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5780 - the year of the roar


5780 - the year of the roar

5780 - the year of the roar

"This is the transcript from a live prophetic release on October 2nd 2019"

I feel like this is a word of awakening, this is a word of commissioning. I feel like this is a word that is going to call the lost home. This is a word that is going to commission sons and daughters. I feel like this is a word of consecration; I also feel like this is a word that is going to shift and align. I really feel like there was a real stirring on the Lord’s heart that needed to be decreed. Have you ever had those moments it feels like where the Lord is bubbling something up on the inside of you? It just feels like the Holy Spirit, His breath, His wind is just wanting to be released forth and I feel like this word was exactly that and I asked, “Lord how do you want me to bring forth this word?” 

There is weight in what the Lord is wanting to release in this hour. Allow this word to minister to you. What I mean by that is allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you where this is not just information but where the Holy Spirit will deeply stir you. I’m praying for the branding of the Holy Ghost to be released. I’m praying that there will be a fire that will be released; the winnowing fork, the separating fire, the holiness fire, the Commissioning fire.


There’s a new sound; there is a bride arising in power, coming out. People will say, “who is this coming out of the wilderness?” You’re coming out of the wilderness. The Bride is rising and coming out of the wilderness. If there’s only one thing that I prophesied that you get it is this; I declare that THIS IS THE SEASON OF THE ROAR OF THE LORD COMING THROUGH YOU! 

It is the season of the roar of the Lord coming to a bride that is awoken to the new sound that is on the inside of them. I’ve been seeking the Lord about the new Jewish year 5780 and I feel like what I’m about to share, I want it to be fresh from the printing press of heaven; I want it to be straight from the throne. I want it to be unadulterated, unedited. I want it to be straight from the lips of the Father, straight from the floor of the throne room so Lord I say have your way and I just ask that every single person will be branded; that they won’t just hear information that they will be such a deep branding and burning that takes place in them God in Jesus mighty name; that there will be a power that will be released and that there is a transformation that is released in Jesus mighty name. Lord I pray that there are moves that are ignited and awakened and that the roar on the inside of them is awakened in Jesus mighty name. You are dormant no more! There’s a sound that is coming forth because it’s time for your voice to arise. Who is this coming out of the wilderness? I prophesy again that you are coming out of the wilderness! Whatever season you have been through, whatever transition you have walked through, whatever it has looked like for you; I decree, I prophesy it that you’re coming out of the wilderness and you’re coming out with a sound and a mighty rushing voice that is going to shift and change things in its wake in Jesus mighty name.


There has never been a time in the earth that God’s people are needed to arise. This is a game changing season; this is a change of the guard, the turning of seasons and nations; the shaking of the church that causes us to step up to the plate. See it looks like we’re surrounded in the natural by chaos and darkness but what God has given us is the remedy. Think about Ezekiel, He stood in the valley of dry bones and God said to him, “prophesy Ezekiel to these bones; say to these dry bones, “hear the word of the Lord” and they came to life . This is the season that the decree must go out. Just as God spoke the earth into being, He is right now commissioning those that are created in his likeness and also carry His sound inside; It’s his DNA. When I speak, when you speak, it’s His very sound that is released out of you. His frequency as it is released through you, it smashes obstacles like rocks, it thunders and brings the earth into order. It roars and establishes justice, it resounds and realigns, re-orders and brings forth and produces in your life. It’s the sound of creation inside of you stirring and it’s the sound of creation waiting to burst forth to restore what has been broken down and robbed and stolen. There’s an awakening of that sound even right now being released over you. 

Some may be saying “I don’t even know what my sound is, it has been so long.” I just declare, “awaken, awaken oh sound. The roar inside of you must be awoken. You’re coming out of the wilderness with a new song and a new cry. It’s going to smash every obstacle and tear down walls. Everything that keeps taunting us. Just like David - he came out of the wilderness with the sound of a sling roaring in the air, and he took down w giant. That’s you and you’re coming out of the wilderness. You may have only seen things breaking around you and surrounding you and the warfare, but it has an expiry date. You can’t look at it like it’s going to last forever; it’s temporal. 

You’re coming out of the wilderness. 


The church is coming into a season of power through the rising of a bride with a voice like thunder and lightning because we sound like our Daddy, we sound like the lion of the tribe of Judah. Oh, ride up Judah and get back your sound, get back your voice, get back your mighty decree. It’s time for you to awaken again. It’s a redemption plan. 

Romans 8:19 says “the entire universe is standing on tip toe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters for against His will, the universe itself has had to endure the empty futility resulting from the consequences of human sin but now with eager expectation all creation longs for freedom from slavery to experience the freedom coming to us as God’s children”

That’s what is happening right now in the earth.


I asked the Lord about 5780 and the main message of this word that the Lord has been sharing with me is the rising of a mighty bride that is a voice and influence in the earth. This is the year of the roar of God’s people. See, when you think of the roar, you think of God’s roar. You think of the lion of the tribe of Judah but there is something that happens where the roar begins to come through you. It was never meant to be something that was only released from God. It was meant to be a sound that was released through a people, God’s Family, through sons and daughters who know their father’s voice. 


