In February of this year, I had a dream where I saw a toolbox being opened and inside were a variety of different tools. Each tool, seven in total, had a specific purpose. I saw a key, a hammer, a pen, a bell, a timepiece, a telescope and a lightning rod. Over the course of the past few months, the Lord has shown me His plans for these tools, I feel they are strategic expressions that are in His hands being released for this hour in time. He revealed to me what each powerful expression represents and the blueprints for how they will help usher in the prophesied awakening of the Spirit that is upon us.
Did you know that you are a potent and powerful tool in the hand of the Lord? You were born to display the splendor and majesty of your creator to the world that is craving His love and truth. Acts 9:15 confirms this, it says;
"But the Lord said to him, "Go, for he is a chosen instrument of Mine, to bear My name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel"
As you read the following prophetic tools, I want you to be aware that they are not reserved for only those who operate in the office a prophet but for the entire body of Christ. I felt the Father's heart very strongly on this, as we all have been given the gift of prophecy and as we lean in and depend on the Holy Spirit, He will breathe and move powerfully through these gifts across our unified army. Additionally, I believe that God is gifting each of His children with multiple expressions, so you may read through the descriptions below and realize that you identify with a number of them, not just one. I pray that you would be encouraged as you discover and unearth the hidden gifts incubating inside you.
For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same[ a ] Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 1 Corinthians 12:8-10.
The first tool I saw was a key. The key represents the revelators, the equippers, the imparters, the trainers, those called to disciple and equip the body of Christ for service. (Ephesians 4:12 ) The Key-Givers as I call them will reveal the secrets and revelations of the Kingdom that are beneficial to moving forward and extending the borders of heaven upon the earth.
"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:19
"I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open" Isaiah 22:22
Key-givers will be integral in passing the baton and grooming those that God is raising up. They will uncover the unlimited resources of the kingdom available at hand. These key-givers will be those that unlock and unveil the road ahead for the body of Christ and clear the debris of old religious mindsets. They are champions of truth, raising an army of powerful sons and daughters who will subdue the earth.
The hammer represents the integral role of those called to administer reformation in the church, or as I have come to call them, "the refitters" because they are repairing and restoring areas of the church from the inside out. They come across like hammers because they challenge and confront stagnant and stale mindsets that produce no fruit.
Refitter's don't belong to one denomination or stream but they have been raised for the body of Christ as a whole, moving against the tide of cultural and religious norms they have the language and scope to articulate heavens intention. They remove the old and outdated ways and traditions, clear the path for greater unity, connectivity, and effectivity.
Refitters carry a deeply embedded knowledge of kingdom infrastructure and work alongside apostles to implement new wineskin strategies to build and grow.
The refitters must use caution to use their gifting in an honorable way. It can be easy to fault-find when your prophetic gifting is a hammer/refitter, but I believe the Holy Spirit is gifting the refitters with discernment to honor those in authority and from this stance, it will open the door for them to speak influentially and pave the way for revival and awakening. Instead of criticism, they will see the gold each expression possesses and they will be given a blueprint from heaven to see how to break out of areas of stagnation and flow again.
The pen encompasses the Scribes, songwriters, psalmists, authors, policy writers, and those who carry the word of the Lord through their creative or administrative gift.
I saw a pen lighting up the sky with words of fire and so it will be in this hour that those who carry the anointing of the scribe will light up the sky and draw the world to Jesus through their anointed words. Psalmists and songwriters will suddenly birth songs that the world will call a "revolution" because these songs will expose counterfeits and ignite a desire to encounter God.
"My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer" Psalm 45:1
We are in a historical season for the body of Christ and more than ever God is raising these prophetic pens in His hand to be messengers and articulators of the Father's heart.
Recently we were speaking at a conference in another city of Australia when I had a powerful encounter with the Lord where he took me up in a vision as I was walking around the city at night. Suddenly the bells from the inner city Catholic Church began to ring out their beautiful melody throughout the city.
The Lord began speaking to me about His bell-ringers in this hour that are not just calling the body to worship and pray but to announce a call for heavenly justice which will release a sound of liberty throughout the lands.
" Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on my holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand" Joel 2:1
Many prophetic voices have spoken about bells in this season because heaven is resounding its message loud and clear " you are my instruments, my vessels of freedom and peace, to administer truth and justice throughout the lands!" I also perceive that the bell-ringers work in unison with the Lightning Rod. They clear the airwaves where the forces of darkness are in operation and they resound the sound of heaven.
The Bells/Justice carriers arise and let your sound be heard for you are an integral voice and part of the coming awakening.
I had a vision about a timepiece much like the one I saw in the toolbox earlier in the year, but what I noticed was that this watch had hands that went forward and backward in an unpredictable way. The Lord reminded me of the sons of Issachar from 1 Chronicles 12:32 who understood the times. What made no sense to me as I looked at this watch was interpretable to those God has gifted with knowing and understanding the times.
