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Nate Johnson


Nate Johnson



A week ago, as I was driving, I went into a powerful vision. I was taken up in the spirit and I knew I was about to see the Lord revealing what was to come in the following year. This was the revelation I had been waiting for Him to drop into my spirit for months. I knew I didn't want to be focused on what the enemy was going to be doing but I wanted enough intel and insight into his plans to be able to prepare to counteract them. My heart has been postured for months now asking, "Lord, what are You up to? Where are You going? And how can I join You on the journey?"

So as I went into this powerful vision, suddenly I felt the ground shaking under the car almost like there was a mini earthquake taking place—but I knew that there was no earthquake taking place in the natural. I was in the spirit and I was sensing the tectonic plates of the spiritual realm around the earth, shaking and trembling, rattling like bones that were stretching forth for the first time in a long time. It was like I was feeling the dry bones of the valley in Ezekiel 37 beginning to come back into formation. I sensed that there was something that had been hidden for such a long period of time that was suddenly beginning to break out of this place of dormancy and death. And God was resurrecting it—I could feel it!

Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!" So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army. (Ezekiel 37:4,10)

I could feel the shaking. And I said, "Lord, what am I seeing?" 

And the Lord said "You're experiencing the birth pains of a mighty army that is rising in 2023. Because I am awakening My Bride more than ever before. The birth pains are going to increase around the world in the natural," said the Lord. "And the birth pains are going to continue in the Church where I'm calling forth those who were once asleep and I'm bringing them fully awake. In 2023, watch as movements arise out of the places of complacency and where previously religion and other gospels and another Jesus have plagued the pews and the Church with its lies. I'm raising up a mighty remnant that would come forth from the ashes. They will come forth from their place of spiritual death and they will be bearers of truth that would shake the nations."


The Romans 8:19 movement that we've been prophesying about for many years, I was feeling that in 2023, we are going to see them go to another level. We are going to experience the birth pangs in the natural around the world as unusual phenomena—unusual signs and wonders happening—that could only be pointing to the return of our King. But before that, the rising of a pure and spotless Bride. And so here we are in this moment, poised and positioned, I feel like the Lord has been intensely purging the Body of Christ in 2022 from so much apathy and from a westernized gospel and Christianity that is so far removed from the House of Acts and from what God intended it to be. God has been shaking the Church of its idols, where it's worshiped self-help Christianity, intellectualism, and everything that has caused the Church to be led into consumerism instead of the pure Gospel.

So I continued to feel these birth pangs, these shakings, these tremors underneath my feet. It was hitting my spirit and causing this vibration in my spirit. And I knew that it was the Lord releasing the frequency of heaven, the frequency of His holiness that was calling those out of darkness into His light. It was the conviction of the Spirit that was coming upon those who have been dead. And He was calling them forth. 

And then I said, "Lord, is there going to be an even greater purging and refining fire in 2023?"

And the Lord says, "Watch in 2023, as those who have been getting away with evil finally begin to come to justice. Watch as I release the sound of justice over the earth; the frequency of holiness and justice over the earth. And this frequency is going to deal with that which has been hidden—both in the Church and in the world. Watch as governments, systems, kings, and those who have been hiding and covering up injustices around the world begin to be exposed so that My glory can be poured out on the earth."

And I felt so strongly in that moment that we are about to see such a clashing of kingdoms in 2023 because never before has the Church risen to a place of such influence on the earth. I feel the Lord saying in 2023, the Church is going to rise up as a mighty contender in the earth—the Kingdom of God is going to be revealed. I feel like there are people who have the mandate to rise up and declare in the earth that we will not tolerate this mountain of fear, we will no longer tolerate Jezebel, and we will no longer tolerate the demonic spirits and principalities that have existed over our nations and cities. We will no longer tolerate the enemy dominating and exerting his false dominance and usurping authority over the places of the earth anymore.

"For I'm crumbling them," says the Lord. "I'm crumbling them from the inside out. Watch now as the prayers of the saints have filled the bowls of heaven and it begins to pour out and you will see a mighty, mighty outpouring of justice in the earth. I'm going to deal with the enemies that have tried to cancel you. I'm going to deal with the enemies that have tried to take you out. I'm dealing with what has been allowed to exist and to function and it has felt like it was for so long."

Many have said, "Lord, why? Why has evil endured? The enemy has been prowling and he has gotten away with it—he's been laughing." But the Lord says, "I shall get the last laugh."


And then suddenly in my car, a bright light shone and begin to fill the car and I could fill the warmth and the glory—the honey, the oil of the glory, and the presence of the Lord. And instantly I knew this was the other dimension to this revelation. And the Lord simply said, "My glory is about to be revealed. My latter glory is about to be revealed just as you look for signs and wonders in the earth and the unusual happenings around the earth, look for the signs of a glory that has been reserved for now—look for the new wine! Look for the wine that has been reserved for last—the best wine! Look for the glory that until this time has not been poured out; it is the latter glory that I said I would pour out of My house," says the Lord. "And this latter glory shall fill the earth. And I'm looking for those who will be the glory carriers of heaven. They'll be the dispensers of this glory and they will not back down.

