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Nate Johnston


Nate Johnston



I was in worship recently when I heard, “The years of arise and build are upon us!” And I began to see all these different tools laid out in front of me, hundreds of them, many different variations of building tools, inspecting tools, surveying tools, groundbreaking tools, and everything that could be used to begin to build and construct what God was leading us into.

I suddenly felt like it was a moment where the Lord was calling us to pick up something that we hadn't picked up or that we had dropped in a season long ago. I also felt for many that it was a season of having to lay down old tools and pick up the new tools that God had given us. Many people were being shifted into new roles—it was actually the Lord shifting us into different offices, different capacities, new anointings, and new mantles.

I felt the strong sense that people were needing to pick up old things and that the enemy had snatched many tools from the hands of God's people in this season where he had locked them up in padlocks and thrown away the keys—that there were "law boards" to stop the releasing of these tools. I felt this was significant for those who stepped into an upgrade in their anointing and mantle. And in that upgrade, the enemy had warred at them with so much hope deferred, so much loss, and so much hardship that they had actually dropped their mantle and dropped their tools. But this will be a season that the Lord is unlocking what the enemy is keeping behind closed doors and He's revealing what has been there all along. It's finally time to step into it!

This has been a season of the uncomfortable as the tools and mantles we operated in no longer served us well anymore and God has been revealing the new roles we are stepping into. It’s been a time of discerning and learning to step into those new offices and mantles that God has given us. This has resulted in a season of having to navigate difficult terrain, especially in relationships and alignments which have changed so that you could step into these roles more effectively without having to continue to walk in an old role that others had expected you to walk in.

This will be a season of having to follow the Lord when others don't understand why you are stepping out of something you've operated in and into something new, but you have to follow the Lord and let go of the fear of man and those false expectations that have been on you. It will be a season of breaking soul ties and severing old strings and tethers that are keeping you locked into something that you no longer carry the anointing or the ability to operate in.

It will be a season where God leads you to other builders whose tools and vision better align with yours. He is doing this quickly and swiftly and getting His builders in place. This is a season of knowing who your people are and where you need to be aligned because your tools are only as good as the company that you keep.

You need to know what God wants you to build this year. You need to know what God wants you to put your hand to, for there will be an arising of many false projects—many false things that the Lord does not want you to step into—and you'll need to discern if this is the building you're called to build. Is this what God has placed in my heart or is this someone else's vision that I do not have a role or a place in any longer? The Lord will need you to discern and ask for His clarity in all you do this season.

I hear people asking, "How do I know and how do I discern?" and I hear the Lord saying, "You'll know this season if you are carrying the oil. Just like an engine works on fresh oil, just like an instrument only works when it is freshly oiled, and a wineskin can only be used properly when it is supple and freshly oiled, you need the fresh oil. So in this season, you'll know how to discern what is right from wrong, what to say yes or no to, or what tool I have for you to use if you are oiled. You must devote this season to prayer and to My presence if you want to know what I am saying. This will be a season when you need to collect oil like a wise virgin.

"And when you do, you will know exactly which tool to pick up, you will know which company to build with, and you'll know what you are building and what is ahead for you. It is a season where it feels counterproductive but I need you to step into My rest and My refreshing. Allow me to guide you and lead you. Allow Me to cut off the fat, allow Me to break the ground beneath you. Allow Me to open the doors for this season. The enemy has marked this season with false launches and fake promises. That's right! This is a season that if you get antsy and allow anxiety to lead you, you'll break down doors and enter into things that are before your time and actually cause what I've planned for you to work against you. 

"This would be a season where if you bust down those doors before their time or in your own timing, in your own way, or if you hustle and move outside of My timing, My strength, My ability, and My anointing, you'll break into something that I've not ordained for you. And you will enter into a season of hope deferred that I've not planned for you—it will be like another prison. The enemy has been planning for you to enter back into a hope-deferred season but I have said 'No!' For those who seek My face, those who seek My presence, and those who seek My oil they will not enter into that hope deferred cycle again. They will enter into the season of promise fulfilled and of finding their purpose again after so long. 

