felt like their voice was stripped away, but I believe it was a needed test for the prophets and the church. But like the eagle in the vision, what appeared to be a time of defeat was, in fact leading us into a divine process of repentance, refinement, and rebirth. THE BATTERED EAGLE To me, the old eagle is also representative of the compromise that raised the old prophetic house and plucked out feathers one at a time until she began to lose her strength, ability to fly, glory and splendor, and purity. The bashed in beak represents the toleration of Jezebel that stole the voice from the prophets and sent them running. But we are indeed in a changing of the guard season, or the eagle pack I should say. Now, He is birthing a new eagle company, a generation of prophets who will rise up and speak with boldness in the midst of chaos and change with a fresh and pure voice. NOW THE EGRET EMERGES FROM DEATH The baby eagle, the egret, emerging from the old, battered eagle is a powerful declaration of the new prophetic voices God is raising up. This new company of prophets is not an extension of the old ways but the sign that the old is now over and the new must step into this guard change. They are an undefiled breed coming out of the death and burial of their greatest wildernesses and now being resurrected to fullness of life in a new epoch. Like the egret, they are emerging from the ground, the grave, filled with a ferocity to carry God’s voice into the earth. The death of the wilderness caused them to shed old patterns, mindsets, and affiliations, and now we are seeing what God is birthing - a prophetic movement that is not bound by religious systems or cultural trends, but is deeply anchored in the heart of God and the truth of His Word. I DON’T KNOW WHO I AM ANYMORE But in this time of transition and change there are three categories of people, each going through a painful process. 1.) The eagles who are refusing to change and move with the Holy Spirit into what He is doing. 2.) The eagles who were part of the old order who are breaking out of the mold to pursue the presence and are surrendering to the transition although it’s the unpopular path and a quite painful internal rewiring. 3.) The emerging eagles who were rejected from the old system and have been set aside for this moment of emerging. Regardless of where you are at you will agree that you are in a season of rapid change. Many prophetic people have felt very lost and like their purpose has died. At the same time they have felt like something huge and significant is’s the tension of the birthing! The wriggling and shedding of the eagle in the vision reflects the inner turmoil many have felt—the stripping away of self-reliance, pride, and past methods of operating. This journey has not been easy. It has involved intense personal trials, a sense of being misunderstood, and even moments of questioning your calling. And maybe like many others you have said “I just font know who I am anymore!” But don’t think this is just for the prophets. So many apostles and pastors and leaders around the world have been stripped to beyond bare bones in 2024... Yet, out of this painful process, God is birthing something not just new, but HOLY. And not just fresh, but carrying a clarity of revelation and authority we have lost. Yes, just as the baby eagle emerged from the old, you are stepping into a fresh identity and anointing that is going to break yokes by the hundreds and thousands. In the season of death God has been multiplying you for more and amplifying what you carry. You have been pruned and refined to carry the new mantle that God is placing on you and soon you will see that this was the setup to the breakthroughs you will see in the years to come and the ground you will take for the kingdom. NEW ERA SOARERS God is raising up a bold, fearless prophetic company for this new era. These prophets will not shrink back or apologize for speaking truth. Like the egret in the vision, they may start small, but their influence and impact will grow as they step into their God-given authority. They will speak into the chaos and confusion of our times with a fresh, clear word from heaven. This new company of prophets will: - cut through the noise of culture and speak words of direction and hope. - be bold in the face of opposition and they will not be swayed by public opinion or fear of man. - release a new sound, carrying the weight and authority of heaven. Their voices will bring both repentance and revival. - will bring strategies and solutions for the church and culture, revealing God’s plans for the future. CAN YOU HEAR THE CALL? And just as I saw the egret open its mouth and let out a cry, the eagles are already emerging and making their voices known. They have had to fight for years through the back of the old bird, but now are releasing their sound without apology. Can you hear them? Now watch as they upset the status quo and begin to flap their wings as they grow into them. But I am not just talking to any eagles, I am talking to you mighty one. The ones right now wrestling and trying to find themselves again in a new day. You who have been both the eagle on the ground—battered, broken, and stripped, as well as newborn eagle who doesn’t know who they are and how to fly yet. Let me say this, God is not finished with you. You thought it was over but it was the birthing of a new day. After a season of feeling lost and voiceless, it’s time to emerge. He has been preparing you for this new season of influence and impact. What felt like death was actually the preparation for rebirth. The new prophetic company is rising, and you are it. God is calling you to rise from the place of defeat, to embrace the new prophetic mantle He has placed upon you. It’s time to soar with fresh vision, carry boldness for battle, and release a prophetic sound that shifts atmospheres and brings revival. So recognize this moment for what it is. The birthing is here, and it’s now time to rise, to speak, and to soar.