The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the LORD Almighty. ‘And in this place, I will grant peace,’ declares the LORD Almighty. (Haggai 2:9)

"This is a time that the Church is called to rise up and be dispensers of this glory. And I say this to you, Church, this will be a year when I do not want you to back down. This is a year that I want you to rise up in the fear of God. I want you to rise up in the fear of the Lord and break off the fear of man. 2022 has been a year of great purging. It's been a year of a great resetting of hearts. It's been a year of laying down idols and casting every single forged and manufactured religious thing into the fire. And it's been a year of deliverance," says the Lord. "Watch now, as even in the next month, I begin to finalize that which I have started in you, and watch as I begin to bring to completion that which I began in you.

"This was not a year of floundering. This was not a year of wandering to and fro. This was a year of necessary adjustments," says the Lord, "so that I could lead you into that place where you could be and dispenser of My glory. Now watch as I'm positioning you, I'm posturing you. I'm bringing you into a new company," says the Lord. "I'm bringing you into a new people. You're going to find the people that you connect with. This year has been a year where it felt like the wolves were out after you. It felt like a year where every single surveilling spirit that could be released was; it was a year of so much witchcraft and chatter. But watch now as I begin to bring the people, the company, the family that I've called you to be, and you'll establish My Kingdom in those places," says the Lord. 


"Yes, look for the homes. Yes, begin to dream again with Me for regions and nations. Ask for the nations and I shall give them to you. And for those who have dropped the nations, those who have dropped the cities because of the inability to access them and go to the places, watch now as I begin to give you the ability to go forward. Even right now, open your hands. I'm giving you the passports and the visas and the ability to go forward. Look and begin to see with Me the flights and the places I'm leading you. I'm giving you insight and direction to be able to go to those places and to reveal My glory," says the Lord. 

So let movements now arise! I feel the Lord saying that movements are arising from places where there has been barrenness and there has been complete dormancy. There is the rattling of bones and the shaking of cities that have been asleep. There is an apathy that has long been over regions and it has been over ministries and over nations and those are the places that are being shaken awake.

"Now watch as in the most unexpected places and in the most unexpected people, movements begin to emerge that reveal My latter glory. Watch them! Watch for the ones that right now, their bones are shaking. Watch for the ones whose bones have been brittle and dead under the surface and as the earth begins to click into place they will begin to step into a new day, a new fire, and a new mantle for the days to come.

"And look for the locations that I'm going to be using in the years to come. 2023 is going to reveal hotspots of My glory—hubs of My glory. Right now, they're changing. They're shifting right now, and I'm moving people in and out of locations and regions for My glory. Watch as the different places that I prophesied about—and about the years to come—begin to become places where movements are launched from. They will be places of unusual outpourings and manifestations.


“You're going to wake up in the next two months and you're going to feel a fire upon your spirit that you've not felt in years. You're going to feel a branding upon you that you've not felt in such a long time. And I'm going to pour out what has felt like it was stopped up. And it will be the very fire where you've said, 'Lord, where is Your fire? I've stopped dreaming. I've stopped hearing. I've stopped feeling the conviction.' And suddenly in a moment, the baptism of the Spirit of God is going to come upon you and you're going to feel the fire, the wind, and the oil wrap itself around you—you're going to feel the fire of heaven envelop you. You're going to feel fresh coals on your tongue and you're going to break out of the apathy. You're going to break out of the pit you've been in and you're going to lead forth, go forth, and possess the land that I've given you," says the Lord. "Get ready for a year of the birthing pains and the mighty glory. Get ready for a year of the oil dripping from you in the places where you felt you were dry and where you had no oil, the places where you felt that you had lost your anointing, the places you felt you lost your authority, you lost your message, you lost your very essence and purpose of living—the oil will be dripping in those places.

"There's going to be such an outpouring of Glory and oil upon your life—it's gonna set the captives free. Get ready to see the healing! Get ready to see the breakthrough! Get ready to see the doors open that you thought were shut for you. And right now I'm breaking the fear that's wrapped itself around your throat and it stopped you from being able to speak and it stopped you from moving forward. This is a moment of deliverance," says the Lord, "as you step into this new year I'm going to reveal the mighty voice that you've been called to be."


A week before I had this powerful encounter I had another where similarly the ground began to shake, I saw the United States move into a birthing position, and then suddenly I was transported to Pennsylvania where I saw the Liberty Bell and I saw it was cracked. Someone yelled out, "Let's repair the crack. Let us repair the crack in the Liberty Bell. We must restore it to its rightful place." Then suddenly the voice of the Lord declared, "No, the Liberty Bell must not be repaired. The Liberty Bell needs to be recast." And I knew this was speaking that the United States was not entering into a time of repair, but that God was bringing it back to its foundation—God was resetting the nation. There's a remolding, there's a reshaping—a recast—that is taking place in the United States of America that's going to affect the rest of the world. It's going to look at first like a greater crack forms in liberty and the US dollar being affected for a time. Many dependencies that have been formed by the American people are not going to be dependable. 

"But I'm causing a recast of this nation to come forth from this. Don't look to the momentary problems but look to what I'm going to do in the long term," says the Lord. "Because I'm bringing this nation back to its former glory. And through it, the nations of the earth are going to come into line as well and they are also going to taste the glory of the Lord. 