"For this is a seeding season for those who are waiting—for those who have been going around the mountain waiting, those who've been floundering, for those who've been prayerfully contending for so long— they are going to enter into their season of arise and build. And they will look and see and they will taste and see that the Lord is good for I will lead them to the land that I have promised them," says the Lord.

"Even watch in this season as I fine-tune your location and as I fine-tune your vision, for you cannot lock Me into something from last year. For this year, I have led My people on another detour. Why? Because this is a place where there is a fine-tuning of My presence happening. This is the fine-tuning of destinies and callings. And in this season I'm going to show you where to go, where to be, where to establish, where to arise, and where to build and you will be fulfilled," says the Lord.

Then I saw a vision of an armada of ships in the deep seas all moving together and I said, “Lord what is this?” Then the words came into my spirit “This is the armada of the fivefold!”

An armada is a fleet of warships that are sent as an invasion and I believe this image reveals what God is building and establishing right now—companies of warships within the offices of the fivefold that will all sail together in unison. I believe that God is correcting the way we have been building and readjusting the apostolic blueprint right now which will cause the fivefold to work together more effectively and exclusively in the days to come. God is calling the builders to the forefront right now but He is refining the hearts of apostolic companies around the world and removing all contaminants that would cause them to walk in old and damaging patterns. This is a season God is asking the builders to build only what is organic and not manufactured by man. We must let go of all that is created out of our own strength, ambition, or man’s wisdom.

And most importantly we must connect to the rest of the Body of Christ. Gone are the days of the lonely warships sailing the seas where they can be easily targeted and taken out. We must remove all walls, move together, and be as one!

Recently in a dream, the Lord showed me a building that was half built and I could hear the sighs of people that had given their lives to this building yet they had nothing to show for it. What was I seeing? Many have tried to build before its time or season and raced ahead of the Lord, and there have been many casualties from it. There are also many who have built without the unction or anointing to do so. We have been in a season where there has been a major lack of fivefold synergy in the Body of Christ. Companies where prophets are missing so the ship doesn’t move forward (no revelation) or in this case, where there were many pastors and teachers to shepherd and raise The Church but no apostles to build and extend it. This has created many silos and warring brands as leaders hold onto the fragments and broken bricks of structures they tried to build but didn’t know how. Sometimes they look solid for many years but they just don’t last the test of time.

But this is an hour where God is releasing the grace of the builder to The Church so that what He has planned will be built, and built correctly.


I believe this word was given to highlight a major role of the apostolic in this hour; to rebuild nations from the ground up and re-establish the covenant of the Lord in the nations. In the next few years, we are going to see an apostolic surge in specific areas that have been desolated and the building and establishing of holiness and justice in places where evil has thrived. The tables are turning and the foundations are being re-laid!

"Now set your heart and your soul to seek the Lord your God. Therefore arise and build the sanctuary of the Lord God, to bring the ark of the covenant of the Lord and the holy articles of God into the house that is to be built for the name of the Lord.” (1 Chronicles 22:19 NKJV)


RELATED prophetic WORDS:

RELATED prophetic WORDS:

