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Nate Johnson


Nate Johnson



A week ago, as I was driving, I went into a powerful vision. I was taken up in the spirit and I knew I was about to see the Lord revealing what was to come in the following year. This was the revelation I had been waiting for Him to drop into my spirit for months. I knew I didn't want to be focused on what the enemy was going to be doing but I wanted enough intel and insight into his plans to be able to prepare to counteract them. My heart has been postured for months now asking, "Lord, what are You up to? Where are You going? And how can I join You on the journey?"

So as I went into this powerful vision, suddenly I felt the ground shaking under the car almost like there was a mini earthquake taking place—but I knew that there was no earthquake taking place in the natural. I was in the spirit and I was sensing the tectonic plates of the spiritual realm around the earth, shaking and trembling, rattling like bones that were stretching forth for the first time in a long time. It was like I was feeling the dry bones of the valley in Ezekiel 37 beginning to come back into formation. I sensed that there was something that had been hidden for such a long period of time that was suddenly beginning to break out of this place of dormancy and death. And God was resurrecting it—I could feel it!

Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!" So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army. (Ezekiel 37:4,10)

I could feel the shaking. And I said, "Lord, what am I seeing?" 

And the Lord said "You're experiencing the birth pains of a mighty army that is rising in 2023. Because I am awakening My Bride more than ever before. The birth pains are going to increase around the world in the natural," said the Lord. "And the birth pains are going to continue in the Church where I'm calling forth those who were once asleep and I'm bringing them fully awake. In 2023, watch as movements arise out of the places of complacency and where previously religion and other gospels and another Jesus have plagued the pews and the Church with its lies. I'm raising up a mighty remnant that would come forth from the ashes. They will come forth from their place of spiritual death and they will be bearers of truth that would shake the nations."


The Romans 8:19 movement that we've been prophesying about for many years, I was feeling that in 2023, we are going to see them go to another level. We are going to experience the birth pangs in the natural around the world as unusual phenomena—unusual signs and wonders happening—that could only be pointing to the return of our King. But before that, the rising of a pure and spotless Bride. And so here we are in this moment, poised and positioned, I feel like the Lord has been intensely purging the Body of Christ in 2022 from so much apathy and from a westernized gospel and Christianity that is so far removed from the House of Acts and from what God intended it to be. God has been shaking the Church of its idols, where it's worshiped self-help Christianity, intellectualism, and everything that has caused the Church to be led into consumerism instead of the pure Gospel.

So I continued to feel these birth pangs, these shakings, these tremors underneath my feet. It was hitting my spirit and causing this vibration in my spirit. And I knew that it was the Lord releasing the frequency of heaven, the frequency of His holiness that was calling those out of darkness into His light. It was the conviction of the Spirit that was coming upon those who have been dead. And He was calling them forth. 

And then I said, "Lord, is there going to be an even greater purging and refining fire in 2023?"

And the Lord says, "Watch in 2023, as those who have been getting away with evil finally begin to come to justice. Watch as I release the sound of justice over the earth; the frequency of holiness and justice over the earth. And this frequency is going to deal with that which has been hidden—both in the Church and in the world. Watch as governments, systems, kings, and those who have been hiding and covering up injustices around the world begin to be exposed so that My glory can be poured out on the earth."

And I felt so strongly in that moment that we are about to see such a clashing of kingdoms in 2023 because never before has the Church risen to a place of such influence on the earth. I feel the Lord saying in 2023, the Church is going to rise up as a mighty contender in the earth—the Kingdom of God is going to be revealed. I feel like there are people who have the mandate to rise up and declare in the earth that we will not tolerate this mountain of fear, we will no longer tolerate Jezebel, and we will no longer tolerate the demonic spirits and principalities that have existed over our nations and cities. We will no longer tolerate the enemy dominating and exerting his false dominance and usurping authority over the places of the earth anymore.

"For I'm crumbling them," says the Lord. "I'm crumbling them from the inside out. Watch now as the prayers of the saints have filled the bowls of heaven and it begins to pour out and you will see a mighty, mighty outpouring of justice in the earth. I'm going to deal with the enemies that have tried to cancel you. I'm going to deal with the enemies that have tried to take you out. I'm dealing with what has been allowed to exist and to function and it has felt like it was for so long."

Many have said, "Lord, why? Why has evil endured? The enemy has been prowling and he has gotten away with it—he's been laughing." But the Lord says, "I shall get the last laugh."