In 2023, I'm birthing My Church—My remnant is coming out of the shadows. They're coming out of the back streets and the alleyways and they are coming to the front of the pack to be those who would recast, reforge, and represent the new Church, the new Bride in the glory that She was meant to reveal. This will be a time of great testing. It will be a great time of decision—a valley of decision season—because those who are stuck in the old paradigm will have to choose who they serve. Will they serve the Lord or do they serve religion? Will they serve themselves? Will they serve mammon? They'll have to come out of those paradigms and make the decisions or they'll be left behind in dead works and performance—that which does not carry any of My glory. 

"I'm breaking the neck of the Ichabod church," says the Lord. I'm breaking that which carries no glory, and I'm leading My Church back into its time of glory. I'm leading My Church back into its time where the fountains will flow, where the streams will make glad the city of our God. It will be a time when revivals spring up around the earth again and people will say, 'Do you know what the Lord is doing? Can you see what the Lord has done?' And people will turn their affections and attention from what the enemy is prophesying and speaking over the airwaves to what I am doing. And people will say, 'God is truly moving and alive in the earth and Jesus is Lord!'"


In 2023, there's coming a shaking to many of the earthly systems. But the Lord says, "Do not fear for I will give you strategy and I will give you a way around the issues that arise in 2023. And the plans of man that seek to imprison and enslave people—to trap people—I will reveal the plans and give you strategy for them."


"Don’t be afraid of the increased shakings in the economy for the plans of the enemy are to bankrupt the Church but it is only going to cause a mighty influx of wealth transfer to the Church and to the righteous," says the Lord. "Watch as I turn the plans of the enemy on their head."


Watch as there are massive changes in social media and in the media companies of the earth. Watch as there is a changing of hands and the changing of the guard, even in Pharaoh's house. And I hear the Lord saying, "Watch as I begin to move in ways of justice that are outside of this system," says the Lord, "there's coming a new sound of freedom in the earth."


“Occupy, occupy, occupy! Do not hold back! For I am calling you to own the land that I give you.” There are many that have lost homes in the last ten years or have been believing for homes but have seen no breakthrough, but the Lord is moving suddenly to cause the Church to physically occupy regions. There will be large parcels of land bought for the sake of establishing and building Kingdom hubs of revival. 

"So plan like normal, dream with Me again," says the Lord. "Let 2023 be a year that you break out of the shell, break out of the place of apathy, and the place of forfeit that you've been in. Arise and shine My glorious Bride! Reveal the glory that you are called to reveal. Do not hold back, stretch forth your tent pegs. Take the land and discover your inheritance in the nations. 

"Birth with me!” I hear the Lord saying. “There will be no more stillbirths or barrenness among My people!” This will be a year that My Church brings forth My Kingdom from the ashes of institution!" 