By Nate Johnston January 1, 2025
Right now we are in a new beginning. Both macro and micro. The church. Nations. You and I personally. The world we once knew is gone. Something else has begun. The clock ticked over. The old epoch expired. The guard changed. The old wine ran out. Your seed fell to the ground the last few years. 2024 was a year of death and burnout to the old thing. Old methods. Thinking. The hamster wheel fell off its hinges. Sandcastles crumbled. Hearts of stone are becoming hearts of flesh again. Desperation and brokenness are leading us back to the source. Man’s regime found itself outdated. Irrelevant. Powerless. We left the pews and began longing for the upper room again. “Rubble! I’m surrounded by rubble and ruin!” many cried out. Steeped in seeming failure and painful years of pioneering, we have come to the end of the road and yet a new unmarked path has begun. But now watch for what comes next. For in the midst of so much coming to a painful end, something new is erupting. Grassroots. Honest. Pure. Without guile. Thrones falling. Our eyes are back on the manger. That’s right. A manger season is upon us. Unexpected birthing in places no one imagined. And an unexpected timing. We had to die so we could experience what is it like to truly live again. Old mantles falling. Scales being wiped away. Hearing the beat of the lion of Judah once again. The parade and the fanfare of man’s movements are already becoming the sideshow and noise we are blocking our ears to. We don’t want shiny. We want desert dust if it comes with throne-room fire. We will eat locusts if it means we taste honey once again. Baptized and cleansed. We can hear the page turn awkwardly and slowly yet it’s music to our ears and lifting grief and hope deferred with it. A blank slate? Back to the beginning? Yes we have to. We have to become small and He greater. On our pilgrimage back to the still small voice and the good news that has been lost in the years of the machine age. Back to the narrow road and uninterrupted visitation. So while you are feeling the discomfort of this moment. Let deliverance come to anything and everything you are grieving behind you. For this is not a death but a new beginning. let the last few feet of grave clothes fall to the ground. Shake off the lies that you have let settle into your heart like a poison. And lean in. For life is ahead of you. The unknown calls you. What you are really born for is in the years ahead of us. This is a birthing.. War eagles are being hatched as we speak. For this new beginning is going to be the tension of peace and chaos. Revival and reformation. Establishing and movement. Greater glory and the clashing of kingdoms. But is what we were created for. Well done for making it through the crucible years and welcome to the days of kingdom occupation. A laid down people and a big God. The Acts 2 church and the greatest move of God we have yet seen. Let’s turn the page together.
By Nate Johnston December 26, 2024
A PROPHETIC NOW WORD FOR THE CHURCH IN 2025 Since we crossed over into 2024 I have noticed a massive shift in my dreams from the Lord. One of the common themes I keep dreaming about is healing and deliverance, but in every dream, it’s not just happening individually but in masse. It’s become quite common for me to dream where I am seeing people encountering freedom and deliverance on such a scale and level of power and glory that I will wake up feeling it still lingering. It’s captured my heart. The longing and desire of Jesus to see His people truly free. I feel it in my bones: we are crossing over. We have bound the church for too long. The pews have been places where sickness has thrived and we have normalized issues that Jesus healed people from in the Bible. We have celebrated dysfunctions, mental illness, and given the enemy our high places instead of casting out the snake, defying Jezebel, and calling out strongmen for what they are. They have sat at our tables for too long, poisoning pulpits, compromising the bride, killing marriages, and raising prodigals. We have band-aided what has plagued us instead of driven it out with the power of the spirit. We have been sick with nowhere to go and no doctors, nurses, or healers to lead us to wholeness. But yes, those days are over. We are crossing over. TURN OFF THE ENTERTAINMENT Recently in a dream, I heard the Lord say “My church shall be a hospital for the sick again, and no longer the concert” This shook me deeply and broke me realising the current state of the church where we have become more about entertainment, performance worship, big screens and smoke machines, celebrity speakers, cleverly crafted motivational messages, and emotionally charged atmospheres. They give you goosebumps and those moments of temporary emotionalism but are often void of the presence of God and His power to save, heal, and transform the broken. People come because they are deeply broken and they leave…still broken. Instead, they got a show and a self-help bandaid that lasted days if not hours. That’s not hope. That’s not the gospel. That’s not Jesus. That’s another Jesus. That's not evangelism if no one is being changed. That’s not prophecy if it’s enabling dysfunction. We need the power of the spirit again in our churches not gimmicks. We need true connection and community, not