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I’ve been stuck on the theme of giant-killers for most of this year and unable to move from it, as if there was something God was trying to speak to me about the church and where we’re heading. It’s no surprise though, look around you right now and you’ll see that there are indeed giants before us. Whether you choose to see them as your problem to defeat or not, they are there and in this next year God is doing a massive work to engage the church more than ever before to contest the assignments of these giants and serve them an eviction notice going forward.


I felt the thread of this word begin to come when one morning in June this year I had a vision of 1 Samuel 17:40 which says:

“Then he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag and, with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine”

In the vision I saw myself (representative of the church) picking up the stones and could feel the flurry of emotions as David even semi-wrestled this moment between righteous fiery passion and raw, risky faith. I knew then that God wanted to have a longer conversation with me about the moment we are in and how we are right now, as a church, at the place of decision. Will we stand idly by to the shouts of the giants in the land, or will we go and collect our stones?

The fact is, we, the church, like the Israelites of that day are at a crossroad. Our promise is straight ahead, and we are surrounded by obstacles and seemingly menacing giants in our path. But the decision we need to make is “Will we cave in defeat, or will we take our inheritance?” Just like the place where Goliath stood to defy God’s people - the valley of Elah - we too are in what looks like a low place, a narrow passage, but a place where we must pass through to further establish the kingdom of God and advance.


As I constantly faced daily news headlines like the taunts of Goliath, I kept asking the Lord the question, “Where are we and where are we going?” but I didn’t expect Him to show me what He did. 7 weeks ago, I had a dream where the Lord showed me three scenes and walked me through each of them like a tour-guide.  I have personally wrestled how to share this, but for the sake of revealing where God wants us to go, I need to share this dream very candidly.

In the first part of the dream, I was in a busy marketplace or shopping mall and the Lord was with me. At first, we just simply stood and watched people coming and going in and out of different stores and vendors. Who were these people? I thought, and knowing what I was asking He replied, “This is the church.”

I noticed them going into nail salons and other beautification services, hairdressers, and fashion stores and while none of those things were bad, I felt the grief on the Lords heart that something was amiss. I tried to figure out what I was sensing it was, and the word came to me “Comfort”.  This was the comfortable church, who had created a lifestyle out of comfortability over the cause of Christ. This was the church who couldn’t hear the cries of the lost, or the broken, because they were distracted.

Then what happened next took me by surprise. Suddenly one by one each store shut their doors and asked their patrons to leave. These comfortable believers were instantly cutoff from their comforts and unable to access them.

This part of the dream was sobering but it spoke so loudly of these things God is doing:

  • The church is heading into a greater shaking and separation from our dependence on earthly things.
  • We are going to see doors shut to areas that make us numb to what is taking place around us.
  • God is going to highlight our dependence on Him more than the systems of man, more than ever before.
  • It spoke to me about a coming RESET to the church that resulted in the RISING of THE CHURCH.
  • The reset is the shutting of doors of commonality with the world, contractual fear, and comforts that keep us in apathy and inaction when the world is needing the children of God to arise and shine. (Romans 8:19, Isaiah 60:1).
  • The doors shutting was like the grace period for towing the line between loving both God and the world being over. The pews will no longer be a hiding place, a feeding place, or a fattening place but a place of travail and prayer, equipping the saints, and encounter.
  • This reset is a “eyes wide open” moment.


In the next scene of the dream, I just hear the Lord audibly ask me “Does my church have to be empty before they will rise? Is it only in crisis and when all is removed that they step up to the frontlines?”

Then I saw a scene flash before me of bloodshed, cries and screams in the street, murder, abortion, injustice... I was grieved and I wanted to wake up but couldn’t. I looked for the church to go and help but they ignored the cries. “Go and help the babies in the street!” I yelled. Then I realized I was doing nothing either. I fell to my knees and cried until it felt like I couldn’t cry anymore. When I opened my eyes, I was surrounded by the church who were on their faces too, in travail. “Heal us and heal our land!!” they cried out.

Then I felt the ground beneath my feet begin to shake like the very earth was speaking...  It reminded me of Romans 8:22:

“To this day we are aware of the universal agony and groaning of creation, as if it were in the contractions of labor for childbirth”

A mass move of repentance was taking place. People were taking their brands and idols and throwing them into a fire. They were taking their distractions and other loves and heaping them up onto the altar. A true reformation had taken place. Unity out of brokenness. Suddenly nothing to prove. Nothing to throw at one another. No more chips on shoulders. No more points of separation and demonic agendas to buy into. Veils had come off and eyes were opened. A true movement had begun...


This part of the dream was similar to a vision I had in the same week. The Lord showed me a vision as I was at church one Sunday morning. I couldn’t shake this intense grief and didn’t know why. Then the Lord spoke to me so clearly “Don’t be sad, this isn’t what you think it is - this is the new beginning!”

Then I went into a vision, and I saw people gathering around a tomb all mourning in sadness. Then I heard the words of Jesus from John 11:43 “Lazarus come forth!”

Then suddenly I saw a man come out and stand at opening of the tomb; and bandages were unravelling from him. As the bandages were coming off, I could see/discern that they were bandages from the world and demonic assignments that had sought to BURY the church and send it to an early grave. The bandages continued to unravel, and I began hearing words such as “defeat”, “powerlessness”, “unworthiness”, “dreams unfulfilled” and then even things like “Culture”, “progressive Christianity” and other evil blindfolds that the church has had wrapping around her, choking the life from her.

But as I witnessed this, I no longer felt sad but relieved. It looked like death, but it was actually brand-new life. It looked like death, but it was a deliverance…

I could see the church in all her beauty, she was radiant, glowing, and full of love for Jesus and nothing else. No other lovers. This was not just an awakening I had witnessed - this was a rebirth… a resurrection! Sometimes we have to go through seasons where it feels like death, the dark night of the soul, and the emptying to really be able to go where God is leading us. The pure bride is in process right now and her best days are ahead!


In the last scene of my dream, I felt the joy of the Lord all over me and around me. The Lord was still standing with me, and I could sense His excitement like this was the part of the book He was waiting for. He then looks at me and says very nonchalant “Goliaths brothers are going to fall!”

Now those last few moments before I came out of the dream were very significant to me, and I’m still unpacking them with the Lord because it was as if I was seeing David’s stones, all the way back then, as a prophesy of current day giants. What was the connection? I thought. Was it five nations that would rise up? Was it 5 leaders in the earth, that would be like the giants of old, that we would see fall? That is still unfolding because I believe there are many layers to this. But what I did feel strongly as I processed this statement, was that these giants were somehow linked or they were a prophetic snapshot of 5 demonic strongholds, or principalities in the earth.


Goliath’s brothers were called “The Lords of the Philistines” meaning they were the elite of their people. The word “Philistine” reveals the root nature of the enemy’s plan for these principalities to accomplish. It means:

  • Destroyers and grievers.
  • Burrowers and weakeners.
  • Dividers and splitters.
  • Multipliers.

These “Lords”- or principalities - have been tasked by the enemy to destroy and cause grief, burrow and hide themselves deep in cities and regions, weakening the church, causing mass division, and multiplying. Let’s look the individual giants too.


Goliath means “Exposer, uncovered” Goliath as a modern principality would be likened to the assignment of the enemy to keep a victorious church in captivity and bondage. As an exposer, Goliath is an accuser of the brethren, and this causes much of the mockery of the church we see today; in the same way Goliath mocked the people of God back in David’s day. Goliath is also what keeps the church in fear and held back from pursuing the inheritance and territory God has given to them. On another note, the name Goliath represents both the uncovering of the mind and mental warfare, as well as insinuating minds being opened or exposed to sinful thoughts and beliefs. Goliath today has still been standing trying to obstruct the church and keep us bound, but God is raising up a remnant who will say like David “You are coming to fight against me with a sword, a spear and a javelin. But I’m coming against you in the name of the Lord who rules over all. He is the God of the armies of Israel. He’s the One you have dared to fight against. This day the Lord will give me the victory over you. I’ll strike you down. I’ll cut your head off!” (1 Samuel 17:45-46)

I also believe it’s not a mistake who took down each of these giants. Just as these giants represent some of the current giants we face in the earth, so too, do the heroes who defeated them reveal a facet of the army that is rising up. Who defeated Goliath? Well, we know David did. His name has a contrasted meaning of both infirmity, sickness, and weakness, and beloved. It reminds me of the scripture in 2 Corinthians 12:10 that says, “when I am weak, then I am strong!”; which speaks of the church who feels week, sick, and disabled actually being the beloved and approved of God, to take down even the greatest and most menacing of enemies.