Sow a Seed

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By Nate Johnston January 14, 2025
GUARD YOUR HEART The first thing I want to share is a scripture that I heard the Lord repeating over and over the last few days; “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” Proverbs 4:23 And as i was thinking about what this could relate to this week apart from the obvious I heard the word “triggered” and knew right away that this week we must guard our hearts and be vigilant because the enemy may try to trigger you and bait you into warfare, conflict, or unnecessary drama, fear, worry, and doubts. Guard your hearts! Don’t be pulled left and right this week. Stay grounded and focussed. WHISPERING CYCLONES The second thing I want to share with you this week is to look out for the whispering cyclones. The Lord showed me there would be an increase, especially on social media and in the news, of chatter wars, slander, and witchcraft. The phrase the Lord gave me was “whispering cyclones.” These whispers seem innocent, pure, and some will even parade as righteous, but they are spiritual cyclones releasing witchcraft and sliming people. The Lord said “Tell them not to engage, for it is a distraction method of the enemy to get you off course to focus on your accuser rather than your Savior. Don’t engage with the cyclones. Don’t engage with the conversation of demons!” The Lord wants you this week to focus on prayer in the secret place and releasing the sound you were meant to release. When you focus on these whispering cyclones, it robs you of your purity and taints the sound you were meant to carry. WARNING DREAM SURGE The third thing I want to share with you this week is that dreams are going to increase. The Lord is going to release warning dreams and intercessory assignment dreams. The scripture that came to mind was Job 5:12: “He thwarts the plans of the crafty, so that their hands achieve no success.” The Lord is releasing warning dreams but is also releasing dreams that show your authority to thwart and prevent tragedies in the spirit. Do not think that what He reveals is beyond you just because it may involve governmental matters or nations. The Lord has called you to pray. When you receive these warning dreams: Write them down. Pray them through with friends. And remember that your prayers avail much. God is looking for a new breed of watchmen in this hour, those who will rise with a fresh mantle to release the strategies of heaven, evict principalities and powers, and stop the plans of darkness. That’s you! HOPE DEFERRED CROSSROAD I heard the Lord say that this week, God is continuing to clear out areas of hope deferred. The phrase I heard was “hope deferred crossroads.” I believe we are in a process where the Lord is doing a deep soul work in His people and breaking hope deferred that has been sitting in the recesses of peoples souls like hardened concrete. This week, look out for moments where the Lord surfaces areas of your life that feel like barriers or unresolved issues. I saw them as shrines to past seasons, places where you had built a monument to disappointment. The Lord is asking you to lay them down so you can pick up fresh hope and new promises. This week will be a time of surrender. The Lord may lead you into healing moments where He asks for full access to those wounded places so He can break off the weight of disappointment. As you confront hope deferred, you’ll begin to notice a crossroad where things shift and areas that once felt blocked will suddenly open up. 4 YEAR CYCLES ENDING The next thing the Lord showed me was that He is clearing out old cycles from the last four years. There were specific cycles of attack that began in 2020, assignments of the enemy meant to hinder, delay, and assassinate you, not to mention tire you out and burn you out. The Lord is bringing restitution and restoration as we come to this 4 year mark. This will manifest in situations where you will finally see conclusions to struggles that have persisted since 2020. What this means is that you will notice a side release in places you have become accustomed to endless tediousness and difficulty. BUILDING THE UNUSUAL The Lord said to me, “This will be a year of building, but not according to what you’ve known.” God is calling His people to build the unusual. It won’t look like the typical ministry models but will mirror the Acts 2 model: family, not empires. Then the Lord spoke to me about 5 unusual expressions that he is right now calling people to break away from the norm to build. Spiritual Hospitals — refuge centers for the sick, broken, and addicted, demon possessed and hurting. Houses of healing and divine restoration. Adoption Centers — places where true spiritual mothers and fathers will Impart identity to the next generation and release the spirit of adoption over spiritual orphans. Launch Pads — places to train, equip, ignite and send people into their callings. Fellowship Tables — where the rejected and isolated can go to find true family. Prophetic Dream Teams — where there are no hidden group agendas, but rather war eagles who simply gather to pray, share dreams, and move on them. But there will also be many other unusual expressions that get awoken this week. Ideas and blueprints for raising powerful and healthy families and children. The question is, will you say yes to the unusual? STRATEGIC RELOCATIONS The Lord is relocating many people right now for strategic assignments. Dreams, visions, and supernatural direction will increase as God speaks to those who have felt silenced or stifled and stuck for a long time. The Lord is releasing a call to move, shift, and inherit territories for His Kingdom purposes. He is calling us into a Psalm 2:8 “Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations.” God is putting cities and nations on people’s hearts. He is searching for obedient ones who will rise as movers, shakers, and waymakers that will GO and do what He says to do. THE LION & THE TRUMPET As I was praying over this week I saw a vision of a timid lion, and this lion was walking around growling, but it was almost like the growl of a lion that was incredibly sick. Suddenly, I saw the Spirit of the Lord come upon this lion, and the lion began to roar in power. I knew it was the Lord showing me what is happening in the body of Christ right now. I then saw a trumpet in the spirit coming from the mouth of the lion. It was the sound of a trumpet blaring, and I believe that this week there is a shift taking place in the body of Christ. The Lord is restoring the trumpet back to the Church. It will start small but the sound will begin to grow louder. It’s the unapologetic cry of David in the land that will take down giants and evict principalities and powers in the land. The Lord is doing something new, and it carries the weight of the moment when you’ve been pressed and pushed into a corner for so long. Suddenly, there comes an unction, a fresh moment when the Spirit of the Living God comes upon you. Out of that place of suppression, oppression, being tied down and held back, suddenly from deep within you comes the fresh cry and sound of the worshiper you were called to be - the eagle of war. Look out this week for a fresh unction of the Holy Spirit that will open the mouths of those who have been canceled by the Church and canceled by the world. PRAY OVER THE INAUGURATION Lastly, as I have been praying over the United States and the inauguration on the 20th we have felt strongly that the enemies plans are still to continue to derail it in some way shape or form and to continue to use demonic and divisive propaganda to create havoc. This week we must pray for our leaders and pray for no terror or calamity to come against them. Also pray for all plots and plans of harm and terror around the nation to be overturned in Jesus name. In a dream recently I saw President Trump stand to speak when the microphone was cut. Then I saw blood stained hands and knew the Lord was revealing the hidden plans that have brought pain and bloodshed in the name of political gain and demonic agendas. Let’s pray people of God! LET JESUS BE YOUR ONLY REWARD Finally, let Jesus be your reward. Seek Him above all other voices. Talk with Him more than you scroll on social media. Be in His presence instead of being pulled by all the constant distractions. If you haven’t felt His presence for a while, I encourage you to linger until you recover what was lost. Stay focussed. Stay surrendered. God is moving!