And then suddenly in my car, a bright light shone and begin to fill the car and I could fill the warmth and the glory—the honey, the oil of the glory, and the presence of the Lord. And instantly I knew this was the other dimension to this revelation. And the Lord simply said, "My glory is about to be revealed. My latter glory is about to be revealed just as you look for signs and wonders in the earth and the unusual happenings around the earth, look for the signs of a glory that has been reserved for now—look for the new wine! Look for the wine that has been reserved for last—the best wine! Look for the glory that until this time has not been poured out; it is the latter glory that I said I would pour out of My house," says the Lord. "And this latter glory shall fill the earth. And I'm looking for those who will be the glory carriers of heaven. They'll be the dispensers of this glory and they will not back down.

The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the LORD Almighty. ‘And in this place, I will grant peace,’ declares the LORD Almighty. (Haggai 2:9)

"This is a time that the Church is called to rise up and be dispensers of this glory. And I say this to you, Church, this will be a year when I do not want you to back down. This is a year that I want you to rise up in the fear of God. I want you to rise up in the fear of the Lord and break off the fear of man. 2022 has been a year of great purging. It's been a year of a great resetting of hearts. It's been a year of laying down idols and casting every single forged and manufactured religious thing into the fire. And it's been a year of deliverance," says the Lord. "Watch now, as even in the next month, I begin to finalize that which I have started in you, and watch as I begin to bring to completion that which I began in you.

"This was not a year of floundering. This was not a year of wandering to and fro. This was a year of necessary adjustments," says the Lord, "so that I could lead you into that place where you could be and dispenser of My glory. Now watch as I'm positioning you, I'm posturing you. I'm bringing you into a new company," says the Lord. "I'm bringing you into a new people. You're going to find the people that you connect with. This year has been a year where it felt like the wolves were out after you. It felt like a year where every single surveilling spirit that could be released was; it was a year of so much witchcraft and chatter. But watch now as I begin to bring the people, the company, the family that I've called you to be, and you'll establish My Kingdom in those places," says the Lord. 


"Yes, look for the homes. Yes, begin to dream again with Me for regions and nations. Ask for the nations and I shall give them to you. And for those who have dropped the nations, those who have dropped the cities because of the inability to access them and go to the places, watch now as I begin to give you the ability to go forward. Even right now, open your hands. I'm giving you the passports and the visas and the ability to go forward. Look and begin to see with Me the flights and the places I'm leading you. I'm giving you insight and direction to be able to go to those places and to reveal My glory," says the Lord. 

So let movements now arise! I feel the Lord saying that movements are arising from places where there has been barrenness and there has been complete dormancy. There is the rattling of bones and the shaking of cities that have been asleep. There is an apathy that has long been over regions and it has been over ministries and over nations and those are the places that are being shaken awake.

"Now watch as in the most unexpected places and in the most unexpected people, movements begin to emerge that reveal My latter glory. Watch them! Watch for the ones that right now, their bones are shaking. Watch for the ones whose bones have been brittle and dead under the surface and as the earth begins to click into place they will begin to step into a new day, a new fire, and a new mantle for the days to come.

"And look for the locations that I'm going to be using in the years to come. 2023 is going to reveal hotspots of My glory—hubs of My glory. Right now, they're changing. They're shifting right now, and I'm moving people in and out of locations and regions for My glory. Watch as the different places that I prophesied about—and about the years to come—begin to become places where movements are launched from. They will be places of unusual outpourings and manifestations.


“You're going to wake up in the next two months and you're going to feel a fire upon your spirit that you've not felt in years. You're going to feel a branding upon you that you've not felt in such a long time. And I'm going to pour out what has felt like it was stopped up. And it will be the very fire where you've said, 'Lord, where is Your fire? I've stopped dreaming. I've stopped hearing. I've stopped feeling the conviction.' And suddenly in a moment, the baptism of the Spirit of God is going to come upon you and you're going to feel the fire, the wind, and the oil wrap itself around you—you're going to feel the fire of heaven envelop you. You're going to feel fresh coals on your tongue and you're going to break out of the apathy. You're going to break out of the pit you've been in and you're going to lead forth, go forth, and possess the land that I've given you," says the Lord. "Get ready for a year of the birthing pains and the mighty glory. Get ready for a year of the oil dripping from you in the places where you felt you were dry and where you had no oil, the places where you felt that you had lost your anointing, the places you felt you lost your authority, you lost your message, you lost your very essence and purpose of living—the oil will be dripping in those places.