So, I was drawn to the number 80. Now, the number 80 is represented by the number Pey. Now Pey is the shape of a mouth which means to open, to blow, to scatter. It also means edge, like the edge of a sword which is sharp and accurate. This is all representative of action. So Pey is representative of the mouth that speaks and declares. It opens, it blows forth like a trumpet, it scatters enemies, it scatters things that have come against the people of God. It’s sharp, it hits its mark and I believe we’re coming into a time right now where the Church is finding its voice. It’s going to feel like a brand-new day for the church. We’ve known somewhat of what it feels like to have a voice but the world has never taken us seriously and now it’s time that we’ll be known as a voice, a contender and we’ll be a voice that they listen to because they will say, “where is this wisdom coming from? it’s beyond the wisdom that we carry and they’ll see the power that is released through our voices. So, the symbol Pey is actually made with two strokes using the letter Kaph and Yodh. 


Kaph means a container, a symbol of a spoon or container and Yodh means a divine spark. Yodh is the spark of creation, the spirit wind needed to initiate and activate the unseen realm and the accessible mysteries of heaven. Yodh is in every single letter so in every sound you make, creation is released, and heaven’s treasures are revealed.

Yodh represents the active power of God that brings what has been hidden into the earth and what is laying dormant into surface; it’s the commissioning breath of God and Kaph is the container or the spoon. The container is the potential or the space needing to be filled. Psalm 81:10 says;

 “I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt; open wide your mouth and I will fill it”

God is saying to you right now, “open wide your mouth and I will fill it;” that container and the spoon represents what bends and yields and in this season we have had to yield because it looked like we’re going through Egypt and the lord would say, “no it is your time to yield and let go and as you do I will fill you. I’ll give you what you need to speak and declare to open up the way and tear down the doors that seems to be unopened. You’re going forward and you will not go backwards. You’re going from glory to glory. It’s the power of God being released through his people. 


Also, we are in a season of great deliverance for the body of Christ and by deliverance, I mean ‘power’. The word deliverance actually means to turn back, to return and turn back. The body of Christ is turning back, it’s in a season of repentance, coming back to an original value or place; out of the culture of the world, out of the things that stole its gaze and its love and its affection. The Hebrew lexicon number 2020 is the word ‘Hatstsalah’ which means - to strip, to plunder, to deliver and to be delivered. I believe that we are in a time where God is bringing us back to an original value, but He’s also raising up the deliverers. He is raising up those who will shout and decree and release a trumpet sound; a new season and a new way and a new path and will declare, “we have been in Egypt for too long and the wilderness is no longer going to sustain us. We are coming into our Canaan!” We’re going to see the body of Christ enter into its Canaan. You are going to come into your Canaan, and it may be 20 or 30 years that you have been waiting or it may have only been 2 but “you are going to come into your season of promise,” says the Lord.


God brings us back to our first love, walking in the garden, hearing your voice. God, I want to be more in love, and I want to hear Your voice, your words, the things that come from Your heart God; I want to live, and man doesn’t live by bread alone but by every word that comes from God. Let us feast and let us just sit and linger in Your presence, Your word God. I feel a stirring in the spirit right now. I feel like the Spirit of God is doing something. It’s like a whirlwind beginning to pick up around your life. It’s the breath and wind of the Spirit of God coming upon the dormant and dead places of your life. It’s the breath of the Spirit of God. It’s like back in Ezekiel when He spoke. It’s the wind of God, The Spirit of God is beginning to be released and is bringing things to life; resurrection life being released right now in Jesus mighty name. 

“There’s a new prophetic remnant arising; the pure ones,” says the lord, “the ones that move in power.” See, the church lost its voice, but I heard the Lord say, “it’s time they got it back,” it’s time you got your voice back. They’ve used it for too long against each other and against the things that they don’t understand, but they are getting it back. We can’t be those prophetic people that live in rejection any longer. We are getting our voice back. 


There are people that would say, “but I can’t speak, what can I do? What can I say? You want to talk about the year 5780? Moses was 80 years old when God spoke at the burning bush. There’s something that happens when you hear the voice of God; it speaks, it activates something on the inside of you. It brings things to the surface, sometimes; it looks like insecurities. The voice of God ,when He speaks it makes you realize, “I’m meant to sound like that.” When you’ve lost your voice and you hear the voice of the Lord you realize, “I’ve been robbed of my voice.” So many people have felt like that, “in this season I’ve allowed rejection, I’ve allowed hurt. I’ve allowed things to weigh me down, I’ve lost my voice God, Restore my voice God!”