By Nate Johnston 18 Sep, 2024
(This is a word from Feb 2022 that came to mind this week because it is what i have sensed happening to many right now) In a vision i saw a swarm of hornet's filling the skies and with it came a suffocating hopelessness and heaviness that were trying to yet again clog up the horizon. And the Lord said, "This is what the attack of the enemy looks like in this hour. This is the assignment of the enemy in a time when I am pouring out fresh vision and fresh dreaming. "This is the attack of the enemy to create distraction. It’s the swarm of words and slander sent to get them looking at the enemy and his incessant noise instead of what I am doing. It’s sent to scatter and plant strife, slander, and restlessness in homes. "It’s sent to bring confusion, doubt, and double-mindedness over the vision I am releasing. "It’s sent to divide marriages, relationships, and people building together. "It’s sent to brood the spirit of madness and forfeit, over the hearts of those finally getting free of the battle season." This hornet's nest was an assignment of the enemy to try to sting the people of God, to try to sting the people of God through witchcraft and slander, and a shout out to discredit people that would just be getting back on their feet and stepping into a new day. This assignment was to come into sting people, so it would shut them down. "But this is an hour," says the Lord, "where you must stand firm, you must stay undistracted from this assignment of the enemy." And then the Lord said to me, "And this hornet's nest is an assignment of the enemy to get them caught up in all the things of the world, all the news reports and all the different fear and propaganda going on in the world. BUT I am countering this swarm with peace and clarity that they will only find by running into My Presence daily! I will protect their minds and keep them free of every entanglement. For right now, your eyes need to be marked—your eyes need to be clearly synced with My eyes. "I'm giving you Eagle eyes. I'm giving you eyes to see beyond where you have been—you've been in the wilderness, you've been in a dark season of not being able to see. You’ve not seen where I'm taking you but now you will see beyond circumstances and beyond even this season. Now will see how I see. "So do not fall for these Hornet's nests, do not fall for the sudden fires and sudden calamities that show up in the world around you that the enemy is trying to get you caught up in. Do not fall for the fear-mongering of the world, do not fall for those things, but hold the vision that I'm giving you and run with it, and make it plain." "For right now, I'm bringing deliverance to divided minds. I'm bringing deliverance to those who have been in two minds—for those who've been having one foot in the new door that I have for them and one foot in defeat and wanting to give up. Right now I'm bringing deliverance to those who have been living in trauma; those who have been living in a place of continual breakdown on the inside, but at the same time, grabbing hold of the new thing I'm doing. "And I say to you today, grab hold of what I have given you. Grab hold of the rope, grab hold of the lifeline that I've thrown you and do not let go, let it pull you out of the trauma," says the Lord, "for the days coming are days of wholeness, the days coming are days of freedom" says the Lord. "And right now I’m breaking every trigger and cycle in your life. I'm coming against every area that has been causing you to be pressed, causing you to be triggered and causing you to break down and be unable to run forward. Because the days are coming," says the Lord, "where you will build the very vision that I gave you long ago, you will build the vision—not the vision other people handed you but the vision I gave you—the vision I handed you, the blueprint I handed you. "I am right now de-cluttering you from every single hindrance, every single association that would cause you to backpedal and cause you to water down the vision I gave you. "You're stepping into a new wineskin blueprint for your life, and you will not compromise that vision anymore," says the Lord. "You are stepping over into power. You're stepping over into Kingdom influence and you're stepping over into fruit and fulfillment. "Get ready to begin to sign contracts, get ready to begin to hold in your hands the very vision that you thought was passed over, the very prayers and the promises that you thought that I have forgotten about. "The dreams that you thought you would never see again... "Get ready to hold it in your hands for the time is coming," says the Lord, "that I will fulfill every promise that I gave you."
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