"There's going to be such an outpouring of Glory and oil upon your life—it's gonna set the captives free. Get ready to see the healing! Get ready to see the breakthrough! Get ready to see the doors open that you thought were shut for you. And right now I'm breaking the fear that's wrapped itself around your throat and it stopped you from being able to speak and it stopped you from moving forward. This is a moment of deliverance," says the Lord, "as you step into this new year I'm going to reveal the mighty voice that you've been called to be."


A week before I had this powerful encounter I had another where similarly the ground began to shake, I saw the United States move into a birthing position, and then suddenly I was transported to Pennsylvania where I saw the Liberty Bell and I saw it was cracked. Someone yelled out, "Let's repair the crack. Let us repair the crack in the Liberty Bell. We must restore it to its rightful place." Then suddenly the voice of the Lord declared, "No, the Liberty Bell must not be repaired. The Liberty Bell needs to be recast." And I knew this was speaking that the United States was not entering into a time of repair, but that God was bringing it back to its foundation—God was resetting the nation. There's a remolding, there's a reshaping—a recast—that is taking place in the United States of America that's going to affect the rest of the world. It's going to look at first like a greater crack forms in liberty and the US dollar being affected for a time. Many dependencies that have been formed by the American people are not going to be dependable. 

"But I'm causing a recast of this nation to come forth from this. Don't look to the momentary problems but look to what I'm going to do in the long term," says the Lord. "Because I'm bringing this nation back to its former glory. And through it, the nations of the earth are going to come into line as well and they are also going to taste the glory of the Lord. 


In 2023, I'm birthing My Church—My remnant is coming out of the shadows. They're coming out of the back streets and the alleyways and they are coming to the front of the pack to be those who would recast, reforge, and represent the new Church, the new Bride in the glory that She was meant to reveal. This will be a time of great testing. It will be a great time of decision—a valley of decision season—because those who are stuck in the old paradigm will have to choose who they serve. Will they serve the Lord or do they serve religion? Will they serve themselves? Will they serve mammon? They'll have to come out of those paradigms and make the decisions or they'll be left behind in dead works and performance—that which does not carry any of My glory. 

"I'm breaking the neck of the Ichabod church," says the Lord. I'm breaking that which carries no glory, and I'm leading My Church back into its time of glory. I'm leading My Church back into its time where the fountains will flow, where the streams will make glad the city of our God. It will be a time when revivals spring up around the earth again and people will say, 'Do you know what the Lord is doing? Can you see what the Lord has done?' And people will turn their affections and attention from what the enemy is prophesying and speaking over the airwaves to what I am doing. And people will say, 'God is truly moving and alive in the earth and Jesus is Lord!'"


In 2023, there's coming a shaking to many of the earthly systems. But the Lord says, "Do not fear for I will give you strategy and I will give you a way around the issues that arise in 2023. And the plans of man that seek to imprison and enslave people—to trap people—I will reveal the plans and give you strategy for them."


"Don’t be afraid of the increased shakings in the economy for the plans of the enemy are to bankrupt the Church but it is only going to cause a mighty influx of wealth transfer to the Church and to the righteous," says the Lord. "Watch as I turn the plans of the enemy on their head."


Watch as there are massive changes in social media and in the media companies of the earth. Watch as there is a changing of hands and the changing of the guard, even in Pharaoh's house. And I hear the Lord saying, "Watch as I begin to move in ways of justice that are outside of this system," says the Lord, "there's coming a new sound of freedom in the earth."


“Occupy, occupy, occupy! Do not hold back! For I am calling you to own the land that I give you.” There are many that have lost homes in the last ten years or have been believing for homes but have seen no breakthrough, but the Lord is moving suddenly to cause the Church to physically occupy regions. There will be large parcels of land bought for the sake of establishing and building Kingdom hubs of revival. 

"So plan like normal, dream with Me again," says the Lord. "Let 2023 be a year that you break out of the shell, break out of the place of apathy, and the place of forfeit that you've been in. Arise and shine My glorious Bride! Reveal the glory that you are called to reveal. Do not hold back, stretch forth your tent pegs. Take the land and discover your inheritance in the nations. 

"Birth with me!” I hear the Lord saying. “There will be no more stillbirths or barrenness among My people!” This will be a year that My Church brings forth My Kingdom from the ashes of institution!" 