The name has a few parts to it, but the main conclusion of this name is that it means to: backslide, settle, retreat, detour from destiny, and be inactive. The second part of the name means to be from, or sits in a high place, called Nob. The city of Nob was not a Philistine city but a Benjamite city. So, this name could actually be seen as a mockery of God’s people and also a counterfeit to our inheritance and occupation of the high places (as we are the Benjamin generation called to be seated in Christ in heavenly places).

This principality today can be seen in a myriad of ways, but firstly it is the cultural pressure and influence on the church to settle, and retreat from the mission and calling to occupy until Jesus comes - which is a forward moving and militant stance. Secondly this principality is a counterfeit to the call of sons and daughters to occupy the high places of influence in the earth, and in our absence sadly it empowers the wrong thing to fill those seats. We can also see this principality in the elitist agenda of power and control who have occupied usurped authority and taken the steering wheel from the church.

Interestingly the hero who defeated this giant was Abishai whose name means “father of gifts” and we are in a time where the Father is empowering the church to rise up and take His kingdom back off the usurping principalities. We need to know we have authority and access to the “Kings Domain” - the Father’s house - and step into our roles again. The other significant thing to note is that this name means “many gifts” which speaks of the church God has handed out many gifts to, so they can occupy their unique roles in the many metros of influence in the earth. As we rise up and occupy these spaces again, we will see this elitist giant fall.


Goliath’s brother Saph has a name of multiple layered meanings such as: territory border, a marked line or boundary, a threshold, a violent storm or tornado, defending a border, fence-keeper, outside of the borders, breaching the walls, to enter someone’s personal space, the bite of a snake, to attack then swiftly hiding.

To me, Saph, as a current demonic principality, would be the invasive demonic influence in nations and culture. It is violent, nasty, and bitter in nature, and it will cut anything down that opposes it. We see this right now in so many evil narratives and ideologies. We see this in the media and the censoring on platforms. It’s like a storm, or a tornado, and it will destroy and discredit anyone who stands in its path. It occupies a place it actually has no right to occupy, and it exerts its dominance and expects compliance. It’s the principality of “me”. My ways, my truth, my body, and my experience. It defends the borders of these lies ruthlessly and will attack swiftly, secretly, and stealthily, hiding in plain sight. It inflicts witchcraft wounds by employing the twisted tongues of those caught up in the game.

The mighty hero who defeated Saph was David’s warrior Sibbechai, whose name means simply, “weaver”; which to me is indicative of the counter response of the church to be IN the world but not of it. Meaning we are called to be interwoven into the fabric of society but not in a handshake with evil. It’s our role to be the yeast worked into the dough, and the church occupying all places of influence. Also, from a militant perspective, the word weaver speaks to me of the skill of battle and clever strategies to outwit and outsmart the enemy. There is a Godly wisdom we possess that carries the presence of heaven on it, that when it spoken to these ideologies and narratives, it begins to disarm and destroy the fabric of them. We are the giant killers who will pull the loose thread until it’s all unraveled in a heap.


The name Lahmi comes from the verb ( laham ), meaning both: to eat (bread) or to wage war. This giant, as a modern principality, is multi-purposed but with the same goal in mind - to rob the church. Bread is sustenance - it is supply - it’s your means to accomplish the call of God on your life. The enemy wants to eat your bread, drain your supply, and rob you of your inheritance. He wants to steal our seed, so we have no fruit to show for anything! This giant, as a modern-day principality, is at war with the effective and thriving church, and our produce. It wants barrenness. It wants stillborns. It’s after our babies in the womb, so that we are robbed of a generation to bring in the end time harvest. It’s after our finances and to own and manipulate the financial systems of the world. This giant’s name also mockingly means “bethlemite”; which is where Jesus was born. It wants to rob the earth of the knowledge of the very seed that would die and become the bread of life to the world!

The hero that defeated this giant was Elhanan whose name means: “God is gracious” and grace and favor. This name is the promise of Gods favor and supply system. It’s Gods provision and manifestation of promises that will confound the wise and all those who think we are under their system. This giant will fall in Jesus name!


Now the last giant had a name, but it was not recorded. It simply said that:

“Yet again there was war at Gath, where there was a man of great stature, who had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, twenty-four in number; and he also was born to the giant. So when he defied Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimea, David's brother, killed him " (2 Samuel 21:20-21)

The little that we do know about this giant speaks volumes. 6 is the number of man. Man’s ways. Man’s systems. Man’s intellect. But to me it also speaks of perversion of God’s design. This principality is responsible for every vile and perverted thing on the planet and this giant must fall!

The hero that defeated this giant was Jonathan, whose name means “God has given” and firstly speaks directly into the humanistic mentality of this principality. “GOD gives. No one else… GOD”. The name Jonathan to me points back to God. Like a chiropractic adjustment, to see this principality fall we must be a people that align ourselves with the heart of God and untangle ourselves from the mixture and perversion we see around us.

The main takeaway from this part of the dream is, that God is right now preparing us to take down every giant in our path in the days to come. There has been a lie that has been damaging - that darkness is incontestable, but we are called to be the light! Church, you are anointed and appointed to take down the giants of this hour!


As I was unpacking this with the Lord, the year 5782 of the Jewish calendar that we have just stepped into, and the Gregorian calendar year 2022 came to mind.

What spoke the most to me was firstly breaking down each number simply and finding their meanings then as a whole:

5 - “Heh” Grace, redemption, speech, and action. (Pictograph of man with arms raised).

7 - “Zayin” Crown, sustenance, and weapons. (Pictograph of sword).

8 - “Chet” Doorway, community, & life (pictograph of a door and people linking arms).

2 - “Bet” House of God, tent, family of God, covenant, and tabernacle. (Pictograph of a house or tent).

In that sense you could say that 5782 speaks of the grace to speak, act, and slay what stands in our way entering into a new season/rebirth, where the church is baptized in the spirit and reacquainted with Jesus. Wow!

As we moved into 5782 it’s important to remind you that 80 - which in Hebrew is “Pey” representing the mouth, the voice, the roar, and the testimony - initiated what has been a major focus for the church, to be a prophetic voice for the world to look to and see Jesus. Now in 5782 the focus is on “pey - 80” and “bet - 2” which reveals the voice of the church but in the context of the house, or the family of God, and personal revival. To me this is the Lord saying that in this next year there will be a focus on: 

  • The church coming back to the heart of worship.
  • God purifying the heart motives of the church.
  • A new and pure sound of worship emerging from the church, not the polished radio songs that don’t carry the oil.
  • God is dealing with the fear of man and where the Church has been silenced.
  • He is dealing with where we have rejected the prophetic from the house.
  • We will see the tent of meeting be the focus again because It’s time for the church to not just be a voice but to HEAR and know the voice of Jesus in a new way.

What will this accomplish? Well, mainly fresh intimacy and connection but secondly, it’s going to expose the counterfeit Christs’ being accepted by the church.

Regarding 2022, these are the scriptures that came to my spirit:

“As they began to sing and praise, the LORD set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated” 2 Chronicles 20:22.

“Then the LORD said to Moses, “Tell the Israelites this: ‘You have seen for yourselves that I have spoken to you from heaven” Exodus 20:22.

This will be a year of the revived and unadulterated voice of the Lord in our midst so that it reminds the church who we are so we can defeat and scatter the enemy.