a false sense of belonging in exchange for our 10 percent. We have been going to concerts all along and have been paying the price of admission. But no longer, because the concert days are coming to an end and the days of the hospital church are coming back again. THE TOUCH OF HIS HEM And I hear the cry of the world and the church in bondage; “If I could just experience peace!” “If I could just be freed of this pain!” “If I could just get rid of this addiction!” “If I could just silence the tormenting voices!” “If I could just be WHOLE!” And right now there is a longing rising like a deep groan. It’s a birth pang resounding in the earth of a people craving true freedom - the kind that only Jesus can bring. It’s the cry of humanity like the woman with the issue of blood, desperate to be free. That’s why people flocked to Jesus. They were bound and he made them free. He didn’t give them a spiritualised theatre performance and then let them stay oppressed. He set the oppressed free. Jesus was so focused on delivering the oppressed that He would go out of his way to do it. The woman at the well in Samaria was not on Jesus’ intended path but He changed His route just to MAKE HER WHOLE. And right now He is doing the same thing to the church: changing our route to set as many free as possible. We are detouring away from the powerless self-help, inspirational quote Christianity and merging back onto the road of raw power and deliverance. And to those who think I am saying that creativity and the arts are wrong. Please listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying. The arts are worship and are powerful and necessary if they are coupled with the power of the spirit, but on their own, they are a feast in a prison cell. WE CAN’T PLAY SAFE It’s time to break the ceilings of man we have placed over our churches. They have desensitised us to the miracles, signs, and wonders that are meant to be commonplace. It has weakened our confidence in the blood of Jesus. It has reduced the power of the gospel down to goosebumps during worship and that’s a mockery to the spotless lamb that was slain. Pastors and leaders, you can’t play it safe anymore! Bring in the bound! Bring in those facing impossibilities that only Jesus can fix! Repent for your lack of faith and being double-minded. Ask God to remind you again of His mighty power and exploits. Then by faith, open your doors and call for the sick and oppressed and watch what God does I dare you. IT’S COMING BACK! 4 months before Jeff Jansen passed away he called me out of the blue with a word. “Nate you are going to see the anointing of A.A Allen break out again around you. Get ready because what has been lost is being restored!” I believe this. In fact, it’s been happening more frequently and unexpectedly. It’s been stirring me deeply and breaking any desire to be safe and enjoy a tidy meeting anymore. We need the messy meetings again, where the holy spirit is moving in such a way that there isn’t a still person in the room. It’s where you have one section experiencing the joy of the lord, laughing uncontrollably as the Holy Spirit breaks off years of deep-seated depression and oppression. It’s where you have another section going into visions, encountering the glory of God and being irreparably changed. It’s where people begin manifesting without hands even being laid on because strongmen who have been there for decades suddenly get evicted in the weight of the glory in the room. It’s where God touches the minds of those who have been mentally bound and in moments coming into peace and their right minds again. It’s where the worst failures in human standards get baptised in fire and step into a new beginning. It’s where addicts hand over their drugs and pipes. It’s where we begin to see the dead raised normalized again. The blind seeing. The deaf hearing. And the mantle of Jesus, Isaiah 61 falls upon the church again, and we experience the GREATER WORKS Jesus said we would do. That’s the hospital church, and it’s coming back. “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning. and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor. They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated, they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations. Strangers will shepherd your flocks; foreigners will work your fields and vineyards. And you will be called priests of the Lord, you will be named ministers of our God. You will feed on the wealth of nations and in their riches you will boast. Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours” - Isaiah 61:1-7 RECEIVE THE POWER Now for those reading this who are experiencing impossibilities and this word felt like both an uncomfortable confrontation and a soothing balm, please read this last part. Jesus wants you healed and whole. Hope deferred has sunken into the church like a slow-releasing poison. It’s the result of years of the enemy delaying breakthroughs and seeing sickness thrive instead of decrease, financial issues abounding, dreams being smashed on the rocks of disappointment, mental wars flourishing, and demonic strongholds getting stronger. The narrative the enemy has wanted you to believe is that you are powerless and God has no interest in setting you free. Right now break that lie! Lay your frustration, and hope deferred down. Shake off the lies of the enemy! Let me pray over you. Jesus, according to your word SET THEM FREE! Every demonic spirit oppressing them GO in Jesus' name! Every strongman of sickness and infirmity GO in Jesus' name! Every assignment of lack leaves now in Jesus' name! Jesus make them WHOLE in the mighty name of Jesus! Now mantle them with power from in high again, and raise your end-time church as the surgeons and healers you called us to be. “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost comes upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth” - Acts 1:8 