Sow a Seed

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By Nate Johnston February 21, 2025
Last night I had an intercessory dream where I began to say "Lord, bring them out. Bring them out of the wilderness! Lord, bring them out. Bring them out of the wilderness! God, bring out the wild ones who have been in hiding. Bring out those who have been in death, those who feel like it's all over for them. Those who have been counted out, those who have been assassinated, those who have been robbed, plundered, and destroyed. God, bring out those who feel like they are being decommissioned. Bring out those who feel unclean. Bring out those who feel cast out and rejected from the church. Bring out those who have been silenced, muzzled, and voiceless, God, and anoint them! Put hot coals on their tongues!" Suddenly, the scripture Luke 4:14 came before me - “He came out of the wilderness in the power of the Spirit." And I knew in my spirit that this intercession was for the changing of the guard, for those who feel disqualified and broken because of what they’ve walked through, for those who feel like they’ve lost their anointing and strength, like Samson after his hair was cut. Then I continued to pray: "God, bring them out. Bring out the Nazarites! Bring out the new watchmen on the walls for the nations. Bring out the prophets and the intercessors, the apostles, the evangelists, those who have been in hiding, bring them out!" And I felt the Lord say that it was time for these hidden ones to come out of their season of wilderness warfare and torment, and they were going to come out with a fresh, hot coal on their tongues, to speak a fresh word of the Lord into this current moment in time. Suddenly, the dream shifted, and I began to hear the intercession of the saints. I could hear the tongues - a mighty roar rising from a generation that had been silenced and quenched for so long. I began to feel the birth pangs of the nations coming to a finality - a tipping point. This intercession felt like the midwife prayers of an impending birth of the nations in the earth. It was a prayer over the church, calling her to become the pure, spotless bride she was meant to be. I could feel the intercession of agreement with long forgotten words spoken over nations, cities, and regions, for revival, for reformation, for Jesus to be revealed in the earth. Then I began to cry out: "Lord, come! Lord Jesus, come!" Then suddenly, the prayers of the saints rose up in unity, crying out together: "Yes, Lord Jesus! Come, Lord Jesus, come!" I believe i had this dream because God is raising up a battlecry from the John the baptist, wilderness voices that are coming out of hiding to take thier post as the watchman of the hour and the fresh sound in the earth declaring “Prepare ye the ay of the Lord! So to the wilderness voices, maybe you’re feeling this. Maybe you've been through a season of robbery and wilderness - a season where it feels like you've been removed from your calling. But this is the season where God is bringing you back! He is placing a hot coal on your tongue! So if that is you today, I want to speak and prophesy over you: The hot coals are coming. You're about to feel a fresh unction. You're about to feel a fresh flow. And out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water in Jesus’ mighty name!
By Nate Johnston February 21, 2025
While the nations are in the pangs of birth right now, upheaval, chaos, and major transition, so is the church and so are you... True revival requires messy. It’s the oxen in the stable that disrupts man’s tidy plans that exclude the move of the Spirit, and shatters the veils of culture’s desensitization. And you are there right now. In the messiest of messy seasons, not because you failed but because you ASKED FOR IT. You cried out for breakthrough. You cried out for restoration. You cried out for the more of the Lord. Messy personal revival upsets the rhythms of your life that are no longer moving you forward but instead are keeping you stuck. Messy revival breaks ties and contracts and bondages you have been under that have been putting a ceiling over you and quenching your fire. Messy revival exposes the snakes in the grass and the places of robbery that have been depleting you and shifting your focus. Messy revival moves you out of limiting environments and causes you to long for wide open fields again. Messy revival brings a discontent for any sliver of complacency and religion you have tolerated. Messy revival brings death to everything in your life that is an obstruction to the “greater” God is wanting to pour out. Messy revival confronts and administers healing balm to places to deep seated trauma and pain keeping you in “medication” mode and staying in your sick bed. Messy revival redirects, corrects your steps, recalibrates, and sets your feet on the right path. Messy revival opens your eyes to where you have even in survival mode and going through the motions. Because messy revival comes primarily to set you on fire so you BURN again after years of warfare and walking through endless battlefields. And messy revival is here because God knows who you really are and what you are called to step into in this new season. It re-mantles you, leads you to surrender old manna and burn the old plow, renews your youth like the eagles, and restores the joy of your salvation. Do you feel it?
By Nate Johnston February 21, 2025