By Nate Johnston January 13, 2025
I hear the Lord saying: “Collect oil in the time of oil. Collect oil while there is time to collect oil,” says the Lord. Yes, the Lord is saying over this year: “It is a year to reserve oil, for there are days coming when you’ll need the oil. There are days coming when you will need the wine. Come, buy wine and milk without price,” says the Lord. “For I will fill your vats and I will fill your storehouses,” says the Lord. “Come into My presence, come into My throne room, come into My glory,” says the Lord. “For many are chasing that which is like vapor, it disappears, for it is temporal. But those who would seek Me in this shall find Me. Those who would come into My presence and linger in this shall find Me. Linger, linger, linger,” says the Lord. “Where are those who would linger? Where are those who would come for more than just goosebumps? Where are those who would come and minister unto Me? Who would come as a friend meets his friend? For I long to give My secrets, I long to give out the secrets of My heart,” says the Lord. “I long to reveal the mysteries of heaven. I long to reveal the hour that is at hand. I long to give the language. I long to show what is to come and to pour out foresight upon a people who would know My heart, and know the hour they live in. Where are those who would come and linger and receive from Me? Where are those who would empty themselves out before Me like a water jug so I can refill them over and over and over again? For the hour we are living in is short, and I am looking for a people who would sacrifice everything just to be in My presence.” “For you have been through many years where the enemy sought to puncture you and deplete you. He has sought to crack you like an expensive water jug. Yet I am here to overflow, even the most broken of vessels. I am here to restore, to pour out, and to bring you into overflow again. Even the most damaged, the most broken, the most hope-deferred, the sick, and the wounded of My people, I long to restore them because of my great compassion for you,” says the Lord. “If only you would humble yourself and turn to me. If only you would come before Me. If only you would come into the threshing floor and allow Me to be your Boaz. Allow Me to be your kinsman redeemer,” says the Lord. “For I would be He who would eclipse every single heartache you have ever endured. I will buy it all. I will take your past, your present, and your future. I will take it all, and I will turn your life around,” says the Lord. “If you would come and be married unto Me again, says the Lord. If you would leave your other lovers behind and be married unto Me, I will restore you, says the Lord. “ I do not just want to restore your heart. I want to turn your family’s life around, the destiny of your children and even redeem your family line,” says the Lord. “For I am your Boaz and your kinsman redeemer. And this year, I am looking for a people who would choose the private place again over the stage. I am looking for a people who choose My plans over their own plans. I am looking for a people who choose My ways over their own ways. I am looking for a people who would sacrifice comfort and what they think makes sense, just to be obedient to the instructions I give them. For I am raising up a Waymaker people. I am raising up a Joshua people who will be Waymakers in the desert in this hour. For I need, I need a people who see differently, and you will only see differently when you linger. You will only see differently when you come into My presence and lay everything down.” “Lay it down, lay it down, lay it down,” says the Lord. “Where are you, Joshua? Where are you, Caleb? Where are My Waymakers? For you would say, ‘But I need to know the way! I need to know the way! I’m lost, Lord!’ But I say to you today, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. And it is time to fully come back to Me. For in this season of battle, it has been easy to take refreshment from other things, but I am restoring you now unto Myself. And in that restoration, you shall find your footing again. You shall find your way again. You shall find the path again. For I am that Way, and you are coming back to the Way. And as you come back to the Way, you shall, in My presence, begin to birth the Way. And you shall be known as My Waymakers in the desert, My Waymakers in a shifting season, shifting My people from the sands of the desert and from the exodus of their religious toxification, and I will lead them into their promise.” “But I need you this year to lay at My feet,” says the Lord. “I need you to lay at My feet,” says the Lord. “Will you linger? Will you linger? Will you linger? Come to Me, My laid-down lovers. Come to Me, My burning ones. Consecrate yourselves unto Me afresh. Let go of everything that has entangled you, everything that has smothered your heart and tried to make it stony and hard, and I will give you a heart of flesh again. I will pour out honey upon the deepest of wounds. I will close up the gaping wounds of trauma from the past where every spirit that has been after you to assassinate you has left infested wounds. I am sealing them up now,” says the Lord. “And I am restoring your heart from the places of Sheol and the death you have been wandering in during this season. For you have lost hope and found despair, and you have laid your mantle in the dust. But as you lay in My presence, you will pick it up again. You will find your language. You will find your unction. You will find your flow. You will find your joy again. Just when the enemy thought he had taken you out for good, I am restoring you. I am restoring you. And I am standing you to your feet with fresh strength, power, and might with a new song and a new sound that shall now bubble up from your belly,” says the Lord. “Waymakers, this week, this year, linger!” 
By Nate Johnston January 14, 2025