By Nate Johnston January 1, 2025
Right now we are in a new beginning. Both macro and micro. The church. Nations. You and I personally. The world we once knew is gone. Something else has begun. The clock ticked over. The old epoch expired. The guard changed. The old wine ran out. Your seed fell to the ground the last few years. 2024 was a year of death and burnout to the old thing. Old methods. Thinking. The hamster wheel fell off its hinges. Sandcastles crumbled. Hearts of stone are becoming hearts of flesh again. Desperation and brokenness are leading us back to the source. Man’s regime found itself outdated. Irrelevant. Powerless. We left the pews and began longing for the upper room again. “Rubble! I’m surrounded by rubble and ruin!” many cried out. Steeped in seeming failure and painful years of pioneering, we have come to the end of the road and yet a new unmarked path has begun. But now watch for what comes next. For in the midst of so much coming to a painful end, something new is erupting. Grassroots. Honest. Pure. Without guile. Thrones falling. Our eyes are back on the manger. That’s right. A manger season is upon us. Unexpected birthing in places no one imagined. And an unexpected timing. We had to die so we could experience what is it like to truly live again. Old mantles falling. Scales being wiped away. Hearing the beat of the lion of Judah once again. The parade and the fanfare of man’s movements are already becoming the sideshow and noise we are blocking our ears to. We don’t want shiny. We want desert dust if it comes with throne-room fire. We will eat locusts if it means we taste honey once again. Baptized and cleansed. We can hear the page turn awkwardly and slowly yet it’s music to our ears and lifting grief and hope deferred with it. A blank slate? Back to the beginning? Yes we have to. We have to become small and He greater. On our pilgrimage back to the still small voice and the good news that has been lost in the years of the machine age. Back to the narrow road and uninterrupted visitation. So while you are feeling the discomfort of this moment. Let deliverance come to anything and everything you are grieving behind you. For this is not a death but a new beginning. let the last few feet of grave clothes fall to the ground. Shake off the lies that you have let settle into your heart like a poison. And lean in. For life is ahead of you. The unknown calls you. What you are really born for is in the years ahead of us. This is a birthing.. War eagles are being hatched as we speak. For this new beginning is going to be the tension of peace and chaos. Revival and reformation. Establishing and movement. Greater glory and the clashing of kingdoms. But is what we were created for. Well done for making it through the crucible years and welcome to the days of kingdom occupation. A laid down people and a big God. The Acts 2 church and the greatest move of God we have yet seen. Let’s turn the page together.
By Nate Johnston December 26, 2024
A PROPHETIC NOW WORD FOR THE CHURCH IN 2025 Since we crossed over into 2024 I have noticed a massive shift in my dreams from the Lord. One of the common themes I keep dreaming about is healing and deliverance, but in every dream, it’s not just happening individually but in masse. It’s become quite common for me to dream where I am seeing people encountering freedom and deliverance on such a scale and level of power and glory that I will wake up feeling it still lingering. It’s captured my heart. The longing and desire of Jesus to see His people truly free. I feel it in my bones: we are crossing over. We have bound the church for too long. The pews have been places where sickness has thrived and we have normalized issues that Jesus healed people from in the Bible. We have celebrated dysfunctions, mental illness, and given the enemy our high places instead of casting out the snake, defying Jezebel, and calling out strongmen for what they are. They have sat at our tables for too long, poisoning pulpits, compromising the bride, killing marriages, and raising prodigals. We have band-aided what has plagued us instead of driven it out with the power of the spirit. We have been sick with nowhere to go and no doctors, nurses, or healers to lead us to wholeness. But yes, those days are over. We are crossing over. TURN OFF THE ENTERTAINMENT Recently in a dream, I heard the Lord say “My church shall be a hospital for the sick again, and no longer the concert” This shook me deeply and broke me realising the current state of the church where we have become more about entertainment, performance worship, big screens and smoke machines, celebrity speakers, cleverly crafted motivational messages, and emotionally charged atmospheres. They give you goosebumps and