Last night I had an intercessory dream where I began to say "Lord, bring them out. Bring them out of the wilderness! Lord, bring them out. Bring them out of the wilderness! God, bring out the wild ones who have been in hiding. Bring out those who have been in death, those who feel like it's all over for them. Those who have been counted out, those who have been assassinated, those who have been robbed, plundered, and destroyed. God, bring out those who feel like they are being decommissioned. Bring out those who feel unclean. Bring out those who feel cast out and rejected from the church. Bring out those who have been silenced, muzzled, and voiceless, God, and anoint them! Put hot coals on their tongues!" Suddenly, the scripture Luke 4:14 came before me - “He came out of the wilderness in the power of the Spirit." And I knew in my spirit that this intercession was for the changing of the guard, for those who feel disqualified and broken because of what they’ve walked through, for those who feel like they’ve lost their anointing and strength, like Samson after his hair was cut. Then I continued to pray: "God, bring them out. Bring out the Nazarites! Bring out the new watchmen on the walls for the nations. Bring out the prophets and the intercessors, the apostles, the evangelists, those who have been in hiding, bring them out!" And I felt the Lord say that it was time for these hidden ones to come out of their season of wilderness warfare and torment, and they were going to come out with a fresh, hot coal on their tongues, to speak a fresh word of the Lord into this current moment in time. Suddenly, the dream shifted, and I began to hear the intercession of the saints. I could hear the tongues - a mighty roar rising from a generation that had been silenced and quenched for so long. I began to feel the birth pangs of the nations coming to a finality - a tipping point. This intercession felt like the midwife prayers of an impending birth of the nations in the earth. It was a prayer over the church, calling her to become the pure, spotless bride she was meant to be. I could feel the intercession of agreement with long forgotten words spoken over nations, cities, and regions, for revival, for reformation, for Jesus to be revealed in the earth. Then I began to cry out: "Lord, come! Lord Jesus, come!" Then suddenly, the prayers of the saints rose up in unity, crying out together: "Yes, Lord Jesus! Come, Lord Jesus, come!" I believe i had this dream because God is raising up a battlecry from the John the baptist, wilderness voices that are coming out of hiding to take thier post as the watchman of the hour and the fresh sound in the earth declaring “Prepare ye the ay of the Lord! So to the wilderness voices, maybe you’re feeling this. Maybe you've been through a season of robbery and wilderness - a season where it feels like you've been removed from your calling. But this is the season where God is bringing you back! He is placing a hot coal on your tongue! So if that is you today, I want to speak and prophesy over you: The hot coals are coming. You're about to feel a fresh unction. You're about to feel a fresh flow. And out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water in Jesus’ mighty name!
By Nate Johnston February 21, 2025
While the nations are in the pangs of birth right now, upheaval, chaos, and major transition, so is the church and so are you... True revival requires messy. It’s the oxen in the stable that disrupts man’s tidy plans that exclude the move of the Spirit, and shatters the veils of culture’s desensitization. And you are there right now. In the messiest of messy seasons, not because you failed but because you ASKED FOR IT. You cried out for breakthrough. You cried out for restoration. You cried out for the more of the Lord. Messy personal revival upsets the rhythms of your life that are no longer moving you forward but instead are keeping you stuck. Messy revival breaks ties and contracts and bondages you have been under that have been putting a ceiling over you and quenching your fire. Messy revival exposes the snakes in the grass and the places of robbery that have been depleting you and shifting your focus. Messy revival moves you out of limiting environments and causes you to long for wide open fields again. Messy revival brings a discontent for any sliver of complacency and religion you have tolerated. Messy revival brings death to everything in your life that is an obstruction to the “greater” God is wanting to pour out. Messy revival confronts and administers healing balm to places to deep seated trauma and pain keeping you in “medication” mode and staying in your sick bed. Messy revival redirects, corrects your steps, recalibrates, and sets your feet on the right path. Messy revival opens your eyes to where you have even in survival mode and going through the motions. Because messy revival comes primarily to set you on fire so you BURN again after years of warfare and walking through endless battlefields. And messy revival is here because God knows who you really are and what you are called to step into in this new season. It re-mantles you, leads you to surrender old manna and burn the old plow, renews your youth like the eagles, and restores the joy of your salvation. Do you feel it?
By Nate Johnston February 20, 2025