GUARD YOUR HEART The first thing I want to share is a scripture that I heard the Lord repeating over and over the last few days; “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” Proverbs 4:23 And as i was thinking about what this could relate to this week apart from the obvious I heard the word “triggered” and knew right away that this week we must guard our hearts and be vigilant because the enemy may try to trigger you and bait you into warfare, conflict, or unnecessary drama, fear, worry, and doubts. Guard your hearts! Don’t be pulled left and right this week. Stay grounded and focussed. WHISPERING CYCLONES The second thing I want to share with you this week is to look out for the whispering cyclones. The Lord showed me there would be an increase, especially on social media and in the news, of chatter wars, slander, and witchcraft. The phrase the Lord gave me was “whispering cyclones.” These whispers seem innocent, pure, and some will even parade as righteous, but they are spiritual cyclones releasing witchcraft and sliming people. The Lord said “Tell them not to engage, for it is a distraction method of the enemy to get you off course to focus on your accuser rather than your Savior. Don’t engage with the cyclones. Don’t engage with the conversation of demons!” The Lord wants you this week to focus on prayer in the secret place and releasing the sound you were meant to release. When you focus on these whispering cyclones, it robs you of your purity and taints the sound you were meant to carry. WARNING DREAM SURGE The third thing I want to share with you this week is that dreams are going to increase. The Lord is going to release warning dreams and intercessory assignment dreams. The scripture that came to mind was Job 5:12: “He thwarts the plans of the crafty, so that their hands achieve no success.” The Lord is releasing warning dreams but is also releasing dreams that show your authority to thwart and prevent tragedies in the spirit. Do not think that what He reveals is beyond you just because it may involve governmental matters or nations. The Lord has called you to pray. When you receive these warning dreams: Write them down. Pray them through with friends. And remember that your prayers avail much. God is looking for a new breed of watchmen in this hour, those who will rise with a fresh mantle to release the strategies of heaven, evict principalities and powers, and stop the plans of darkness. That’s you! HOPE DEFERRED CROSSROAD I heard the Lord say that this week, God is continuing to clear out areas of hope deferred. The phrase I heard was “hope deferred crossroads.” I believe we are in a process where the Lord is doing a deep soul work in His people and breaking hope deferred that has been sitting in the recesses of peoples souls like hardened concrete. This week, look out for moments where the Lord surfaces areas of your life that feel like barriers or unresolved issues. I saw them as shrines to past seasons, places where you had built a monument to disappointment. The Lord is asking you to lay them down so you can pick up fresh hope and new promises. This week will be a time of surrender. The Lord may lead you into healing moments where He asks for full access to those wounded places so He can break off the weight of disappointment. As you confront hope deferred, you’ll begin to notice a crossroad where things shift and areas that once felt blocked will suddenly open up. 4 YEAR CYCLES ENDING The next thing the Lord showed me was that He is clearing out old cycles from the last four years. There were specific cycles of attack that began in 2020, assignments of the enemy meant to hinder, delay, and assassinate you, not to mention tire you out and burn you out. The Lord is bringing restitution and restoration as we come to this 4 year mark. This will manifest in situations where you will finally see conclusions to struggles that have persisted since 2020. What this means is that you will notice a side release in places you have become accustomed to endless tediousness and difficulty. BUILDING THE UNUSUAL The Lord said to me, “This will be a year of building, but not according to what you’ve known.” God is calling His people to build the unusual. It won’t look like the typical ministry models but will mirror the Acts 2 model: family, not empires. Then the Lord spoke to me about 5 unusual expressions that he is right now calling people to break away from the norm to build. Spiritual Hospitals — refuge centers for the sick, broken, and addicted, demon possessed and hurting. Houses of healing and divine restoration. Adoption Centers — places where true spiritual mothers and fathers will Impart identity to the next generation and release the spirit of adoption over spiritual orphans. Launch Pads — places to train, equip, ignite and send people into their callings. Fellowship Tables — where the rejected and isolated can go to find true family. Prophetic Dream Teams — where there are no hidden group agendas, but rather war eagles who simply gather to pray, share dreams, and move on them. But there will also be many other unusual expressions that get awoken this week. Ideas and blueprints for raising powerful and healthy families and children. The question is, will you say yes to the unusual? STRATEGIC RELOCATIONS The Lord is relocating many people right now for strategic assignments. Dreams, visions, and supernatural direction will increase as God speaks to those who have felt silenced or stifled and stuck for a long time. The Lord is releasing a call to move, shift, and inherit territories for His Kingdom purposes. He is calling us into a Psalm 2:8 “Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations.” God is putting cities and nations on people’s hearts. He is searching for obedient ones who will rise as movers, shakers, and waymakers that will GO and do what He says to do. THE LION & THE TRUMPET As I was praying over this week I saw a vision of a timid lion, and this lion was walking around growling, but it was almost like the growl of a lion that was incredibly sick. Suddenly, I saw the Spirit of the Lord come upon this lion, and the lion began to roar in power. I knew it was the Lord showing me what is happening in the body of Christ right now. I then saw a trumpet in the spirit coming from the mouth of the lion. It was the sound of a trumpet blaring, and I believe that this week there is a shift taking place in the body of Christ. The Lord is restoring the trumpet back to the Church. It will start small but the sound will begin to grow louder. It’s the unapologetic cry of David in the land that will take down giants and evict principalities and powers in the land. The Lord is doing something new, and it carries the weight of the moment when you’ve been pressed and pushed into a corner for so long. Suddenly, there comes an unction, a fresh moment when the Spirit of the Living God comes upon you. Out of that place of suppression, oppression, being tied down and held back, suddenly from deep within you comes the fresh cry and sound of the worshiper you were called to be - the eagle of war. Look out this week for a fresh unction of the Holy Spirit that will open the mouths of those who have been canceled by the Church and canceled by the world. PRAY OVER THE INAUGURATION Lastly, as I have been praying over the United States and the inauguration on the 20th we have felt strongly that the enemies plans are still to continue to derail it in some way shape or form and to continue to use demonic and divisive propaganda to create havoc. This week we must pray for our leaders and pray for no terror or calamity to come against them. Also pray for all plots and plans of harm and terror around the nation to be overturned in Jesus name. In a dream recently I saw President Trump stand to speak when the microphone was cut. Then I saw blood stained hands and knew the Lord was revealing the hidden plans that have brought pain and bloodshed in the name of political gain and demonic agendas. Let’s pray people of God! LET JESUS BE YOUR ONLY REWARD Finally, let Jesus be your reward. Seek Him above all other voices. Talk with Him more than you scroll on social media. Be in His presence instead of being pulled by all the constant distractions. If you haven’t felt His presence for a while, I encourage you to linger until you recover what was lost. Stay focussed. Stay surrendered. God is moving!