Moses said to God, “what if they don’t believe me? What if they don’t listen to me? Many people have been saying that, what if I lift my voice? What if they don’t listen to me? What if they don’t believe me, What if I have no credibility? Who am I to speak? God said to Moses, “Did I not appear to you? Did I not speak to you? Did I not reveal my voice to you? Do you not know what I sound like?” Moses said, “Lord, I’ve never been eloquent, I’ve never been able to speak,” and in this one sentence God activated something that was dead. He released an anointing that enabled Moses to speak and he said, “go and I’ll help you speak and teach you what to say” and I feel like that is the commissioning of the Lord in this season of the church that God is giving his voice back to and He’s saying, “this is the time that you will speak, now go, I’ll help you and I’ll speak and I’ll give you what you need to say. It’s the commissioning of Jeremiah who said, “God I’m just a youth, I’m no one. Why would you speak to me? Why would you use me God” and God would say, “you’re not a youth.” Maybe you feel unlearned, untrained, you feel like, “what have I got to say?” The Lord would say “I will give you what to say.” It is not about you or your wisdom or your revelation so it’s simply about being a yielded vessel to God. It’s the commissioning season of Isaiah. You feel unworthy, you feel like a sinner and God touched his lips with hot coals and He wrote chapters filled with the prophecies of the coming King. 


You don’t even know what God is going to give you to speak and to say. In this season you don’t even know the weight and the depth of what’s going to happen as you release a mighty roar and a mighty sound on the inside of you. You might feel stuck and that there are no options around you but as you begin to release your sound, it doesn’t matter if you don’t see anything immediately changing, as you’re obedient to release as you are here just to say, “God let me be a voice;” even if it’s just in your home. It might just be the songs in the night, it might just be the songs you sing to him, releasing into the atmosphere as you’re talking to children at bed and you’re praying over them and you’re prophesying and speak in destiny. It’s not always words that are spoken from the rooftops or in stadiums or on pulpits, it is the stewarding of a sound; it is the stewarding of the intent and purposes of God that are released through pure people. Prophets only see in part. The people of God are rising up as one united sound. There’s something that happens when you speak; things shift around us, people beginning to get ignited. I believe in this season as you decree, people are going to get pregnant around you. Amos 3:4-8 says this, 

“Does the Lion roar in the thicket when it has no prey? Does it growl when it has caught nothing? So, the Lord does nothing without revealing His plans to His servants, the prophets. The Lion has roared who will not fear, the sovereign Lord has spoken who can but prophesy?” 

See when the roar of the Lord goes forth, it awakens the roar on His people and when the roar goes forth, it awakens a generation called to be a mighty sound and a mighty voice in the earth. Awaken your sound!


This time last year, I had this encounter with the Lord where I saw a sound spectrum and I said, “Lord what am I looking at?” He said to me that it was the sound of the bride, but the sound would break and there was something that was missing. There was the full spectrum of sound, but I could only hear from one frequency. I felt the grief on His heart. He said, “who will find them? Who will go for them?” I said, “who Lord” and He said, the forgotten ones.” Just recently, I had a dream which explains what God was showing me in this dream. In this dream, I was walking down this dark street in the city. I stopped at this alley way where I saw all these people and I was speaking, and some were singing but they all carried the same feeling; I felt off. I stopped to listen and I instantly in the dream discerned that this was a prophetic people I was hearing that these were prophets who were hurt; they were rejected; they were burned out prophets; they were bitter; they were in pain and they were prophesying through that pain and they were speaking all types of things that were just not from the heart of God. See, the calling and the mantle was real, but their souls were sick; the heart was sick and as I looked closer, I saw that many had limbs missing off their bodies.

When I woke up from the dream, I said “Lord what have I just seen?” He said, “what you have just seen is a bride without limbs. My bride needs its limbs back. It needs to be whole.” He said to me what He had said a year ago; “who will go for them? Who will find them? Who will raise up the outcast, the rejected and the bitter? Who will bring them home?” We’re leaving in a season where the sons and daughters are coming home. God is awakening them again. God is awakening the forgotten sound. He’s awakening the voices. He’s healing hearts. We’re going to see them come home. 

If you’re bitter, burnt out or rejected or abandoned the Lord is saying, “this is a season that you are coming home,” This is a season where God is restoring you and He’s healing you because you have a voice but you’ve been bitter, you’ve been hurt, you’ve been rejected and forgotten but the Lord says, “you’re coming home” He’s awakened everything that was stolen from you. He’s awakening. 


See, this is a season of the convergence of Malachi 4:5-6 and Romans 8:19 - The earth is longing for the sons and daughters to be revealed but we need the fathers and the mothers to turn their hearts towards the sons and the sons towards the fathers. It’s the convergence of a season of the revealing of the body of Christ in power and authority and the restoration and the rescue of the forgotten remnants. Who will be the ones who will go after the one? Who will be a home for them? They’re coming home. So, mothers and fathers come forth in this season. You’re not done; you have to train the younger ones. Use your sound to raise up the voices, train them up and raise them up.

