Right now, many are going through what I call transition opposition, when God transitions you into a new assignment, a new role, or moves you to a new location, and suddenly, warfare, attacks, and opposition arise.
It’s the constant barrage of nonstop drama, issues, and distractions, simply because the enemy is trying to discourage you, make you second-guess, and even regret following the call of God to transition where He was leading you.
It’s the same playbook every time.
As a family that God has led and moved around the United States and Australia many, many times, having now done two international moves, navigated visas, and all the complexities of moving with kids to follow the call of God, I can tell you: transition opposition is real, and the enemy’s tactics do not change.
It happens before the move, during the move, and after the transition.
The pre-transition phase is when the enemy sends discouragers from all angles, even speaking “thus saith the Lord” to try to convince you that what you’re doing is either an Ishmael, out of step, out of timing, or to make you feel like you missed God entirely.
In pre-transition it can also come with confusing situations and mixed insight and revelation, or drama to take your eyes off the course before you.
But the greatest opposition often comes when you actually step into that new place, role, or location.
Suddenly, you’re not only dealing with the principality of the region you’ve entered, facing new giants in the land, just like Joshua and the Israelites, but you are dealing with constant and subtle attacks.
It’s when you’re hit with incessant little irritations from all sides, all designed to make you question: Did I miss it?
Am I speaking to you right now?
I know many of you reading this have recently taken steps of faith.
You’re doing your best to hear the voice of the Lord, but when issues arise, when your finances are drained, when sickness hits your household, when strife enters your family or marriage, it’s easy to wonder: God, are we alone in this?
There are so many elements to beginning again, and the heart process of transition can be overwhelming.
It’s easy to feel like you made the wrong decision.
And let’s be honest, witchcraft often increases in these seasons.
There’s slander, opposition, and people speaking against you.
It can feel like you’re constantly under fire, like time-wasting distractions are popping up everywhere, draining your energy when you’re already exhausted from the move.
But this morning, I was reminded of Paul’s story in Acts 28.
He was shipwrecked, stranded, and probably questioning how he ended up there.
And honestly, in many seasons of transition, Christy and I have felt the same way - shipwrecked. Have you?
I’ve felt like I led my family down the wrong path.
I’ve cried out, God, did I really hear You? Why are we shipwrecked?
But in that story, Paul lands on the island of Malta which interestingly means “place of honey”
And on his first night there, in front of everyone, he is bitten by a snake.
“Paul gathered a bundle of brushwood and, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his hand. When the islanders saw the snake hanging from his hand, they said to each other, ‘This man must be a murderer; for though he escaped from the sea, the goddess Justice has not allowed him to live.’ But Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects.” Acts 28:3-5
And Paul does something simple yet profound: he shakes the snake off into the fire.
The locals were watching, expecting him to die.
But when he didn’t, they declared that he must be a god.
This story gives us deep insight into transition opposition.
Paul was stepping into a new land he had never been before, and that snake represented not only attacks and irritations but the principality of the region itself.
And what did he do? He shook it off into the fire.
So what does that mean for you and me?
It means that in transition, we cannot be discouraged or distracted.
We must shake off the witchcraft, shake off the slander, shake off the distractions, and throw them into the fire.
We have to remember what the word of God says;
Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4
I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”Luke 10:19
The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1
Yes, transition is unsettling.
Yes, stepping into a new place takes time.
But we have authority. We have dominion.
We have the power of the Holy Spirit.
And we cannot let distractions and discouragement deter us.
And here is something I do know and have seen every time - God is a God of recompense!
I believe right now the Lord is saying:
Where you have walked through robbery, I will restore.
Where you have endured pain and drama, I will restore.
Your responsibility? Do not be distracted. Shake the snake off into the fire.
The “place of honey” is yours! Occupy it! Doug be bullied!
But I want to end with this warning: We need extra discernment right now.
I’ve seen it too many times where undiscerning Christians embrace the snake instead of shaking it off.
Some even kiss the snake, aligning with that which is demonic, tainted, and defiled in a new season.
The enemy effectively poisons their well before they even begin their journey.
So I’m praying right now for discernment over you.
“The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.” 1 Timothy 4:1
That’s the trap set for those who don’t discern well. Stepping into a new season but allowing defilement in. So discern well friends!
So in this season of transition;
Be very careful who you allow around you and what doors you open.
Be cautious about what information you share and with whom.
Be mindful of where you cast your pearls.
Be intentional about what phone conversations you have and what messages you entertain.
It might seem excessive, but it’s not.
The snakes are coming from every angle, but they cannot harm you, unless you give them access.
Transition opposition can actually be your greatest season of multiplication and increase.
So consecrate this season to the Lord.
Treat it as holy.
Treat it as sacred.
And watch as God settles you, establishes you, and launches you into the new anointing and mantle He has given you.
Now, shake the snake off into the fire!