By Nate Johnston January 13, 2025
I hear the Lord saying: “Collect oil in the time of oil. Collect oil while there is time to collect oil,” says the Lord. Yes, the Lord is saying over this year: “It is a year to reserve oil, for there are days coming when you’ll need the oil. There are days coming when you will need the wine. Come, buy wine and milk without price,” says the Lord. “For I will fill your vats and I will fill your storehouses,” says the Lord. “Come into My presence, come into My throne room, come into My glory,” says the Lord. “For many are chasing that which is like vapor, it disappears, for it is temporal. But those who would seek Me in this shall find Me. Those who would come into My presence and linger in this shall find Me. Linger, linger, linger,” says the Lord. “Where are those who would linger? Where are those who would come for more than just goosebumps? Where are those who would come and minister unto Me? Who would come as a friend meets his friend? For I long to give My secrets, I long to give out the secrets of My heart,” says the Lord. “I long to reveal the mysteries of heaven. I long to reveal the hour that is at hand. I long to give the language. I long to show what is to come and to pour out foresight upon a people who would know My heart, and know the hour they live in. Where are those who would come and linger and receive from Me? Where are those who would empty themselves out before Me like a water jug so I can refill them over and over and over again? For the hour we are living in is short, and I am looking for a people who would sacrifice everything just to be in My presence.” “For you have been through many years where the enemy sought to puncture you and deplete you. He has sought to crack you like an expensive water jug. Yet I am here to overflow, even the most broken of vessels. I am here to restore, to pour out, and to bring you into overflow again. Even the most damaged, the most broken, the most hope-deferred, the sick, and the wounded of My people, I long to restore them because of my great compassion for you,” says the Lord. “If only you would humble yourself and turn to me. If only you would come before Me. If only you would come into the threshing floor and allow Me to be your Boaz. Allow Me to be your kinsman redeemer,” says the Lord. “For I would be He who would eclipse every single heartache you have ever endured. I will buy it all. I will take your past, your present, and your future. I will take it all, and I will turn your life around,” says the Lord. “If you would come and be married unto Me again, says the Lord. If you would leave your other lovers behind and be married unto Me, I will restore you, says the Lord. “ I do not just want to restore your heart. I want to turn your family’s life around, the destiny of your children and even redeem your family line,” says the Lord. “For I am your Boaz and your kinsman redeemer. And this year, I am looking for a people who would choose the private place again over the stage. I am looking for a people who choose My plans over their own plans. I am looking for a people who choose My ways over their own ways. I am looking for a people who would sacrifice comfort and what they think makes sense, just to be obedient to the instructions I give them. For I am raising up a Waymaker people. I am raising up a Joshua people who will be Waymakers in the desert in this hour. For I need, I need a people who see differently, and you will only see differently when you linger. You will only see differently when you come into My presence and lay everything down.” “Lay it down, lay it down, lay it down,” says the Lord. “Where are you, Joshua? Where are you, Caleb? Where are My Waymakers? For you would say, ‘But I need to know the way! I need to know the way! I’m lost, Lord!’ But I say to you today, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. And it is time to fully come back to Me. For in this season of battle, it has been easy to take refreshment from other things, but I am restoring you now unto Myself. And in that restoration, you shall find your footing again. You shall find your way again. You shall find the path again. For I am that Way, and you are coming back to the Way. And as you come back to the Way, you shall, in My presence, begin to birth the Way. And you shall be known as My Waymakers in the desert, My Waymakers in a shifting season, shifting My people from the sands of the desert and from the exodus of their religious toxification, and I will lead them into their promise.” “But I need you this year to lay at My feet,” says the Lord. “I need you to lay at My feet,” says the Lord. “Will you linger? Will you linger? Will you linger? Come to Me, My laid-down lovers. Come to Me, My burning ones. Consecrate yourselves unto Me afresh. Let go of everything that has entangled you, everything that has smothered your heart and tried to make it stony and hard, and I will give you a heart of flesh again. I will pour out honey upon the deepest of wounds. I will close up the gaping wounds of trauma from the past where every spirit that has been after you to assassinate you has left infested wounds. I am sealing them up now,” says the Lord. “And I am restoring your heart from the places of Sheol and the death you have been wandering in during this season. For you have lost hope and found despair, and you have laid your mantle in the dust. But as you lay in My presence, you will pick it up again. You will find your language. You will find your unction. You will find your flow. You will find your joy again. Just when the enemy thought he had taken you out for good, I am restoring you. I am restoring you. And I am standing you to your feet with fresh strength, power, and might with a new song and a new sound that shall now bubble up from your belly,” says the Lord. “Waymakers, this week, this year, linger!” 
By Nate Johnston January 10, 2025