In terms of the pure worship I see flowing from the church: In a dream I saw a riot breaking out in a street with millions of people in uproar. But then my attention was drawn to a building, and I knew instantly it was Abbey Road studios in Westminster UK, where some of the most famous albums of all time have been recorded. God has shown me visions of this place before, but this felt different. I felt like it represented the Church. They were hidden or separate from the chaos outside, insulated, and not really part of it or influencing it. It grieved me.

Inside though they were all busy and focused. As I listened to what the orchestras and bands in each studio were busy doing, I heard them say that they were wanting to write hit songs that would put them on the map... They needed the songs that would win them awards and how that would help the world see Jesus in this time. But then I said “No, we need the raw cry for revival again!” As I said this everyone fell on their faces and begin crying out to the Lord, and soon a sound of messy intercession could be heard. Singing, tongues, and loud travail.

Then they started singing and grabbing their instruments and all these many songs and cries began to form one powerful song together, that was unlike anything I had ever heard. The volume seemed to increase to the point that it seemed to break through the walls of the building and then what I saw next was chilling. I was drawn once again to the streets and could hear the new sound of the church beginning to disrupt the chaos outside. People stopped and were listening and then started singing the same tune.

It was reviving cold, hard, and angry hearts. It was bringing peace to the fearful and anxious, it was restoring hope and a future to those who have only seen doom and gloom, and most of all people could see the heart of the Father for them in this time. A fresh sound of worship and new soundtrack for revival had been birthed and broken out of the walls and had disrupted the enemy’s agenda and drawn the world to the feet of Jesus once again!

I believe this is already happening. God is stirring up the raw cry of the church to release the fresh sounds and cry of a bride that is present and active and a voice in these times. For the last 4 years there has been a cap, or a ceiling, that has prevented the most anointed songs from being written and has brought a creative block and frustration over the psalmists of the earth. They have felt stopped up, and shut up, and shut down, yet they are bottling up the most anointed songs and prophetic anthems that we have yet to hear. But they are coming!

This dream also speaks to me of the church breaking out of the four walls in a greater way and being the public sound instead of the private symphony. I believe we are going to see not just worship movements birthed, but movements of all types, that simply carry the pure heart of worship, and focus on Jesus, that the earth needs right now.


Just as it was David’s mighty men that defeated these giants, out of the fires of affliction are arising some pure hearted warriors who God is right now refreshing and readying for what’s ahead. They have They have only seen loss and defeat but in this next chapter they will ride the wave of triumph as God turns the page into this new chapter. I kept hearing these two words, heavyweights and wildcards.

Who are the heavyweights? They won’t look like heavyweights on the outside, but they have been through the fires of hell and the season of crushing and are now weighty glory carriers for this season.

The heavy weights of religion - aka Saul’s armor - just won’t cut it for this battle. We can’t fight these giants with our man made and institutionalized weapons. We can’t fight them with our intellect and knowledge, but with engaging our spirit. These heavyweights will move offensively using methods that will confront the stale and powerless methods of religion.

Heavyweights are weighty because they have been laying in the glory in heavenly realms. We have to fight this next season from our position IN CHRIST in heavenly places and quit battling personalities and flesh and blood. We have to come higher.

Heavyweights don’t rely on their own abilities, but God’s, and they don’t run from their posts but rest in the power that is inside of them. We have to stop evading and running from the reality of the enemy’s plans and the things taking place in the earth. We have a role, and we can’t hide from it.

And from the painful process of the past few years a remnant has risen up, who are the wildcards of heaven, who are those who have zero filter and zero motivation outside of loving Jesus. When He says go, they go. No questions asked. They are the ones the enemy is most afraid of because where most see giants, they simply see another opportunity to hurl their stones into a problem.

They are wildcards because God will use them to torment the enemy in the years to come. Just when situations look bleak and hopeless, and the enemy begins to laugh, God will flick his wrist and send these wildcards into impossible situations and expose the enemy’s hand.


As I end this word, I want to just paint one last picture. The last word I heard for the year was “Full house”; which in a game of poker is a superior hand but even more than that spoke to me that the church is moving into its greatest days. We are going to see a full house. This is revival. This is harvest. This is fruit. What also came to me was that this year will be an awakening of the five-fold like we have never seen it before. The FULL expression of the house will be seen. The whole bride beginning to emerge.

God is looking for those, who despite the rapid darkness seeming to spread, will hear the laughter of heaven booming in their spirit because they know that regardless of the way the match seems to be going, it isn’t a match for God Almighty; who right now is pouring out His fiery Spirit upon a generation fed up with watching the narrative and story go the wrong way and are rising up as bold as lions to see history written according to heaven.

What if when David went down to the stream that day, he wasn’t just collecting stones for his battle, but what if he was inadvertently prophesying? He had 5 stones. 5 is the number of grace. 5 is the whole bride in unity. 5 is the five-fold church rising.

What if it was God speaking through him into this hour of history saying “Church, the giants look huge, but you have got this... it isn’t over, pick up your stones and take the land!” And the cry of my heart for you and I, is a resounding “Yes we will!”

Church our best days are ahead!


  • Keep your knees in the throneroom no matter what. That way you will be sharp, discerning, and connected. You won’t buy into the lies around you.
  • Be reacquainted with the voice of the Lord. Invest time with Him more than social media time.
  • Refuse to stay still, inactive, and uninvolved in this hour. If you are unsure what to do then pray.. and ask Holy Spirit to reveal his heart to you.
  • Be in constant surrender.
  • Let the Holy Spirit untangle you from the veils and webs of your dark tomb season.
  • Let go of your disabling comforts and be desperate to know “the comforter” Holy Spirit.
  • Allow the worlds events to make you feel grieved so you can no longer stand back as a spectator but like David step up to your post.
  • Desire to know how God feels about issues and injustices around the earth but rooted in HIS solutions.
  • Let go of the fear of man and pick up your courage. Stand up for righteousness. Bold lions arise!
  • Refuse to be a sheep that does what they are told without applying your own wisdom and processing with the Lord.
  • Decide that you will be a voice for what matters - and know that this hour of history hinges on you and I.
  • Know that you are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus and that the victory is sure!
Sow a seed

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RELATED prophetic WORDS:

By Nate Johnston January 21, 2025
Over the last few days, as I was praying about what to release for this week's Prophetic Insight, the Lord began to speak to me about those who had felt like they had given everything for the call in this past season but were finding themselves here in January still struggling to break through mindsets of disappointment and hope deferred. Many felt like they had given everything, yet it seemed like nothing had come to fruition or had come to pass. I'll even be bold and say that many have even felt disappointed in the Lord. Many of you have said, “Lord, are you here? I don’t understand how I’ve ended up in this place of feeling like I’ve sacrificed my Isaac for you.” That was literally the phrase I heard “I’ve sacrificed my Isaac for you.” I believe this is even more specific to pioneer families and those who have been pioneering in hard ground and difficult places. The last four years have been very costly and there’s been a high cost to this call, and many have felt like they’re at the place where they’ve sacrificed their Isaac. But then I felt like the Lord was reminding me, and I want to say this, that in the story of Abraham and Isaac, God provided. God provided the ram at the last moment that was caught in the thicket. I feel like the Lord is going to show you in the days to come that what we thought we sacrificed wasn’t actually the sacrifice. What we thought we gave up to follow the call and the high cost is not even the cost. We’re going to see that in the end it was the Lord who provided the ram in the thicket as the sacrifice. Meaning, at the end of the story He will reveal Himself powerfully through your storyline as Provider and Protector. Right now, we’re only seeing one part of the story. We’re only seeing the part where it’s difficult. Just as Abraham must have felt, it was a challenge to go into a season or a moment completely prepared to give up everything, fully believing that was what he had to do. But I want to say this and prophesy this: I believe, especially in the next few years, we’re going to see the Lord provide the ram in the thicket. This is the Lord bringing redemption, recompense, and provision to you and me where it’s felt like the cost has been too high, depleting us and running us into the ground. COME TO THE ALTAR As we go into this week, I believe the Lord wants us to come to the altar and give Him those “costs” we have been carrying. Even right now imagine yourself heaping up all those disappointments, hurts, and frustrations onto that fire. Say, “Lord, I recognize there are situations I don’t understand. I recognize, that I don’t know how the chapters of my life will intersect, or why I went through what I did, but I trust you.” — it's time to give it to Him. Can you do that as we begin this week? Give those burdens to Him. Maybe you need to even just go lay down on your living room floor, put on a worship track, and say, “Lord, here I am. I’m on the altar again. I give you all my questions. I give you all my frustrations.” Let Him deliver you. Let Him heal you. Then you’ll begin to see the Lord provide. And also, I want to say this: there is no sacrifice that does not produce oil. There is oil gushing from your life. I believe even this week the Lord wants to show you the oil that’s been producing consistently from this season of pressing, crushing, and high cost. This is the costly oil, like the oil poured over Jesus by the woman before His crucifixion and burial. We’ve been in a season where it has felt like so much death, but now you will watch it produce life for you and for those around you. RESTRAINTS & NEW LEVELS Just a few nights ago, I had a dream of a vehicle being fitted out for some kind of ministry road trip. I remember being excited in the dream because it looked like an armored vehicle or cyber truck of some sort. It felt like some kind of governmental mission to go into a state or territory. When I opened the doors, I noticed two things. The car was fitted with toddler seats throughout, in every single seat, and over the seats were restraints. But not just normal seat belts, but proper crossed restraints like those in crash test dummy vehicles. Suddenly, I felt this overwhelming realization, “We can’t travel in this. This isn’t going to help.” On the outside, it looked like the perfect car, but on the inside, I thought, “This car is for babies. This isn’t going to help us complete this mission.” I began to rip out the seats one by one and cut out the restraints. What does this dream mean? I believe the Lord wants to highlight, especially this week, that there is maturation taking place in the body of Christ. Many have been operating from a place of immaturity and restraint. The baby seats in this dream represent the enemy keeping people at a level of low spiritual intelligence and immaturity, acting as a ceiling, containing them and preventing spiritual and authoritative growth. The restraints symbolize spiritual forces and assignments that have kept many in a season of constraint. God doesn’t want His body restrained. The cap that has settled over the church these last four years seeks to keep us spiritually immature, especially regarding discernment and warfare. When restrained spiritually, we naturally fall back into our own strength, relying on human methods and mindsets. God has equipped us with everything needed to fulfill our mission. Yet, if we feel restrained, we revert to our own methods. This week, I feel the Lord wants us to confront areas of restraint and spiritual immaturity in our lives. Can you identify places where you’ve been relying on your own understanding? Have there been areas where God has been challenging you to grow, but you’ve retreated to comfort? That’s the baby seat. God is calling us to remove it from our mission. Rip it out and step into the fullness of the calling, authority, and anointing God has placed on your life. Look for opportunities to do this in the week ahead. MASKED SPIRITS On that note, I want to highlight something the Lord has been showing me in dreams and revealing to me as I’ve been praying over this week. I truly believe that, on the back of the Lord increasing the maturity of the church, we’re entering into days of discerning spirits more than we ever have before. There has been a major cap over many in the body of Christ in understanding the true mechanics and nature of spiritual warfare. There’s been a very superficial and fleshly way of looking at the realm of the spirit. Many in the body of Christ have fallen into the trap of improperly discerning, not just moments or seasons but also actual assignments and events on both private and public levels. The fruit of not discerning well is that we react in the wrong spirit. You think about the sons of thunder in the Bible who wanted to call down fire on a city that rejected Jesus. “When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?” Luke 9:54 They were discerning correctly in one sense: the city had rejected Jesus. But in their discernment, they thought the answer was to destroy the entire city, which was not Jesus’ heart at all, so he rebuked them because they were of the wrong spirit. It wasn’t harsh for Jesus to say that. As believers, we should discern correctly because death and life are in the power of the tongue. When we react out of the flesh or discern incorrectly, our responses are also incorrect. Without realizing it, we can increase the enemy’s influence in moments we’re meant to counteract them. For instance, if there’s a situation in our church or family life and we discern incorrectly, we might respond in the wrong spirit, creating more damage. Conversely, if we discern correctly, we foil the enemy’s plans, bring true repentance and change to the situation, and restore relationships in the process. I believe this week the Lord wants to give us eyes to discern properly. I love the Scripture that speaks about Elisha being able to hear what the king was saying in his room. I believe the Lord wants us to have eyes to see in this hour, to understand what is happening in the spirit realm, so we know how to respond with the Spirit of the Lord rather than partnering with the wrong spirit. We’re living in a time of masked spirits. That’s the phrase the Lord showed me: masked spirits. Spirits that would deceive many in the body of Christ. They appear as one thing but are actually another. They look like righteousness but are not; they look like devotion and consecration but are actually rebellion. Only those who discern correctly will be able to distinguish between them. Yes, we’re in an hour where it’s becoming harder to discern, and God is calling you and me to come up higher this week. I believe there’s an invitation to step into a new realm of discernment. Hebrews 5:14 speaks about the discerning of spirits that comes by use. This week, ask for it. Ask the Lord to lead you out of a critical spirit and into true discernment. Christy recently said something that struck me: “The counterfeit of intercession is accusation, and the counterfeit of discernment is a critical spirit.” WITH ME OR AGAINST ME? I hear the Lord saying to the body of Christ this week, “Are you with Me or are you against Me?” It was a sobering thing to hear: “Are you with Me or against Me?” It reminds me of when Saul, on the road to Damascus, had his encounter with Jesus. Jesus asked him, “Why do you persecute Me? Why do you kick against the goads?” I feel like we’re in a moment where man’s methodologies and pharasee-like methods are working against the true kingdom. God is saying to us, both personally and to the body of Christ: “Are you for Me or against Me?” I believe this week the Lord wants us to reset ourselves and consecrate ourselves before Him. Let’s come back and say, “Lord, any areas of my heart or life that are working against You, I surrender. I give them to You, any arrogance, any pride, I give them to You.” We’re entering days where it will become very black and white, where it will be clear who is serving the Lord and who is not. All the gray areas that have been concealed and hidden, where people with wrong motives have pretended to serve the Lord but were actually serving their own ambition, are coming to light. The gray is decreasing. It’s becoming black and white. There will be no more lukewarm. No more middle ground. No more fence-sitting. The Lord is looking for those who are on fire for Him, or those who are not. Choose this day whom you will serve. As we go into this week, say, “Lord, I serve You. You are my Lord. I give You all idols, all other lovers, all other affections in my heart and my life. I return to You, in