those moments of temporary emotionalism but are often void of the presence of God and His power to save, heal, and transform the broken. People come because they are deeply broken and they leave…still broken. Instead, they got a show and a self-help bandaid that lasted days if not hours. That’s not hope. That’s not the gospel. That’s not Jesus. That’s another Jesus. That's not evangelism if no one is being changed. That’s not prophecy if it’s enabling dysfunction. We need the power of the spirit again in our churches not gimmicks. We need true connection and community, not a false sense of belonging in exchange for our 10 percent. We have been going to concerts all along and have been paying the price of admission. But no longer, because the concert days are coming to an end and the days of the hospital church are coming back again. THE TOUCH OF HIS HEM And I hear the cry of the world and the church in bondage; “If I could just experience peace!” “If I could just be freed of this pain!” “If I could just get rid of this addiction!” “If I could just silence the tormenting voices!” “If I could just be WHOLE!” And right now there is a longing rising like a deep groan. It’s a birth pang resounding in the earth of a people craving true freedom - the kind that only Jesus can bring. It’s the cry of humanity like the woman with the issue of blood, desperate to be free. That’s why people flocked to Jesus. They were bound and he made them free. He didn’t give them a spiritualised theatre performance and then let them stay oppressed. He set the oppressed free. Jesus was so focused on delivering the oppressed that He would go out of his way to do it. The woman at the well in Samaria was not on Jesus’ intended path but He changed His route just to MAKE HER WHOLE. And right now He is doing the same thing to the church: changing our route to set as many free as possible. We are detouring away from the powerless self-help, inspirational quote Christianity and merging back onto the road of raw power and deliverance. And to those who think I am saying that creativity and the arts are wrong. Please listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying. The arts are worship and are powerful and necessary if they are coupled with the power of the spirit, but on their own, they are a feast in a prison cell. WE CAN’T PLAY SAFE It’s time to break the ceilings of man we have placed over our churches. They have desensitised us to the miracles, signs, and wonders that are meant to be commonplace. It has weakened our confidence in the blood of Jesus. It has reduced the power of the gospel down to goosebumps during worship and that’s a mockery to the spotless lamb that was slain. Pastors and leaders, you can’t play it safe anymore! Bring in the bound! Bring in those facing impossibilities that only Jesus can fix! Repent for your lack of faith and being double-minded. Ask God to remind you again of His mighty power and exploits. Then by faith, open your doors and call for the sick and oppressed and watch what God does I dare you. IT’S COMING BACK! 4 months before Jeff Jansen passed away he called me out of the blue with a word. “Nate you are going to see the anointing of A.A Allen break out again around you. Get ready because what has been lost is being restored!” I believe this. In fact, it’s been happening more frequently and unexpectedly. It’s been stirring me deeply and breaking any desire to be safe and enjoy a tidy meeting anymore. We need the messy meetings again, where the holy spirit is moving in such a way that there isn’t a still person in the room. It’s where you have one section experiencing the joy of the lord, laughing uncontrollably as the Holy Spirit breaks off years of deep-seated depression and oppression. It’s where you have another section going into visions, encountering the glory of God and being irreparably changed. It’s where people begin manifesting without hands even being laid on because strongmen who have been there for decades suddenly get evicted in the weight of the glory in the room. It’s where God touches the minds of those who have been mentally bound and in moments coming into peace and their right minds again. It’s where the worst failures in human standards get baptised in fire and step into a new beginning. It’s where addicts hand over their drugs and pipes. It’s where we begin to see the dead raised normalized again. The blind seeing. The deaf hearing. And the mantle of Jesus, Isaiah 61 falls upon the church again, and we experience the GREATER WORKS Jesus said we would do. That’s the hospital church, and it’s coming back. “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning. and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor. They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated, they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations. Strangers will shepherd your flocks; foreigners will work your fields and vineyards. And you will be called priests of the Lord, you will be named ministers of our God. You will feed on the wealth of nations and in their riches you will boast. Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours” - Isaiah 61:1-7 RECEIVE THE POWER Now for those reading this who are experiencing impossibilities and this word felt like both an uncomfortable confrontation and a soothing balm, please read this last part. Jesus wants you healed and whole. Hope deferred has sunken into the church like a slow-releasing poison. It’s the result of years of the enemy delaying breakthroughs and seeing sickness thrive instead of decrease, financial issues abounding, dreams being smashed on the rocks of disappointment, mental wars flourishing, and demonic strongholds getting stronger. The narrative the enemy has wanted you to believe is that you are powerless and God has no interest in setting you free. Right now break that lie! Lay your frustration, and hope deferred down. Shake off the lies of the enemy! Let me pray over you. Jesus, according to your word SET THEM FREE! Every demonic spirit oppressing them GO in Jesus' name! Every strongman of sickness and infirmity GO in Jesus' name! Every assignment of lack leaves now in Jesus' name! Jesus make them WHOLE in the mighty name of Jesus! Now mantle them with power from in high again, and raise your end-time church as the surgeons and healers you called us to be. “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost comes upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth” - Acts 1:8 
By Nate Johnston December 24, 2024
I believe we are entering the era of the rebirth of the church after being in painful labor for many years and a year of contractions. Recently, the Lord gave me two dreams that tied together and painted a picture of what He is doing right now. THE SNAKE IN THE PIPE In the first dream, I saw a large pipe, almost like a garden hose, and people standing around it saying, “Something is stuck in the pipe.” As I looked closer, I saw the tail of a snake clogging up the pipe. I knew we had to get the snake out so the water could flow we gathered around the pipe and shook it violently. For what felt like forever, nothing happened. The snake wouldn’t budge. Then, suddenly, it started to come out, and as it attempted to get away the Lord crushed it and cut it in many pieces. This dream represents the church and the flow of the Spirit. For the snake to be dislodged, we had to get uncomfortable and not only allow the shaking but PARTNER with it. We had to stop tolerating what had been clogging up the Spirit’s flow and desperately want the flow more than being comfortable or ignoring the problem. This is what the Lord is doing in the church right now. He’s removing every blockage, every contaminant, and every area of complacency. He’s exposing and dealing with the demonic influences we’ve allowed and getting us uncomfortable and craving freedom so badly we will partner with His delivering work. The Lord is saying to us that we cannot move forward with a clogged pipe. We cannot extend the borders of His kingdom until every contaminant is removed. Where we’re going, the river of the Lord has to flow freely once again. The snake represents the serpent in the garden, the one who lied to Adam and Eve and led them away from the Tree of Life. That same serpent has lied to the church, leading us into reliance on our own understanding, our own methods, and even our own version of the gospel. It’s made us weak and powerless as we suffer under the false covering of another gospel and serving a counterfeit saviour. But the Lord is dealing with the snake again. He’s clearing out every lie, every hindrance, and everything that’s been blocking the flow of His Spirit. THE WOMAN IN DELIVERY In the second dream, I saw a woman on a birthing table, giving birth to what I knew in the dream was the church. This was a rebirth. But here’s the strangest part: under her foot, I saw the head of a snake crushed. It immediately reminded me of the scripture that says; “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” Genesis 3:15 The Lord is saying that the church is in a season of refining for rebirth. We are entering a fresh flow of the Spirit, a move of God unlike anything we’ve seen before. But in this rebirth we are being awakened to WHO WE ARE & WHOSE WE ARE. We are in days where we will no longer tolerate the snake but we will crush him underfoot. This is a season of great victory and authority. We will see the finished work of Jesus come to life in the church, and we’ll rise up in purity, power, and dominion as Gods conduits in a time of history where true disciples are needed more than ever before. BACK TO SIMPLICITY We are stepping back into the simplicity of the gospel. The church is returning to the days of Acts, where signs, wonders, and miracles follow those who believe. We’re moving away from man-made methods, celebrity Christianity, and empty religion, and following the Holy Spirit wherever He leads. We’re about to see the greatest move of God the world has ever known. The harvest is coming, and God is raising up builders who will prepare for it. As the pipe is unclogged, there will be a hunger from the world for what God is pouring out. People will come running from the darkest places just to get a taste of the waters that flow out. THIS IS ALSO YOUR REBIRTH But this isn’t just a corporate word, it’s also personal. Where has the enemy been clogging up the flow of the Spirit in your life? Has he been lying to you? Surrounding you with fear, hopelessness, or constant battles that make you feel stuck? The Lord is exposing the snake in your life, too. He’s pulling it out of every place where it has been coiled around