Recently, I was with a general in the faith. As I was with him, I was taken up into a vision where I saw mothers and fathers, - generals, and they were cheering on a generation that was rising and saying “go, go, go!” and with them, in the cloud of witnesses, were past generals of the faith saying the same thing “go, go, go!” As I came out of the vision, I looked around me; in that moment, I was actually sitting with a group o emerging ones that God was raising up in this hour. I looked back over to this general and I saw a Baton in his hand. See, this is a passing of the baton season. It’s the Elijah throwing the mantle upon the Elisha’s. It’s the double portions season, it’s the multiplication. The mantle that was upon one man, upon one individual or a group or company of individuals is being released over a generation. 


Who will say yes? I remember when I was 13, I was in a youth service and there was a song that said “Here I am, use me and send me.” This is another season where God is asking, “can I use you? Can I send you? Will you lift your voice? Will you stand to be counted?”

It’s difficult sometimes to imagine being used by God when you have been in a difficult transition where all that you were seeing was ruin around you but that’s the interesting thing about transition; you’re either weighed down by the thing that has been against you or it only reveals to you the destiny that is multiplying in front of you.

Release your roar! I prophesy this right now over you. I also declare this now for the church. Church it’s time to release your roar! You’re coming out of the wilderness, Release your roar! In the name of Jesus, the mighty sound that is on the inside of you come forth in Jesus mighty name! Release your roar. There’s a deep crying out to deep right now; the glory of God is beginning to come. King of Glory release the sound of a generation. We will not be silent anymore because Jezebel had tried to take our sound and make Eunuchs instead of Prophets, Orphans instead of Sons and Daughters but that won’t be the case anymore. You’re releasing a sound of war over the nations. These sons and daughters are coming to their post. The sons and daughters are stepping up to their posts and we’re coming to align, we’re coming to decree; we’re coming to declare and set the captives free; oh yes we’re coming. 


Can you see us coming? It might only look like a small sound but together we’re a symphony ringing out in the earth. Release your roar! God is just doing heart surgery right now He’s touching your life right now so just yield and say, “yes God.” He’s severing things that have just been holding you captive, mindsets and ties to old things and old seasons. It’s the roar of the Lord that is beginning to come through you.

We say yes to this new year God. I see these divine sparks and it’s the sound and voice of God commissioning over people. Some are for cities and nations some are voices that will be sent into areas of creativity that will unlock and bring the body of Christ forward. I just see that there’s a resurgence and a renaissance season that were stepping into in 2020 of the body of Christ coming into a resurgence of creativity and the innocence that was lost God is saying, “I’m bringing you back to the heart of worship, I’m bringing back a simple song in the night, I’m bringing back your simple cry in the wilderness like David were you just play your guitar in the middle of the night and call out My name and it wasn’t for a purpose or to look like something, you were just singing.” God raise up the David’s in this season, raise up the psalmists that are going to come forth in this season that will break up the way for a mighty outpouring. There’ll be songs that will be song like anthems, there’ll be songs that will be songs that will break through in hard ground; even right now the Lord is releasing new sounds, He’s releasing the words and things that need to be released I just see people being given messages that are like arrows of justice that are going into broken down systems of society and God is given voices. I feel like the Lord is releasing a blessing over homes through the roar of Breakthrough.


Let me share a few things that the roar does. The roar brings unity, the roar brings healing to marriages and families in relationships, the roar also removes wrong relationships and alignments. The roar restores what has been, it uncovers what has been hidden, it unlocks doors that have been out of reach and restores us back to our original value and our design. So what is God doing through you as you release a roar? You are making earth look like heaven; you’re making your home look like heaven. Husbands, wives, God is asking you to make your home look like heaven through your decree; don’t give up on the promises in this season. This is the time where you need to decree it. This is the time where you need to remember what God said and bring it forth and create into the earth. It’s a season of creativity, it’s your season that your sound is going to go forth, it’s going to tear down and scatter the things that have been trying to come and war against your life and the people of God, against His church. He is going to restore and He’s going to align and He’s going to create He’s going to build. He’s going to transport you from glory to glory. Where you had felt delayed and stuck, it’s going to transport you from one place to another. Release your roar!


If this word has spoken to you, begin to cry out, “Holy Spirit, release my sound, teach me how. I forgot what it sounds like so remind me what it sounds like when I sound like you God; when I release your voice, when I release your sound, it shows me what it sounds like when I make earth like heaven. There’s a commissioning of the mouth pieces of God, emerging ones, emerging ones come forth! I’m just seeing in the Spirit that there are these positions and roles that the Lord is saying, “I need them filled, the empty seats in my house,” there are empty seats; “step into your rightful places,” says the Lord, “stop dancing on the fringes of your destiny and jump headfirst right into it,” says the Lord. There’s a weightier place that he’s calling you and right now I speak to the prophetic voices, there’s a weightier place that he’s calling you. He’s calling you to the deeper places. He’s calling you to the deeper waters. It’s time to step in to your rightful place. It’s time to step into your zone, says the Lord. The Lord says, “there’re new metrons, there are new regions and nations that I’ve giving you; there are new keys that are going to unlock doors of government and nations. 