The gift of knowing the times and seasons is valuable because these prophetic time-keepers can sense the changes and shifts in specific epoch season (epoch is a period of time that is a remarkable or noteworthy period of time). The Time-Keepers are gifted with the ability to partner with God in seeing ahead of time what God is doing and preparing to do. Timekeepers help to give their fellow believers in Christ a roadmap that releases clarity to those walking through blind or unknown periods. The timekeepers connect the dots for those feeling lost and hopeless.
The name Issachar from 1 Chronicles means "there is recompense" and just like the name suggests, Gods timekeepers can see the promise arising from the ashes of the wilderness and speak restoration in the middle of calamity.
Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings. Isaiah 58:12
Notice that the above scripture says 'you will raise up age-old foundations'... this is a prophetic picture of the gifting imparted to the Time-Keeper, they are restorers of the breach... which means, whatever does not align with heaven, whatever has been in violation in the natural, the Time-Keepers will have the ability to speak God's Kingdom realm into the current times and watch the two collide as their decrees restore broken foundations and tear down walls of resistance in the heavenlies.
When I asked the Lord about the telescope it was months later before He showed me anything. I was in worship one night when I had a vision where Jesus was handing me a long old wooden box. I opened it to find an old brass telescope laying in navy blue silk. I took the telescope out of the box and extended it, and as I brought it up to my eye I was taken deeper into the vision and saw some specific events for a country that was years away from taking place.
I believe God was highlighting to me the gift of foresight and long vision. The ability to prophetically see ahead for the sake of warning and guiding the body of Christ. I instantly thought of the late prophet Kim Clement who operated in this gift with such accuracy and purity. Shawn Bolz is also another example of the Telescope, whereby the Father shows him intimate details both past and present pertaining to events or a persons life. I believe it is a gift that is going to emerge more influentially and powerfully than it ever has in the past.
These prophetic eyes will be shown specific plots and plans ahead of time so they can be foiled and disarmed, prayed into and broken. This gift can be seen in many places in the Bible, for instance, the prophet Isaiah operated under this same gifting, he foretold of Jesus many centuries before his birth. (Isaiah 9:6)
This gifting is also able to perceive what is hidden.
"None of us, my lord the king," said one of his officers, "but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the very words you speak in your bedroom." 2 Kings 6:12
For a whole week, I had recurring dreams of lightning strikes. In one particular dream, a scene played out that reminded me of a scene from the movie, "back to the future," where the lightning struck the clock before sending Marty back to the future. The next morning the Lord began to show me that He is raising up lightning rods around the world that would be conductors of His power and glory, and as the lightning of heaven hit them they would transport the church out of the past and into the future.
I was also reminded how when lightning hits, many times it shorts the power system shutting down power to whole cities and regions. In that same way, these lightning rods would short the system of the kingdom of darkness, and take back territory from the long-standing oppressive principalities over regions and cities. The Lightning Rod works alongside the Bells. Where the bells clear the airwaves, the Lightning Rod claims back the air - this is a representation of spiritual strongholds over atmospheres and regions. Together, the Bells and the Lightning Rods co-labour with heavens armies to restore what belongs to heaven.
Lightning rods are positioned at a high altitude at all times and perceive and sense what many others do not. They are poised to strike and recover, and we will see many of these heavenly conductors transfer back the rights and ownership of stolen and usurped regions and places around the world.
Did any of these prophetic giftings register in your spirit? Did any give clarity about the expression that God has been nurturing inside of you? Maybe you knew God was doing something in you but you were not sure what or why. So the question is, how do you steward these gifts? Here are two simple points I have learned from my own life in discovering how to steward what He gives me.
I believe like any gift given by the Father, it grows through worship and time with Him in HIs presence. The key here is simply this: don't search out the gifts in His hands, seek His presence first and foremost. I have personally seen how this simple attitude of worship in everyday life grows the gift. Your ability to hear and understand grows in this space of relationship because the Father desires communion and relationship with us above anything else. His presence also keeps the gifts pure and He adds to us from the posture of sitting at His feet.
Learn to take risks with the Holy Spirit as your guide. One of the best ways to steward your prophetic gifting is by not keeping it bottled up, but to take it out into the marketplace of your everyday life. The parable of the talents describes this perfectly, whereby those that made risks with the gifts that were given to them, more gifts were given besides, but the one who buried the gift, even that gift was taken from him.
Learn to invite the Holy Spirit along with you as you go to work, pick up the kids from school or change nappies, listen for His voice as He guides you. For example, If your gift is the Prophetic Seer, you may hear the Holy Spirit show you something about someone else's life when you're simply doing the grocery shopping. He may invite you to speak a word of life and encouragement over their hidden situation. Or perhaps you are the Justice Carrier and you hear the Holy Spirits whisper to pray and decree justice and life over a particular home that you drive past every day. These are simple examples, that as you learn to respond and lean into His guidance, you will see His favor increase over the prophetic gift and calling upon your life in powerful ways.
I see that many people in the body of Christ have felt lost, displaced, rejected, used, and confused, but you need to know that your greatest hour is upon you! God has been preparing you for your assignment and shifting you into position for your most effective season of impact! Break out from the hurts of your past and allow God to move you into position as Gods mighty warrior on the earth!