Jesus’ name.” I WILL VINDICATE One of the most instrumental insights the Lord gave me this past week involved two visions of the same thing: wheels turning in the spirit. I saw these wheels churning, looking like the inner mechanics of a clock or an industrial machine, something you wouldn’t normally see. The wheels moved slowly at first, but then they began to speed up. They moved so fast that they became a blur. I heard the phrase: “wheels of vindication.” There’s a correlation between vindication, justice, and wheels in the spirit. The Lord begins to shift areas of divine government, dominion, and power. This happens on a large scale, impacting regions and cities but it also affects us personally. Before I share my greatest insight for this week, I want to say this: major things are shifting in the spirit right now. They’re happening behind the scenes and aren’t obvious unless you’re paying attention. We’ve been in a time of massive delay for years now, globally and individually. Cycles of being stuck, unresolved prayers, and lack of resolve have persisted. But the Lord is bringing vindication and divine resolution. On a personal level, God is bringing resolve to areas of your life. Write out a list of unresolved areas, and watch the Lord bring answers. The Word of God says many times that God will vindicate such as Psalms 37:6-7; “He will vindicate you in broad daylight, and publicly defend your just cause. Wait patiently for the Lord! Wait confidently for him! Do not fret over the apparent success of a sinner, a man who carries out wicked schemes” It’s His promise. We must surrender our desire to vindicate ourselves. Vindicating ourselves only brings more confusion, frustration, and burnout, and it hurts others in the process. Divine vindication brings healing and redemption for all involved. DIVINE JUSTICE Last week in our prayer group I shared a voice note stating this next part; “On January 20, I believe something significant will take place, not just in the natural, but spiritually. In Luke 18:6–7, Jesus tells the parable of the unjust judge and the persistent widow. The judge gave her justice because of her persistence. Jesus used this to illustrate the power of prayer. In verse 7, it says: “Will God not bring justice to His chosen ones?” Over the last four years and beyond, it has felt like justice has tarried. Prayer warriors have grown weary, crying out for divine justice. It feels like evil continues to thrive unchecked” “Christy and I have been deeply moved in recent days by the insight that God is indeed going to bring justice. I believe we are entering a divine shift of justice on January 20. This is what the enemy has been afraid of, a significant spiritual change of the guard and in the spirit” “As the hands of justice shift, there will be an eviction of spiritual principalities and powers. We are entering a season of new conquest, much like Joshua entering the Promised Land. But let me emphasize, this is not a time without battles. I believe the next four years will be a season of conquest and battle but not in the way we’ve seen it in the past, but in a new context” “We are stepping into a time where we are anointed and authorized to evict principalities, powers, and the “sons of Anak” from the land. Justice that has been delayed for so long will suddenly be overturned, and things will begin to be revealed and resolved quickly” “This is what the enemy has been fighting to prevent. However, as we pray, we must remember that we are not the tail - we are the head. We are discerning these movements in the spirit because God is revealing them to us” “Christy and I recently spoke with our good friend, Lou Engle, about the correlation between Joel 2:3 and Acts 2:3. The fire in Joel 2 and the tongues of fire in Acts 2. Something significant emerged during our conversation: In some translations of Psalm 2, the chapters are divided into Act 1, 2, 3, and 4” “ In Act 1: the nations rage and mock God. We have seen this act play out for years now with the mockery of righteousness” “ In Act 2: God responds and laughs, installing His kings upon Zion” “Lou said, “We’re not just in Acts 2 right now; we’re entering Psalm 2, Act 2.” This is the moment where God responds!” “There is a correlation between Psalm 2 and Daniel 2:21–22, where God dethrones kings and installs His chosen ones. These are the Davids those who have stewarded well, who are now being installed in places of authority” “All of this is to say: you have authority and power. As we pray, we are moving toward a monumental moment where divine justice is shifting and changing. I believe we are about to see extraordinary things in the months and years to come” ACTS 2 FAMILIES ASSEMBLE! My last exhortation is an encouragement for those of you in seasons of movement and transition, as our family is right now. I want to say to you: Acts 2 families, assemble! The Lord is shifting you out of the season of shifting sands. He’s planting your feet on solid rock again. After years of instability and waves knocking you back and forth, He’s bringing you into stability and a season of establishing. He’s calling you into your greatest divine assignment, one that will supersede every other ambition or idea you’ve had. God is bringing you back to the simplicity of Acts 2 and the simple gospel. He’s untangling you from the snakes of the ministry world and everything that has choked the life, joy, and adventure out of your calling. He’s bringing you back to the simplicity of His presence and to loving people well. Acts 2 families, assemble! Begin to dream with the Lord. There is grace this week to dream with Him. Come together as a family and ask, “Lord, where are You leading us? What do You have for us?” If you’ve been in a place of frustration or confusion, or if you’ve seen your children bending under the weight of this season of crushing, come together. Consecrate yourselves before the Lord and ask Him, “What is our next step?” He will give you your next step. The Lord is bringing families back into divine order. He’s clearing out all the debris and planting your feet in a place where you will flourish not just as individuals or ministries, but as families. This is a time where your children will thrive. They will step into their own Acts 2 as well. This is what the Lord is doing right now, bringing us back to the original call, the simple call. Let’s embrace it, dream with Him, and step into what He has prepared for us.
By Nate Johnston January 19, 2025
I have a message for the wild horses, the new breed. In this season, you’re going to see the reason why the Lord led you out from the pack. Why He detoured you away from the norm, why He told you to leave those rooms, why He told you to break those relationships and contracts and sever those ties. It didn’t make sense at the time. It hasn’t made sense to the people around you, the people you left, or the places you left. It didn’t even make sense to you at the time or to the livelihood of your calling with the Lord except, deep down in your gut, you felt it. You felt the call. You felt the invitation. You felt the strong leading that you were to go a different road. And now, you’re about to see the fruit of your obedience. You’re about to see the fruit of walking that different road with the Lord. You’re about to see what obedience brings you. You’re about to see what you’ve envisioned in secret, unable to share with others, become your reality. Because God is about to establish what’s inside you, around you. He’s about to draw many other wild horses like you to the fresh spring that is springing up in your life. For there is about to be favor, and people will see and recognize the anointing that God has been brewing in secret. When they looked down on you, belittled you, outcast you, and talked about you… It’s about to be built. It’s about to be established. And I hear the Lord saying “Well done David for dancing the ark back to our rightful place” Well done John for going against the flow and birthing in the wilderness. You didn’t care what they thought and now the Lord is going to use you as his prototype for his bride in the says to come. Your obedience is birthing a blueprint and a cry of repentance leading the church to the narrow road again. And I pray as you read this that any last remnants of the fear of man breaks off you and the bridle of religion falls to the ground and that you would be the wild and undignified brumbie God has called you to be in Jesus name! And I hear the lord saying; Run run run horses run! Don’t look back. Don’t look to the left or to the right! Do you see me? Look to me and no one else! Run with me and in unison with me and move with my heartbeat. And lead my people into her promise! “A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God” Isaiah 40:3
By Nate Johnston January 21, 2025
Over the last few days, as I was praying about what to release for this week's Prophetic Insight, the Lord began to speak to me about those who had felt like they had given everything for the call in this past season but were finding themselves here in January still struggling to break through mindsets of disappointment and hope deferred. Many felt like they had given everything, yet it seemed like nothing had come to fruition or had come to pass. I'll even be bold and say that many have even felt disappointed in the Lord. Many of you have said, “Lord, are you here? I don’t understand how I’ve ended up in this place of feeling like I’ve sacrificed my Isaac for you.” That was literally the phrase I heard “I’ve sacrificed my Isaac for you.” I believe this is even more specific to pioneer families and those who have been pioneering in hard ground and difficult places. The last four years have been very costly and there’s been a high cost to this call, and many have felt like they’re at the place where they’ve sacrificed their Isaac. But then I felt like the Lord was reminding me, and I want to say this, that in the story of Abraham and Isaac, God provided. God provided the ram at the last moment that was caught in the thicket. I feel like the Lord is going to show you in the days to come that what we thought we sacrificed wasn’t actually the sacrifice. What we thought we gave up to follow the call and the high cost is not even the cost. We’re going to see that in the end it was the Lord who provided the ram in the thicket as the sacrifice. Meaning, at the end of the story He will reveal Himself powerfully through your storyline as Provider and Protector. Right now, we’re only seeing one part of the story. We’re only seeing the part where it’s difficult. Just as Abraham must have felt, it was a challenge