I woke up with John 11:11 on my heart this morning; “After he had said this, he went on to tell them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.” I’m highly aware that God is awakening many right now that have been through the intensity of years of hard battle. It can break you. Dismantle your faith. Crush your courage and distinguish your fight and fire for the Lord over time. It can even feel like it’s de-commissioned you. But right now in a short period of time the Holy Spirit is dealing with the past seasons STUFF.. I wrote this, this morning; God sees your process and he isn’t rushing you right now. You have walked through alot and seen alot. Your heart has been through 20 years in 4 years so give yourself space to let Him revive you and reinvent you. Give Him room to clean out the hope deferred and cobwebs of the past seasons. Right now it’s all coming to the surface and He is tenderly scooping it out and breathing life back into your lungs. Soon you’ll wake up no longer feeling heaviness, anxiety, and deep unshakeable weariness, but it will feel like a valve was just flipped on the inside of you and out of your belly rivers will flow again. You’ll feel the pain and hardship of this past season and the toll it took on you mentally, emotionally, physically, and even spiritually begin to lift as God OVERHAULS you in a short period of time. It’s an Ezekiel 37 - army of dry bones moment and it’s necessary so you don’t stay in your sick bed but are revived back to full health. Is this what is going on in you? There are great days ahead for you.. lean in and let the finished work complete the job. Can we pray for you this week? This is what He is doing; “who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s” Psalms 103:5 Lord I pray that you would renew their youth like the eagles! Restore the joy of their salvation! Bring that back into full health and joy in Jesus name! 
By Nate Johnston February 18, 2025
This week's prophetic insight speaks to the current clash of kingdoms between those warring for legacy and the Jezebel spirit trying to hold onto its ground in a time of exposure and eviction on all levels. It’s a word of hope for those who have been on the journey with the Lord to break into a greater level of authority and victory over the enemy's schemes in this time we are living in. So let me start here: I believe this is a season in which the Lord is calling us into a higher place of spiritual intelligence and to take back the reins on the earth. They have been in the wrong hands. I believe this is a season when the Lord is giving back His power to the Church, but right now, God is dealing with the house of Ahab. The house of Ahab has robbed the Church of power and authority, which is why we have seen a recession of signs and wonders. The Church has been run by Ahab, but God is removing Ahab, and the drought will break over our lands. We will enter a season of glory once again. In an atmosphere of glory, power will return to the church. Signs, wonders, and miracles will be restored because, in an Ahab system, there is a brass-ed heaven. In this season, we have seen this brass covering over the Church, a ceiling caused by what we have allowed to rule there. But God is now dealing with the house of Ahab, and as He does, the Church will enter a realm of supernatural clarity and flow we haven’t seen in years. But how does this happen? FOR THE BLOODLINE BREAKERS There are people God has been raising up - His bloodline breakers. A generation - young to old whom God has called to break generational curses in their own lives, marriages, and families in a culture of acceptable Jezebel-ic influence and narcissistic dominance. But the purpose of God calling you, your family, and your marriage into this isn't just for your sake. While God is certainly working in your life, the most integral part of your divine calling is LEGACY. How do we establish legacy? We establish a legacy by breaking the dysfunctions and toxic patterns of the past that have seeped into our family lines, shaping the way we think, act, and engage with life. These dysfunctions are inherited not only from biological parents but also from spiritual influences. God has been working in your life, but there is a far greater reason: He is doing this for the church. God knew you could not break a corporate bloodline unless you first broke a personal one. You could not be a Jehu for a generation unless you were first a Jehu for your family. Does this make sense? Right now, I believe God is bringing decades of battling the Jezebel and Ahab spirits to a head. Many of you have been fighting this war in your personal lives, which is manifesting in various circumstances. Some of these may make you feel you have lost as if you've been through a warzone and have come out worse for wear. But let me assure you, it all will be worth it. This year, you will begin to notice that the battles you once fought are losing their steam. Why? Because whether you see it or not, you have stepped into your role as a Jehu for your family. Your strength has increased, and your spiritual muscles have grown. The Word of God says in Leviticus 21:15, "So that he does not corrupt his bloodline among his people, for I am Yahweh who sets him apart." You have been set apart for this! Do you see it? Well done for battling all these years because it’s now coming to a head! Well done for being a Jehu for your family. You are now stepping into a season where you will witness the fruit of what God has done through your life, not only personally but in a corporate context. Did you know that the word of the Lord came to Jehu to annihilate Ahab and his sons? (2 Kings 10) We are witnessing this unfold. It wasn’t just about Jezebel; it was about dismantling an entire system. Jezebel created a subtle but powerful force, not only through her daughter Athaliah but also through an Ahab army, a mindset that would permeate the culture of the Church and dominate the world stage. In 1 Kings 21, Jezebel killed Naboth to get his vineyard for Ahab. When I think of the vineyard, I think of revival, the Jesus People Movement, and the place Lonnie Frisbee called a refuge. But Naboth’s name means "prophecies and words." Jezebel knew that if she could steal