Recently I heard the Lord warn me “Don’t fall for the drama” and he began to give speak to me about some of the common tactics of the enemy in a season of promotion and also the common pitfalls. These tactics are DISTRACTION, DIVERSION, and NOISE, and I knew right away that Holy Spirit was giving me some practical insight and tools for the conquest of this season and what the giants in the land before the promise look like. Here are the meanings of these words;
The enemys plan for you right now is for you to NOT reach your destiny and promise. Instead he wants to PREVENT you from SEEING where God is taking you by stealing your FOCUS, agitating and scattering your mind, and leading your somewhere different to where God intended.
Look at most battle scenes in a movie and you’ll see the enemy using one of those elements as tactic to weaken the army or put her off the game. When Moses sent the spies out into the promised land to give a report most of them came back regurgitating the report of fear instead of faith. What happened? They allowed the NOISE of the land to cause them to doubt God’s ability and power. Here are how these tactics try to make us fall for the common pitfalls in a season of increase and promotion;
The Holy Spirit began to speak to me about the pitfall in this season of elevating and magnifying what the enemy is doing over what God is doing.
Right on the very pathway to where the Israelites needed to go stood Goliath yelling, taunting, and threatening them. This NOISE went on for days and days and soon enough the words He spoke overtook the people and gripped them with hopelessness and fear. The REALITY of the situation was that there was a roadblock in their way, a loud-mouthed scary one that looked impossible to beat. But the TRUTH was that God had a plan and He would never leave them or forsake them, and also that Goliath was about to fall.
Focussing on the giant only leads you further into fear and worry and even clouds the solution often staring right at you! As a prophetic person I do sense a lot of what is happening in the spirit and while that gift is used to UNCOVER and EXPOSE the tactics of the enemy like I have done above, it only highlights REALITY, not TRUTH. Prophecy carries solution not just information, so it reveals both the problem or the reality, but then UNVEILS TRUTH which then INTERUPTS and TRANSFORMS a situation.
When we constantly talk about the size of the giant we are facing without speaking forth the solution, we trap ourselves into a cycle of fear and in essence blind ourselves to the mighty power of God working through us and into our situation. It is crucial in a season of promotion to be surrounded by what God is doing to counteract the opposition and resistances you are facing in the natural.
“Listen past the noise to the still small voice”
What are you feasting on in this season? Do you rush home after a big day and kick your feet up and watch some t.v? There is nothing wrong with watching t.v but when it becomes your only source of soul-food you’ll find yourself out of shape pretty quickly and desensitized to the voice of Holy Spirit. Many have been struggling to feel motivated in this season to spend time in the secret place in this season and have been finding it easier to believe the news report of the enemy over what God is saying. We need to RE-ADJUST our lives and begin to watch what we are feasting on so that we are not lulled into apathy and slumber in a season we are meant to be PRESSING FORWARD and TAKING NEW GROUND!
In Luke 4 Jesus visits his hometown of Nazareth and the people he grew up actually reject him and the scriptures say he was unable to do any miracles there because of their unbelief and they even tried to kill him!
The Nazareth complex is when we begin to believe the noise of the enemy bombarding us and this alone causes us to walk off the path God has set for us. These bombarding thoughts always attack your identity and purpose “Did God really say that to me?” “Did God really do that in me?” “Has God really got a purpose for me?”
Nothing puts the breaks on destiny like lies and unbelief. Not that the door ever closes but our hearts do. We start to see life through a limited lens and stop dreaming with God.
Distraction and diversion causes there to be a confusion over important decisions that need to be made. In this season there are so many moving pieces and many life-altering decisions are begging to be made regarding your PEOPLE, PURPOSE, and PLACE. What I mean by that is God has been readying you for a specific new assignment and for many this also includes running with a new people and tribe, and for some even a relocation. All of those three things are big decisions that are uncomfortable, painful, and difficult to navigate.
The enemy doesn’t want you to be where God wants you to, so he wants you to make decisions using mans wisdom over decisions led by the Holy Spirit. If you are distracted by the noise of life you may just sign your name on the dotted line to a DIVERSION of Gods design, aligning with the wrong people, the wrong place, and being chained to the wrong purpose.
I’ve felt the impulse in this season to “jump” at something that looks good but felt not peace in the process I normally would, and after praying and weighing up the situation found that it was absolute “Ishmael” that could have easily led me astray. This is a season ive had to learn to say no to even things that are good because God is clearing defining what you are meant to put your yes and time to, and what you shouldn’t be.
This is a season God wants you to find your running partners, your family but if we are too eager to figure it all out you’ll find yourself sitting at the wrong table. Don’t fall for the trap of second best and knocking down doors! Let God bring the right ones to you.
Because we are in a time of movement and change many are finding that not only are the people around them changing, but they are also being promoted and growing in areas they weren’t before. The Lord warned me earlier in the year that to a roadblock to promotion is dishonor, where we begin to speak badly about people who are also going through change and transition. If we aren’t careful we can easily and without wisdom and true discernment judge them and assume things that aren’t even true.
When David came to the battlefield to offer his services to defeat Goliath, His brother Eliab cut him down nastily with his words. The very NOISE he had been hearing from Goliath were coming out if his own mouth against his brother!
If we are listening to the drama and noise of the season more than the voice of the Holy Spirit we can begin to entertain imaginations about people, their intentions, and what they said/did. If we aren’t careful we can then actually employ ourselves to speak against our own brothers and sisters and dishonor and curse them.
Another trap in this is assuming the motives of others hearts that we aren’t in direct relationship with, or we see people arising and out of insecurity we belittle them and feel like we know better and instead of operate out of our kingdom identity we become cynics and police instead of encouragers and champions. You can actually get in bondage to suspicion and create a world that evolves around it that makes you think the whole world is against you and you cant trust anyone. All this does is steal your focus and send you into isolation.
The Body of Christ needs to catch Gods heart of honor in this hour, get down from our high horse and learn to love dangerously, even if its messy, because if we do we will see an outpouring in the earth unlike anything we have seen yet.
If you feel a little lost in the drama of the season here is a truth alignment for you today;
“We look away from the natural realm and we fasten our gaze onto Jesus who birthed faith within us and who leads us forward into faith’s perfection. [ f ] His example is this: Because his heart was focused on the joy of knowing that you would be his, [ g ] he endured the agony of the cross and conquered its humiliation, [ h ] and now sits exalted at the right hand of the throne of God!” Hebrews 12:2 TPT