You carry strategies that will unlock anything.”  He says, “I have fortified and anointed you. You’re going to break through.” God is raising up those, He’s calling the Zerubabels. Who will carry the signet ring of the Lord and bring the people of the Lord out of captivity into their places of promise? They’ll see the places that have been laid waste restored. Deliverers take them from Egypt and the wilderness to the Promised land. Yes, that’s right, the Lord is taking you, but it doesn’t end with that. The Lord says, “then you’ll be a deliverer of nations, a discipler of nations, you will unlock what has been held up, you’ll unlock what has been hidden.” This is the season of the mouth that the voices are being released upon the earth that are going to break forth things that have been hidden. Inheritances are coming forth.

So, I just declare it in the name of Jesus! I prophesy it that this is the season of the mighty roar coming forth of the church in Jesus mighty name. Now declare over yourself that “this is my season that my mighty roar comes forth in Jesus mighty name” and many of you in this season you have been struggling because you have not seen any fruit and power, but “this is the season where you will see fruit and this is the season where you will see power,” says the Lord in Jesus mighty name. There’s creativity being released, songs in the night and dreams of the night; it’s coming like rain, tender kisses from the Father. I encourage you in this season to come back to your first love and come away from distractions and let the Father’s voice become the loudest thing that you hear so that He reveals your roar that’s needed. You need your roar, you need your authority, you need your sound to be released because we need you. Join the symphony; release your voice and release your sound in Jesus mighty name! I bless you and I pray an incredible week for you and an incredible year for you and that this will be a year that you see the fruit and power of your obedience to be a voice for God.