When you go through seasons of witchcraft, slander, and constant entanglements around you that are toxic, when you experience betrayal, become involved in other people’s messes, sin, and areas of compromise—without realizing it, you’ve entangled yourself and your soul in something that can feel difficult to shake off. This entanglement can create and produce situations around you that are toxic. You often wonder, “Why, God? Why is this happening to me? Why am I going through this situation? Why am I waking up feeling anxious, tired, worn out, burnt out, scattered, and frustrated? Why does it feel like I have creative block? Why have I lost my vision? Why am I feeling this sudden heaviness, not wanting to wake up, not wanting to step into my purpose and calling?” Many of these are signs that we’ve been through a season where slime and poison have been slung at us, and inadvertently, they have entered into our spiritual bloodstream. This has affected our emotional state, our soul state, and even our mental state. I believe this month the Lord is extracting that poison. He’s been doing this for a few months now, but I believe that this month, it’s coming to a head. The last two nights, I’ve had very similar dreams. In the first dream, a snake was trying to bite my hand, and as I grabbed the snake to prevent it from biting my other hand, venom began to drip down its teeth. In the second dream, I placed my hand on a tree when a spider crawled down and began to shoot out some kind of poison that landed on my leg. I began to feel the burning sensation until I washed it off. These two dreams only confirmed what the Lord has been showing me. We must wash off the poison. We must extract the poison. We must step out of situations and circumstances where poison and venom have been entering the bloodstream of our lives and calling, poisoning us for what is ahead. That is the ultimate plan of the enemy. If he cannot assassinate you just as you’re about to step into something powerful, then he will try to poison you. If he can’t stop what God has for you, he will try to poison you so that you enter into your next season weakened, without the mental, emotional, or spiritual capacity to handle what is coming. His plan is to weaken you bit by bit until you are in your sickbed. His plan is to get you in the wrong headspace, heart space, and spiritual space so you actually run from the new day dawning rather than embrace it. It’s this interesting space where the very breakthrough you’ve been praying for, when it finally comes, becomes difficult to seize because of the poison you’ve endured. That is why, right now, the Lord is saying, “Look away from the distractions and look to Me. Untangle yourself from the swirl leading you into decay and fragmentation. Come back to My face. Come back to My presence.” Because in His presence is the healing and deliverance you need to extract the last bits of poison that have been wreaking havoc on your system. Now, I know there are many out there who are facing even physical symptoms, and you’re probably wondering, “Does this include me as well? I’ve literally had toxins, parasites, and other things wrong with my blood, my body, my system.” I believe in many cases what is taking place in people’s bodies right now is connected to what is taking place in the spirit. It’s not all the time, but it can happen. What occurs in the spiritual realm often creates effects in our physical bodies. As I’m sharing this word, I want you to grab this by faith that the Lord would not only cleanse you spiritually, emotionally, and mentally, but He would cleanse your body as well. He will extract the poison, the heavy metals, parasites, disease, and issues affecting your body, and remove the parasites of this past season. Amen? I love the scripture where Jesus said to the leper; Be clean!” (Matthew 8:3) And I believe that right now, He is saying this over the church: “Be clean! Be made whole! Come out from the poison!” Many of us have spiritualized being involved in messes, but not all messes around us are ours to engage with. When God leads you into places where there is poison or venom, He anoints you for it. But when He has not given you the instruction, you will only reap the effects of being involved in something there is no grace for. So God is untangling you from those places right now. So be made whole. Be cleansed in the name of Jesus. I command all venom and all poison that have been in your system, affecting you emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically, to be broken off your life now, in the name of Jesus! 
By Nate Johnston January 7, 2025
Can you hear the sound of water flooding desert plains where the weary and tired have gathered in their season of deep detox and religious exodus? They are no longer the wise. They are no longer the arrived. They are no longer adorning gold-studded garments and speaking the eloquent words that cause people to marvel. They are broken. They are on their knees, desperate for the living water once again. For they tried to drink the water of the Pharisee for many years, but it only left them sick and parched. And now, here we are in a season of the wilderness washing, the deep cleansing that can only come from departing from the shores we’ve become accustomed to. The shores of convenience and comfort. The shores of our ambition and the American dream. Once green, then we ripened, and then the rot began to set in because we grew fruit apart from the Vine. We looked for a savior in ourselves instead of the Savior. We built monuments to our achievements instead of constantly looking for ways to give Him every part of ourselves, constantly emptying, constantly dependent for every breath. We have been full. We have been fat. We thought we knew everything. And then we leveled out because we lost Him in the process. But now, here we are in the season of the wilderness washing. Many are departing and leaving the place of man’s towers and breath-taking babels. The place we crashed for the sake of building kingdom. Burning ourselves out. Leaving ourselves spent. Cutting ourselves up for the masses like manna. “Look at God’s anointed” we said. “Look at my crowns” All the while, blocking out the Son. But we are in the days of great humbling and coming back to the place where it all started, the brokenness, the repentance, and the washing. And I can hear it now. I can hear the water rippling like a ravine filling to overflow. The river of the Lord is looking for the people who are parched and dry just as much as they are looking for Him. And it’s time for a fresh baptism of repentance and cleansing once again. (Acts 3:19) Because we need it. We’ve all felt like Naaman, leprous, covered in sores, feeling like our own decisions and vain ambitions have led us to this point. “God, why would You rescue me? Why would You show me mercy?” Yet in His mercy, He’s leading us to the washing. “Go down to the river and wash.” He is saying (2 Kings 5:10) Nine times, up and down. “But It’s not doing anything, Lord.” “Go down again.” Then we emerge cleansed, pure, wholly set apart once again. We’ve all felt like Peter, who denied Him. Yet Jesus still calls, “Peter, feed My sheep.” The Lord is restoring us back to our first encounter, to the place where it all began. The church is headed for a wilderness washing. We’re not going to see it in the synagogues. We’re not going to see it where the cameras can broadcast it, where we can yet again marvel at our cleverness. There is a grassroots movement beginning, leading the church out from the whitewashed tombs, festering with dead manna and maggots. And He’s leading us back to sonship. Back to the voice of the Dove declaring: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17) So right now, if you’re looking at the wilderness your path leading into the wilderness and not understanding why you’re being led here again, it is because He’s delivering us. It’s not because you were lost but because you are on track. It’s the road to Emmaus where you feel like crying, “Jesus, where are You?” (Luke 24:13-35) Not knowing He was there with you the whole time. He’s leading us back to the beginning. This, my friends, is the wilderness washing. Are you ready?
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