the prophetic voice of the Church, she could take the vineyard, and we would have to lean on man’s ways. That is where Ahab stepped in—a palatable form or derivative of Jezebel that would infiltrate the Church and establish idols of compromise and error. This is what the Church has seen for so long. That's why you've been on a take-back mission in your own life: to restore your bloodline from Jezebel and Ahab so you can be ready to be a Jehu, slaying the Ahab spirit and regaining the prophetic voice in your life and the Church. I’m saying this because right now, look at the battle in your family and the Church. It’s a battle for the future of our families and the future of the Church. Breaking out of the dysfunctions of Ahab’s system and beginning the vineyard again. By the way, this doesn't mean coming against people. It's coming against a spirit that has permeated culture. And that's been your take-back mission, to restore your bloodline and also to step into a place of being a Jehu that will restore the Bloodline of the Church. I want to be bold and say you're about to step into your shoes as a Jehu for your generation. You have pioneered well, and you have walked the hard road of not tolerating Jezebel. You are taking back your voice in the places it's been muzzled. This is why you have been on a mission to restore your bloodline from Jezebel and Ahab. First, to reclaim the prophetic voice in your own life, and then, to be a Jehu to restore the prophetic voice in the Church. LEAVING THE ESCAPE ROOM Now, let me speak to you about inheritance for a moment. Many of us have inherited the fruit of Ahab in our families and churches. It's permeated culture, and we've inherited its fruit. Yet we have been given the task of stepping out of that culture, stepping out of that mindset, and beginning to replace the fruit, replacing the root systems in every area of our lives that we've become used to. It's even been normalized in the Church. But let me say this very clearly: The Lord is bringing us out of our imprisonment. God is giving us the true inheritance that we are meant to have received through the finished work of the cross of Jesus Christ. Just a few days ago, the Lord spoke to me while I was driving, “It’s time to leave the escape room.” There is a very popular activity that people do called an Escape Room. They are locked in this room and must look for clues and keys to help them ‘escape’ before an allotted period of time. What was God saying? He wanted to paint the picture to me that our generation, young and old, have been on a quest to find the keys to break this demonic culture that has been killing our families and society. For us to unlock the prison doors once and for all! We've been pioneers of this revolution to break the bloodlines of what's been acceptable and normal in the nations and our families and bring it back to a biblical standard in our churches. God gave me this phrase because we have been in an escape room. We've been in this place that has felt contained, this place that's felt like a war room, a battleground. It's like we've been in this place where we've been contending for so long because we know there HAS TO BE MORE than what we have seen or been handed! It’s where people have said, “I’m tired of seeing suicide and addiction rob my family! I’m tired of seeing divorce! I’m over seeing moral failures and perversion!” So we're looking for keys, we're looking for clues. We're looking for those things to break out of that place. And in our nations, we see abortion-to-birth laws passed and gender confusion, to name a few. All these different things that are constantly going against God's plan and design. And there's a generation who were born right now to say, “God, that is not your plan or design for my nation or my city. Give me the key. Give me the key!” And I want to prophesy to you that we are in a season that the Lord is giving us the keys to break out of that escape room for our families and for this generation!
 We are in a period of time where God has given the keys to the house of David back to the Church. That is why God had to shift the Ahab culture that has been permeating every facet of our lives. It's so that David can get back the keys. And when David takes back the keys, the door of that escape room swings wide open. And we are no longer receiving the inheritance of that confinement and imprisonment. We're no longer receiving the inheritance of an Ahab culture but rather the inheritance of the Davidic line and the finished work of the cross of Christ. So let me say this again: you are coming out of that place; you are coming out of the escape room right now. Do you see it in all the things God's been doing in your life? He has been confronting all areas of bondage in your life. He's been pulling, prodding, and shaking things upside down because he wants to set you free in you r finances and your health. We have to leave the escape room of man's methods where we are constantly trying to do things to break ourselves out of what God can only break us out of and what the blood of Jesus could only break us out of. And right now, the Blood is speaking a better word over us. We are in a revolution of the blood of Jesus where it's breaking that which has felt unbreakable and where you've said, “God, you could never heal that person of that Jezebel spirit. You could never set them free of that addiction.” But in this season, because of your contending and your prayer, God is breaking them free, setting you free, and setting your nation free right now. Can you see it on a global scale right now, too? Where there is shaking, things are coming to the surface; things