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By Nate Johnston March 25, 2025
Right now, many are going through what I call transition opposition, when God transitions you into a new assignment, a new role, or moves you to a new location, and suddenly, warfare, attacks, and opposition arise. It’s the constant barrage of nonstop drama, issues, and distractions, simply because the enemy is trying to discourage you, make you second-guess, and even regret following the call of God to transition where He was leading you. It’s the same playbook every time. As a family that God has led and moved around the United States and Australia many, many times, having now done two international moves, navigated visas, and all the complexities of moving with kids to follow the call of God, I can tell you: transition opposition is real, and the enemy’s tactics do not change. It happens before the move, during the move, and after the transition. The pre-transition phase is when the enemy sends discouragers from all angles, even speaking “thus saith the Lord” to try to convince you that what you’re doing is either an Ishmael, out of step, out of timing, or to make you feel like you missed God entirely. In pre-transition it can also come with confusing situations and mixed insight and revelation, or drama to take your eyes off the course before you. But the greatest opposition often comes when you actually step into that new place, role, or location. Suddenly, you’re not only dealing with the principality of the region you’ve entered, facing new giants in the land, just like Joshua and the Israelites, but you are dealing with constant and subtle attacks. It’s when you’re hit with incessant little irritations from all sides, all designed to make you question: Did I miss it? Am I speaking to you right now? I know many of you reading this have recently taken steps of faith. You’re doing your best to hear the voice of the Lord, but when issues arise, when your finances are drained, when sickness hits your household, when strife enters your family or marriage, it’s easy to wonder: God, are we alone in this? There are so many elements to beginning again, and the heart process of transition can be overwhelming. It’s easy to feel like you made the wrong decision. And let’s be honest, witchcraft often increases in these seasons. There’s slander, opposition, and people speaking against you. It can feel like you’re constantly under fire, like time-wasting distractions are popping up everywhere, draining your energy when you’re already exhausted from the move. But this morning, I was reminded of Paul’s story in Acts 28. He was shipwrecked, stranded, and probably questioning how he ended up there. And honestly, in many seasons of transition, Christy and I have felt the same way - shipwrecked. Have you? I’ve felt like I led my family down the wrong path. I’ve cried out, God, did I really hear You? Why are we shipwrecked? But in that story, Paul lands on the island of Malta which interestingly means “place of honey” And on his first night there, in front of everyone, he is bitten by a snake. “Paul gathered a bundle of brushwood and, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his hand. When the islanders saw the snake hanging from his hand, they said to each other, ‘This man must be a murderer; for though he escaped from the sea, the goddess Justice has not allowed him to live.’ But Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects.” Acts 28:3-5 And Paul does something simple yet profound: he shakes the snake off into the fire. The locals were watching, expecting him to die. But when he didn’t, they declared that he must be a god. This story gives us deep insight into transition opposition. Paul was stepping into a new land he had never been before, and that snake represented not only attacks and irritations but the principality of the region itself. And what did he do? He shook it off into the fire. So what does that mean for you and me? It means that in transition, we cannot be discouraged or distracted. We must shake off the witchcraft, shake off the slander, shake off the distractions, and throw them into the fire. We have to remember what the word of God says; Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”Luke 10:19 The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1 Yes, transition is unsettling. Yes, stepping into a new place takes time. But we have authority. We have dominion. We have the power of the Holy Spirit. And we cannot let distractions and discouragement deter us. And here is something I do know and have seen every time - God is a God of recompense! I believe right now the Lord is saying: Where you have walked through robbery, I will restore. Where you have endured pain and drama, I will restore. Your responsibility? Do not be distracted. Shake the snake off into the fire. The “place of honey” is yours! Occupy it! Doug be bullied! But I want to end with this warning: We need extra discernment right now. I’ve seen it too many times where undiscerning Christians embrace the snake instead of shaking it off. Some even kiss the snake, aligning with that which is demonic, tainted, and defiled in a new season. The enemy effectively poisons their well before they even begin their journey. So I’m praying right now for discernment over you. “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.” 1 Timothy 4:1 That’s the trap set for those who don’t discern well. Stepping into a new season but allowing defilement in. So discern well friends! So in this season of transition; Be very careful who you allow around you and what doors you open. Be cautious about what information you share and with whom. Be mindful of where you cast your pearls. Be intentional about what phone conversations you have and what messages you entertain. It might seem excessive, but it’s not. The snakes are coming from every angle, but they cannot harm you, unless you give them access. Transition opposition can actually be your greatest season of multiplication and increase. So consecrate this season to the Lord. Treat it as holy. Treat it as sacred. And watch as God settles you, establishes you, and launches you into the new anointing and mantle He has given you. Now, shake the snake off into the fire! 
By Nate Johnston March 24, 2025
I have a word for those who feel like their brook has dried up. Those who feel as though their financial wells have run dry. There has been an assignment against the people of God in this season, an attempt to deplete your resources right when you need an abundance to build what God has called you to build. But here’s what happens when the well dries up: there is no movement. When the well runs dry, when the river ceases to flow, when financial resources dwindle, there is stagnation. The enemy knows that if he can dry up your wells, your resources and provision, he can keep you stuck. In 1 Kings 17:7-16, Elijah encountered a similar season of drought when the brook had dried up. The Lord directed him to Zarephath, where he prayed over the oil, and as long as they continued putting out jars, the oil kept flowing, filling every empty vessel. This is not just about personal provision, this is about Kingdom building for the greatest harvest of souls the earth has ever seen. We are standing at the threshold of a massive influx of people coming into the Kingdom, and God is looking for those who will build storehouses, training centers, apostolic hubs, and places of discipleship to contain the harvest. Movements must be established, and foundations must be laid. Yes, this is a season where the infrastructure for harvest must be established, and God is searching for builders and pioneers to accomplish it. The Lord has been highlighting that we must be ready to receive the flood of souls that is about to pour in. Many of you have been given blueprints, visions for revival centers, houses of prayer, missions bases, and