to go into a season or a moment completely prepared to give up everything, fully believing that was what he had to do. But I want to say this and prophesy this: I believe, especially in the next few years, we’re going to see the Lord provide the ram in the thicket. This is the Lord bringing redemption, recompense, and provision to you and me where it’s felt like the cost has been too high, depleting us and running us into the ground. COME TO THE ALTAR As we go into this week, I believe the Lord wants us to come to the altar and give Him those “costs” we have been carrying. Even right now imagine yourself heaping up all those disappointments, hurts, and frustrations onto that fire. Say, “Lord, I recognize there are situations I don’t understand. I recognize, that I don’t know how the chapters of my life will intersect, or why I went through what I did, but I trust you.” — it's time to give it to Him. Can you do that as we begin this week? Give those burdens to Him. Maybe you need to even just go lay down on your living room floor, put on a worship track, and say, “Lord, here I am. I’m on the altar again. I give you all my questions. I give you all my frustrations.” Let Him deliver you. Let Him heal you. Then you’ll begin to see the Lord provide. And also, I want to say this: there is no sacrifice that does not produce oil. There is oil gushing from your life. I believe even this week the Lord wants to show you the oil that’s been producing consistently from this season of pressing, crushing, and high cost. This is the costly oil, like the oil poured over Jesus by the woman before His crucifixion and burial. We’ve been in a season where it has felt like so much death, but now you will watch it produce life for you and for those around you. RESTRAINTS & NEW LEVELS Just a few nights ago, I had a dream of a vehicle being fitted out for some kind of ministry road trip. I remember being excited in the dream because it looked like an armored vehicle or cyber truck of some sort. It felt like some kind of governmental mission to go into a state or territory. When I opened the doors, I noticed two things. The car was fitted with toddler seats throughout, in every single seat, and over the seats were restraints. But not just normal seat belts, but proper crossed restraints like those in crash test dummy vehicles. Suddenly, I felt this overwhelming realization, “We can’t travel in this. This isn’t going to help.” On the outside, it looked like the perfect car, but on the inside, I thought, “This car is for babies. This isn’t going to help us complete this mission.” I began to rip out the seats one by one and cut out the restraints. What does this dream mean? I believe the Lord wants to highlight, especially this week, that there is maturation taking place in the body of Christ. Many have been operating from a place of immaturity and restraint. The baby seats in this dream represent the enemy keeping people at a level of low spiritual intelligence and immaturity, acting as a ceiling, containing them and preventing spiritual and authoritative growth. The restraints symbolize spiritual forces and assignments that have kept many in a season of constraint. God doesn’t want His body restrained. The cap that has settled over the church these last four years seeks to keep us spiritually immature, especially regarding discernment and warfare. When restrained spiritually, we naturally fall back into our own strength, relying on human methods and mindsets. God has equipped us with everything needed to fulfill our mission. Yet, if we feel restrained, we revert to our own methods. This week, I feel the Lord wants us to confront areas of restraint and spiritual immaturity in our lives. Can you identify places where you’ve been relying on your own understanding? Have there been areas where God has been challenging you to grow, but you’ve retreated to comfort? That’s the baby seat. God is calling us to remove it from our mission. Rip it out and step into the fullness of the calling, authority, and anointing God has placed on your life. Look for opportunities to do this in the week ahead. MASKED SPIRITS On that note, I want to highlight something the Lord has been showing me in dreams and revealing to me as I’ve been praying over this week. I truly believe that, on the back of the Lord increasing the maturity of the church, we’re entering into days of discerning spirits more than we ever have before. There has been a major cap over many in the body of Christ in understanding the true mechanics and nature of spiritual warfare. There’s been a very superficial and fleshly way of looking at the realm of the spirit. Many in the body of Christ have fallen into the trap of improperly discerning, not just moments or seasons but also actual assignments and events on both private and public levels. The fruit of not discerning well is that we react in the wrong spirit. You think about the sons of thunder in the Bible who wanted to call down fire on a city that rejected Jesus. “When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?” Luke 9:54 They were discerning correctly in one sense: the city had rejected Jesus. But in their discernment, they thought the answer was to destroy the entire city, which was not Jesus’ heart at all, so he rebuked them because they were of the wrong spirit. It wasn’t harsh for Jesus to say that. As believers, we should discern correctly because death and life are in the power of the tongue. When we react out of the flesh or discern incorrectly, our responses are also incorrect. Without realizing it, we can increase the enemy’s influence in moments we’re meant to counteract them. For instance, if there’s a situation in our church or family life and we discern incorrectly, we might respond in the wrong spirit, creating more damage. Conversely, if we discern correctly, we foil the enemy’s plans, bring true repentance and change to the situation, and restore relationships in the process. I believe this week the Lord wants to give us eyes to discern properly. I love the Scripture that speaks about Elisha being able to hear what the king was saying in his room. I believe the Lord wants us to have eyes to see in this hour, to understand what is happening in the spirit realm, so we know how to respond with the Spirit of the Lord rather than partnering with the wrong spirit. We’re living in a time of masked spirits. That’s the phrase the Lord showed me: masked spirits. Spirits that would deceive many in the body of Christ. They appear as one thing but are actually another. They look like righteousness but are not; they look like devotion and consecration but are actually rebellion. Only those who discern correctly will be able to distinguish between them. Yes, we’re in an hour where it’s becoming harder to discern, and God is calling you and me to come up higher this week. I believe there’s an invitation to step into a new realm of discernment. Hebrews 5:14 speaks about the discerning of spirits that comes by use. This week, ask for it. Ask the Lord to lead you out of a critical spirit and into true discernment. Christy recently said something that struck me: “The counterfeit of intercession is accusation, and the counterfeit of discernment is a critical spirit.” WITH ME OR AGAINST ME? I hear the Lord saying to the body of Christ this week, “Are you with Me or are you against Me?” It was a sobering thing to hear: “Are you with Me or against Me?” It reminds me of when Saul, on the road to Damascus, had his encounter with Jesus. Jesus asked him, “Why do you persecute Me? Why do you kick against the goads?” I feel like we’re in a moment where man’s methodologies and pharasee-like methods are working against the true kingdom. God is saying to us, both personally and to the body of Christ: “Are you for Me or against Me?” I believe this week the Lord wants us to reset ourselves and consecrate ourselves before Him. Let’s come back and say, “Lord, any areas of my heart or life that are working against You, I surrender. I give them to You, any arrogance, any pride, I give them to You.” We’re entering days where it will become very black and white, where it will be clear who is serving the Lord and who is not. All the gray areas that have been concealed and hidden, where people with wrong motives have pretended to serve the Lord but were actually serving their own ambition, are coming to light. The gray is decreasing. It’s becoming black and white. There will be no more lukewarm. No more middle ground. No more fence-sitting. The Lord is looking for those who are on fire for Him, or those who are not. Choose this day whom you will serve. As we go into this week, say, “Lord, I serve You. You are my Lord. I give You all idols, all other lovers, all other affections in my heart and my life. I return to You, in Jesus’ name.” I WILL VINDICATE One of the most instrumental insights the Lord gave me this past week involved two visions of the same thing: wheels turning in the spirit. I saw these wheels churning, looking like the inner mechanics of a clock or an industrial machine, something you wouldn’t normally see. The wheels moved slowly at first, but then they began to speed up. They moved so fast that they became a blur. I heard the phrase: “wheels of vindication.” There’s a correlation between vindication, justice, and wheels in the spirit. The Lord begins to shift areas of divine government, dominion, and power. This happens on a large scale, impacting regions and cities but it also affects us personally. Before I share my greatest insight for this week, I want to say this: major things are shifting in the spirit right now. They’re happening behind the scenes and aren’t obvious unless you’re paying attention. We’ve been in a time of massive delay for years now, globally and individually. Cycles of being stuck, unresolved prayers, and lack of resolve have persisted. But the Lord is bringing vindication and divine resolution. On a personal level, God is bringing resolve to areas of your life. Write out a list of unresolved areas, and watch the Lord bring answers. The Word of God says many times that God will vindicate such as Psalms 37:6-7; “He will vindicate you in broad daylight, and publicly defend your just cause. Wait patiently for the Lord! Wait confidently for him! Do not fret over the apparent success of a sinner, a man who carries out wicked schemes” It’s His promise. We must surrender our desire to vindicate ourselves. Vindicating ourselves only brings more confusion, frustration, and burnout, and it hurts others in the process. Divine vindication brings healing and redemption for all involved. DIVINE JUSTICE Last week in our prayer