are being resolved and exposed on high levels because God is shaking the earth upside down. The glory is revealing that which needs to be broken out and exposed, and the light of God is shining; it’s shining into those places because God is bringing the gold to the surface. In this hour, the glory of God is being revealed to us and through us. LANDING PADS & OPEN DOORS So, in this season where the Lord is leading and summoning the Church out of dysfunction and out of those escape rooms, he's revealing greater revelation on what we have been battling for so long. What we're going to see in the days ahead is essentially a lot of spiritual assignments unmasked. And what this is going to look like in many ways is even doctrine and areas of beliefs that we've had that have sadly, for many, been foundational and cornerstone beliefs that we, as Christians, have believed; certain things that we've accepted and ingested. We're going to see many of these things unmasked as counterfeits and demonic assignments. The smoke and mirrors battle of our age has been demonic assignments trying to lead us to false virtues, false fathering, false comforts, false accountability, false covering, all those things that look like the right and authentic thing, but they're just counterfeits. They fall short. They're plastic. And so, we're about to see the revealing of these spirits for what they truly are, and in that, the Lord will then bring the Church up to a higher place of understanding who they are and their authority. That can only come by experiencing the genuine and authentic thing. So, as these spirits are unmasked, it will help us understand, and we'll have a greater awareness of the spiritual realm, the mechanics of the spiritual realm, and an understanding of what we are dealing with. We can't keep going into a church, sitting in the pews, and having a cushy Christian experience when there's a dying world out there. And you can't keep being robbed in your marriage, your finances, and your health on a weekly basis, paying your tithes, and going home to brokenness and chaos. No, those days are coming to an end. But the area that I want to highlight to you in this unmasking is what the Lord's been speaking to me as: landing pads and open doors. He's highlighting to us through all this shaking, where we ourselves have actually been landing pads to the enemy's plans, keeping us in further bondage personally and corporately. In 1 John 14:30, Jesus said this powerful scripture: “I don’t have much more time to talk to you because the ruler of this world approaches. He has no power over me.” Some other versions say, “he has nothing in common with me.” You see, when there's nothing inside you that resembles or looks like the enemy, he has no power over you. That means you are no longer a landing pad for the enemy. And so, the Lord said to me last week, “Nate, I am removing the landing pads in your life from the enemy!” What I'm seeing is that we're coming out of an era of battling that Jezebel spirit and the Ahab spirit, but in that, God is actually revealing the landing pads and open doors in our lives, enabling them access. I'm talking personally about where we have things in common with that spirit, where we have things that actually cause us to be landing pads for those things. We are coming to a place of complete victory over those spirits. But in order for that to happen, God had to expose the commonality in us with those spirits and reveal the other faces of how this has manifested in culture in the Church and the world around us. For instance, to make this practical right now, we are seeing two faces of Jezebel. For so long, we've said, Jezebel wants to silence you. Jezebel wants to muzzle you. Jezebel wants to intimidate you. Jezebel wants you to be in fear for your life because we look at the passage of scripture about Elijah running into the cave. But did you know there's another face to Jezebel? That there's also the side of Jezebel that wants to lure you into speaking out of turn? Into being a bitter, angry, venom-spitting voice? It’s where Jezebel puts on a different face and, instead of muzzling voices, seeks to raise up voices with the wrong spirit. It’s sneaky because it looks like God’s heart... from a certain angle. It’s cunning because it plays on the pain and experiences of the hurting Church. But it doesn’t carry His heart. That is why Elijah had to go into the cave and be refreshed in his awareness of the voice of God and the mantle that he carried; otherwise, his pain and his fear would've sent him out of that place and deviated from his calling. Does this make sense? God, right now, is dealing with the landing pads and the triggers and the open doors we've had in our lives. He's destroying the commonality that we've had so we can step out of pioneering and contending for breakthroughs and legacy and finally taste it! So even right now, give the Lord any areas in your life, the landing pads and the places of commonality that you've had with the enemy, forgive those you need to forgive, and give God the pain and the wounds of the past. And lastly, let me say this. THANK YOU for walking this narrow road. It’s not been easy, and it’s been costly when so many are choosing to walk in the dysfunctions they  inherited and have leveled oj, choosing not to fight to break free. But you have stood and contended, like Hannah who was stood. Like Ruth, you stood. Like Jacob, you have wrestled with the promise even when it looked bleak or as if it had failed. But now, you will see the fruit of this long battle and lead others into the same legacy.
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