I was a mess writing this out as God spoke it a few days.. I felt like I was in intercession over the pioneers and forerunners out there navigating hard seasons of missing pieces and where dots don’t connect. Soon they are going to connect.
Clarity is coming. Shame is leaving. Hopelessness is shifting. Praying peace over your hearts today and I declare double
Honor over you where you have been dishonored or humiliated and shamed in this past season for the call upon your life.
Just keep worshiping. Keep standing, but there is a chapter coming you haven’t seen yet.
“Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen” Hebrews 11:1 “Sarah’s faith embraced God’s miracle power to conceive even though she was barren and was past the age of childbearing, for the authority of her faith rested in the One who made the promise, and she tapped into his faithfulness” Hebrews 11:11
In a vision I saw a book page turning and I heard “The next chapter will connect the dots and make the unknown make sense”
Then I saw scraps of paper falling out of the book onto the floor. On them were written promises that hadn’t yet come to pass and prophetic clues and steps many had faithfully followed.
I could feel the pain attached to each one as If the excitement and pursuit for Jesus into the unknown had turned into deep disappointment and disillusionment.
I saw the geographical locations written on some of them where many had moved their lives to different locations only to feel more lost and feel like they missed it.
I saw the sacrifice and cost to choosing to follow this narrow road and now they were beginning to feel like they had failed and God had failed them.
“Then the Lord spoke “My forerunners and pioneers, did I not make a promise with you? Did I lead you here just to abandon you? Did I call you to this road just to humiliate you and send you into defeat?”
“No, you haven’t seen what is coming. You have had to walk on the waters more than you expected and faced more storms than you imagined but THIS IS THE PATH I LED YOU ON!”
“For you have said “This transition has only highlighted my barrenness and made me feel more fruitless and like I will never birth what is inside me”
“You have said “This transition has only increased my isolation and led me further away from the tribe I have been longing for”
“You have said “This transition has only led me away from security, stability, and place of safety for my family. This transition has warred against my home not warred for it”
“This next chapter will be known as the part where my faithfulness pursues you and chases out all the grief and sorrow of the chapters behind you”
“This chapter you will know me as promise keeper and waymaker. I will lead you to the land I promised you and set you on a place where you will not be moved any longer”
“You have walked through fire and opposition you didn’t think you would survive but I promise you – you won’t even smell like smoke in this next chapter!”
“You won’t walk as the wounded but as the overcomer because seeing my faithfulness with your own eyes is going to set you free and cause your faith to soar”
“In this chapter you will feel the sudden crack of lightning against the pain and trauma that you have been carrying. In a moment I am loosing you from the bonds the enemy wanted you carry into the next season”
“I am going to bring SWIFT deliverance and clarity in the night when you sleep. Your dreams will switch from torment to refreshing and healing. I am going to revive your hope and give you a fresh wind”
“And from the bitter waters are going to erupt a fresh flow of my Spirit and fresh spring of hope that will bring you out of the grip darkness and the depression the enemy has wanted to lead you into”
“You will lay down in my presence and you will forfeit your white flag and get back your worship. You will feel me drawing out all the poison and fear that has been causing you to sink”
“But right now you need to resist the enemy and his lies over your future. You need to strengthen yourself in my presence and stand in faith surrounded by the elements you don’t understand”
“This is your last march around Jericho and the time of your victory and deliverance. This is when you need to lift your voice more than ever and see every wall come down that once held you back from your land of milk and honey”