creative hubs to disciple and equip people. But it feels like the resources have not come. Many have been asking, “God, I don’t understand what’s happening. I’ve been sowing faithfully. I’ve been giving and tithing, yet my wells seem to be drying up.” There has been a targeted attack against finances, small foxes have been stealing from the vine (Song of Solomon 2:15). These are some areas where I saw people being robbed: -Small, hidden financial losses accumulating over time -Unexpected emergencies and circumstances draining resources -Bad investments, contracts, partnerships, and business deals -Governmental and systemic financial oppression -Religious systems and misalignments -Delayed inheritances and financial breakthroughs The enemy has tried to rob, delay, dry up, and block the flow of provision, but the Lord is declaring: “Where the well has dried up, I am now releasing a flood of provision and breaking the assignment of lack. I am releasing the gold needed to build. I am releasing the provision to establish My plans in the earth. Where the enemy has stolen, I will restore. Where the wells have dried up, I will cause a fresh outpouring. I am funding My movements. I am resourcing My builders. I am providing for My pioneers. Do not fear, for I am unlocking what has been withheld!” Also, I want to highlight that there is a direct connection between financial drought and the Jezebel spirit. Think of what took place when Jezebel and Ahab ruled the land - a drought came! Jezebel’s witchcraftdisrupts financial flow. If you’ve noticed financial struggles during seasons of heavy spiritual warfare, this is part of the enemy’s strategy. But right now, God is canceling that assignment! He is warring against the attacks on finances, and we are stepping into a season of great stewardship and Kingdom wealth. I want to pray over you right now: For your wells to be full again and for brooks to flow once more. For dried-up jobs, finances, and provision to be restored. For debts to be paid off. For those whom God instructed to sow into you to be reminded and moved to obey. For unexpected sources of provision—divine connections, supernatural opportunities, and people moved by the Spirit to bless you. For the financial outpouring needed to build the places for harvest, disciple the flood of souls, and establish the movements God has placed in your heart. The provision you need to step into your destiny and calling, to build what God has told you to build, is coming now in the mighty name of Jesus! Lastly, I pray for those who have been attacked in legal battles over finances. The Lord is going to restore what the enemy has stolen, your time, your money, your health, all of it! These attacks have robbed you of the capacity to do what is in your heart to do. But now, by faith, step into what God has told you to do! The key in the story of Zarephath is this: “Put out the jars.” What does this mean practically? Move by faith. Get things in order. Start preparing as if the provision is already here. Take steps forward as if the finances have already arrived. And the oil will come, in Jesus name!
By Nate Johnston March 25, 2025
Right now, many are going through what I call transition opposition, when God transitions you into a new assignment, a new role, or moves you to a new location, and suddenly, warfare, attacks, and opposition arise. It’s the constant barrage of nonstop drama, issues, and distractions, simply because the enemy is trying to discourage you, make you second-guess, and even regret following the call of God to transition where He was leading you. It’s the same playbook every time. As a family that God has led and moved around the United States and Australia many, many times, having now done two international moves, navigated visas, and all the complexities of moving with kids to follow the call of God, I can tell you: transition opposition is real, and the enemy’s tactics do not change. It happens before the move, during the move, and after the transition. The pre-transition phase is when the enemy sends discouragers from all angles, even speaking “thus saith the Lord” to try to convince you that what you’re doing is either an Ishmael, out of step, out of timing, or to make you feel like you missed God entirely. In pre-transition it can also come with confusing situations and mixed insight and revelation, or drama to take your eyes off the course before you. But the greatest opposition often comes when you actually step into that new place, role, or location. Suddenly, you’re not only dealing with the principality of the region you’ve entered, facing new giants in the land, just like Joshua and the Israelites, but you are dealing with constant and subtle attacks. It’s when you’re hit with incessant little irritations from all sides, all designed to make you question: Did I miss it? Am I speaking to you right now? I know many of you reading this have recently taken steps of faith. You’re doing your best to hear the voice of the Lord, but when issues arise, when your finances are drained, when sickness hits your household, when strife enters your family or marriage, it’s easy to wonder: God, are we alone in this? There are so many elements to beginning again, and the heart process of transition can be overwhelming. It’s easy to feel like you made the wrong decision. And let’s be honest, witchcraft often increases in these seasons. There’s slander, opposition, and people speaking against you. It can feel like you’re constantly under fire, like time-wasting distractions are popping up everywhere, draining your energy when you’re already exhausted from the move. But this morning, I was reminded of Paul’s story in Acts 28. He was shipwrecked, stranded, and probably questioning how he ended up there. And honestly, in many seasons of transition, Christy and I have felt the same way - shipwrecked. Have you? I’ve felt like I led my family down the wrong path. I’ve cried out, God, did I really hear You? Why are we shipwrecked? But in that story, Paul lands on the island of Malta which interestingly means “place of honey” And on his first night there, in front of everyone, he is bitten by a snake. “Paul gathered a bundle of brushwood and, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his hand. When the islanders saw the snake hanging from his hand, they said to each other, ‘This man must be a murderer; for though he escaped from the sea, the goddess Justice has not allowed him to live.’ But Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects.” Acts 28:3-5 And Paul does something simple yet profound: he shakes the snake off into the fire. The locals were watching, expecting him to die. But when he didn’t, they declared that he must be a god. This story gives us deep insight into transition opposition. Paul was stepping into a new land he had never been before, and that snake represented not only attacks and irritations but the principality of the region itself. And what did he do? He shook it off into the fire. So what does that mean for you and me? It means that in transition, we cannot be discouraged or distracted. We must shake off the witchcraft, shake off the slander, shake off the distractions, and throw them into the fire. We have to remember what the word of God says; Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”Luke 10:19 The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1 Yes, transition is unsettling. Yes, stepping into a new place takes time. But we have authority. We have dominion. We have the power of the Holy Spirit. And we cannot let distractions and discouragement deter us. And here is something I do know and have seen every time - God is a God of recompense! I believe right now the Lord is saying: Where you have walked through robbery, I will restore. Where you have endured pain and drama, I will restore. Your responsibility? Do not be distracted. Shake the snake off into the fire. The “place of honey” is yours! Occupy it! Doug be bullied! But I want to end with this warning: We need extra discernment right now. I’ve seen it too many times where undiscerning Christians embrace the snake instead of shaking it off. Some even kiss the snake, aligning with that which is demonic, tainted, and defiled in a new season. The enemy effectively poisons their well before they even begin their journey. So I’m praying right now for discernment over you. “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.” 