There is a war on the gates of America right now, and that war is manifesting in the natural because of what is happening in the supernatural. I believe the current political war that we are seeing play out at the border is a mirror of this underlying spiritual war. I have been sensing a strong and undeniable urgency in recent days, like an ongoing alarm from the Spirit of God that the Gatekeepers must awaken. The prophetic intercessors must arise and take their place in this hour. I keep hearing the Holy Spirit’s urgent impression to my heart, “There is a fierce battle waging at the gates of America, and the United States is in urgent need of INCREASED and INTENTIONAL intercession right now.”
I believe the enemy’s war on the gates of America is to gain unrestricted access to influence the world. I saw a vision of a monumental war at the spiritual gateway of America and it looked like the Golden Gate Bridge. Standing on one side of the bridge was an assault of demonic principalities, screaming and beating their chests in an attempt to scare their way into unrestricted access across the gates barricades. On the other side of the bridge was an army of angels, assigned by heaven to stand guard and prevent this assault from crossing.
The angels were standing alongside gatekeepers (intercessors) and were awaiting their commands and instruction. However, while there were many of these gatekeepers who were awake, many were also asleep. As the vision progressed, the assault on the other side of the bridge became more violent and agitated, and while the armed guard of angels were able to keep them at bay, I noticed they were not as effective as warring them off as they could have been had their sleeping gatekeepers been on guard and awake. It was as though they were helpless to be completely effective until every gatekeeper was awake. I believe the Lord showed me that vision to issue an urgent call to the church, and specifically to the gatekeepers and those called to intercede for America, that it is time to AWAKEN from slumber and MOVE in the authority given to you against this demonic onslaught.
Last month I was asking the Lord to reveal the source of a myriad of witchcraft attacks that we had been enduring all year. I was tired and worn out after constantly finding our daily lives interrupted with swirling confusion, frustration and strange and odd circumstances. The Holy Spirit then led me to this scripture:
“For he has strengthened the authority of your gates. He even blesses you with more children. He’s the one who brings peace to your borders, feeding you the most excellent of fare.” Psalm 147:13-14
Within a matter of days, the enemies sly and crafty plans behind all of the attacks were revealed and we were able to see a swift end to this relentless warfare. As the dust settled, I was able to clearly see that the confusion that had been surrounding us had caused me to ‘sleep’ in many ways through warfare. It was a demonic strategy to exhaust me into a deep slumber. In fact, even my physical sleep had been affected. I was unable to sleep properly at night, and therefore I was physically tired and weary during the day. I believe that many of those who are called to the frontlines of intercession, those who have been given the keys of a Nation as a gatekeeper, have been enduring this same onslaught of warfare… surrounded by a myriad of confusion, you have found yourself tired, exhausted and asleep on the battlefield. I prophesy an end to these attacks in the name of Jesus. I decree that every sly and crafty assignment that has been sent your way to lull you into a slumber will be swiftly brought to an end. Where God promised me, He is promising you, that He is strengthening the authority of your gates, and out of this onslaught of battles that you have been enduring, you will see an increase in multiplication and fruition in your life. Not only will your life prosper, But He will also cause your intercession to prosper.
I believe I also need to prophesy this scripture over you, and I feel you need to also SHOUT it out loud over yourself, like a clarion awakening call.
“For the light makes everything visible. This is why it is said, “Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.”
Ephesians 5:14
I decree that the shining light of the Son will shine upon you and every darkness that has tried to surround you will dissipate in His brightness. Even as you read this, I believe you will feel a supernatural strengthening to awaken you and cause you to stand once again with renewed strength and CLARITY. It is time to take up your shield again, and I command an end to the onslaughts you have endured in Jesus name. The enemy is powerless to withstand you, for you are needed on the frontlines.
I kept hearing this phrase, ‘lines of contention’. Intrigued by that statement, I did a search online trying to see if there was any biblical connection to this phrase. Instead, I found a prophetic language for what is happening. The first thing that comes up is in respect to broadband contention ratios. Basically speaking, a ‘contention ratio’ is in reference to how many users are sharing the same broadband capacity on a line. To explain it even more simply, it is the count of how many households are using the same main broadband line. If a line of contention ratio is 20:1, it means twenty households are using the same broadband line.
Immediately I knew what the Holy Spirit was speaking through this. Currently, there is a contention in the spirit for the contention lines. The enemy is attempting to advance in ratio and outweigh what God is doing in America and the Nations, however, God is calling the gatekeepers to be the higher ratio. I believe at this very moment in time, however, there is an imbalance. With many gatekeepers who have been asleep, the enemy’s ratios are threatening to outweigh our own. Yet, as the gatekeepers respond to the clarion call, awakening and arising together using the same ‘lines’ of authority, they will together advance and take back the enemy lines in a swift show of God’s authority and power. It is IMPERATIVE that the gatekeepers ARISE.
On the first day of this year, I heard this statement resound loudly in my spirit: “The Goliath of abortion is losing its footing.” I believe that the long-withstanding strongholds like abortion, political correctness and even racism in the Nation of America are actually losing their footing. These giants who have held the lines of contention over the Nation for many years are losing ground. Make no mistake, the current spiritual war on the gates of America is because the enemy is in a frenzy to take back lost ground. He is losing his footing. The gate-keepers must maintain their authority on the frontlines, and as they do, we will see these strongholds of giants fall, and SWIFTLY.
Take up your position, for God is strengthening the authority of your gates. He is strengthening the gates of America THROUGH you. The gates of hell shall not prevail against the armies of the Lord, and together, we decree and declare that Satan shall not possess your gates, your families gates, your cities gates, the gates of America and your own nation, nor shall he possess the land.
I am here to call you back to the frontlines, warrior friends. The enemy fears what you carry, he fears the authority you walk in, but the Lord’s promise to you today as you step back up on the wall as a watchman is to bring peace to your borders, feeding you the most excellent of His fare. Let’s together see this battle won for the glory of God.
Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at My GATES, watching at the posts of my door. For whoever finds me finds life, and obtains favor from the Lord – Proverbs 8:34-35
1. Pray for the protection of President Trump and Vice President Pence. (Psalm 91, Psalm 144, Isaiah 45:1-3)
2. Pray for the gates of America to be SHUT to the enemy and his plans as God strengthens what His plans for this Nation and the Nations of the world through her. (Matthew 16:18-19)
3. Pray for God’s mercy and justice to prevail over the land. (Psalm 68:1)
I’d love to hear, what promises God has given you to pray over the nation of America in this hour? Share it for us to agree with you below.
–Christy Johnston