group I shared a voice note stating this next part; “On January 20, I believe something significant will take place, not just in the natural, but spiritually. In Luke 18:6–7, Jesus tells the parable of the unjust judge and the persistent widow. The judge gave her justice because of her persistence. Jesus used this to illustrate the power of prayer. In verse 7, it says: “Will God not bring justice to His chosen ones?” Over the last four years and beyond, it has felt like justice has tarried. Prayer warriors have grown weary, crying out for divine justice. It feels like evil continues to thrive unchecked” “Christy and I have been deeply moved in recent days by the insight that God is indeed going to bring justice. I believe we are entering a divine shift of justice on January 20. This is what the enemy has been afraid of, a significant spiritual change of the guard and in the spirit” “As the hands of justice shift, there will be an eviction of spiritual principalities and powers. We are entering a season of new conquest, much like Joshua entering the Promised Land. But let me emphasize, this is not a time without battles. I believe the next four years will be a season of conquest and battle but not in the way we’ve seen it in the past, but in a new context” “We are stepping into a time where we are anointed and authorized to evict principalities, powers, and the “sons of Anak” from the land. Justice that has been delayed for so long will suddenly be overturned, and things will begin to be revealed and resolved quickly” “This is what the enemy has been fighting to prevent. However, as we pray, we must remember that we are not the tail - we are the head. We are discerning these movements in the spirit because God is revealing them to us” “Christy and I recently spoke with our good friend, Lou Engle, about the correlation between Joel 2:3 and Acts 2:3. The fire in Joel 2 and the tongues of fire in Acts 2. Something significant emerged during our conversation: In some translations of Psalm 2, the chapters are divided into Act 1, 2, 3, and 4” “ In Act 1: the nations rage and mock God. We have seen this act play out for years now with the mockery of righteousness” “ In Act 2: God responds and laughs, installing His kings upon Zion” “Lou said, “We’re not just in Acts 2 right now; we’re entering Psalm 2, Act 2.” This is the moment where God responds!” “There is a correlation between Psalm 2 and Daniel 2:21–22, where God dethrones kings and installs His chosen ones. These are the Davids those who have stewarded well, who are now being installed in places of authority” “All of this is to say: you have authority and power. As we pray, we are moving toward a monumental moment where divine justice is shifting and changing. I believe we are about to see extraordinary things in the months and years to come” ACTS 2 FAMILIES ASSEMBLE! My last exhortation is an encouragement for those of you in seasons of movement and transition, as our family is right now. I want to say to you: Acts 2 families, assemble! The Lord is shifting you out of the season of shifting sands. He’s planting your feet on solid rock again. After years of instability and waves knocking you back and forth, He’s bringing you into stability and a season of establishing. He’s calling you into your greatest divine assignment, one that will supersede every other ambition or idea you’ve had. God is bringing you back to the simplicity of Acts 2 and the simple gospel. He’s untangling you from the snakes of the ministry world and everything that has choked the life, joy, and adventure out of your calling. He’s bringing you back to the simplicity of His presence and to loving people well. Acts 2 families, assemble! Begin to dream with the Lord. There is grace this week to dream with Him. Come together as a family and ask, “Lord, where are You leading us? What do You have for us?” If you’ve been in a place of frustration or confusion, or if you’ve seen your children bending under the weight of this season of crushing, come together. Consecrate yourselves before the Lord and ask Him, “What is our next step?” He will give you your next step. The Lord is bringing families back into divine order. He’s clearing out all the debris and planting your feet in a place where you will flourish not just as individuals or ministries, but as families. This is a time where your children will thrive. They will step into their own Acts 2 as well. This is what the Lord is doing right now, bringing us back to the original call, the simple call. Let’s embrace it, dream with Him, and step into what He has prepared for us.
By Nate Johnston January 19, 2025
I have a message for the wild horses, the new breed. In this season, you’re going to see the reason why the Lord led you out from the pack. Why He detoured you away from the norm, why He told you to leave those rooms, why He told you to break those relationships and contracts and sever those ties. It didn’t make sense at the time. It hasn’t made sense to the people around you, the people you left, or the places you left. It didn’t even make sense to you at the time or to the livelihood of your calling with the Lord except, deep down in your gut, you felt it. You felt the call. You felt the invitation. You felt the strong leading that you were to go a different road. And now, you’re about to see the fruit of your obedience. You’re about to see the fruit of walking that different road with the Lord. You’re about to see what obedience brings you. You’re about to see what you’ve envisioned in secret, unable to share with others, become your reality. Because God is about to establish what’s inside you, around you. He’s about to draw many other wild horses like you to the fresh spring that is springing up in your life. For there is about to be favor, and people will see and recognize the anointing that God has been brewing in secret. When they looked down on you, belittled you, outcast you, and talked about you… It’s about to be built. It’s about to be established. And I hear the Lord saying “Well done David for dancing the ark back to our rightful place” Well done John for going against the flow and birthing in the wilderness. You didn’t care what they thought and now the Lord is going to use you as his prototype for his bride in the says to come. Your obedience is birthing a blueprint and a cry of repentance leading the church to the narrow road again. And I pray as you read this that any last remnants of the fear of man breaks off you and the bridle of religion falls to the ground and that you would be the wild and undignified brumbie God has called you to be in Jesus name! And I hear the lord saying; Run run run horses run! Don’t look back. Don’t look to the left or to the right! Do you see me? Look to me and no one else! Run with me and in unison with me and move with my heartbeat. And lead my people into her promise! “A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God” Isaiah 40:3
By Nate Johnston January 14, 2025
GUARD YOUR HEART The first thing I want to share is a scripture that I heard the Lord repeating over and over the last few days; “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” Proverbs 4:23 And as i was thinking about what this could relate to this week apart from the obvious I heard the word “triggered” and knew right away that this week we must guard our hearts and be vigilant because the enemy may try to trigger you and bait you into warfare, conflict, or unnecessary drama, fear, worry, and doubts. Guard your hearts! Don’t be pulled left and right this week. Stay grounded and focussed. WHISPERING CYCLONES The second thing I want to share with you this week is to look out for the whispering cyclones. The Lord showed me there would be an increase, especially on social media and in the news, of chatter wars, slander, and witchcraft. The phrase the Lord gave me was “whispering cyclones.” These whispers seem innocent, pure, and some will even parade as righteous, but they are spiritual cyclones releasing witchcraft and sliming people. The Lord said “Tell them not to engage, for it is a distraction method of the enemy to get you off course to focus on your accuser rather than your Savior. Don’t engage with the cyclones. Don’t engage with the conversation of demons!” The Lord wants you this week to focus on prayer in the secret place and releasing the sound you were meant to release. When you focus on these whispering cyclones, it robs you of your purity and taints the sound you were meant to carry. WARNING DREAM SURGE The third thing I want to share with you this week is that dreams are going to increase. The Lord is going to release warning dreams and intercessory assignment dreams. The scripture that came to mind was Job 5:12: “He thwarts the plans of the crafty, so that their hands achieve no success.” The Lord is releasing warning dreams but is also releasing dreams that show your authority to thwart and prevent tragedies in the spirit. Do not think that what He reveals is beyond you just because it may involve governmental matters or nations. The Lord has called you to pray. When you receive these warning dreams: Write them down. Pray them through with friends. And remember that your prayers avail much. God is looking for a new breed of watchmen in this hour, those who will rise with a fresh mantle to release the strategies of heaven, evict principalities and powers, and stop the plans of darkness. That’s you! HOPE DEFERRED CROSSROAD I heard the Lord say that this week, God is continuing to clear out areas of hope deferred. The phrase I heard was “hope deferred crossroads.” I believe we are in a process where the Lord is doing a deep soul work in His people and breaking hope deferred that has been sitting in the recesses of peoples souls like hardened concrete. This week, look out for moments where the Lord surfaces areas of your life that feel like barriers or unresolved issues. I saw them as shrines to past seasons, places where you had built a monument to disappointment. The Lord is asking you to lay them down so you can pick up fresh hope and new promises. This week will be a time of surrender. The Lord may lead you into healing moments where He asks for full access to those wounded places so He can break off the weight of disappointment. As you confront hope deferred, you’ll begin to notice a crossroad where things shift and areas that once felt blocked will suddenly open up. 4 YEAR CYCLES ENDING The next thing the Lord showed me was that He is clearing out old cycles from the last four years. There were specific cycles of attack that began in 2020, assignments of the enemy meant to hinder, delay, and assassinate