1 Timothy 4:1 That’s the trap set for those who don’t discern well. Stepping into a new season but allowing defilement in. So discern well friends! So in this season of transition; Be very careful who you allow around you and what doors you open. Be cautious about what information you share and with whom. Be mindful of where you cast your pearls. Be intentional about what phone conversations you have and what messages you entertain. It might seem excessive, but it’s not. The snakes are coming from every angle, but they cannot harm you, unless you give them access. Transition opposition can actually be your greatest season of multiplication and increase. So consecrate this season to the Lord. Treat it as holy. Treat it as sacred. And watch as God settles you, establishes you, and launches you into the new anointing and mantle He has given you. Now, shake the snake off into the fire! 
By Nate Johnston March 24, 2025
I have a word for those who feel like their brook has dried up. Those who feel as though their financial wells have run dry. There has been an assignment against the people of God in this season, an attempt to deplete your resources right when you need an abundance to build what God has called you to build. But here’s what happens when the well dries up: there is no movement. When the well runs dry, when the river ceases to flow, when financial resources dwindle, there is stagnation. The enemy knows that if he can dry up your wells, your resources and provision, he can keep you stuck. In 1 Kings 17:7-16, Elijah encountered a similar season of drought when the brook had dried up. The Lord directed him to Zarephath, where he prayed over the oil, and as long as they continued putting out jars, the oil kept flowing, filling every empty vessel. This is not just about personal provision, this is about Kingdom building for the greatest harvest of souls the earth has ever seen. We are standing at the threshold of a massive influx of people coming into the Kingdom, and God is looking for those who will build storehouses, training centers, apostolic hubs, and places of discipleship to contain the harvest. Movements must be established, and foundations must be laid. Yes, this is a season where the infrastructure for harvest must be established, and God is searching for builders and pioneers to accomplish it. The Lord has been highlighting that we must be ready to receive the flood of souls that is about to pour in. Many of you have been given blueprints, visions for revival centers, houses of prayer, missions bases, and creative hubs to disciple and equip people. But it feels like the resources have not come. Many have been asking, “God, I don’t understand what’s happening. I’ve been sowing faithfully. I’ve been giving and tithing, yet my wells seem to be drying up.” There has been a targeted attack against finances, small foxes have been stealing from the vine (Song of Solomon 2:15). These are some areas where I saw people being robbed: -Small, hidden financial losses accumulating over time -Unexpected emergencies and circumstances draining resources -Bad investments, contracts, partnerships, and business deals -Governmental and systemic financial oppression -Religious systems and misalignments -Delayed inheritances and financial breakthroughs The enemy has tried to rob, delay, dry up, and block the flow of provision, but the Lord is declaring: “Where the well has dried up, I am now releasing a flood of provision and breaking the assignment of lack. I am releasing the gold needed to build. I am releasing the provision to establish My plans in the earth. Where the enemy has stolen, I will restore. Where the wells have dried up, I will cause a fresh outpouring. I am funding My movements. I am resourcing My builders. I am providing for My pioneers. Do not fear, for I am unlocking what has been withheld!” Also, I want to highlight that there is a direct connection between financial drought and the Jezebel spirit. Think of what took place when Jezebel and Ahab ruled the land - a drought came! Jezebel’s witchcraftdisrupts financial flow. If you’ve noticed financial struggles during seasons of heavy spiritual warfare, this is part of the enemy’s strategy. But right now, God is canceling that assignment! He is warring against the attacks on finances, and we are stepping into a season of great stewardship and Kingdom wealth. I want to pray over you right now: For your wells to be full again and for brooks to flow once more. For dried-up jobs, finances, and provision to be restored. For debts to be paid off. For those whom God instructed to sow into you to be reminded and moved to obey. For unexpected sources of provision—divine connections, supernatural opportunities, and people moved by the Spirit to bless you. For the financial outpouring needed to build the places for harvest, disciple the flood of souls, and establish the movements God has placed in your heart. The provision you need to step into your destiny and calling, to build what God has told you to build, is coming now in the mighty name of Jesus! Lastly, I pray for those who have been attacked in legal battles over finances. The Lord is going to restore what the enemy has stolen, your time, your money, your health, all of it! These attacks have robbed you of the capacity to do what is in your heart to do. But now, by faith, step into what God has told you to do! The key in the story of Zarephath is this: “Put out the jars.” What does this mean practically? Move by faith. Get things in order. Start preparing as if the provision is already here. Take steps forward as if the finances have already arrived. And the oil will come, in Jesus name!
By Nate Johnston March 20, 2025
HAVE YOU BEEN A PROPHET, SUFFERING IN THE HOUSE OF SAUL? Many anointed prophets, have been burried beneath the weight of Saul's leadership reign... So many have suffered in silence, yet remained steadfast in their obedience and perseverance to the Lord, and to the call... And this is the hour, this is the moment, where the HOUSE OF SAUL begins to crumble, and those who are carrying the heart of the Father, rise to take the place of the old regime... You have been faithful in the field. Faithful in the private battles. Now it's time to ready your voice for the NEW DAY. JOIN US FOR A PROPHETIC INTENSIVE… AS WE DIG THROUGH THR RUBBLE AND ALLOW HOLY SPIRIT TO BUILD US FOR A NEW DAY. 
By Nate Johnston March 20, 2025
Are you a prophetic voice but feel shut down, muzzled, wounded, or disabled after many years walking through the church system or the charismatic jungle? Or maybe you don’t just feel disabled but you feel afraid of stepping out in a time where the current prophetic culture is being shaken along with the compromised church? In three weeks we are launching our Wild Ones Collective - a year of prophetic training that doesn’t just sharpen your gift but refines your heart and character. Because we are done with fake celebrity prophets giving the prophetic calling a bad name, when the real ones have been dragged through the mud. We are done with counterfeits, show offs, illusionists, and sideshow performers when the church needs the real deal voices to arise. God is raising voices in this hour who are not led by pain, ego, or ambition, but by fire, purity, and love. If your spirit is burning as you read this, you already know, this is for you! 
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