your joy, your freedom, and your peace. That snake that’s been trying to suffocate you is being removed. The delays, the heartbreak, the hope deferred, that have created strongholds and have made your heart sick are being broken. The Lord is uncoiling every bit of it. He’s unclogging the pipe and removing every remnant of the enemies assignments from your life. This is your season of rebirth. And today the Lord is saying, “In this rebirth watch as I’m redoing what you thought passed you by. I’m reshaping you, reviving you, and breathing fresh life into you.” Where you’ve felt stuck, you’re about to move forward. Where you’ve felt powerless, you’re about to rise up in authority. This next season will not only be one of rebirth but also one where you crush the serpent under your heel and begin to take back the ground that has been robbed from you in the last 4 -7 years. THE BRIDE IS RISING The body of Christ is stepping into the authority and simplicity of what God always intended. We’re coming back to the Acts 2 days, a place of joy, power, and the purity of the gospel. The Lord is lifting the weight off your shoulders and leading you into His presence again where there is FULLNESS OF JOY. Let Him free you. Let Him refresh and renew you. Let Him begin the rebirth in your life. And I see it. I see the waters crashing upon the shores and the church are running towards it. Many who are thirsty are quenching their thirst. Many who have been sick like naaman are running into the waters for healing. The flow is increasing and the church are running towards it again. This is our rebirth..
By Nate Johnston December 19, 2024
Next year is going to be an Acts 2 Year because we’re going back to simplicity. We’re leaving behind the hustle and bustle of institutions and empires for the basics once again. We’re choosing the humble over the proud and lofty. We’re choosing the private over the public stage. We’re choosing connection over club mentality or even shallow community. We’re choosing fellowship over programs. We’re choosing true worship over performance. We’re choosing the nameless and faceless over celebrity Christianity. And we’re choosing the pure over the convoluted and tainted. This is going to be an Acts 2 year because God is rebuilding our definition of the church, and He’s rebuilding us in the process. We’re coming back to the true foundations of the church again. We’re coming back to the simplicity and power of the fivefold, where people are built up into who God has called them to be. We’re going to see the breakdown of man’s hierarchies and systems. We’re coming back to the simple foundation of people gathering not around a man, but around Jesus and the finished work of the cross. We’re coming back to signs, wonders, and miracles again. We’re coming back to daily salvations and the pursuit of souls instead of preaching to the choir. We’re coming back to baptisms and lives being transformed, rescued from darkness and addiction. We’re coming back to being the hospital church again, instead of a museum or a palace. We’re coming back to what looks small and insignificant but carries immense weight in the spirit. We’re coming back to experiencing His face and His glory once again, instead of simply coming to a service to hear a cool cliché quote to take home. We’re leaving behind the goosebumps of man’s religion and trading them for true encounters and visitations with God. So, this next year, watch as God leads you in a new direction. Watch as your appetites begin to change. Watch as the Lord leads you away from systems and places that look good on the outside but have brought you into bondage. For many, this will mean breaking away from what you’ve been part of for years. It may mean relocation. Shifting. Migrating. It may mean leaving behind compromises, false coverings, and shallow accountability in communities that resemble but are far from the Acts 2 church God has destined for you. It will mean stepping out of isolation to find the people God has for you. It will mean leaving behind dead works and performance to discover the fire of His Spirit and a fresh baptism that overhauls your life. And it will mean closing the door on Act 1 so that we, as the church, can step into Acts 2—a season of power and baptism in the Holy Spirit that empowers us to walk in the fullness of everything Jesus made available to us at the cross. It’s going to be a year of departing from the flesh and man’s pursuit of building Babel and stepping into a year of building what looks simple but reaps eternal fruit. It’s going to transform your family, marriages, and every area of your life as you realign with God’s purpose and His original blueprint for the church. Watch, friends, as we leave behind decades, even centuries, of dysfunction and as the Lord begins to build His house. This is why you have felt the discontent in the last few years that has grown inside you. It’s the desire to go back to the original plan. It’s the longing for true connection with God and His people. And build something pure and not of man’s hands. If this is you, pray this dangerous prayer with me “Lord do Acts 2 in my life in 2025 onwards in Jesus name! And lead me to my Acts 2 people!” “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” Acts 2:42-47 
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