you, not to mention tire you out and burn you out. The Lord is bringing restitution and restoration as we come to this 4 year mark. This will manifest in situations where you will finally see conclusions to struggles that have persisted since 2020. What this means is that you will notice a side release in places you have become accustomed to endless tediousness and difficulty. BUILDING THE UNUSUAL The Lord said to me, “This will be a year of building, but not according to what you’ve known.” God is calling His people to build the unusual. It won’t look like the typical ministry models but will mirror the Acts 2 model: family, not empires. Then the Lord spoke to me about 5 unusual expressions that he is right now calling people to break away from the norm to build. Spiritual Hospitals — refuge centers for the sick, broken, and addicted, demon possessed and hurting. Houses of healing and divine restoration. Adoption Centers — places where true spiritual mothers and fathers will Impart identity to the next generation and release the spirit of adoption over spiritual orphans. Launch Pads — places to train, equip, ignite and send people into their callings. Fellowship Tables — where the rejected and isolated can go to find true family. Prophetic Dream Teams — where there are no hidden group agendas, but rather war eagles who simply gather to pray, share dreams, and move on them. But there will also be many other unusual expressions that get awoken this week. Ideas and blueprints for raising powerful and healthy families and children. The question is, will you say yes to the unusual? STRATEGIC RELOCATIONS The Lord is relocating many people right now for strategic assignments. Dreams, visions, and supernatural direction will increase as God speaks to those who have felt silenced or stifled and stuck for a long time. The Lord is releasing a call to move, shift, and inherit territories for His Kingdom purposes. He is calling us into a Psalm 2:8 “Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations.” God is putting cities and nations on people’s hearts. He is searching for obedient ones who will rise as movers, shakers, and waymakers that will GO and do what He says to do. THE LION & THE TRUMPET As I was praying over this week I saw a vision of a timid lion, and this lion was walking around growling, but it was almost like the growl of a lion that was incredibly sick. Suddenly, I saw the Spirit of the Lord come upon this lion, and the lion began to roar in power. I knew it was the Lord showing me what is happening in the body of Christ right now. I then saw a trumpet in the spirit coming from the mouth of the lion. It was the sound of a trumpet blaring, and I believe that this week there is a shift taking place in the body of Christ. The Lord is restoring the trumpet back to the Church. It will start small but the sound will begin to grow louder. It’s the unapologetic cry of David in the land that will take down giants and evict principalities and powers in the land. The Lord is doing something new, and it carries the weight of the moment when you’ve been pressed and pushed into a corner for so long. Suddenly, there comes an unction, a fresh moment when the Spirit of the Living God comes upon you. Out of that place of suppression, oppression, being tied down and held back, suddenly from deep within you comes the fresh cry and sound of the worshiper you were called to be - the eagle of war. Look out this week for a fresh unction of the Holy Spirit that will open the mouths of those who have been canceled by the Church and canceled by the world. PRAY OVER THE INAUGURATION Lastly, as I have been praying over the United States and the inauguration on the 20th we have felt strongly that the enemies plans are still to continue to derail it in some way shape or form and to continue to use demonic and divisive propaganda to create havoc. This week we must pray for our leaders and pray for no terror or calamity to come against them. Also pray for all plots and plans of harm and terror around the nation to be overturned in Jesus name. In a dream recently I saw President Trump stand to speak when the microphone was cut. Then I saw blood stained hands and knew the Lord was revealing the hidden plans that have brought pain and bloodshed in the name of political gain and demonic agendas. Let’s pray people of God! LET JESUS BE YOUR ONLY REWARD Finally, let Jesus be your reward. Seek Him above all other voices. Talk with Him more than you scroll on social media. Be in His presence instead of being pulled by all the constant distractions. If you haven’t felt His presence for a while, I encourage you to linger until you recover what was lost. Stay focussed. Stay surrendered. God is moving!
By Nate Johnston January 13, 2025
I hear the Lord saying: “Collect oil in the time of oil. Collect oil while there is time to collect oil,” says the Lord. Yes, the Lord is saying over this year: “It is a year to reserve oil, for there are days coming when you’ll need the oil. There are days coming when you will need the wine. Come, buy wine and milk without price,” says the Lord. “For I will fill your vats and I will fill your storehouses,” says the Lord. “Come into My presence, come into My throne room, come into My glory,” says the Lord. “For many are chasing that which is like vapor, it disappears, for it is temporal. But those who would seek Me in this shall find Me. Those who would come into My presence and linger in this shall find Me. Linger, linger, linger,” says the Lord. “Where are those who would linger? Where are those who would come for more than just goosebumps? Where are those who would come and minister unto Me? Who would come as a friend meets his friend? For I long to give My secrets, I long to give out the secrets of My heart,” says the Lord. “I long to reveal the mysteries of heaven. I long to reveal the hour that is at hand. I long to give the language. I long to show what is to come and to pour out foresight upon a people who would know My heart, and know the hour they live in. Where are those who would come and linger and receive from Me? Where are those who would empty themselves out before Me like a water jug so I can refill them over and over and over again? For the hour we are living in is short, and I am looking for a people who would sacrifice everything just to be in My presence.” “For you have been through many years where the enemy sought to puncture you and deplete you. He has sought to crack you like an expensive water jug. Yet I am here to overflow, even the most broken of vessels. I am here to restore, to pour out, and to bring you into overflow again. Even the most damaged, the most broken, the most hope-deferred, the sick, and the wounded of My people, I long to restore them because of my great compassion for you,” says the Lord. “If only you would humble yourself and turn to me. If only you would come before Me. If only you would come into the threshing floor and allow Me to be your Boaz. Allow Me to be your kinsman redeemer,” says the Lord. “For I would be He who would eclipse every single heartache you have ever endured. I will buy it all. I will take your past, your present, and your future. I will take it all, and I will turn your life around,” says the Lord. “If you would come and be married unto Me again, says the Lord. If you would leave your other lovers behind and be married unto Me, I will restore you, says the Lord. “ I do not just want to restore your heart. I want to turn your family’s life around, the destiny of your children and even redeem your family line,” says the Lord. “For I am your Boaz and your kinsman redeemer. And this year, I am looking for a people who would choose the private place again over the stage. I am looking for a people who choose My plans over their own plans. I am looking for a people who choose My ways over their own ways. I am looking for a people who would sacrifice comfort and what they think makes sense, just to be obedient to the instructions I give them. For I am raising up a Waymaker people. I am raising up a Joshua people who will be Waymakers in the desert in this hour. For I need, I need a people who see differently, and you will only see differently when you linger. You will only see differently when you come into My presence and lay everything down.” “Lay it down, lay it down, lay it down,” says the Lord. “Where are you, Joshua? Where are you, Caleb? Where are My Waymakers? For you would say, ‘But I need to know the way! I need to know the way! I’m lost, Lord!’ But I say to you today, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. And it is time to fully come back to Me. For in this season of battle, it has been easy to take refreshment from other things, but I am restoring you now unto Myself. And in that restoration, you shall find your footing again. You shall find your way again. You shall find the path again. For I am that Way, and you are coming back to the Way. And as you come back to the Way, you shall, in My presence, begin to birth the Way. And you shall be known as My Waymakers in the desert, My Waymakers in a shifting season, shifting My people from the sands of the desert and from the exodus of their religious toxification, and I will lead them into their promise.” “But I need you this year to lay at My feet,” says the Lord. “I need you to lay at My feet,” says the Lord. “Will you linger? Will you linger? Will you linger? Come to Me, My laid-down lovers. Come to Me, My burning ones. Consecrate yourselves unto Me afresh. Let go of everything that has entangled you, everything that has smothered your heart and tried to make it stony and hard, and I will give you a heart of flesh again. I will pour out honey upon the deepest of wounds. I will close up the gaping wounds of trauma from the past where every spirit that has been after you to assassinate you has left infested wounds. I am sealing them up now,” says the Lord. “And I am restoring your heart from the places of Sheol and the death you have been wandering in during this season. For you have lost hope and found despair, and you have laid your mantle in the dust. But as you lay in My presence, you will pick it up again. You will find your language. You will find your unction. You will find your flow. You will find your joy again. Just when the enemy thought he had taken you out for good, I am restoring you. I am restoring you. And I am standing you to your feet with fresh strength, power, and might with a new song and a new sound that shall now bubble up from your belly,” says the Lord. “Waymakers, this week, this year, linger!” 
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